import numpy as np import scipy.stats import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pathlib import Path import sys import math VISUALIZE_2D = True REF_MODE = 'ts' scene_path = Path(sys.argv[1]) assert scene_path.is_dir() scene = # Compure radial profile from 2D slice def radial(data): x = np.linspace(-1, 1, data.shape[0]) y = np.linspace(-1, 1, data.shape[1]) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) r = np.sqrt(xx**2. + yy**2.) a, b, c = scipy.stats.binned_statistic(r.flatten(), data.flatten(), bins=50) return (b[1:] + b[:-1])/2, a # Compute mean of all samples mean = [] for folder in scene_path.iterdir(): for file in folder.iterdir(): data = plt.imread(str(file)) mean.append(np.mean(data)) mean = sum(mean) / len(mean) # Process the samples of one sampling mode def process(folder, ref): mode = fftmean = None num = 0 mse = [] for file in folder.iterdir(): # Load PNG data = plt.imread(str(file)) # Normalize data = (data / mean) - 1 # Accumulate MSE mse.append(np.mean(data**2)) # Compute spectrum data = np.fft.fft2(data) # Mask DC term data[0, 0] = math.nan data = np.fft.fftshift(data) data = abs(data) # Accumulate spectrum fftmean = data if fftmean is None else fftmean + data num += 1 # Combine MSE mse = sum(mse) / len(mse) psnr = -10.0 * math.log10(mse) # Combine spectra, compute radial profile fftmean /= num x, y = radial(fftmean) filter = ~np.isnan(y) x = x[filter] y = y[filter] # Normalize to reference mode if ref is None: ref = np.mean(y), psnr y /= ref[0] psnr -= ref[1] # Visualize if VISUALIZE_2D: fig = plt.figure(mode, frameon=False) fig.set_size_inches(fftmean.shape[0], fftmean.shape[1]) ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) ax.imshow(fftmean, aspect='auto') fig.savefig(f'fft_{scene}_{mode}.png', dpi=1) else: plt.plot(x, y, label=mode) # Output print(f"{scene} {mode} {num} {psnr}") return ref # Process REF_MODE first, then others in sorted order (to get consistent legend) ref = None modes = { for folder in scene_path.iterdir()} modes.discard(REF_MODE) for mode in [REF_MODE] + list(sorted(modes)): ref = process(scene_path / mode, ref) # Show plot if not VISUALIZE_2D: plt.legend() plt.ylim(bottom=0) plt.savefig(f'fft_{scene}_radial.png')