@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
# This is the list of Blender authors for copyright purposes.
# This does not necessarily list everyone who has contributed code.
# To see the full list of contributors, see the revision history in source
# control.
# Names should be added to this file with this pattern:
# For individuals:
# Name <email address>
# For organizations:
# Organization <fnmatch pattern>
# See python fnmatch module documentation for more information.
# Please keep the list sorted.
# The individual authors section can be regenerated using:
# python ./tools/utils/authors_git_gen.py
# BEGIN individuals section.
Aaron Carlisle <carlisle.aaron00@gmail.com>
Adam Nydahl <Loginer>
Adi Sage <adisage.connect@gmail.com>
Aditya Y Jeppu <quantimoney>
Adrian Newton <TFS>
AgAmemnno <kaz380@hotmail.co.jp>
Aidan Davey <ShadowDragon>
Aidan Haile <tactical_fluke>
Alan Babu <alanaman>
Alan Troth <Al>
Alaska <alaskayou01@gmail.com>
Alejandro Conty Estevez <conty@yafray.org>
Aleksandr Zinovev <roaoao@gmail.com>
Aleksi Juvani <aleksijuvani>
Alessio Monti di Sopra <a.monti>
Alex Babahin <tamerlan311@gmail.com>
Alex Fraser <alex@phatcore.com>
Alex Parker <zanders3>
Alex Strand <astrand130>
Alex Sytnik <the.smerch@gmail.com>
Alexander Court <admin@alexandercourt.de>
Alexander Ewering <blender@instinctive.de>
Alexander Gavrilov <angavrilov@gmail.com>
Alexander Gordeev <agordeevw>
Alexander Kuznetsov <kuzsasha@gmail.com>
Alexander Pinzon <apinzonf@gmail.com>
Alexander Revkov <arevkov>
Alexander Romanov <a.romanov@blend4web.com>
Alexandr Kuznetsov <ak3636@nyu.edu>
Aleš Jelovčan <frogstomp>
Alfredo de Greef <eeshlo@yahoo.com>
Ali-Erdinc-Koroglu <ali-erdinc-koroglu@noreply.localhost>
Aliaksandr Sharstniou <kartiz0l@noreply.localhost>
Alistair Sealy <alisealy>
Almaz Shinbay <almaz.shinbay@nu.edu.kz>
Amélie Fondevilla <amelie.fondevilla@les-fees-speciales.coop>
Anatoly TechTonik <techtonik@gmail.com>
Andras-Borsanyi <andras-borsanyi@noreply.localhost>
Andre Susano Pinto <andresusanopinto@gmail.com>
Andrea Beconcini <beco>
Andrea Weikert <elubie@gmx.net>
Andreas Bergmeier <abergmeier>
Andrew Buttery <axb2035@gmail.com>
Andrew Hale <TrumanBlending@gmail.com>
Andrew Oates <aoates>
Andrew Wiggin <ender79bl@gmail.com>
Andrew Williams <sobakasu>
Andrii Symkin <pembem22>
Angel Bueno <angelbpineda>
Angus Stanton <abstanton>
Ankit Meel <ankitjmeel@gmail.com>
Ankur Deria <DAnkur>
Anthony Edlin <akrashe@gmail.com>
Anthony Eriksson <Kony>
Anthony Roberts <anthony.roberts@linaro.org>
Anton Khirnov <anton@khirnov.net>
Anton Raves <Memento>
Anton Stötzer <blendermusic>
Antonio Vazquez <blendergit@gmail.com>
Antony Riakiotakis <kalast@gmail.com>
Aras Pranckevicius <aras@nesnausk.org>
Ares Deveaux <aresdevo@gmail.com>
Aristotelis Dossas <teldosas>
Arnaud Degroote <arnaud.degroote@isae-supaero.fr>
Arno Mayrhofer <azrael3000>
