Hey that works quite well!
The comment has a typo ("alwas"), and it should probably reference "#107422". The following is just a suggestion:
/* Add UI_BLOCK_POPUP_MEMORY flag even if…
@ideasman42 - Fairly certain the only problem in #6701d24084 is in get_sequence_filepath
in "movieclip.c". The string_maxncpy argument passed to BLI_path_sequence_encode is sizeof(filepath)
Would there be a way to still show that hotkey in the separate slider operator menu items?
No, not seeing a way to do that. It is quite nice in this PR that the different slider operators…
Confirmed, but clarifying that this affects images that have names that include a numerical suffix, so the attached "BUG_MovieClipEditor_v01.jpg" does not work but "BUG_MovieClipEditor.jpg" does…
U.pixelsize should be consider our minimum feature size, so dots or lines shouldn't get smaller than that.
For most users you can just go to Preferences / Interface and set "Resolution Scale"…
Not sure that I'm well acquainted enough with the code to do this, but I'll take a look.
You can do it. If you look at the section of code that Clément referenced you will see there isn't a…