import bpy import math import struct import os import time import tempfile bl_info = { 'name': 'GRP Tools', 'description': 'Output StarCraft GRP files', 'author': 'John Wharton', 'version': (1, 0, 0), 'blender': (2, 80, 0), 'location': 'Output > GRP Tools', 'warning': 'Requires StarCraft Python Modding Suite and Pillow', 'doc_url': '', 'tracker_url': '', 'category': 'Scene', } DESC_GRP_PATH = ''' Filepath of the output GRP file (relative to MPQ archive directory) ''' DESC_GRP_PAL = ''' Optionally specifies which palette to quantize the render output with.\n\n Value should match the name of an .act file in _PMS\\Palettes ''' DESC_GRP_OUTBOOL = ''' Determines whether this GRP will be rendered and output when the "Output GRPs" operation is executed ''' DESC_GRP_SIZE = ''' If set to a non-zero value, this value will be used to determine the resolution of the GRP instead of the scene values ''' DESC_GRP_FRAMESTART = '''The frame which the renderer will start at for this GRP''' DESC_GRP_FRAMENED = '''The frame which the renderer will end at for this GRP''' ENUM_CAM_ANGLES = ( ('STATIC', 'Static', 'Renders 1 angle per frame (generally only used by structures)'), ('RIGHT', 'Right', 'Renders 17 angles per frame, which the engine uses to simulate 32 directional movement'), ('OMNI', 'Omni', 'Renders 32 angles per frame'), ) class GRP_CONFIG(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): output_path: bpy.props.StringProperty(options=set(), default='unit\\spritename', description=DESC_GRP_PATH) output_bool: bpy.props.BoolProperty(options=set(), default=True, description=DESC_GRP_OUTBOOL) color_palette: bpy.props.StringProperty(options=set(), default='!gamebasic', description=DESC_GRP_PAL) render_size: bpy.props.IntProperty(options=set(), min=0, max=256, default=0, description=DESC_GRP_SIZE) camera_angles: bpy.props.EnumProperty(options=set(), items=ENUM_CAM_ANGLES, default='OMNI') frame_start: bpy.props.IntProperty(options=set(), default=0, description=DESC_GRP_FRAMESTART) frame_end: bpy.props.IntProperty(options=set(), default=0, description=DESC_GRP_FRAMENED) class UI_UL_grp_config(bpy.types.UIList): bl_idname = 'UI_UL_grpt_grp_config' def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_propname, index, flt_flag): if self.layout_type in {'DEFAULT', 'COMPACT'}: row = layout.row() row.prop(item, 'output_path', text='', emboss=False, icon_value=icon) row.prop(item, 'output_bool', text='', emboss=False, icon='CHECKBOX_HLT' if item.output_bool else 'CHECKBOX_DEHLT') class SCENE_PT_grpt(bpy.types.Panel): bl_idname = 'SCENE_PT_grpt' bl_label = 'GRP Tools' bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_context = 'output' bl_options = set() @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.scene def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.use_property_split = True scene = context.scene layout.operator('grpt.grp_output', icon='OUTPUT') row = layout.row() row.use_property_split = False row.prop(scene, 'grpt_output_preview', text='Preview Output') sub = row.column() = scene.grpt_output_preview sub.prop(scene, 'grpt_preview_only', text='Preview Only') layout.separator() uilist_rows = 5 if len(scene.grpt_grp_config) else 3 row = layout.row() row.template_list( 'UI_UL_grpt_grp_config', 'grpt_grp_config', scene, 'grpt_grp_config', scene, 'grpt_grp_output_index', rows=uilist_rows, ) col = row.column(align=True) col.operator('grpt.grp_config_add', text='', icon='ADD') col.operator('grpt.grp_config_del', text='', icon='REMOVE') col.separator() col.operator('grpt.grp_config_mov', text='', icon='TRIA_UP').shift = -1 col.operator('grpt.grp_config_mov', text='', icon='TRIA_DOWN').shift = 1 if not len(scene.grpt_grp_config) or scene.grpt_grp_output_index < 0: return grp_config = scene.grpt_grp_config[scene.grpt_grp_output_index] row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(grp_config, 'frame_start', text='Frame Range') row.prop(grp_config, 'frame_end', text='') layout.prop(grp_config, 'render_size', text='Resolution') layout.prop(grp_config, 'color_palette', text='Color Palette') layout.prop(grp_config, 'camera_angles', text='Camera Angles') layout.separator() calc_frames = grp_config.frame_end - grp_config.frame_start + 1 calc_angles = 1 if grp_config.camera_angles == 'STATIC' else 17 if grp_config.camera_angles == 'RIGHT' else 32 layout.label(text=f'GRP Output Image Count: {calc_frames * calc_angles}') class SCENE_OT_grp_config_add(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = 'grpt.grp_config_add' bl_label = 'Add GRP Item' bl_description = 'Adds a new item to the collection' def invoke(self, context, event): scene = context.scene scene.grpt_grp_config.add() scene.grpt_grp_output_index = len(scene.grpt_grp_config) - 1 return {'FINISHED'} class SCENE_OT_grp_config_del(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = 'grpt.grp_config_del' bl_label = 'Remove GRP Item' bl_description = 'Removes the active item from the collection' def invoke(self, context, event): scene = context.scene if scene.grpt_grp_output_index not in range(len(scene.grpt_grp_config)): return {'FINISHED'} scene.grpt_grp_config.remove(scene.grpt_grp_output_index) shift = 1 if scene.grpt_grp_output_index == len(scene.grpt_grp_config) else 0 scene.grpt_grp_output_index = scene.grpt_grp_output_index - shift return {'FINISHED'} class SCENE_OT_grp_config_mov(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = 'grpt.grp_config_mov' bl_label = 'Move GRP Item' bl_description = 'Moves the active item up/down in the collection' shift: bpy.props.IntProperty() def invoke(self, context, event): scene = context.scene if scene.grpt_grp_output_index not in range(len(scene.grpt_grp_config)): return {'FINISHED'} collection.move(scene.grpt_grp_output_index, scene.grpt_grp_output_index + self.shift) scene.grpt_grp_output_index += self.shift return {'FINISHED'} class SCENE_OT_grp_output(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = 'grpt.grp_output' bl_label = 'Output GRPs' bl_description = 'Renders the scene for all GRP entries marked for output within their respective frame ranges' bl_options = {'REGISTER'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.scene def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene if not len(scene.grpt_grp_config): return {'FINISHED'} render_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() t_exec = time.time() # store/overwrite user defined render settings user_frame = scene.frame_current user_file_path = scene.render.filepath user_file_format = scene.render.image_settings.file_format user_color_depth = scene.render.image_settings.color_depth user_compression = scene.render.image_settings.compression scene.render.image_settings.file_format = 'PNG' scene.render.image_settings.color_depth = '8' # higher depths not needed scene.render.image_settings.compression = 0 # maximize write speed of PNGs for grp_config in scene.grpt_grp_config: if not grp_config.output_bool: continue t_grp = time.time() sprite_size = grp_config.render_size if grp_config.render_size else scene.render.resolution_x assert sprite_size <= 256, f'GRP {grp_config.output_path} sprite size is out of range(0, 256)' if grp_config.camera_angles == 'OMNI': num_angles = 32 rot_angle = 360 / 32 elif grp_config.camera_angles == 'RIGHT': num_angles = 17 rot_angle = 180 / 16 else: # static num_angles = 1 rot_angle = 0 frames = list(range(grp_config.frame_start, grp_config.frame_end + 1)) frame_img_names = [] if not len(frames): continue print('Output GRP:', grp_config.output_path) if camera_rotator = else: camera_rotator ='Rotator', None) = camera_rotator user_rotator_mode = camera_rotator.rotation_mode if camera_rotator.rotation_mode in ('QUATERNION', 'AXIS_ANGLE'): camera_rotator.rotation_mode = 'XYZ' for f in frames: scene.frame_set(f) print('Output frame:', scene.frame_current) frame_number = str(f - grp_config.frame_start).zfill(3) # adds leading zeroes up to length 3 # store user defined camera rotation angle user_camera_ob_angle = camera_rotator.rotation_euler.z if num_angles != 1: frame_time = time.time() for ii in range(num_angles): if num_angles != 1: angle = ii * rot_angle + 180 camera_rotator.rotation_euler.z = math.radians(angle) frame_filename = f'{frame_number}.{str(ii).zfill(2)}{os.extsep}png' scene.render.filepath = os.path.join(render_dir, frame_filename) frame_img_names.append(scene.render.filepath) bpy.ops.render.render(animation=False, use_viewport=False, write_still=True) if num_angles != 1: print('Output frame', scene.frame_current, 'time:', time.time() - frame_time) # restore user defined camera rotation angle camera_rotator.rotation_euler.z = user_camera_ob_angle camera_rotator.rotation_mode = user_rotator_mode # restore user defined render settings scene.frame_set(user_frame) scene.render.filepath = user_file_path scene.render.image_settings.file_format = user_file_format scene.render.image_settings.color_depth = user_color_depth scene.render.image_settings.compression = user_compression print('Total output time:', time.time() - t_exec) return {'FINISHED'} classes = ( GRP_CONFIG, UI_UL_grp_config, SCENE_PT_grpt, SCENE_OT_grp_config_add, SCENE_OT_grp_config_del, SCENE_OT_grp_config_mov, SCENE_OT_grp_output, ) DESC_GRPT_PREVIEW = '''Open output images with the system default image previewing program as they are completed''' DESC_GRPT_PREVIEWONLY = '''While "Preview Output" is on, this option disables the actual GRP file output''' def register(): for cls in classes: bpy.utils.register_class(cls) bpy.types.Scene.grpt_output_preview = bpy.props.BoolProperty(options=set(), description=DESC_GRPT_PREVIEW) bpy.types.Scene.grpt_preview_only = bpy.props.BoolProperty(options=set(), description=DESC_GRPT_PREVIEWONLY) bpy.types.Scene.grpt_grp_config = bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=GRP_CONFIG) bpy.types.Scene.grpt_grp_output_index = bpy.props.IntProperty(options=set(), default=-1) def unregister(): for cls in reversed(classes): bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls) if __name__ == '__main__': register()