Arto Kitula <arto.kitula@gmail.com>
Arye Ramaty <BelgaratTheGrey>
Arystanbek Dyussenov <arystan.d@gmail.com>
Asad-ullah Khan <kh4n>
Asher <ThatAsherGuy>
Ashley Ruglys <ashley.ruglys@gmail.com>
Aurel Wildfellner <aurel.w@gmail.com>
Aurelien Jarno <aurel32>
Azeem Bande-Ali <azeemba>
Baardaap <blender@aaltjegron.nl>
Bartosz Moniewski <monio>
Bassam Kurdali <bassam@urchn.org>
Bastien Montagne <bastien@blender.org>
Bataev Artem <shader>
Ben Batt <benbatt@gmail.com>
Benjamin N. Summerton <def.pri.pub@gmail.com>
Benjamin Schmithüsen <UX3D-schmithuesen>
Benjy Cook <benjycook@hotmail.com>
Benoit Bolsee <benoit.bolsee@online.be>
Bernhard M. Wiedemann <bwiedemann@suse.de>
Bill Currie <bill@taniwha.org>
Bogdan Nagirniak <bodyan@gmail.com>
Brad Clark <RiggingDojo>
Brad Smith <brad@comstyle.com>
Brecht Van Lommel <brecht@blender.org>
Brendon Murphy <meta.androcto1@gmail.com>
Brian Savery <brian.savery@gmail.com>
Bruno Boaventura Scholl <brunobbs>
Campbell Barton <campbell@blender.org>
Carlo Andreacchio <carlorules@gmail.com>
Casey Bianco-Davis <caseycasey739@gmail.com>
Casey Corn <cmccad@yahoo.com>
Chad Fraleigh <chadf@triularity.org>
Chao Li <chaolinyc@gmail.com>
Charles Flèche <charlesf>
Charles Wardlaw <cwardlaw@nvidia.com>
Charlie Carley <snailrose@gmail.com>
Charlie Jolly <mistajolly@gmail.com>
Cheryl Chen <chnchryl>
Chingiz Dyussenov <chingiz.ds@gmail.com>
Chris Blackbourn <chrisbblend@gmail.com>
Chris Burt <desoto@exenex.com>
Chris Clyne <lateasusual>
Chris Want <cwant@ualberta.ca>
Christian Brinkmann <hallo@zblur.de>
Christian Friedrich <rbx775>
Christian Hubert <christian.hubert@dstribe.com>
Christian Rauch <Rauch.Christian@gmx.de>
Christian Stolze <regcs>
Christoph Lendenfeld <chris.lenden@gmail.com>
Christophe Hery <chery>
Christopher Peerman <chris_82>
Cian Jinks <cjinks99@gmail.com>
Clément Foucault <foucault.clem@gmail.com>
Cody Winchester <CodyWinch>
Colby Klein <shakesoda>
Colin Basnett <cmbasnett@gmail.com>
Colin Marmond <kdblender@gmail.com>
Corbin Dunn <corbin>
Csaba Boncsér <geochuder>
Cyrax <cyrax.iiit@gmail.com>
Cédric Paille <cedricp>
D. O <Likkez>
D.J. Capelis <blender@capelis.dj>
Daisuke Takahashi <noreply@blender.org>
Dalai Felinto <dalai@blender.org>
Damien Dh <damdhe>
Damien Picard <dam.pic@free.fr>
Damien Plisson <damien.plisson@yahoo.fr>
Dan Eicher <dan@eu.phorio.us>
Dan Horák <dan@danny.cz>
Dan Koschier <dankosc>
Daniel <bestdani>
Daniel Bailey <danieljabailey>
Daniel Dunbar <daniel@zuster.org>
Daniel Genrich <daniel.genrich@gmx.net>
Daniel Grosse <Spikebaby>
Daniel Salazar <zanqdo@gmail.com>
Daniel Stokes <kupomail@gmail.com>
Danrae Pray <blink.ornitier@gmail.com>
Dave Pagurek <davepagurek>
David Ballesteros <dballesg>
David Friedli <hlorus>
David Vogel <Dadido3>
Deep Majumder <dmcoder>
Demeter Dzadik <Mets>
Dennis Ranish <Codec>
Diego Borghetti <bdiego@gmail.com>
Diego Gangl <dnicolas@gmail.com>
