Does this mean that result of overflow, converted to smaller int, will be just max int (crash due to not enough memory) or int will be clipped by lower bytes (incorrect offset indices invariant -…
My current suggestion is to add the new icons as emoji:
- Cake. 2 Sweet Smile.
- House Fire.
Wonder is SVG is supported or icons should be done as png pictures?/
@mod_moder Blender should not crash even if there is a dependency cycle.
Did not noticed that crash fact in the report\
Thanks for the report, but the issue reported here is a request for modified/improved behavior and not a bug in current behavior. Closing as this bug tracker is only for bugs and errors.
Greiner Hormann
Important part of the readability is the source data and destination, just do()
does not imply anything and only hide the actual actions.
Greiner Hormann
I am about to replace all bottom if-staments hall.
Greiner Hormann
I think you did misunderstand what DefaultMixer
Greiner Hormann
Still do not see any reason to check input/decide somethoug about cases. This looks like valid output for valid input and invalid output for invalid input.
Greiner Hormann
But why zero points num need to be classified as valid?/
Greiner Hormann
Input: curve Result:
: Curve Keeped as isNothing
: Curve is deletedFirstAndOverNext
: First point - part of the first curve segment is keeped, next segment is inside and…
Greiner Hormann
This is not about just inline but rather do not use such code style when you just type some word and nothing else.
Something like MutableSpan<> dst_poly = this->new_polygon(size);
would be much…
This report does not contain all the requested information, which is required for us to investigate the issue.
Please submit a new report and carefully follow the instructions. Be sure to…
[Please describe the exact steps needed to reproduce the issue] [Based on the default startup or an attached .blend file (as simple as possible)] Example file would alos help/
Seems like good candidate for foreach_index_optimized
Greiner Hormann
I beleve this is unneccessery to do that at BLI level.
Greiner Hormann
The same as with result_None
, just unnecessary copy.
Greiner Hormann
return {};
, idk why such function is necessary.