INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Successfully hooked OpenGL debug callback using OpenGL 4.3 INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Successfully hooked OpenGL debug callback using OpenGL 4.3 I0210 19:39:43.074945 8064 device.cpp:32] CUEW initialization succeeded I0210 19:39:43.074945 8064 device.cpp:34] Found precompiled kernels I0210 19:39:43.094463 8064 device.cpp:56] HIPEW initialization failed: Error opening HIP dynamic library INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. WARN (gpu.debug): Workbench > psl->opaque_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 31 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Workbench > psl->opaque_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 31 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. WARN (gpu.debug): Overlay > Outlines : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 164 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Overlay > Outlines : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 164 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Overlay > Outlines > psl->outlines_prepass_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 201 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Overlay > Outlines > psl->outlines_prepass_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 201 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): : Program/shader state performance warning: Geometry shader in program 227 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. WARN (gpu.debug): Menu : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 28 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Menu : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 28 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. WARN (gpu.debug): SPACE_TOPBAR > ARegion : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 13 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): SPACE_TOPBAR > ARegion : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 13 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. WARN (gpu.debug): Selection Pick > Basic > psl->depth_pass[i] : Program/shader state performance warning: Geometry shader in program 240 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Selection Pick > Overlay > *p_extra_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 254 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Selection Pick > Overlay > *p_extra_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 254 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Cube buffer > psl->color_downsample_cube_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Geometry shader in program 320 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_glossy_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Geometry shader in program 368 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. WARN (gpu.debug): Cube Shadow Maps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 362 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Cube Shadow Maps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 362 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->update_noise_pass : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 342 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->update_noise_pass : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 342 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->update_noise_pass : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 342 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->update_noise_pass : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 342 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_background : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 333 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_background : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 333 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_background : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 333 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_background : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 333 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Cube buffer > psl->color_downsample_cube_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 320 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Cube buffer > psl->color_downsample_cube_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 320 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Cube buffer > psl->color_downsample_cube_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Geometry shader in program 320 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Cube buffer > psl->color_downsample_cube_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Geometry shader in program 320 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Cube buffer > psl->color_downsample_cube_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Geometry shader in program 320 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Cube buffer > psl->color_downsample_cube_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 320 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Cube buffer > psl->color_downsample_cube_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 320 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_glossy_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 368 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_glossy_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 368 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_glossy_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Geometry shader in program 368 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_glossy_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Geometry shader in program 368 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_glossy_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Geometry shader in program 368 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_glossy_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 368 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_glossy_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 368 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_diffuse_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 372 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_diffuse_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 372 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_diffuse_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 372 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_diffuse_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 372 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. WARN (gpu.debug): Cube Shadow Maps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 362 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Cube Shadow Maps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 362 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Cube Shadow Maps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 362 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Cube Shadow Maps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 362 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Cube Shadow Maps > psl->shadow_pass : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 362 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Cube Shadow Maps > psl->shadow_pass : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 362 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Max buffer > psl->maxz_copydepth_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 327 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Max buffer > psl->maxz_copydepth_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 327 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Max buffer > psl->maxz_copydepth_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 327 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Max buffer > psl->maxz_copydepth_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 327 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Max buffer > psl->maxz_downlevel_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 324 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Max buffer > psl->maxz_downlevel_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 324 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Max buffer > psl->maxz_downlevel_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 324 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Max buffer > psl->maxz_downlevel_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 324 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->background_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 339 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->background_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 339 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->background_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 339 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->background_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 339 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->material_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 365 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->material_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 365 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->material_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 365 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->material_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 365 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Radiance > psl->color_copy_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 314 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Radiance > psl->color_copy_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 314 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Radiance > psl->color_copy_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 314 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Radiance > psl->color_copy_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 314 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Radiance > psl->color_downsample_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 317 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Radiance > psl->color_downsample_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 317 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Radiance > psl->color_downsample_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 317 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Radiance > psl->color_downsample_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 317 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_setup : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 272 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_setup : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 272 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_setup : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 272 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_setup : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 272 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_flatten_tiles : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 275 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_flatten_tiles : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 275 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_flatten_tiles : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 275 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_flatten_tiles : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 275 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_dilate_tiles_minmax : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 278 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_dilate_tiles_minmax : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 278 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_dilate_tiles_minmax : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 278 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_dilate_tiles_minmax : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 278 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_dilate_tiles_minabs : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 281 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_dilate_tiles_minabs : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 281 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_dilate_tiles_minabs : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 281 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_dilate_tiles_minabs : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 281 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_downsample : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 