Diego Garcia <diego@sinestesia.co>
Dilith Jayakody <dilithjay@gmail.com>
Dimitry Kaplin <DimKa>
Diptangshu Dey <Tha_Hobbist>
Dirk <d-egg>
DisquietingFridge <30654622+DisquietingFridge@users.noreply.github.com>
Dmitry Dygalo <noreply@developer.blender.org>
Dominik Fill <dominikfill>
Domino Marama <domino@dominodesigns.info>
Dontsov Valentin <@blend4web.com>
Dorian <BD3D>
Doug Hammond <doughammond@hamsterfight.co.uk>
Ed Halley <ed@halley.cc>
Edgar Roman Cervantes <redvant>
Edmund Kapusniak <edmundmk>
Edward <edward88>
Eimear Crotty <eimearc>
EitanSomething <eitant13@gmail.com>
Ejner Fergo <ejnersan@gmail.com>
Elia Sarti <vekoon@gmail.com>
Emanuel Claesson <emanuel.claesson@gmail.com>
Enrico Fracasso <enrico.fracasso@email.it>
Eric Bickle <ShadowChaser>
Eric Cosky <eric_cosky>
Erik Abrahamsson <ecke101@gmail.com>
Ervin Weber <ervin.weber@gmail.com>
Erwin Coumans <blender@erwincoumans.com>
Ethan Hall <Ethan1080>
Evan Wilson <EAW>
Fabian Schempp <fabianschempp@googlemail.com>
Fabrício Luis <ce3po>
Falk David <falk@blender.org>
Fen <chemicalcrux>
Florian Eggenberger <florian.eggenberger@o-x.ch>
Folkert de Vries <flokkievids@gmail.com>
Francesco Siddi <francesco@blender.org>
Francis Laurence <laurencebourn@hotmail.com>
Francisco De La Cruz <dlcs.frank@gmail.com>
Frank van Beek <frank@iae.nl>
Frederick Lee <phaethon@linux.ucla.edu>
Fredrik Hansson <fredrikh>
Fulk33 <spaceshipwars@gmx.de>
Fynn Grotehans <fynngr@noreply.localhost>
Félix <Miadim>
Gaia Clary <gaia.clary@machinimatrix.org>
Garry R. Osgood <grosgood>
Gavin Li <gav@developer.blender.org>
Geoffrey Bantle <hairbat@yahoo.com>
Geoffroy Krantz <kgeogeo@hotmail.com>
George Vogiatzis <Gvgeo>
Georgiy Markelov <georgiy.m.markelov@gmail.com>
Germano Cavalcante <germano.costa@ig.com.br>
Gilberto Rodrigues <gilberto_rodrigues>
Glenn Tester <karmacop>
Gottfried Hofmann <gottfried>
Greg Neumiller <rlneumiller>
Grigory Revzin <revzingg@gmail.com>
Guillermo S. Romero <gsr.b3d@infernal-iceberg.com>
Guillermo Venegas <guillermovcra@gmail.com>
Habib Gahbiche <habibgahbiche@gmail.com>
Hallam Roberts <MysteryPancake>
Hamdi Ozbayburtlu <hamdio>
Hamed Zaghaghi <hamed.zaghaghi@gmail.com>
Hannes Loeschke <blender@hlae.de>
Hans Goudey <h.goudey@me.com>
Hans Lambermont <hans@lambermont.dyndns.org>
Harley Acheson <harley.acheson@gmail.com>
Harshit Mehta <harshitmehta2293@gmail.com>
Heinrich Schuchardt <xypron>
Henrik Aarnio <hjaarnio@gmail.com>
Henrik Dick <hen-di@web.de>
Henry Chang <ChengduLittleA>
Himanshi Kalra <himanshikalra98@gmail.com>
Hong Shin <hongshin@google.com>
Hoshinova <nucleohoshinova@gmail.com>
Howard Trickey <howard.trickey@gmail.com>
Hugo Sales <someonewithpc>
Huseyin Karakullukcu <imgeself>
Håkan Ardö <hakanardo>
IRIE Shinsuke <irieshinsuke@yahoo.co.jp>
Ian Karanja <ranjian0>
Ian Thompson <quornian@googlemail.com>
Ichthyostega <prg@ichthyostega.de>
