Fix #113511: Win32 Warping Needs Screen Edge Margin #113565

Harley Acheson merged 1 commits from Harley/blender:Fix113511 into blender-v4.0-release 2023-10-12 01:04:01 +02:00

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@ -1122,38 +1122,20 @@ GHOST_EventCursor *GHOST_SystemWin32::processCursorEvent(GHOST_WindowWin32 *wind
/* Warp within bounds. */
GHOST_Rect bounds;
int32_t bounds_margin = 0;
GHOST_TAxisFlag bounds_axis = GHOST_kAxisNone;
if (window->getCursorGrabMode() == GHOST_kGrabHide) {
/* Use custom grab bounds if available, window bounds if not. */
if (window->getCursorGrabBounds(bounds) == GHOST_kFailure) {
/* Use custom grab bounds if available, window bounds if not. */
/* WARNING(@ideasman42): The current warping logic fails to warp on every event,
* so the box needs to small enough not to let the cursor escape the window but large
* enough that the cursor isn't being warped every time.
* If this was not the case it would be less trouble to simply warp the cursor to the
* center of the screen on every motion, see: D16558 (alternative fix for #102346). */
const int32_t subregion_div = 4; /* One quarter of the region. */
const int32_t size[2] = {bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight()};
const int32_t center[2] = {(bounds.m_l + bounds.m_r) / 2, (bounds.m_t + bounds.m_b) / 2};
/* Shrink the box to prevent the cursor escaping. */
bounds.m_l = center[0] - (size[0] / (subregion_div * 2));
bounds.m_r = center[0] + (size[0] / (subregion_div * 2));
bounds.m_t = center[1] - (size[1] / (subregion_div * 2));
bounds.m_b = center[1] + (size[1] / (subregion_div * 2));
bounds_axis = GHOST_TAxisFlag(GHOST_kAxisX | GHOST_kAxisY);
else {
/* Fallback to window bounds. */
if (window->getCursorGrabBounds(bounds) == GHOST_kFailure) {
bounds_margin = 2;
bounds_axis = window->getCursorGrabAxis();
* enough that the cursor isn't being warped every time. If this was not the case it
* would be less trouble to simply warp the cursor to the center of the screen on
* every motion, see: D16558 (alternative fix for #102346). */
/* Rather than adjust the bounds, use a margin based on the bounds width. */
int32_t bounds_margin = bounds.getWidth() / 10;
GHOST_TAxisFlag bounds_axis = window->getCursorGrabAxis();
/* Could also clamp to screen bounds wrap with a window outside the view will
* fail at the moment. Use inset in case the window is at screen bounds. */