FBX IO: Fix error importing BlendShapeChannels with extraneous FullWeights #104956

Thomas Barlow merged 6 commits from Mysteryem/blender-addons:fbx_fix_extra_fullweights_error into main 2023-11-05 10:16:56 +01:00
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@ -1931,8 +1931,8 @@ def blen_read_shapes(fbx_tmpl, fbx_data, objects, me, scene):
for bc_uuid, fbx_sdata, fbx_bcdata, shapes_assigned_to_channel in fbx_data:
num_shapes_assigned_to_channel = len(shapes_assigned_to_channel)
if num_shapes_assigned_to_channel > 1:
# See bug report #84111 and design task #104698.
raise RuntimeError("FBX in-between Shapes are not currently supported")
# Relevant design task: #104698
raise RuntimeError("FBX in-between Shapes are not currently supported") # See bug report #84111
elem_name_utf8 = elem_name_ensure_class(fbx_sdata, b'Geometry')
indices = elem_prop_first(elem_find_first(fbx_sdata, b'Indexes'))
dvcos = elem_prop_first(elem_find_first(fbx_sdata, b'Vertices'))

The short of it is that while we could allow each in-between shape to be imported as a separate shape key right now, any imported animations of the DeformPercent of the BlendShapeChannel the Shapes belong to will not work correctly and the FullWeights value for each Shape will be lost. I think the minimum for in-between shapes support would be importing them and their animations correctly.

Maybe the error message should include text that makes it clear this is a known issue and doesn't need to be reported.

The short of it is that while we could allow each in-between shape to be imported as a separate shape key right now, any imported animations of the DeformPercent of the BlendShapeChannel the Shapes belong to will not work correctly and the FullWeights value for each Shape will be lost. I think the minimum for in-between shapes support would be importing them and their animations correctly. Maybe the error message should include text that makes it clear this is a known issue and doesn't need to be reported.