Iliya Katueshenock <modormoder@gmail.com>
Indy Ray <ScatteredRay>
Inês Almeida <britalmeida@gmail.com>
Ish Bosamiya <ish_bosamiya>
Israel Medina <imedina>
Ivan Perevala <ivpe>
Iyad Ahmed <iyadahmed430@gmail.com>
Jack Andersen <someemail@gmail.com>
Jacob Møller <SirPaws>
Jacques Beuarain <jacques.beaurain@gmail.com>
Jacques Guignot <guignot@wanadoo.fr>
Jacques Lucke <jacques@blender.org>
Jagannadhan Ravi <easythrees>
Jaggz H <jaggz>
Jakub Steiner <jimmac@gmail.com>
Jamell Moore <JamellMoore>
James <devpalestrina>
James Fulop <Yam>
James Monteath <james@blender.org>
James Partsafas <JamesPartsafas>
James Yonan <james@openvpn.net>
Jan-Willem van Dronkelaar <jwvd>
Janne Karhu <jhkarh@gmail.com>
Janusch Patas <patjan>
Jarrett Johnson <jarrett.johnson>
Jason Hays <jason_hays22@mymail.eku.edu>
Jason Schleifer <jasonschleifer>
Jason Wilkins <Jason.A.Wilkins@gmail.com>
Jean Da Costa <jeacom256>
Jean First <robbott>
Jean-Luc Peurière <jlp@nerim.net>
Jeducious <jameshcrowther>
Jeff Knox <jd.knox@gmail.com>
Jeffrey Hoover <italic.rendezvous@gmail.com>
Jens <JRottm>
Jens Ehrhardt <Jens_Eopus>
Jens Ole Wund <bjornmose@gmx.net>
Jens Verwiebe <info@jensverwiebe.de>
Jeroen Bakker <jeroen@blender.org>
Jesse Yurkovich <jesse.y@gmail.com>
Jim Eckerlein <UX3D-eckerlein>
Jiri Hnidek <jiri.hnidek@tul.cz>
Jishan Singh <ringmaker>
Joel Godin <FloridaJo>
Joep Peters <Joep>
Johan Walles <walles>
Johannes J <johannesj@noreply.localhost>
Johannes Jakob <johjakob>
Johannes Meng <info@jmeng.de>
John Quillan <jquillan>
Johnny Matthews <johnny.matthews@gmail.com>
Joilnen Leite <joilnen.leite@gmail.com>
Jonathan Williamson <jonathan@cgcookie.com>
Jorge Bernal <jbernalmartinez@gmail.com>
Jorijn de Graaf <bonj@noreply.localhost>
Jose Molina Garcia <jose_molinag@yahoo.es>
Josef Raschen <JosefR>
Joseph Brandenburg <TheAngerSpecialist>
Joseph Eagar <joeedh@gmail.com>
Joseph Gilbert <ascotan@gmail.com>
Joseph Mansfield <sftrabbit@gmail.com>
Joseph Micheli <JMicheli>
Josh Maros <joshm-2@noreply.localhost>
Joshua Leung <aligorith@gmail.com>
José Luis Oliveira Cunha <JoseCunha>
Jot <jot@noreply.localhost>
Juan Gea <juang3d>
Juanfran Matheu <jfmatheu>
Juha Mäki-Kanto <ih5235252@gmail.com>
Juho Vepsalainen <bebraw@gmail.com>
Julian Eisel <julian@blender.org>
Julian Squires <julian@cipht.net>
Julien Kaspar <JulienKaspar>
Jun Mizutani <jmztn@noreply.localhost>
Jung Jaeyun <cube-c>
Justin Dailey <dail8859@yahoo.com>
Justin Jones <jjones780>
Jörg Müller <nexyon@gmail.com>
Jürgen Herrmann <shadowrom@me.com>
Kai Jægersen <kaio>
Karsten Schwenk <macnihilist@gmx.net>
Karthik Rangasai Sivaraman <rangasai>
Kaspian Jakobsson <kaspian.jakobsson@gmail.com>
Kazashi Yoshioka <vnapdv@noreply.localhost>
Kdaf <Kdaf>
Keir Mierle <mierle@gmail.com>
Keith Boshoff <wahooney>
Ken Hughes <khughes@pacific.edu>
Kenneth Perry <thothonegan>
Kent Mein <mein@cs.umn.edu>
