Switching to fully guarded memory allocator. Blender 4.1.0 Alpha Build: 2023-12-25 00:31:51 Linux Release argv[0] = ./blender argv[1] = --factory-startup argv[2] = --gpu-backend argv[3] = vulkan argv[4] = -d argv[5] = --debug-gpu argv[6] = --debug-gpu-force-workarounds Warning: Layer requested, but not supported by the platform. [VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation] VK: Forcing workaround usage and disabling features and extensions. Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Device: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Driver: 545.29.6.0 Warning: Layer requested, but not supported by the platform. [VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation] PERFORMANCE: impact clearing depth texture in render pass that doesn't allow depth writes. PERFORMANCE: impact clearing depth texture in render pass that doesn't allow depth writes. PERFORMANCE: impact clearing depth texture in render pass that doesn't allow depth writes. PERFORMANCE: impact clearing depth texture in render pass that doesn't allow depth writes.