The prop_search widget can be pointing to strips, and when the strips disappear from the timeline it…
The key values could also have units exposed.
Maybe losing the x and y labels will add some confusion? If the units(dB & Hz) were implemented as actual units, they could be added after the…
As having a histogram working on an image not fully covering the screen, the transparent areas will cause spikes left and right and will push the r/g/b curves down. Is this the correct behavior?…
As you can be looking at an area without having the mouse over it, it may be too confusing to have the cursor completely disappearing. Maybe a more subtle way could be considered. Like, the cursor…
The mouse cursor, when moving the cursor over a narrow strip, it feels like the click point in the cursor is jumping back/forth(left/right) because the click point is actually changing…
@mont29 Please consider limiting all of this, when you feel it is safe to do so. I'm developing Blender add-ons which extensively exposes the console window, because Blender lock the UI when…
@mont29 Is all of this debug print necessary after this has been committed? (imo, it seems to be unnecessary clutter if the function is working as intended) ![image](/attachments/ce4fd836-4c4c-42…
The mouse cursor, when moving the cursor over a narrow strip, it feels like the click point in the cursor is jumping back/forth(left/right) because the click point is actually changing position,…
@Gangneron The VSE chat is a good place to pitch the things you want to change:
I agree, having the render operators exposed inside a View menu doesn't make sense. And having no File Browser to type file name etc. when exporting is far from optimal, too. Or in other words,…
Pls, include in UI team in the design decisions, such as these.
When looking for missing files, it is essential to be able to read the path in the strip header, and you can't read the path text if the stripes are covering that area.
Then the diagonal zebra strips should only be in the content area of the strip and in two colors(if separating data-block from missing file is necessary).