Implement export of Math node. Continue other arithmetic support for NodeItem #6

Bogdan Nagirniak merged 9 commits from BogdanNagirniak/blender:matx-arithmetic into matx-export-material 2023-08-31 12:35:55 +02:00
5 changed files with 556 additions and 533 deletions
Showing only changes of commit eac5fee07d - Show all commits

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@ -152,13 +152,13 @@ if(WITH_MATERIALX)
materialx/nodes/ materialx/nodes/
materialx/nodes/ materialx/nodes/
materialx/nodes/ materialx/nodes/
#materialx/nodes/ materialx/nodes/
materialx/nodes/ materialx/nodes/
materialx/nodes/ materialx/nodes/
materialx/nodes/ materialx/nodes/
materialx/material.h materialx/material.h
#materialx/nodes/node_item.h materialx/nodes/node_item.h
materialx/nodes/node_parser.h materialx/nodes/node_parser.h
) )
endif() endif()

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@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011-2022 Blender Foundation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#include "node_item.h"
#include "BLI_assert.h"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
namespace blender::nodes::materialx {
NodeItem::NodeItem(MaterialX::GraphElement *graph) : graph_(graph) {}
NodeItem NodeItem::empty() const
return NodeItem(graph_);
void NodeItem::set_input(const std::string &name, const NodeItem &item)
if (item.value) {
set_input(name, item.value);
else if (item.node) {
set_input(name, item.node);
void NodeItem::set_input(const std::string &name, const MaterialX::ValuePtr value)
std::string mx_type = value->getTypeString();
if (value->isA<float>()) {
set_input(name, value->asA<float>(), mx_type);
else if (value->isA<MaterialX::Vector2>()) {
set_input(name, value->asA<MaterialX::Vector2>(), mx_type);
else if (value->isA<MaterialX::Vector3>()) {
set_input(name, value->asA<MaterialX::Vector3>(), mx_type);
else if (value->isA<MaterialX::Vector4>()) {
set_input(name, value->asA<MaterialX::Vector4>(), mx_type);
else if (value->isA<MaterialX::Color3>()) {
set_input(name, value->asA<MaterialX::Color3>(), mx_type);
else if (value->isA<MaterialX::Color4>()) {
set_input(name, value->asA<MaterialX::Color4>(), mx_type);
else if (value->isA<std::string>()) {
set_input(name, value->asA<std::string>(), mx_type);
else {
void NodeItem::set_input(const std::string &name, const MaterialX::NodePtr node)
this->node->setConnectedNode(name, node);
NodeItem::operator bool() const
return value || node;
NodeItem NodeItem::operator+(const NodeItem &other) const
return arithmetic(other, "add", [](float a, float b) { return a + b; });
NodeItem NodeItem::operator-(const NodeItem &other) const
return arithmetic(other, "subtract", [](float a, float b) { return a - b; });
NodeItem NodeItem::operator*(const NodeItem &other) const
return arithmetic(other, "multiply", [](float a, float b) { return a * b; });
NodeItem NodeItem::operator/(const NodeItem &other) const
return arithmetic(other, "divide", [](float a, float b) { return b == 0.0f ? 0.0f : a / b; });
NodeItem NodeItem::operator%(const NodeItem &other) const
return arithmetic(
other, "modulo", [](float a, float b) { return b == 0.0f ? 0.0f : std::fmodf(a, b); });
NodeItem NodeItem::operator^(const NodeItem &other) const
return arithmetic(other, "power", [](float a, float b) { return std::powf(a, b); });
bool NodeItem::operator==(const NodeItem &other) const
if (node && node == other.node) {
return true;
/* TODO: implement */
return false;
NodeItem NodeItem::abs() const
return arithmetic("absval", [](float a) { return std::fabsf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::floor() const
return arithmetic("floor", [](float a) { return std::floorf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::ceil() const
return arithmetic("ceil", [](float a) { return std::ceilf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::min(const NodeItem &other) const
return arithmetic(other, "min", [](float a, float b) { return std::min(a, b); });
NodeItem NodeItem::max(const NodeItem &other) const
return arithmetic(other, "max", [](float a, float b) { return std::max(a, b); });
NodeItem NodeItem::dot(const NodeItem &other) const
NodeItem d = arithmetic(other, "dotproduct", [](float a, float b) { return a * b; });
if (d.value) {
std::string t = d.type();
float f = 0.0f;
if (t == "float") {
f = value->asA<float>();
else if (t == "color3") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Color3>();
f = v[0] + v[1] + v[2];