Kester Maddock <Christopher.Maddock.1@uni.massey.ac.nz>
Kevin Buhr <buhr>
Kevin C. Burke <kevincburke@noreply.localhost>
Kevin Curry <KevinCurry_Unity>
Kevin Havranek <Mzartek>
Kevin Mackay <mackay.ka@gmail.com>
Khanh Ha <khanhhh89@gmail.com>
Konrad Kleine <konrad.wilhelm.kleine@gmail.com>
Konrad Puklicki <puklicki>
Kris <Metricity>
Krzysztof Recko <yetioszek@gmail.com>
Kévin Dietrich <kevin.dietrich@mailoo.org>
L. E. Segovia <leonardo.segovia@cs.uns.edu.ar>
Laurynas Duburas <laurynas>
Lawrence D'Oliveiro <from-blender@geek-central.gen.nz>
Leha <leha>
Leon Schittek <leon.schittek@gmx.net>
Leon Zandman <lzandman>
Liam Scaife <Voltist>
Lictex Steaven <lictex_>
Liu Deyuan <liudeyuan>
Loren Osborn <linux_dr>
Luc Revardel <luc.revardel@gmail.com>
Luca Bonavita <mindrones@gmail.com>
Luca Rood <dev@lucarood.com>
Lucas Boutrot <thornydre>
Lucas Tadeu Teixeira <lucas@lucastadeu.com>
Lucas Veber <lucky3>
Luis Pereira <LuisPereira>
Luis de Bethencourt Guimera <luisbg>
Lukas Steiblys <imbusy@imbusy.org>
Lukas Stockner <lukas.stockner@freenet.de>
Lukas Treyer <treyer@arch.ethz.ch>
Lukas Tönne <lukas@blender.org>
Luke Frisken <l.frisken@gmail.com>
Léo Depoix <PiloeGAO>
M.G. Kishalmi <lmg@kishalmi.net>
Maarten Gribnau <mail@maartengribnau.com>
Macelaru Tiberiu <ButcherTibi>
Mai Lavelle <mai.lavelle@gmail.com>
Maikon Araujo <Nokiam>
Mal Duffin <malachyduffin@gmail.com>
Mangal Kushwah <MangalK2324>
Manuel Castilla <manzanillawork@gmail.com>
Marc Chehab <marcchehab@protonmail.ch>
Marc Freixas <mfreixas@lsi.upc.edu>
Marcelo Demian Gómez <mdemiang>
Marco <nacioss>
Marcos Perez <pistolario>
Marino Toscano <marino.toscano@gmail.com>
Mark Ayers <markthema3@gmail.com>
Mark Stead <Scumbag>
Martijn Berger <mberger@denc.com>
Martijn Versteegh <martijn@aaltjegron.nl>
Martin Ettl <ettl.martin78@gmail.com>
Martin Felke <martin.felke@googlemail.com>
Martin Heistermann <mheistermann@noreply.localhost>
Martin Poirier <theeth@yahoo.com>
Masakazu Ito <sakasama@mtc.biglobe.ne.jp>
Mateo de Mayo <mateodemayo@gmail.com>
Mateusz Albecki <mateusz.albecki@outlook.com>
Mateusz Grzeliński <brezdo>
Matheus Santos <MatheusSantos>
Matheus de Sousa Faria <MatheusFaria>
Matias Herrero <herrero.maty>
Matias Mendiola <matias.mendiola@gmail.com>
Matt Ebb <matt@mke3.net>
Matt Heimlich <matt.heimlich@gmail.com>
Matt Hill <theothermatt>
Matt Rossman <mattrossman>
Matteo F. Vescovi <mfvescovi@gmail.com>
Matteo Falduto <matteolegna>
Matthew Smith <mjdietel@gmail.com>
Matthias Ellerbeck <voyager25>
Matti-Ranta <matti-ranta@noreply.localhost>
Mattias Fredriksson <Osares>
Max Edge <bbbooo3>
Max Schlecht <bobbe@noreply.localhost>
Maxim Vasiliev <qmax>
Maxime Casas <maxime_casas@orange.fr>
Maxime Chambonnet <Maxzor_2_what_the_fuck_blenderid>
Maxime Curioni <maxime.curioni@gmail.com>
Michael <michael64>
Michael Fox <mfoxdogg@gmail.com>
Michael Kowalski <makowalski@nvidia.com>
