55 lines
1.6 KiB
55 lines
1.6 KiB
domain: staging.extensions.blender.org
project_name: Blender Extensions
project_slug: blender-extensions
service_name: "{{ project_slug }}-{{ env }}"
background_service_name: '{{ service_name }}-background.service'
asgi_module: blender_extensions.asgi:application
django_settings_module: blender_extensions.settings
max_requests: 1000
max_requests_jitter: 50
port: 8200
workers: 2
client_max_body_size: "50m"
python_version: "3.10"
delete_venv: false # set to true if venv has to be re-created from scratch
source: "/opt/{{ service_name }}"
static: "/var/www/{{ service_name }}/static"
media: "/var/www/{{ service_name }}/media"
errors: "/var/www/{{ service_name }}/html/errors"
env_file: "{{ dir.source }}/.env"
user: www-data
group: www-data
nginx_conf_dir: /etc/nginx
# For prepending to variable names in cases when they have to be set outside server block,
# e.g. for use in a `map $something ... {}`.
nginx_var_prefix: "{{ service_name|regex_replace('-', '_') }}"
user: "extensions-{{ env }}"
group: "{{ nginx.group }}"
mailto: cron@blender.org
email: root@blender.org
source_url: https://projects.blender.org/infrastructure/extensions-website.git
branch: production
db_name: extensions_{{ env }}
db_user: extensions_{{ env }}
bid_base_url: https://id.blender.org/
# The following variables should be encrypted with Ansible Vault
# and stored in environments/<env>/group_vars/all/99_vault.yaml.
# These should only be needed during first time use of `install.yaml`.
# db_password:
# secret_key:
# (for staging only) allowed_ips:
# bid_oauth_client:
# bid_oauth_secret:
# sentry_dsn: