I0622 15:33:34.700737 18628 device.cpp:33] CUEW initialization succeeded INFO: Could not find files for the given pattern(s). I0622 15:33:34.785509 18628 device.cpp:43] Neither precompiled kernels nor CUDA compiler was found, unable to use CUDA I0622 15:33:34.787505 18628 device.cpp:61] HIPEW initialization failed: Error opening HIP dynamic library Win32 Error# (170): The requested resource is in use. Win32 Error# (170): The requested resource is in use. Error : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION Address : 0x00007FFA1D78832A Module : tbbmalloc.dll Thread : 000048c4 Switching to fully guarded memory allocator. Blender 4.0.0 Alpha Build: 2023-06-21 18:58:26 Windows argv[0] = E:\programming\blender_source\my_debug_build\bin\RelWithDebInfo\\blender argv[1] = --debug argv[2] = --debug-cycles argv[3] = --python-expr argv[4] = import bpy; bpy.ops.wm.sysinfo(filepath=r'C:\Users\3diWorkstation\AppData\Local\Temp\blender\debug_logs\blender_system_info.txt') Read prefs: "C:\Users\3diWorkstation\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.0\config\userpref.blend" Read blend: "E:\temp\blender bug\full frame crash on change image file path\new test file for sergey after fix made worse\testrel blender 4.0.blend" Writing: C:\Users\3diWorkstation\AppData\Local\Temp\testrel blender 4.0.crash.txt Error loading symbols E:\programming\blender_source\my_debug_build\bin\RelWithDebInfo\blender.pdb error:0xc0000005 size = 148967424 base=0x00007FF7AAB60000