Michael Möller <mmoeller>
Michael Soluyanov <crantisz>
Michal Srb <xixixao>
Michel Anders <varkenvarken>
Michel Selten <michel@mselten.demon.nl>
Miguel G <ghaspias>
Miguel Porces <cmporces>
Miguel Pozo <pragma37@gmail.com>
Miika Hamalainen <blender@miikah.org>
Mika Saari <mika.saari@wipsl.com>
Mike Erwin <significant.bit@gmail.com>
Mike Pan <mike.c.pan@gmail.com>
Mikhail Matrosov <ktdfly>
Mikhail Rachinskiy <alm>
Mikkel Gjoel <mikkelgjoel>
Milan Jaros <jar091>
Mitchell Stokes <mogurijin@gmail.com>
Monique Dewanchand <m.dewanchand@atmind.nl>
Moritz Röhrich <ildefons>
Morten Mikkelsen <mikkelsen7@gmail.com>
Myles Walcott <myles_walcott>
Myron Carey <myroncarey>
Nate Rupsis <nrupsis@gmail.com>
Nathan Craddock <nzcraddock@gmail.com>
Nathan Letwory <nathan@blender.org>
Nathan Lovato <nathan@gdquest.com>
Nathan Rozendaal <super_jo_nathan>
Nathan Vegdahl <cessen@cessen.com>
Nicholas Bishop <nicholasbishop@gmail.com>
Nicholas Rishel <rishel.nick@gmail.com>
Nick Milios <semaphore>
Nick Samarin <nicks1987@bigmir.net>
Nicola De Mitri <nicolasap>
Nicolas Fauvet <droune2001>
Nikhil Shringarpurey <Nikhil.Net>
Nikita Sirgienko <nikita.sirgienko@intel.com>
Nikolaus Leopold <nikolaus.leopold@gmail.com>
Nils Thuerey <nils@thuerey.de>
Nischay-Raj <nischay-raj@noreply.localhost>
Norman Lin <nlin@nlin.net>
Octave C <toctave>
Olivier Jolly <zeograd>
Olivier Maury <omaury>
Omar Emara <mail@OmarEmara.dev>
Ove Murberg Henriksen <sorayasilvermoon@hotmail.com>
Pablo Dobarro <pablodp606@gmail.com>
Pablo Vazquez <pablo@blender.org>
Paolo Acampora <pkrime>
Pascal Schoen <pascal.schoen@adidas-group.com>
Patrick Bender <ichbinkeinreh>
Patrick Busch <xylvier@noreply.localhost>
Patrick Foley <Patrick-Foley>
Patrick Huang <phuang1024>
Patrick Mours <pmours@nvidia.com>
Paul (Thirio) <paul@paulcoops.com>
Paul Golter <paulgolter>
Paul Melis <paulmelis>
PaulKristoffersson <57681017+PaulKristoffersson@users.noreply.github.com>
Pawel Franitza <Rongix>
Pedro Reis <veryprofessionaldodo>
Peter Fog <tintwotin>
Peter Kim <pk15950@gmail.com>
Peter Larabell <xgl.asyliax@gmail.com>
Peter Lönnebring <peter_l>
Peter Schlaile <peter@schlaile.de>
Peter Sergay <psergay>
Peter Staples <batfinger@gmail.com>
Phil Gosch <phil@saphirestudio.at>
Phil Stopford <philstopford>
Philip Holzmann <Foaly>
Philipp Oeser <philipp@blender.org>
Philippe Schmid <tuxtoriel@openmailbox.com>
Phillip Thomas <Cambloid>
Phoenix Katsch <phoenixkatsch>
Pi Lanningham <Quantumplation>
Pierluigi Grassi <pierluigi@tukano.it>
Pierre Risch <prisch>
Piotr Makal <pmakal>
Piotr Ostrowski <postrowski>
Pratik Borhade <pratikborhade302@gmail.com>
Quentin Wenger <matpi@protonmail.ch>
RUben <KUbo_0>
Rahul Chaudhary <RC12>
Raimund Klink <raimund58@noreply.localhost>
Rajesh Advani <rajeshja>
Ralf Hölzemer <r.hoelzemer@googlemail.com>
Ramil Roosileht <Limarest>
Rateeb Riyasat <bmollusc>
