USD Import: No texture coordinates imported #93052

opened 2021-11-13 11:36:03 +01:00 by Steffen Hauser · 20 comments

System Information
Operating system: Linux-5.11.0-40-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.33 64 Bits
Graphics card: AMD Radeon(TM) Vega 8 Graphics (RAVEN, DRM 3.40.0, 5.11.0-40-generic, LLVM 12.0.0) AMD 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 21.0.3

Blender Version
Broken: version: 3.0.0 Beta, branch: master, commit date: 2021-11-11 18:49, hash: bd734cc441

Short description of error
I tried to import a USD file with texture coordinates. Vertices, normals, faces and USDPreviewSurface are imported correctly, but there is no UV Map. The USD file works without errors in usdview.

Exact steps for others to reproduce the error

Sample USDA file:

#usda 1.0
    defaultPrim = "test_export3"
    metersPerUnit = 1
    upAxis = "Y"

def Xform "test_export3"
    def Mesh "mesh_test_export3_000"
        float3[] extent = [(-0.5, 0, 0.5), (0.5, 1, -0.5)]
        int[] faceVertexCounts = [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]
        int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 4, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 8, 12, 13, 14, 14, 15, 12, 16, 17, 18, 18, 19, 16, 20, 21, 22, 22, 23, 20]
        rel material:binding = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material>
        normal3f[] normals = [(0, -1, -0), (0, -1, -0), (0, -1, -0), (0, -1, -0), (0, -1, -0), (0, -1, -0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, -0), (1, 0, -0), (1, 0, -0), (1, 0, -0), (1, 0, -0), (1, 0, -0), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (-1, 0, -0), (-1, 0, -0), (-1, 0, -0), (-1, 0, -0), (-1, 0, -0), (-1, 0, -0), (0, 1, -0), (0, 1, -0), (0, 1, -0), (0, 1, -0), (0, 1, -0), (0, 1, -0)] (
            interpolation = "faceVarying"
        point3f[] points = [(0.5, 0, 0.5), (-0.5, 0, 0.5), (-0.5, 0, -0.5), (0.5, 0, -0.5), (-0.5, 0, 0.5), (0.5, 0, 0.5), (0.5, 1, 0.5), (-0.5, 1, 0.5), (0.5, 0, 0.5), (0.5, 0, -0.5), (0.5, 1, -0.5), (0.5, 1, 0.5), (0.5, 0, -0.5), (-0.5, 0, -0.5), (-0.5, 1, -0.5), (0.5, 1, -0.5), (-0.5, 0, -0.5), (-0.5, 0, 0.5), (-0.5, 1, 0.5), (-0.5, 1, -0.5), (-0.5, 1, 0.5), (0.5, 1, 0.5), (0.5, 1, -0.5), (-0.5, 1, -0.5)]
        texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, -0.5), (0.5, -0.5), (-0.5, 0), (0.5, 0), (0.5, 1), (-0.5, 1), (-0.5, 0), (0.5, 0), (0.5, 1), (-0.5, 1), (-0.5, 0), (0.5, 0), (0.5, 1), (-0.5, 1), (-0.5, 0), (0.5, 0), (0.5, 1), (-0.5, 1), (-0.5, -0.5), (0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, 0.5)] (
            interpolation = "varying"
        uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none"

        def Material "material"
            token outputs:surface.connect = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material/shader.outputs:surface>

            def Shader "shader"
                uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface"
                color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material/albedoTexture.outputs:rgb>
                color3f inputs:emissiveColor = (0, 0, 0)
                float inputs:metallic.connect = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material/metallicRoughnessTexture.outputs:b>
                color3f inputs:normal.connect = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material/normalTexture.outputs:rgb>
                float inputs:opacity.connect = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material/albedoTexture.outputs:a>
                float inputs:roughness.connect = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material/metallicRoughnessTexture.outputs:g>
                token outputs:surface

            def Shader "textureCoordinates"
                uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2"
                token inputs:varname = "st"
                float2 outputs:result

