INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Successfully hooked OpenGL debug callback using OpenGL 4.3 INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Successfully hooked OpenGL debug callback using OpenGL 4.3 I0403 17:40:51.245502 7140 device.cpp:47] CUEW initialization failed: Error opening the library I0403 17:40:51.248502 7140 device.cpp:56] HIPEW initialization failed: Error opening HIP dynamic library INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 1, "FBO-&framebuffer.fb", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 2, "FBO-&framebuffer.fb", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 3, "FBO-&framebuffer.fb", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 4, "FBO-&framebuffer.fb", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 5, "FBO-&framebuffer.fb", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 6, "FBO-&framebuffer.fb", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 7, "FBO-&framebuffer.fb", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 8, "FBO-&framebuffer.fb", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 9, "FBO-&framebuffer.fb", already bound. WARN (gpu.debug): SPACE_OUTLINER > ARegion : API_ID_RECOMPILE_VERTEX_SHADER performance warning has been generated. Vertex shader recompiled due to state change. WARN (gpu.debug): SPACE_OUTLINER > ARegion : API_ID_RECOMPILE_VERTEX_SHADER performance warning has been generated. Vertex shader recompiled due to state change. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 10, "FBO-&framebuffer.fb", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 11, "FBO-&framebuffer.fb", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 12, "FBO-&framebuffer.fb", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 13, "FBO-&framebuffer.fb", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 14, "FBO-&framebuffer.fb", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 16, "FBO-&dfbl->default_", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 17, "FBO-&dfbl->in_front", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 18, "FBO-&fbl->id_clear_", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 19, "FBO-&fbl->opaque_fb", already bound. WARN (gpu.debug): Workbench > psl->opaque_ps : API_ID_RECOMPILE_FRAGMENT_SHADER performance warning has been generated. Fragment shader recompiled due to state change. WARN (gpu.debug): Workbench > psl->composite_ps : API_ID_RECOMPILE_FRAGMENT_SHADER performance warning has been generated. Fragment shader recompiled due to state change. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 20, "FBO-&dfbl->color_on", already bound. WARN (gpu.debug): Workbench > psl->outline_ps : API_ID_RECOMPILE_FRAGMENT_SHADER performance warning has been generated. Fragment shader recompiled due to state change. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 21, "FBO-&fbl->antialias", already bound. WARN (gpu.debug): Workbench > psl->aa_accum_replace_ps : API_ID_RECOMPILE_FRAGMENT_SHADER performance warning has been generated. Fragment shader recompiled due to state change. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 22, "FBO-dtxl_de", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 23, "FBO-DRW_tex", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 23, "FBO-DRW_tex", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 24, "FBO-DRW_tex", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 25, "FBO-DRW_tex", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 25, "FBO-DRW_tex", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 26, "FBO-&fbl->smaa_edge", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 27, "FBO-&fbl->smaa_weig", already bound. WARN (gpu.debug): Workbench > psl->aa_resolve_ps : API_ID_RECOMPILE_FRAGMENT_SHADER performance warning has been generated. Fragment shader recompiled due to state change. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 28, "FBO-&dfbl->overlay_", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 29, "FBO-&fbl->overlay_l", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 30, "FBO-&fbl->overlay_c", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 31, "FBO-&fbl->outlines_", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 32, "FBO-&fbl->outlines_", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 33, "FBO-&fbl->overlay_d", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 34, "FBO-&fbl->overlay_i", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 35, "FBO-&fbl->overlay_l", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 36, "FBO-&dfbl->overlay_", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 38, "FBO-&framebuffer.fb", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. WARN (gpu.debug): Window Redraw : API_ID_RECOMPILE_FRAGMENT_SHADER performance warning has been generated. Fragment shader recompiled due to state change. WARN (gpu.debug): Window Redraw : API_ID_RECOMPILE_FRAGMENT_SHADER performance warning has been generated. Fragment shader recompiled due to state change. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 12, "FBO-&framebuffer.fb", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 12, "FBO-&framebuffer.fb", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 38, "FBO-&framebuffer.fb", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : API_ID_REDUNDANT_FBO performance warning has been generated. Redundant state change in glBindFramebuffer API call, FBO 0, "", already bound. ERROR (gpu.shader): GPU_material_compile VertShader: | 23 | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassDiffuse | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassDiffuseLight | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassGlossy | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassGlossyLight | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassEmit | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassAOVActive | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassAOVActive | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro hizUvScale | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrBorderFac | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro hizUvScale | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceVisSize | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceVisSize | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceVisSize | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceVisSize | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbLodCubeMax | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbLodCubeMax | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbNumRenderCube | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceSmooth | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbNumRenderGrid | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cube_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cube_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro hizUvScale | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro hizUvScale | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro lights_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbNumPlanar | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro planars_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro planars_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro grids_data ERROR (gpu.shader): GPU_material_compile FragShader: | 23 | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal character (`) (0x60) | Error: '' : illegal character (`) (0x60) | Error: '' : illegal character (`) (0x60) | Error: '' : illegal character (`) (0x60) | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassDiffuse | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassDiffuseLight | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassGlossy | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassGlossyLight | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassEmit | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassAOVActive | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassAOVActive | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro hizUvScale | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrBorderFac | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro hizUvScale | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceVisSize | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceVisSize | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceVisSize | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceVisSize | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbLodCubeMax | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbLodCubeMax | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbNumRenderCube | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceSmooth | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbNumRenderGrid | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cube_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cube_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro rayType | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro volDepthParameters | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro volDepthParameters | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro volDepthParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro volDepthParameters | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro volDepthParameters ERROR (gpu.shader): GPU_material_compile VertShader: | 23 | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassDiffuse | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassDiffuseLight | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassGlossy | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassGlossyLight | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassEmit | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassAOVActive | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassAOVActive | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro hizUvScale | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrBorderFac | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro hizUvScale | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceVisSize | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceVisSize | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceVisSize | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceVisSize | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbLodCubeMax | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbLodCubeMax | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbNumRenderCube | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceSmooth | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbNumRenderGrid | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cube_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cube_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro hizUvScale | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro hizUvScale | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro lights_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbNumPlanar | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro planars_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro planars_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro grids_data ERROR (gpu.shader): GPU_material_compile FragShader: | 23 | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal character (`) (0x60) | Error: '' : illegal character (`) (0x60) | Error: '' : illegal character (`) (0x60) | Error: '' : illegal character (`) (0x60) | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassDiffuse | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassDiffuseLight | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassGlossy | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassGlossyLight | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassEmit | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassAOVActive | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro renderPassAOVActive | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro hizUvScale | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro ssrBorderFac | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro hizUvScale | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro aoParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceVisSize | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceVisSize | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceVisSize | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceVisSize | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro probes_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbLodCubeMax | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbLodCubeMax | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbNumRenderCube | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbIrradianceSmooth | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro prbNumRenderGrid | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cube_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cascade_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro shadows_cube_data | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro rayType | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro volDepthParameters | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro volDepthParameters | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro volDepthParameters | | # define samplerCubeArray sampler2DArray | ^ | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro volDepthParameters | Error: '' : illegal recursive expansion of macro volDepthParameters Error : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION Address : 0x00007FF633D5AAC3 Module : blender.exe Thread : 00001be4 Switching to fully guarded memory allocator. Blender 3.5.0 Build: 2023-03-29 06:36:20 Windows release argv[0] = C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 3.5\\blender argv[1] = --debug argv[2] = --debug-gpu argv[3] = --debug-cycles argv[4] = --python-expr argv[5] = import bpy; bpy.ops.wm.sysinfo(filepath=r'C:\Users\Abuqe\AppData\Local\Temp\blender\debug_logs\blender_system_info.txt') Read prefs: C:\Users\Abuqe\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.5\config\userpref.blend Writing: C:\Users\Abuqe\AppData\Local\Temp\blender.crash.txt