Rawalanche <rawalanche@gmail.com>
Ray Molenkamp <github@lazydodo.com>
Rebecca Dengate <beckyd>
Red Mser <RedMser>
Reinier de Blois <rddeblois@gmail.com>
Remigiusz Fiedler <migius@gmx.net>
Remy Fayet <rems64des@gmail.com>
Richard Antalik <richardantalik@gmail.com>
Ricki Myers <antihc3@gmail.com>
Rob Haarsma <phaseIV@zonnet.nl>
Robert Fornof <amdbcg>
Robert Guetzkow <gitcommit@outlook.de>
Robert Holcomb <bob_holcomb@hotmail.com>
Robert Sheldon <rsheldiii>
Robert Wenzlaff <rwenzlaff@soylent-green.com>
Robert-André Mauchin <zebob.m@gmail.com>
Robin Allen <roblovski@gmail.com>
Robin Hohnsbeen <robin@hohnsbeen.de>
Roel Koster <kostex>
Roel Spruit <roel@spruitje.nl>
Rohan Rathi <rohanrathi08@gmail.com>
Roland Hess <me@harkyman.com>
Romain Foyard <romain_f>
Roman Kornev <RomanKornev>
Ryan Inch <Imaginer>
S J Bennett (quollism) <quollism@ii.net>
Sahar A. Kashi <sahar.alipourkashi@amd.com>
Sam Miller <samuelmiller>
Sandy Carter <bwrsandman@gmail.com>
Sayak Biswas <sayakAMD>
Scott Petrovic <scottpetrovic@gmail.com>
Scott Spadea <scottspadea>
Scott Wilson <propersquid>
Scurest <scurest>
Sebastian Herholz <sebastian.herholz@intel.com>
Sebastian Koenig <sebastiankoenig@posteo.de>
Sebastian Parborg <darkdefende@gmail.com>
Sebastiano Barrera <bars>
Sebastián Barschkis <sebbas@sebbas.org>
Sergej Reich <sergej.reich@googlemail.com>
Sergey Sharybin <sergey@blender.org>
Shane Ambler <Shane@ShaneWare.Biz>
Sharan Ranjit <SharanRanjit>
Shashank Shekhar <secondary.cmdr2@gmail.com>
Shaul Kedem <shaul_kedem@yahoo.com>
Shen Ciao <ShenCiao>
Shrey Aggarwal <shrey_agg>
Shuvro Sarker <shuvro05@gmail.com>
Sibo Van Gool <SiboVG>
Siddhartha Jejurkar <f20180617@goa.bits-pilani.ac.in>
Sietse Brouwer <sietse@hetvrijeoog.nl>
Simon Clitherow <aphex@nildram.co.uk>
Simon G <intrigus>
Simon Lenz <Amudtogal>
Simon Repp <simon@openideas.at>
Simone Barbieri <s.barbieri>
Smitty van Bodegom <smitop>
Soeren Schmidt-Clausen <f_scociety@noreply.localhost>
Sonny Campbell <sonny.campbell@unity3d.com>
Sriharsha Kotcharlakot <k.venkatsriharsha@gmail.com>
Stanislav Blinov <radcapricorn>
Stefan Gartner <stefang@aon.at>
Stefan Werner <stefan.werner@intel.com>
Stefano Bonicatti <smjert>
Stephan Seitz <theHamsta>
Stephen Kelly <steveire@gmail.com>
Stephen Seo <seodisparate>
Stephen Swaney <sswaney@centurytel.net>
Stuart Broadfoot <gbroadfoot@hotmail.com>
Sukhitha Prabhath Jayathilake <pr.jayathilake@gmail.com>
Sun Kim <persun@noreply.localhost>
Sv. Lockal <lockalsash@gmail.com>
Sybren A. Stüvel <sybren@blender.org>
Szymon Ulatowski <szulat>
Takahiro Shizuki <sntulix>
Tamito Kajiyama <rd6t-kjym@asahi-net.or.jp>
Tarek Yasser <tarekspeed7@gmail.com>
Thibault de Villèle <thibaulltt>
Thomas Barlow <github@mysterymayhem.co.uk>
Thomas Beck <software@plasmasolutions.de>
Thomas Dinges <thomas@blender.org>
Thomas Lachmann <TL>
Thomas Szepe <HG1_public@gmx.net>
