Germano Cavalcante mano-wii
Germano Cavalcante merged pull request blender/blender#117047 2024-02-12 18:59:21 +01:00
Refactor: Store a 'Mesh' in the editmesh snap cache and use it for snapping
Germano Cavalcante pushed to snap_refactor at mano-wii/blender 2024-02-12 18:58:09 +01:00
28790fbb82 Cleanup: Remove unused function
Germano Cavalcante commented on pull request blender/blender#117047 2024-02-12 18:55:50 +01:00
Refactor: Store a 'Mesh' in the editmesh snap cache and use it for snapping

I conducted additional tests to assess the extra memory consumption after the patch, due to the creation of a Mesh.

It's noteworthy that the memory consumed for Mesh creation is significantly…

Germano Cavalcante commented on pull request blender/blender#117047 2024-02-12 17:03:17 +01:00
Refactor: Store a 'Mesh' in the editmesh snap cache and use it for snapping

I ran additional benchmark tests. There are improvements in performance in some situations and a decline in others. The setback in snap after caching for Face was surprising. I expected it to be…

Germano Cavalcante pushed to snap_refactor at mano-wii/blender 2024-02-12 16:56:54 +01:00
a2aa93922a Refactor: Store a 'Mesh' in the editmesh snap cache and use it for snapping
f3c55b9f9c Cleanup: Remove unused DerivedMesh function
e9b8460ebe Cleanup: Use blender::int2 instead of vec2i
a4051b31d5 Fix #118135: Make sure the new active index is always valid
98c0802ab0 Merge branch 'blender-v4.1-release'
Compare 659 commits »
Germano Cavalcante commented on issue blender/blender#98514 2024-02-12 14:56:38 +01:00
WARN (bpy.rna) current value '3' matches no enum in 'SpaceProperties', '(null)', 'context'

If the last editor in the list is (almost) anything else, that editor will change to a Properties editor and show "MATERIAL."

I can confirm that any other editor changes to Properties (with…

Germano Cavalcante commented on issue blender/blender-addons#105170 2024-02-12 14:33:51 +01:00
FBX Keep Loading Camera and lights

Hi @Aaron-Barbour,

Could you provide more details, including a .blend file and the exact steps to reproduce the problem?

Please make sure to include all the necessary information so that we…

Germano Cavalcante pushed to main at blender/blender 2024-02-12 13:53:07 +01:00
4618db7f5a Merge branch 'blender-v4.1-release'
a159654ab2 Fix #118103: Warning property alt navigation
a2d96b0879 Sculpt: Disable sculpt sample detail size on invisible objects
ca6b75b106 Sculpt: Disable sculpt trim operators on invisible objects
be4a8e5a48 Sculpt: Disable sculpt expand operator on invisible objects
Compare 5 commits »
Germano Cavalcante closed issue blender/blender#118103 2024-02-12 13:53:06 +01:00
Warning property alt navigation
Germano Cavalcante pushed to blender-v4.1-release at blender/blender 2024-02-12 13:52:35 +01:00
a159654ab2 Fix #118103: Warning property alt navigation
Germano Cavalcante pushed to main at mano-wii/.profile 2024-02-12 13:16:32 +01:00
b35d90fd8d 2024: February 5 - 11
8786079472 2024: January 29 - February 4
Compare 2 commits »
Germano Cavalcante commented on issue blender/blender#118103 2024-02-12 13:05:13 +01:00
Warning property alt navigation

This should no longer happen as there is already a versioning: 14c2f6856ae9c36e8484285c81d7c7d4be300c0e

Maybe some items are missing? I'll investigate...

Germano Cavalcante closed issue blender/blender#117668 2024-01-30 17:46:34 +01:00
Blend file should be empty but has over 90MB
Germano Cavalcante commented on issue blender/blender#117668 2024-01-30 17:46:16 +01:00
Blend file should be empty but has over 90MB

This took time and I had to analyze the file more deeply to know what is happening.

The element that takes up the most space in the file is EEVEE's "Lighting Cache". You can delete this cache…

Germano Cavalcante commented on issue blender/blender#117623 2024-01-30 16:32:04 +01:00
Automatic Weights broken if objects is mirrored

Thank you for reporting this issue.

I would like to clarify a few things in your report to better understand the problem you are experiencing:

  • When you mention "mirror the objects," could…
Germano Cavalcante closed issue blender/blender#117562 2024-01-30 15:49:46 +01:00
UV island select not working when island vertices overlapping.
Germano Cavalcante commented on issue blender/blender#117562 2024-01-30 15:49:43 +01:00
UV island select not working when island vertices overlapping.

Hi @Robin-F,

After analyzing the provided file, I noticed that the behavior you described is expected. When two UVs share the same vertex and location, they are also connected. In your file,…

Germano Cavalcante pushed to main at mano-wii/.profile 2024-01-30 15:35:41 +01:00
3ec9985ccc 2024: January 22 - 28
Germano Cavalcante closed issue blender/blender-addons#105154 2024-01-30 15:30:54 +01:00
Python: Traceback (most recent call last):File "D:\Blender\4.0.1\4.0\scripts\addons\node_wrangler\", line 55, in modalnode1 = nodes[context.scene.NWBusyDrawing]KeyError: 'bpy_prop_collection[key]: key "Mix" not found'Report: ErrorPython:
Germano Cavalcante commented on issue blender/blender-addons#105154 2024-01-30 15:30:53 +01:00
Python: Traceback (most recent call last):File "D:\Blender\4.0.1\4.0\scripts\addons\node_wrangler\", line 55, in modalnode1 = nodes[context.scene.NWBusyDrawing]KeyError: 'bpy_prop_collection[key]: key "Mix" not found'Report: ErrorPython:

Thanks for the report, however this issue has been reported before, see: #99703: Node Wrangler lazy mix does not work correctly in Geometry Nodes #95964: Node wrangler fails to create mix node…