  • Joined on 2024-03-07
Aspirata opened issue blender/blender#122262 2024-05-25 14:18:49 +02:00
Shadows bug
Aspirata closed issue blender/blender#121924 2024-05-18 07:37:28 +02:00
Long OSL Cycles compiling time
Aspirata commented on issue blender/blender#121924 2024-05-18 07:37:24 +02:00
Long OSL Cycles compiling time

I was using Nvidia studio 551.62 driver, now I'm using the latest driver and OSL compiles within 5 minutes on blender 4.2

Aspirata commented on issue blender/blender#121924 2024-05-18 04:46:22 +02:00
Long OSL Cycles compiling time

Any guesses why my compilation is taking so long ?

Aspirata commented on issue blender/blender#121924 2024-05-17 19:27:08 +02:00
Long OSL Cycles compiling time

I'm also using OptiX as my render device

Aspirata opened issue blender/blender#121924 2024-05-17 19:25:37 +02:00
Long OSL Cycles compiling time
Aspirata commented on issue blender/blender#121813 2024-05-15 13:04:57 +02:00
Crash after startup

It also works fine after loading factory settings

Aspirata commented on issue blender/blender#121813 2024-05-15 13:02:06 +02:00
Crash after startup

Steam version of blender looks newer than blender from Steam version has extensions updater image

Aspirata commented on issue blender/blender#121813 2024-05-15 12:22:00 +02:00
Crash after startup

Hmm, i don't see this problem on blender-4.2.0-alpha+main.2b622bd3c47e-windows.amd64-release

Aspirata commented on issue blender/blender#121813 2024-05-15 12:03:29 +02:00
Crash after startup

Ok, but it'll take some time to download blender from 200 kb/s 💀

Aspirata commented on issue blender/blender#121813 2024-05-15 11:49:54 +02:00
Crash after startup

blender_debug_log.cmd also doesn't work for me

Aspirata commented on issue blender/blender#121813 2024-05-15 11:48:53 +02:00
Crash after startup

Sorry, but i can't find Blender debug log and system info text files

Aspirata commented on issue blender/blender#121813 2024-05-15 09:03:28 +02:00
Crash after startup
Aspirata opened issue blender/blender#121813 2024-05-15 08:55:20 +02:00
Crash after startup
Aspirata closed issue blender/blender#119912 2024-05-11 13:14:20 +02:00
Steam doesn't have selection for beta versions
Aspirata commented on issue blender/blender#119912 2024-05-11 13:14:16 +02:00
Steam doesn't have selection for beta versions

Yeah, that was fixed, i just forgot to close this issue :)

Aspirata closed issue blender/blender#119912 2024-05-11 13:07:56 +02:00
Steam doesn't have selection for beta versions
Aspirata opened issue blender/blender#121686 2024-05-11 13:04:34 +02:00
I can't use drivers
Aspirata commented on issue blender/blender#121347 2024-05-02 15:29:38 +02:00
I can't see the head and the torso bones (bone widgets with GPU Subdivision)

My friend also encountered this problem

Aspirata commented on issue blender/blender#121347 2024-05-02 15:25:50 +02:00
I can't see the head and the torso bones (bone widgets with GPU Subdivision)

I opened the same file and i don't have the head bone! image