Tiago Chaves <laurelkeys>
Tianwei Shen <shentianweipku@gmail.com>
Tim Stullich <tstullich>
Timo Gurr <timo.gurr@gmail.com>
Tobias Heinke <TobiasH>
Tom Edwards <contact@steamreview.org>
Tom Musgrove <LetterRip@gmail.com>
Tomek Gubala <VGT>
Tomoaki Kawada <i@yvt.jp>
Tomoaki Nakano <tomnak>
Ton Roosendaal <ton@blender.org>
Toni Alatalo <antont@kyperjokki.fi>
TonyG <TonyG>
Torsten Rupp <foobar@blender.org>
Tristan Porteries <republicthunderbolt9@gmail.com>
Troy Sobotka <troy.sobotka@gmail.com>
Tuan N <tuan.ngn94@gmail.com>
Tuomo Keskitalo <tuomo.keskitalo@iki.fi>
Tyler <tsjordan>
Tyler Alden Gubala <TylerGubala>
Tyler Seacrest <tylerseacrest>
Ulysse Martin <you.le@live.fr>
Urko <urko3d>
Vaishnav S <padthai>
Valdemar Lindberg <Voldie>
Valentin <Poulpator>
Vasyl-Pidhirskyi <vpidhirskyi@gmail.com>
Victor Seiji Hariki <seijihariki>
Victor-Louis De Gusseme <victorlouis>
Viktoriia Safiullina <safiuvik>
Ville Kivistö <vkivisto>
Vincent Blankfield <vvv>
Vitor Boschi da Silva <vitorboschi>
Vuk Gardašević <lijenstina>
Wael El Oraiby <wael.eloraiby@gmail.com>
Walid Shouman <eng.walidshouman@gmail.com>
Wannes Malfait <Wannes>
Wayde Moss <wbmoss_dev@yahoo.com>
Weizhen Huang <weizhen@blender.org>
Welp <jtf515@gmail.com>
William Leeson <william@blender.org>
William Reynish <william@reynish.com>
Willian Padovani Germano <wpgermano@gmail.com>
Wouter <waterflames>
Wouter van Heyst <larstiq-bforge@larstiq.dyndns.org>
Wybren van Keulen <wybren>
Xavier Cho <mysticfall>
Xavier Hallade <xavier.hallade@intel.com>
Xavier Thomas <xavier.thomas.1980@gmail.com>
Xiao Xiangquan <xiaoxiangquan@gmail.com>
Xing Liu <xing>
Yann Doersam <YetAnotherNiceName>
Yann Lanthony <yann-lty>
Yann Vernier <yann@algonet.se>
Yevgeny Makarov <jenkm>
Yiming Wu <xp8110@outlook.com>
Yonatan Maor <yon.maor@gmail.com>
Yuki Hashimoto <hzuika>
Yuki Shirakawa <shirakawa>
Yuntoko <yuntokon@gmail.com>
Zev Eisenberg <ZevEisenberg>
Zijun Zhou <eary@noreply.localhost>
andreas atteneder <atti>
b-init <b-init>
bird_d <bird_d>
brunoT <drehuwann@gmail.com>
cgtinker <Denys.Hsu@gmail.com>
fiord <hyoga_quasar@yahoo.co.jp>
himisa <himisa@noreply.localhost>
jim man <jimman2003>
jon denning <gfxcoder@gmail.com>
kiki <charles@skeletalstudios.com>
listout <listout@protonmail.com>
lolloz98 <lorenzocarpaneto@yahoo.it>
luzpaz <luzpaz>
matc <matc>
n-kall <noa@tutamail.com>
nBurn <nbwashburn@gmail.com>
nutti <nutti.metro@gmail.com>
ok_what <ip1149a@gmail.com>
swann <slumber>
unclezeiv <davide.vercelli@gmail.com>
yves <valfeur>
Élie Michel <elie>
Łukasz Kwoska <Szakulus>
# Please DO NOT APPEND here. See comments at the top of the file.
# END individuals section.
# BEGIN organizations section.
Apple <*@apple.com>
AMD <*@amd.com>
Blender Foundation <*@blender.org>
Intel <*@intel.com>
NVIDIA <*@nvidia.com>
# Please DO NOT APPEND here. See comments at the top of the file.
# END organizations section.