else if (t == "color4") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Color4>();
f = v[0] + v[1] + v[2] + v[3];
else if (t == "vector2") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Vector2>();
f = v[0] + v[1];
else if (t == "vector3") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Vector3>();
f = v[0] + v[1] + v[2];
else if (t == "vector4") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Vector4>();
f = v[0] + v[1] + v[2] + v[3];
d.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue(f);
return d;
NodeItem NodeItem::if_else(char condition,
const NodeItem &other,
const NodeItem &if_val,
const NodeItem &else_val) const
//def if_else(self, cond: str, other, if_value, else_value):
// if cond == '>':
// res = self._arithmetic_helper(other, 'ifgreater', lambda a, b: float(a > b))
// elif cond == '>=':
// res = self._arithmetic_helper(other, 'ifgreatereq', lambda a, b: float(a >= b))
// elif cond == '==':
// res = self._arithmetic_helper(other, 'ifequal', lambda a, b: float(a == b))
// elif cond == '<':
// return self.node_item(other).if_else('>', self, else_value, if_value)
// elif cond == '<=':
// return self.node_item(other).if_else('>=', self, else_value, if_value)
// elif cond == '!=':
// return self.if_else('==', other, else_value, if_value)
// else:
// raise ValueError("Incorrect condition:", cond)
// if isinstance(, float):
// return if_value if == 1.0 else else_value
// elif isinstance(, tuple):
// return if_value if[0] == 1.0 else else_value
// else:
// res.set_input('value1', if_value)
// res.set_input('value2', else_value)
// return res
return empty();
NodeItem NodeItem::blend(const NodeItem &a, const NodeItem &b) const
return (val(1.0f) - *this) * a + *this * b;
NodeItem NodeItem::clamp(const NodeItem &min_val, const NodeItem &max_val) const
return min(max_val).max(min_val);
NodeItem NodeItem::clamp(float min_val, float max_val) const
return clamp(val(min_val), val(max_val));
NodeItem NodeItem::sin() const
return arithmetic("sin", [](float a) { return std::sinf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::cos() const
return arithmetic("cos", [](float a) { return std::cosf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::tan() const
return arithmetic("tan", [](float a) { return std::tanf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::asin() const
return arithmetic("asin", [](float a) { return std::asinf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::acos() const
return arithmetic("acos", [](float a) { return std::acosf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::atan() const
return arithmetic("atan", [](float a) { return std::atanf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::log() const
return arithmetic("ln", [](float a) { return std::logf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::to_color3() const
std::string t = type();
NodeItem res = empty();
if (value) {
MaterialX::Color3 c;
if (t == "float") {
float v = value->asA<float>();
c = {v, v, v};
else if (t == "color3") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Color3>();
c = {v[0], v[1], v[2]};
else if (t == "color4") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Color4>();
c = {v[0], v[1], v[2]};
else if (t == "vector3") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Vector3>();
c = {v[0], v[1], v[2]};
else if (t == "vector4") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Vector4>();
c = {v[0], v[1], v[2]};
else {
return res;
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Color3>(c);
else if (node) {
if (t != "color3") {
return res;
res.node = node;
return res;
bool NodeItem::is_numeric() const
std::string t = type();
return ELEM(t, "float", "color3", "color4", "vector2", "vector3", "vector4");
std::string NodeItem::type() const
return value ? value->getTypeString() : node->getType();
NodeItem NodeItem::arithmetic(const std::string &mx_category,
std::function<float(float)> func) const
if (!is_numeric()) {
return empty();
std::string t = value ? value->getTypeString() : node->getType();
NodeItem res(graph_);
if (value) {
if (t == "float") {
float v = value->asA<float>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<float>(func(v));
else if (t == "color3") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Color3>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Color3>(
{func(v[0]), func(v[1]), func(v[2])});
else if (t == "color4") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Color4>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Color4>(