            def Shader "albedoTexture"
                uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
                asset inputs:file = @textures/test_export3_AlbedoAlpha_0000.png@
                token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB"
                float2 inputs:st.connect = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material/textureCoordinates.outputs:result>
                token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
                token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
                float outputs:a
                color3f outputs:rgb

            def Shader "metallicRoughnessTexture"
                uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
                asset inputs:file = @textures/test_export3_MetalnessRoughness_0000.png@
                token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
                float2 inputs:st.connect = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material/textureCoordinates.outputs:result>
                token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
                token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
                float outputs:b
                float outputs:g

            def Shader "normalTexture"
                uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture"
                float4 inputs:bias = (-1, -1, -1, -1)
                asset inputs:file = @textures/test_export3_Normal_0000.png@
                float4 inputs:scale = (2, 2, 2, 2)
                token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw"
                float2 inputs:st.connect = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material/textureCoordinates.outputs:result>
                token inputs:wrapS = "repeat"
                token inputs:wrapT = "repeat"
                color3f outputs:rgb

**System Information** Operating system: Linux-5.11.0-40-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.33 64 Bits Graphics card: AMD Radeon(TM) Vega 8 Graphics (RAVEN, DRM 3.40.0, 5.11.0-40-generic, LLVM 12.0.0) AMD 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 21.0.3 **Blender Version** Broken: version: 3.0.0 Beta, branch: master, commit date: 2021-11-11 18:49, hash: `bd734cc441` **Short description of error** I tried to import a USD file with texture coordinates. Vertices, normals, faces and USDPreviewSurface are imported correctly, but there is no UV Map. The USD file works without errors in usdview. **Exact steps for others to reproduce the error** Sample USDA file: ``` #usda 1.0 ( defaultPrim = "test_export3" metersPerUnit = 1 upAxis = "Y" ) def Xform "test_export3" { def Mesh "mesh_test_export3_000" { float3[] extent = [(-0.5, 0, 0.5), (0.5, 1, -0.5)] int[] faceVertexCounts = [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3] int[] faceVertexIndices = [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 4, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 8, 12, 13, 14, 14, 15, 12, 16, 17, 18, 18, 19, 16, 20, 21, 22, 22, 23, 20] rel material:binding = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material> normal3f[] normals = [(0, -1, -0), (0, -1, -0), (0, -1, -0), (0, -1, -0), (0, -1, -0), (0, -1, -0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, -0), (1, 0, -0), (1, 0, -0), (1, 0, -0), (1, 0, -0), (1, 0, -0), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (-1, 0, -0), (-1, 0, -0), (-1, 0, -0), (-1, 0, -0), (-1, 0, -0), (-1, 0, -0), (0, 1, -0), (0, 1, -0), (0, 1, -0), (0, 1, -0), (0, 1, -0), (0, 1, -0)] ( interpolation = "faceVarying" ) point3f[] points = [(0.5, 0, 0.5), (-0.5, 0, 0.5), (-0.5, 0, -0.5), (0.5, 0, -0.5), (-0.5, 0, 0.5), (0.5, 0, 0.5), (0.5, 1, 0.5), (-0.5, 1, 0.5), (0.5, 0, 0.5), (0.5, 0, -0.5), (0.5, 1, -0.5), (0.5, 1, 0.5), (0.5, 0, -0.5), (-0.5, 0, -0.5), (-0.5, 1, -0.5), (0.5, 1, -0.5), (-0.5, 0, -0.5), (-0.5, 0, 0.5), (-0.5, 1, 0.5), (-0.5, 1, -0.5), (-0.5, 1, 0.5), (0.5, 1, 0.5), (0.5, 1, -0.5), (-0.5, 1, -0.5)] texCoord2f[] primvars:st = [(0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, -0.5), (0.5, -0.5), (-0.5, 0), (0.5, 0), (0.5, 1), (-0.5, 1), (-0.5, 0), (0.5, 0), (0.5, 1), (-0.5, 1), (-0.5, 0), (0.5, 0), (0.5, 1), (-0.5, 1), (-0.5, 0), (0.5, 0), (0.5, 1), (-0.5, 1), (-0.5, -0.5), (0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, 0.5)] ( interpolation = "varying" ) uniform token subdivisionScheme = "none" def Material "material" { token outputs:surface.connect = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material/shader.outputs:surface> def Shader "shader" { uniform token info:id = "UsdPreviewSurface" color3f inputs:diffuseColor.connect = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material/albedoTexture.outputs:rgb> color3f inputs:emissiveColor = (0, 0, 0) float inputs:metallic.connect = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material/metallicRoughnessTexture.outputs:b> color3f inputs:normal.connect = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material/normalTexture.outputs:rgb> float inputs:opacity.connect = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material/albedoTexture.outputs:a> float inputs:roughness.connect = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material/metallicRoughnessTexture.outputs:g> token outputs:surface } def Shader "textureCoordinates" { uniform token info:id = "UsdPrimvarReader_float2" token inputs:varname = "st" float2 outputs:result } def Shader "albedoTexture" { uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture" asset inputs:file = @textures/test_export3_AlbedoAlpha_0000.png@ token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "sRGB" float2 inputs:st.connect = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material/textureCoordinates.outputs:result> token inputs:wrapS = "repeat" token inputs:wrapT = "repeat" float outputs:a color3f outputs:rgb } def Shader "metallicRoughnessTexture" { uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture" asset inputs:file = @textures/test_export3_MetalnessRoughness_0000.png@ token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw" float2 inputs:st.connect = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material/textureCoordinates.outputs:result> token inputs:wrapS = "repeat" token inputs:wrapT = "repeat" float outputs:b float outputs:g } def Shader "normalTexture" { uniform token info:id = "UsdUVTexture" float4 inputs:bias = (-1, -1, -1, -1) asset inputs:file = @textures/test_export3_Normal_0000.png@ float4 inputs:scale = (2, 2, 2, 2) token inputs:sourceColorSpace = "raw" float2 inputs:st.connect = </test_export3/mesh_test_export3_000/material/textureCoordinates.outputs:result> token inputs:wrapS = "repeat" token inputs:wrapT = "repeat" color3f outputs:rgb } } } } ```

