Fix duplicate shape key import when the FBX connections are duplicated #104954

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@ -3470,12 +3470,36 @@ def load(operator, context, filepath="",
def _():
fbx_tmpl = fbx_template_get((b'Geometry', b'KFbxShape'))
# - FBX | - Blender equivalent
# Mesh | `Mesh`
# BlendShape | `Key`
# BlendShapeChannel | `ShapeKey`, but without its `.data`.
# Shape | ``, but also includes normals and the values are relative to the base Mesh
# | instead of being absolute. The data is sparse, so each Shape has an "Indexes" array too.
# | FBX 2020 introduced 'Modern Style' Shapes that also support tangents, binormals, vertex
# | colors and UVs, and can be absolute values instead of relative, but 'Modern Style' Shapes
# | are not currently supported.
# The FBX connections between Shapes and Meshes form multiple many-many relationships:
# Mesh >-< BlendShape >-< BlendShapeChannel >-< Shape
# In practice, the relationships are almost never many-many and are more typically 1-many or 1-1:
# Mesh --- BlendShape:
# usually 1-1 and the FBX SDK might enforce that each BlendShape is connected to at most one Mesh.
# BlendShape --< BlendShapeChannel:
# usually 1-many.
# BlendShapeChannel --- or uncommonly --< Shape:
# usually 1-1, but 1-many is a documented feature.
mesh_to_shapes = {}
for s_uuid, s_item in fbx_table_nodes.items():
fbx_sdata, bl_sdata = s_item = fbx_table_nodes.get(s_uuid, (None, None))
for s_uuid, (fbx_sdata, _bl_sdata) in fbx_table_nodes.items():
if fbx_sdata is None or != b'Geometry' or fbx_sdata.props[2] != b'Shape':
# Rarely, an imported FBX file will have duplicate connections. For Shape Key related connections, FBX
# appears to ignore the duplicates, or overwrite the existing duplicates such that the end result is the
# same as ignoring them, so we keep sets of the seen connections for each FBX type and ignore any duplicates
# we find.
seen_s2bc_connections = set()
# shape -> blendshapechannel -> blendshape -> mesh.
for bc_uuid, bc_ctype in fbx_connection_map.get(s_uuid, ()):
if bc_ctype.props[0] != b'OO':
@ -3483,18 +3507,32 @@ def load(operator, context, filepath="",
fbx_bcdata, _bl_bcdata = fbx_table_nodes.get(bc_uuid, (None, None))
if fbx_bcdata is None or != b'Deformer' or fbx_bcdata.props[2] != b'BlendShapeChannel':
connection_key = (s_uuid, bc_uuid)
if connection_key in seen_s2bc_connections:
seen_bc2bs_connections = set()
for bs_uuid, bs_ctype in fbx_connection_map.get(bc_uuid, ()):
if bs_ctype.props[0] != b'OO':
fbx_bsdata, _bl_bsdata = fbx_table_nodes.get(bs_uuid, (None, None))
if fbx_bsdata is None or != b'Deformer' or fbx_bsdata.props[2] != b'BlendShape':
connection_key = (bc_uuid, bs_uuid)
if connection_key in seen_bc2bs_connections:
seen_bs2m_connections = set()
for m_uuid, m_ctype in fbx_connection_map.get(bs_uuid, ()):
if m_ctype.props[0] != b'OO':
fbx_mdata, bl_mdata = fbx_table_nodes.get(m_uuid, (None, None))
if fbx_mdata is None or != b'Geometry' or fbx_mdata.props[2] != b'Mesh':
connection_key = (bs_uuid, m_uuid)
if connection_key in seen_bs2m_connections:
# Blenmeshes are assumed already created at that time!
assert(isinstance(bl_mdata, bpy.types.Mesh))
# Group shapes by mesh so that each mesh only needs to be processed once for all of its shape