I0505 12:21:37.603857 8056 device.cpp:51] CUEW initialization failed: Error opening the library I0505 12:21:37.779572 8056 device.cpp:39] HIPEW initialization succeeded I0505 12:21:37.784096 8056 device.cpp:41] Found precompiled kernels blenderkit addon: Verbose is enabled blenderkit addon: Read in JSON settings from file RUNNING Update armature presets... blenderkit updater: Running background check for update blenderkit addon: Starting background checking thread blenderkit addon: Checking for update now in background blenderkit addon: Checking for update function blenderkit INFO: Global dir permissions are OK. [12:21:37.961, utils.py:1275] blenderkit addon: Read in JSON settings from file blenderkit addon: Determined it's not yet time to check for updates blenderkit addon: Aborting check for updated, check interval not reached blenderkit addon: Finished check update, doing callback blenderkit addon: Running background update callback blenderkit addon: BG thread: Finished check update, no callback blenderkit INFO: BlenderKit-Client is running on port 62485! [12:21:39.429, timer.py:101] Switching to fully guarded memory allocator. Blender 4.1.1 Build: 2024-04-15 23:33:30 Windows Release argv[0] = C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 4.1\\blender argv[1] = --debug argv[2] = --debug-cycles argv[3] = --python-expr argv[4] = import bpy; bpy.context.preferences.filepaths.temporary_directory=r'C:\Users\giorg\AppData\Local\Temp\blender\debug_logs'; bpy.ops.wm.sysinfo(filepath=r'C:\Users\giorg\AppData\Local\Temp\blender\debug_logs\blender_system_info.txt') Read prefs: "C:\Users\giorg\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.1\config\userpref.blend" Read blend: "C:\Users\giorg\Documents\Lightning\Lightning - Copia.blend" -------------------------------------------------------------------- Failed to add relation "RNA Target -> Driver" Could not find op_from: RnaPathKey(id: WOSky-Lab-Atmosphere, prop: 'sun_elevation') Trace: Depth Type Name ----- ---- ---- 1 World Sky-Lab-Atmosphere 2 NodeTree Shader Nodetree -------------------------------------------------------------------- Failed to add relation "RNA Target -> Driver" Could not find op_from: RnaPathKey(id: WOSky-Lab-Atmosphere, prop: 'sun_rotation') Trace: Depth Type Name ----- ---- ---- 1 World Sky-Lab-Atmosphere 2 NodeTree Shader Nodetree -------------------------------------------------------------------- Failed to add relation "RNA Target -> Driver" Could not find op_from: RnaPathKey(id: WOSky-Lab-Atmosphere, prop: 'sun_elevation') Trace: Depth Type Name ----- ---- ---- 1 World Sky-Lab-Atmosphere 2 NodeTree Shader Nodetree -------------------------------------------------------------------- Failed to add relation "RNA Target -> Driver" Could not find op_from: RnaPathKey(id: WOSky-Lab-Atmosphere, prop: 'sun_rotation') Trace: Depth Type Name ----- ---- ---- 1 World Sky-Lab-Atmosphere 2 NodeTree Shader Nodetree I0505 12:25:29.643947 3884 device_impl.cpp:63] Using AVX2 CPU kernels. I0505 12:25:29.695557 3884 device_impl.cpp:63] Using AVX2 CPU kernels. aligned_malloc returns null: len=3516720000 in Cycles Alloc, total 24414546192