Added subscriber: @shauser

Added subscriber: @shauser

Added subscriber: @lichtwerk

Added subscriber: @lichtwerk
Philipp Oeser self-assigned this 2021-11-15 14:40:05 +01:00

Changed status from 'Needs Triage' to: 'Confirmed'

Changed status from 'Needs Triage' to: 'Confirmed'

Can confirm, will check in a bit

Can confirm, will check in a bit
Philipp Oeser removed their assignment 2022-01-18 21:07:46 +01:00

Will have to concentrate on triaging for a while (and step down).

Will have to concentrate on triaging for a while (and step down).

Added subscribers: @makowalski, @mont29

Added subscribers: @makowalski, @mont29
Michael Kowalski was assigned by Bastien Montagne 2022-04-14 10:03:42 +02:00

@makowalski Can you have a look at this one? thanks.

@makowalski Can you have a look at this one? thanks.

I was able to reproduce the issue with the test case and am investigating.

I was able to reproduce the issue with the test case and am investigating.

This is due to the "varying" primvar interpolation type not being handled in the UV conversion code. I'm addressing this.

This is due to the "varying" primvar interpolation type not being handled in the UV conversion code. I'm addressing this.

Added subscriber: @codeloadgame

Added subscriber: @codeloadgame

Removed subscriber: @codeloadgame

Removed subscriber: @codeloadgame

Added subscriber: @codeloadgame

Added subscriber: @codeloadgame

Added subscriber: @ramakarl

Added subscriber: @ramakarl

Changing "varying" to "faceVarying" and using "UVMap" as the texcoord token in the input USD works.
Working USDA for texture coord input:

texCoord2f- [ ] primvars:UVMap = [(0.625, 0.5), (0.875, 0.5), (0.875, 0.75), (0.625, 0.75), (0.375, 0.75), (0.625, 0.75), (0.625, 1), (0.375, 1), (0.375, 0), (0.625, 0), (0.625, 0.25), (0.375, 0.25), (0.125, 0.5), (0.375, 0.5), (0.375, 0.75), (0.125, 0.75), (0.375, 0.5), (0.625, 0.5), (0.625, 0.75), (0.375, 0.75), (0.375, 0.25), (0.625, 0.25), (0.625, 0.5), (0.375, 0.5)] (
interpolation = "faceVarying"

Although we're importing per-vertex UVs, it should also be noted the number of entries in the input array is the number of face indexed vertices (sum of all faceVertexCounts).
The USD Export writes the correct number of entries. The USD Import reads correctly if written in this way.

