#VRML V2.0 utf8 # Basic setup with a sphere and a looping sound WorldInfo { title "VRML Audio Example" } # A shape to provide context in the scene Transform { translation 0 0 0 children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 0.0 0.5 1.0 } } geometry Sphere { radius 1 } } ] } # Sound node with an AudioClip Sound { location 0 0 0 # Position of the sound in the scene, same as the sphere maxFront 20 # Sound audible up to 20 units in front of the source minFront 1 # Starts to attenuate at 1 unit maxBack 20 # Sound audible up to 20 units behind the source minBack 1 # Starts to attenuate at 1 unit # Attach the AudioClip to play sound source AudioClip { url "example_sound.wav" # Path to the sound file (make sure this file is in the same directory) loop TRUE # The sound will loop continuously startTime 0 # Starts playing immediately upon loading } }