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# Blender Extensions
Free and open source add-ons and themes for Blender.
* [Requirements](#requirements)
* [Development](#development)
* [Extra requirements](#extra-requirements)
* [Setup](#setup)
* [Blender ID](#blender-id)
* [Pre-commit hooks](#pre-commit-hooks)
* [Testing](#testing)
* [Deploy](#deploy)
* [License and Copyright](#license-and-copyright)
# Requirements
* Python 3.10
* `libmagic`: `sudo apt-get install libmagic1` in Debian/Ubuntu, `brew install libmagic` on OSX.
## Development
### Extra requirements
* `virtualenv`
### Setup
Checkout Blender Web Assets submodule first:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Create and activate a virtual environment using your favourite method, e.g.
virtualenv .venv -p python
source .venv/bin/activate
Install required packages:
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
Create the database tables and load some basic data to work with using the following commands:
./manage.py migrate
./manage.py loaddata **/fixtures/*.json
It's also possible to generate fake add-on data using the following command:
./manage.py generate_fake_data
Run development server
./manage.py runserver 8111
Update `/etc/hosts` to point to `extensions.local`, e.g.:
|| extensions.local
Now http://extensions.local:8111 should be ready to work with and it should be possible to
log into http://extensions.local:8111/admin/ with `admin`/`admin`.
### Blender ID
Blender Extensions, as all other Blender web services, uses Blender ID.
Blender Extensions can also receive Blender ID account modifications such as badge updates
via a webhook.
For development, Blender ID's code contains a fixture with an OAuth app and a webhook
that should work without any changes to default configuration.
To load this fixture, go to your development Blender ID and run the following:
./manage.py loaddata blender_extensions_devserver
**N.B.**: the webhook view delegates the actual updating of the user profile
to a background task, so in order to see the updates locally, start the processing of
tasks using the following:
./manage.py process_tasks
#### Blender ID and staging/production
For staging/production, create an OAuth2 application in Blender ID using
Admin › Blender-ID › OAuth2 applications -> Add:
* Redirect URIs: `https://staging.extensions.blender.org/oauth/authorized` (`https://extensions.blender.org` for production);
* Client type: "Confidential";
* Authorization grant type: "Authorization code";
* Name: "Blender Extensions Staging" (or "Blender Extensions" for production);
Copy client ID and secret and save them as `BID_OAUTH_CLIENT` and `BID_OAUTH_SECRET` into a `.env` file:
Create a webhook using Admin › Blender-ID API › Webhooks > Add:
* Name: "Blender Extensions Staging" (or "Blender Extensions" for production)";
* URL: `https://staging.extensions.blender.org/webhooks/user-modified/` (or `https://extensions.blender.org/webhooks/user-modified/` for production);
* App: choose the app created in the previous step;
Copy webhook's secret into the `.env` file as `BID_WEBHOOK_USER_MODIFIED_SECRET`:
## Pre-commit hooks
Make sure to enable pre-commit hooks after installing requirements from `requirements_dev.txt`:
pre-commit install
This will enable formatting pre-commit checks for Django templates, Python and JS modules.
## Testing
To simply run the test suit use
./manage.py test
To run tests and generate a coverage report use
coverage run manage.py test && coverage html
and then open `htmlcov/index.html` with your favourite browser.
# Deploy
See [playbooks](/playbooks/).
# Feature Flags
At the moment there are the following feature flags:
* `is_alpha`
* `is_beta`
To create them run
./manage.py waffle_switch --create is_alpha on
./manage.py waffle_switch --create is_beta off
They can optionally be setup on the deployment platform to set the release stage of the site.
These settings will be removed once the site is officially launched.
# License and Copyright
The platform source code is available under the GPLv3 or later. Early versions of the platform
are inspired by [Mozilla Addons Server](https://github.com/mozilla/addons-server).
List of authors is available in the AUTHORS file.