My own exporter (non-blender) scans thru the face-vertex-index list and looks up each vertex to write. Total number of UVs written is the number of faces * vertices_per_face.

VtArray uvs( faces*3 );
int v;
for (int i=0; i < faces3; i++) {
v = polyndx- [x]; <-- look up vertices of each face
uv = mesh->GetVertTex(v);
uvs- [x]- [x] = uv->x;
uvs- [x]- [x] = uv->y;
UsdGeomPrimvarsAPI schema (usd_mesh);
UsdGeomPrimvar tcs = schema.CreatePrimvar(TfToken("UVMap"), SdfValueTypeNames->TexCoord2fArray, UsdGeomTokens->faceVarying);
tcs.Set( uvs );


Attached an example usda file /w texcoords.
If the USD file is formatted as above, the USD import of texture coordinates works in Blender.
To handle the case where texture coordinates work in usdview but not in Blender the solution might be simply to interpret the token "varying" as "faceVarying" and token "st" as "UVMap". What happens when a USD Exported file from blender with texture coordinates is loaded into usdview?
Hope this helps.

Changing "varying" to "faceVarying" and using "UVMap" as the texcoord token in the input USD works. Working USDA for texture coord input: texCoord2f- [ ] primvars:**UVMap** = [(0.625, 0.5), (0.875, 0.5), (0.875, 0.75), (0.625, 0.75), (0.375, 0.75), (0.625, 0.75), (0.625, 1), (0.375, 1), (0.375, 0), (0.625, 0), (0.625, 0.25), (0.375, 0.25), (0.125, 0.5), (0.375, 0.5), (0.375, 0.75), (0.125, 0.75), (0.375, 0.5), (0.625, 0.5), (0.625, 0.75), (0.375, 0.75), (0.375, 0.25), (0.625, 0.25), (0.625, 0.5), (0.375, 0.5)] ( interpolation = "**faceVarying**" ) Although we're importing per-vertex UVs, it should also be noted the number of entries in the input array is the number of face indexed vertices (sum of all faceVertexCounts). The USD Export writes the correct number of entries. The USD Import reads correctly if written in this way. My own exporter (non-blender) scans thru the face-vertex-index list and looks up each vertex to write. Total number of UVs written is the number of faces * vertices_per_face. VtArray<GfVec2f> uvs( **faces*3** ); int v; for (int i=0; i < faces*3; i++) { v = polyndx- [x]; **<-- look up vertices of each face** Vector2DF* uv = mesh->GetVertTex(v); uvs- [x]- [x] = uv->x; uvs- [x]- [x] = uv->y; } UsdGeomPrimvarsAPI schema (usd_mesh); UsdGeomPrimvar tcs = schema.CreatePrimvar(TfToken("**UVMap**"), SdfValueTypeNames->TexCoord2fArray, UsdGeomTokens->**faceVarying**); tcs.Set( uvs ); [veg_birch_simple.usda]( Attached an example usda file /w texcoords. If the USD file is formatted as above, the USD import of texture coordinates works in Blender. To handle the case where texture coordinates work in usdview but not in Blender the solution might be simply to interpret the token "varying" as "faceVarying" and token "st" as "UVMap". What happens when a USD Exported file from blender with texture coordinates is loaded into usdview? Hope this helps.
Bastien Montagne added this to the Pipeline, Assets & IO project 2023-02-09 15:40:39 +01:00
Philipp Oeser removed the
Pipeline, Assets & IO
label 2023-02-10 08:54:07 +01:00

Thanks for the advice, @ramakarl, it was indeed very helpful!

By changing "varying" to "faceVarying" and adding three uv coordinates per triangle I was able to create a valid USD file which could be imported into blender with the correct material mapping.

However, I found that replacing TfToken("st") with TfToken("UVMap") didn't work because the material created by blender's USD importer expects a uv map named "st". So the correct uv primvar creation should look like this:

UsdGeomPrimvar tcs = schema.CreatePrimvar(TfToken("st"), SdfValueTypeNames->TexCoord2fArray, UsdGeomTokens->faceVarying);

Thanks for the advice, @ramakarl, it was indeed very helpful! By changing "varying" to "faceVarying" and adding three uv coordinates per triangle I was able to create a valid USD file which could be imported into blender with the correct material mapping. However, I found that replacing TfToken("st") with TfToken("UVMap") didn't work because the material created by blender's USD importer expects a uv map named "st". So the correct uv primvar creation should look like this: UsdGeomPrimvar tcs = schema.CreatePrimvar(TfToken("st"), SdfValueTypeNames->TexCoord2fArray, UsdGeomTokens->faceVarying);

This continues to be an issue, even with the most recent daily alpha (1-9-2024). UVmaps are still not being imported. Source is a unity scene exported with their most recent Unity SDK. Opening the same file in something like Omniverse works atm (UV maps are imported without error). If I try to import into blender I get:

Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st1' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_1) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_2) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_3) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_4) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_5) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_6) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_7) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_8) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_9) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_10) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_11) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_12) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_13) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_14) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_1) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_2) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_3) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_4) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_5) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_6) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_7) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_8) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_9) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_10) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_11) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_12) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_13) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_14) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st1' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_1) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_2) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_3) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_4) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_5) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_1) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_2) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_3) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_4) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_5) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_Window/subMeshes) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_Window/subMeshes_1) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_Window/subMeshes) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_Window/subMeshes_1) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data

Seems to relate to the closed issue 112407

This continues to be an issue, even with the most recent daily alpha (1-9-2024). UVmaps are still not being imported. Source is a unity scene exported with their most recent Unity SDK. Opening the same file in something like Omniverse works atm (UV maps are imported without error). If I try to import into blender I get: ```Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st1' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_1) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_2) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_3) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_4) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_5) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_6) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_7) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_8) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_9) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_10) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_11) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_12) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_13) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_14) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_1) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_2) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_3) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_4) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_5) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_6) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_7) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_8) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_9) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_10) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_11) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_12) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_13) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/BuildingWithInterior/subMeshes_14) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st1' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_1) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_2) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_3) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_4) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_5) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_1) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_2) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_3) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_4) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_WalkableGround/subMeshes_5) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_Window/subMeshes) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_Window/subMeshes_1) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_Window/subMeshes) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning (secondary thread): in BindingsAtPrim at line 688 of C:\db\build\S\VS1564R\build\usd\src\external_usd\pxr\usd\usdShade\materialBindingAPI.cpp -- Found material bindings on prim at path (/FEA_Window/subMeshes_1) but MaterialBindingAPI is not applied on the prim Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data ``` Seems to relate to the closed issue [112407](

Thanks for reporting this. I believe I found the underlying bug causing the error. I'll confirm today.

Thanks for reporting this. I believe I found the underlying bug causing the error. I'll confirm today.

I created pull request #116955, which appears to fix the "count inconsistent" errors for varying interpolation.

I created pull request #116955, which appears to fix the "count inconsistent" errors for `varying ` interpolation.
Blender Bot added
and removed
labels 2024-01-10 18:33:22 +01:00

Adding an example file. It's a different file than above (not owned by myself) but I was able to create the same error with a simplified scene.

There's a couple other unrelated errors there but at the top you'll see

Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data
Adding an example file. It's a different file than above (not owned by myself) but I was able to create the same error with a simplified scene. There's a couple other unrelated errors there but at the top you'll see ``` Warning: USD Import: UV attribute value 'primvars:st' count inconsistent with interpolation type Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data Warning: Unsupported type float4[] for mesh data ```

@benbrennanmusic Just FYI, this issue should be fixed in the latest 4.2 Alpha and also the 4.1 release candidate.

@benbrennanmusic Just FYI, this issue should be fixed in the latest 4.2 Alpha and also the 4.1 release candidate.
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Reference: blender/blender#93052
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