284 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_downsample : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 284 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_downsample : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 284 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_downsample : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 284 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_reduce_copy : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 287 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_reduce_copy : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 287 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_reduce_copy : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 287 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_reduce_copy : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 287 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_reduce : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 290 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_reduce : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 290 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_reduce : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 290 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_reduce : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 290 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_fg : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 296 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_fg : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 296 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_fg : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 296 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_fg : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 296 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_filter : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 302 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_filter : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 302 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_filter : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 302 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_filter : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 302 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_scatter_fg : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 305 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_scatter_fg : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 305 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_scatter_fg : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 305 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_scatter_fg : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 305 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_bg : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 299 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_bg : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 299 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_bg : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 299 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_bg : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 299 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_scatter_bg : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 308 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_scatter_bg : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 308 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_scatter_bg : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 308 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_scatter_bg : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 308 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_fg_holefill : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 293 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_fg_holefill : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 293 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_fg_holefill : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 293 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_fg_holefill : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 293 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 311 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 311 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 311 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 311 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): SSR > psl->ssr_raytrace : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 345 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): SSR > psl->ssr_raytrace : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 345 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): SSR > psl->ssr_raytrace : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 345 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): SSR > psl->ssr_raytrace : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 345 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): SSR > psl->ssr_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 348 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): SSR > psl->ssr_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 348 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): SSR > psl->ssr_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 348 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): SSR > psl->ssr_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 348 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->taa_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 351 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->taa_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 351 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->taa_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 351 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->taa_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 351 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->update_noise_pass : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 342 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->update_noise_pass : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 342 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->update_noise_pass : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 342 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->update_noise_pass : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 342 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_background : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 333 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_background : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 333 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_background : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 333 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_background : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 333 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Cube buffer > psl->color_downsample_cube_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 320 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Cube buffer > psl->color_downsample_cube_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 320 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Cube buffer > psl->color_downsample_cube_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Geometry shader in program 320 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Cube buffer > psl->color_downsample_cube_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Geometry shader in program 320 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Cube buffer > psl->color_downsample_cube_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Geometry shader in program 320 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Cube buffer > psl->color_downsample_cube_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 320 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Cube buffer > psl->color_downsample_cube_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 320 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_glossy_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 368 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_glossy_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 368 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_glossy_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Geometry shader in program 368 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_glossy_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Geometry shader in program 368 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_glossy_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Geometry shader in program 368 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_glossy_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 368 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_glossy_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 368 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_diffuse_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 372 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_diffuse_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 372 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_diffuse_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 372 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->probe_diffuse_compute : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 372 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. WARN (gpu.debug): Cube Shadow Maps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 362 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Cube Shadow Maps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 362 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Cube Shadow Maps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 362 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Cube Shadow Maps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 362 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Cube Shadow Maps > psl->shadow_pass : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 362 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Cube Shadow Maps > psl->shadow_pass : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 362 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Max buffer > psl->maxz_copydepth_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 327 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Max buffer > psl->maxz_copydepth_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 327 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Max buffer > psl->maxz_copydepth_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 327 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Max buffer > psl->maxz_copydepth_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 327 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Max buffer > psl->maxz_downlevel_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 324 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Max buffer > psl->maxz_downlevel_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 324 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Max buffer > psl->maxz_downlevel_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 324 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Max buffer > psl->maxz_downlevel_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 324 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->background_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 339 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->background_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 339 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->background_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 339 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->background_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 339 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->material_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 365 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->material_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 365 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->material_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 365 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->material_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 365 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Radiance > psl->color_copy_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 314 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Radiance > psl->color_copy_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 314 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Radiance > psl->color_copy_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 314 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Radiance > psl->color_copy_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 314 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Radiance > psl->color_downsample_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 317 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Radiance > psl->color_downsample_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 317 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Radiance > psl->color_downsample_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 317 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Downsample Radiance > psl->color_downsample_ps : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 317 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_setup : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 272 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_setup : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 272 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_setup : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 272 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_setup : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 272 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_flatten_tiles : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 275 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_flatten_tiles : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 275 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_flatten_tiles : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 275 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_flatten_tiles : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 275 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_dilate_tiles_minmax : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 278 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_dilate_tiles_minmax : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 278 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_dilate_tiles_minmax : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 278 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_dilate_tiles_minmax : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 278 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_dilate_tiles_minabs : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 281 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_dilate_tiles_minabs : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 281 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_dilate_tiles_minabs : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 281 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_dilate_tiles_minabs : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 281 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_downsample : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 284 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_downsample : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 284 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_downsample : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 284 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_downsample : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 284 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_reduce_copy : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 287 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_reduce_copy : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 287 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_reduce_copy : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 287 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_reduce_copy : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 287 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_reduce : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 290 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_reduce : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 290 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_reduce : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 290 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_reduce : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 290 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_fg : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 296 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_fg : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 296 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_fg : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 296 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_fg : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 296 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_filter : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 302 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_filter : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 302 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_filter : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 302 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_filter : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 302 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_scatter_fg : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 305 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_scatter_fg : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 305 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_scatter_fg : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 305 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_scatter_fg : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 305 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_bg : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 299 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_bg : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 299 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_bg : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 299 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_bg : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 299 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_scatter_bg : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 308 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_scatter_bg : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 308 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_scatter_bg : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 308 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_scatter_bg : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 308 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_fg_holefill : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 293 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_fg_holefill : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 293 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_fg_holefill : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 293 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_gather_fg_holefill : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 293 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 311 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 311 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 311 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): Depth of Field > psl->dof_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 311 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): SSR > psl->ssr_raytrace : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 345 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): SSR > psl->ssr_raytrace : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 345 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): SSR > psl->ssr_raytrace : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 345 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): SSR > psl->ssr_raytrace : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 345 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): SSR > psl->ssr_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 348 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): SSR > psl->ssr_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 348 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): SSR > psl->ssr_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 348 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): SSR > psl->ssr_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 348 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->taa_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 351 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->taa_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment shader in program 351 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache WARN (gpu.debug): psl->taa_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 351 is being recompiled based on GL state. WARN (gpu.debug): psl->taa_resolve : Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 351 is being recompiled based on GL state, and was not found in the disk cache INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Program/shader state usage warning: A fragment program/shader is required to correctly render to an integer framebuffer. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Rasterization usage warning: Blending is enabled, but is not supported for integer framebuffers. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. INFO (gpu.debug): Notification : Texture state usage warning: The texture object (0) bound to texture image unit 0 does not have a defined base level and cannot be used for texture mapping. Switching to fully guarded memory allocator. Blender 3.4.1 Build: 2022-12-20 01:51:19 Windows release argv[0] = C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 3.4\\blender argv[1] = --debug argv[2] = --debug-gpu argv[3] = --debug-cycles argv[4] = --python-expr argv[5] = import bpy; bpy.ops.wm.sysinfo(filepath=r'C:\Users\A4F7~1\AppData\Local\Temp\blender\debug_logs\blender_system_info.txt') Read prefs: C:\Users\Андрей\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.4\config\userpref.blend Saved session recovery to 'C:\Users\A4F7~1\AppData\Local\Temp\quit.blend' new render result len: 152 00000291FAF71398 new render view len: 104 00000291FAF3FDF8 new render layer len: 136 00000291FAF71478 Combined len: 248 00000291FAF37EF8 Combined len: 16384 00000291EE854178 new render result len: 152 00000291FAF709F8 new render view len: 104 00000291FAF3F138 new render layer len: 136 00000291FAF70918 Combined len: 248 00000291FAEE3EF8 Combined len: 16384 00000291EECA8178 new render result len: 152 00000291FAF70BB8 new render view len: 104 00000291FAF3F078 new render layer len: 136 00000291FAF70AD8 Combined len: 248 00000291FAE0BEF8 Combined len: 16384 00000291EE24E178 new render result len: 152 00000291FAF70598 new render view len: 104 00000291FAF3EFB8 new render layer len: 136 00000291FAF704B8 Combined len: 248 00000291FAE0BDB8 Combined len: 16384 00000291F74BC178 new render result len: 152 00000291FAF71558 new render view len: 104 00000291FAF3FEB8 new render layer len: 136 00000291FAF71B78 Combined len: 248 00000291FAE0BC78 Combined len: 16384 00000291EE254178 new render result len: 152 00000291FAF73AF8 new render view len: 104 00000291FAF3EEF8 new render layer len: 136 00000291FAF717F8 Combined len: 248 00000291FAE0BB38 Combined len: 16384 00000291EE25A178 new render result len: 152 00000291FAF70E58 new render view len: 104 00000291FAF3ED78 new render layer len: 136 00000291FAF70678 Combined len: 248 00000291FAE0B9F8 Combined len: 16384 00000291EE260178 new render result len: 152 00000291FAF70218 new render view len: 104 00000291FAF3ECB8 new render layer len: 136 00000291FAF70F38 Combined len: 248 00000291FAE0B8B8 Combined len: 16384 00000291EE266178 new render result len: 152 00000291FAD57938 new render view len: 104 00000291FACFC738 new render layer len: 136 00000291FAD567B8 Combined len: 248 00000291FAE086B8 Combined len: 16384 00000291F5D7E178 new render result len: 152 00000291FAF702F8 new render view len: 104 00000291FACFD9F8 new render layer len: 136 00000291FAF70138 Combined len: 248 00000291FAE087F8 Combined len: 16384 00000291F5D84178 new render result len: 152 00000291FAD55558 new render view len: 104 00000291FACFE778 new render layer len: 136 00000291FAD552B8 Combined len: 248 00000291FAE0B778 Combined len: 16384 00000291F5D8A178 new render result len: 152 00000291FAF710F8 new render view len: 104 00000291FACFDF38 new render layer len: 136 00000291FAF73778 Combined len: 248 00000291FAE0B638 Combined len: 16384 00000291F5D90178 Blender quit Press any key to exit . . . Error: Not freed memory blocks: 60, total unfreed memory 0.194824 MB