Thomas Dinges ThomasDinges
  • Development Coordinator

  • Joined on 2008-08-31
Thomas Dinges closed issue blender/blender#63083 2024-02-28 15:18:44 +01:00
Burned Out Screen Space Reflections in Eevee Viewport - Nvidia GT 750M
Thomas Dinges commented on issue blender/blender#63083 2024-02-28 15:18:40 +01:00
Burned Out Screen Space Reflections in Eevee Viewport - Nvidia GT 750M

Nvidia GPUs are no longer supported on macOS, this report can be closed.

Thomas Dinges commented on issue blender/blender#114204 2024-02-28 14:46:29 +01:00
Cuda errors rendering large, untiled cube

Any updates here?

Thomas Dinges closed issue blender/blender#117369 2024-02-28 14:44:40 +01:00
Blender has a chance to lose Replay caches when rewinding
Thomas Dinges commented on issue blender/blender#117369 2024-02-28 14:44:37 +01:00
Blender has a chance to lose Replay caches when rewinding

No activity for more than a week. As per the tracker policy we assume the issue is gone and can be closed.

Thanks again for the report. If the problem persists please open a new report with the…

Thomas Dinges closed issue blender/blender#117365 2024-02-28 14:44:23 +01:00
blender crashes when switching to cycles in viewport in blender 4.0
Thomas Dinges commented on issue blender/blender#117365 2024-02-28 14:44:20 +01:00
blender crashes when switching to cycles in viewport in blender 4.0

No activity for more than a week. As per the tracker policy we assume the issue is gone and can be closed.

Thanks again for the report. If the problem persists please open a new report with the…

Thomas Dinges closed issue blender/blender#117364 2024-02-28 14:43:46 +01:00
my blender is stuck in move tool and i am not even able to select any objects even though i am in object mode
Thomas Dinges commented on issue blender/blender#117364 2024-02-28 14:43:43 +01:00
my blender is stuck in move tool and i am not even able to select any objects even though i am in object mode

No activity for more than a week. As per the tracker policy we assume the issue is gone and can be closed.

Thanks again for the report. If the problem persists please open a new report with the…

Thomas Dinges closed issue blender/blender#117379 2024-02-28 14:42:52 +01:00
Blender 4.0 and 4.02 crush or freeze when adding subdivision, but blender 3.6 works perfectly with the same blender file
Thomas Dinges commented on issue blender/blender#117379 2024-02-28 14:42:49 +01:00
Blender 4.0 and 4.02 crush or freeze when adding subdivision, but blender 3.6 works perfectly with the same blender file

No activity for more than a week. As per the tracker policy we assume the issue is gone and can be closed.

Thanks again for the report. If the problem persists please open a new report with the…

Thomas Dinges closed issue blender/blender#117587 2024-02-28 14:42:06 +01:00
Blender closes unexpectedly
Thomas Dinges commented on issue blender/blender#117587 2024-02-28 14:42:03 +01:00
Blender closes unexpectedly

No activity for more than a week. As per the tracker policy we assume the issue is gone and can be closed.

Thanks again for the report. If the problem persists please open a new report with the…

Thomas Dinges closed issue blender/blender#117810 2024-02-28 14:40:32 +01:00
in geometry node, poly curve always showing
Thomas Dinges commented on issue blender/blender#117810 2024-02-28 14:40:28 +01:00
in geometry node, poly curve always showing

No activity for more than a week. As per the tracker policy we assume the issue is gone and can be closed.

Thanks again for the report. If the problem persists please open a new report with the…

Thomas Dinges closed issue blender/blender#117797 2024-02-28 14:40:11 +01:00
problem with my vertice and dot
Thomas Dinges commented on issue blender/blender#117797 2024-02-28 14:40:07 +01:00
problem with my vertice and dot

No activity for more than a week. As per the tracker policy we assume the issue is gone and can be closed.

Thanks again for the report. If the problem persists please open a new report with the…

Thomas Dinges closed issue blender/blender#117973 2024-02-28 14:39:06 +01:00
FREEZE while importing image texture
Thomas Dinges commented on issue blender/blender#117973 2024-02-28 14:39:03 +01:00
FREEZE while importing image texture

No activity for more than a week. As per the tracker policy we assume the issue is gone and can be closed.

Thanks again for the report. If the problem persists please open a new report with the…

Thomas Dinges closed issue blender/blender#117939 2024-02-28 14:38:21 +01:00
blender crashes when i render animation in cycles