Now it should be working . I updated the callback and renamed some stuff , should I re-merge main on the branch ?
Hi @mod_moder , I just pushed the merged updated main
I have no idea why the script doesn't detect the clang-format binary in lib/ , I had to hard code the path into the script. I'll fix that later . I ran make format , added new commit for it.…
make format
raises an exception in the python wrapper :
NotADirectoryError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: 'clang-format-8.0'
I'm currently trying to fix this
In this case , what do you think would be the best way of doing things ? Maybe : `const char *socket_name = output->get_bnode_socket()->name ;
const char *pass_name = socket_name ;…
this was clang-format ... I don't know why it corrected this line , and if I should let it do it's thing ... it's weird , because I use the exact same .clang-format as the official repo.
- NodeImageLayer is no longer needed for socket storages as far as I understand , so I just removed it .
- The socket identifier part is to check if that socket can be used for the "RE_PASSNAME…