Fix: Python node_utils.connect_sockets broken after API change #113630

Hans Goudey merged 2 commits from pioverfour/blender:dp_node_utils_fix_connect into blender-v4.0-release 2023-10-15 20:38:50 +02:00

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@ -7,6 +7,46 @@ __all__ = (
def find_base_socket_type(socket):
Find the base class of the socket.
Sockets can have a subtype such as NodeSocketFloatFactor,
but only the base type is allowed, e. g. NodeSocketFloat
if socket.type == 'CUSTOM':
# Custom socket types are used directly
return socket.bl_idname
if socket.type == 'VALUE':
return 'NodeSocketFloat'
if socket.type == 'INT':
return 'NodeSocketInt'
if socket.type == 'BOOLEAN':
return 'NodeSocketBoolean'
if socket.type == 'VECTOR':
return 'NodeSocketVector'
if socket.type == 'ROTATION':
return 'NodeSocketRotation'
if socket.type == 'STRING':
return 'NodeSocketString'
if socket.type == 'RGBA':
return 'NodeSocketColor'
if socket.type == 'SHADER':
return 'NodeSocketShader'
if socket.type == 'OBJECT':
return 'NodeSocketObject'
if socket.type == 'IMAGE':
return 'NodeSocketImage'
if socket.type == 'GEOMETRY':
return 'NodeSocketGeometry'
if socket.type == 'COLLECTION':
return 'NodeSocketCollection'
if socket.type == 'TEXTURE':
return 'NodeSocketTexture'
if socket.type == 'MATERIAL':
return 'NodeSocketMaterial'
def connect_sockets(input, output):
Connect sockets in a node tree.
@ -35,14 +75,16 @@ def connect_sockets(input, output):
if output_node.type == 'GROUP_OUTPUT' and type(input) == bpy.types.NodeSocketVirtual:
output_node.id_data.interface.new_socket(, socket_type=type(output).__name__, in_out='OUTPUT'
output_type = find_base_socket_type(output)
socket_interface = output_node.id_data.interface.new_socket(, socket_type=output_type, in_out='OUTPUT'
input = output_node.inputs[-2]
if input_node.type == 'GROUP_INPUT' and type(output) == bpy.types.NodeSocketVirtual:
input_node.id_data.interface.new_socket(, socket_type=type(input).__name__, in_out='INPUT'
input_type = find_base_socket_type(input)
socket_interface = input_node.id_data.interface.new_socket(, socket_type=input_type, in_out='INPUT'
output = input_node.outputs[-2]