{func(v[0]), func(v[1]), func(v[2]), func(v[3])});
else if (t == "vector2") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Vector2>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Vector2>({func(v[0]), func(v[1])});
else if (t == "vector3") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Vector3>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Vector3>(
{func(v[0]), func(v[1]), func(v[2])});
else if (t == "vector4") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Vector4>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Vector4>(
{func(v[0]), func(v[1]), func(v[2]), func(v[3])});
else {
else {
res.node = graph_->addNode(mx_category, MaterialX::EMPTY_STRING, t);
res.set_input("in", *this);
return res;
NodeItem NodeItem::arithmetic(const NodeItem &other,
const std::string &mx_category,
std::function<float(float, float)> func) const
NodeItem res = empty();
if (!is_numeric() || !other.is_numeric()) {
return res;
std::string t1 = type();
std::string t2 = other.type();
if (value && other.value) {
std::string t = t1;
auto val1 = value;
auto val2 = other.value;
if (t1 != t2) {
if (t1 == "float") {
val1 = float_to_type(val1->asA<float>(), t2);
t = t2;
else if (t2 == "float") {
val2 = float_to_type(val2->asA<float>(), t1);
else {
return res;
if (t == "float") {
float v1 = val1->asA<float>();
float v2 = val2->asA<float>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<float>(func(v1, v2));
else if (t == "color3") {
auto v1 = val1->asA<MaterialX::Color3>();
auto v2 = val2->asA<MaterialX::Color3>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Color3>(
{func(v1[0], v2[0]), func(v1[1], v2[1]), func(v1[2], v2[2])});
else if (t == "color4") {
auto v1 = val1->asA<MaterialX::Color4>();
auto v2 = val2->asA<MaterialX::Color4>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Color4>(
{func(v1[0], v2[0]), func(v1[1], v2[1]), func(v1[2], v2[2]), func(v1[3], v2[3])});
else if (t == "vector2") {
auto v1 = val1->asA<MaterialX::Vector2>();
auto v2 = val2->asA<MaterialX::Vector2>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Vector2>(
{func(v1[0], v2[0]), func(v1[1], v2[1])});
else if (t == "vector3") {
auto v1 = val1->asA<MaterialX::Vector3>();
auto v2 = val2->asA<MaterialX::Vector3>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Vector3>(
{func(v1[0], v2[0]), func(v1[1], v2[1]), func(v1[2], v2[2])});
else if (t == "vector4") {
auto v1 = val1->asA<MaterialX::Vector4>();
auto v2 = val2->asA<MaterialX::Vector4>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Vector4>(
{func(v1[0], v2[0]), func(v1[1], v2[1]), func(v1[2], v2[2]), func(v1[3], v2[3])});
else {
else {
std::string t = t1;
auto val1 = *this;
auto val2 = other;
if (t1 != t2) {
if (val1.value && t1 == "float") {
val1.value = float_to_type(val1.value->asA<float>(), t2);
t = t2;
else if (val2.value && t2 == "float") {
val2.value = float_to_type(val2.value->asA<float>(), t1);
else {
return res;
res.node = graph_->addNode(mx_category, MaterialX::EMPTY_STRING, t);
res.set_input("in1", val1);
res.set_input("in2", val2);
return res;
MaterialX::ValuePtr NodeItem::float_to_type(float v, std::string t) const
if (t == "float") {
return MaterialX::Value::createValue<float>(v);
if (t == "color3") {
return MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Color3>({v, v, v});
if (t == "color4") {
return MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Color4>({v, v, v, 1.0f});
if (t == "vector2") {
return MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Vector2>({v, v});
if (t == "vector3") {
return MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Vector3>({v, v, v});
if (t == "vector4") {
return MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Vector4>({v, v, v, 1.0f});
return nullptr;
} // namespace blender::nodes::materialx

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011-2022 Blender Foundation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
#include <MaterialXCore/Node.h>
namespace blender::nodes::materialx {
class NodeItem {
MaterialX::ValuePtr value;
MaterialX::NodePtr node;
MaterialX::GraphElement *graph_;
NodeItem(MaterialX::GraphElement *graph);
~NodeItem() = default;
NodeItem empty() const;
template<class T> NodeItem val(const T &data) const;
template<class T>
void set_input(const std::string &name, const T &value, const std::string &mx_type);
void set_input(const std::string &name, const NodeItem &item);
void set_input(const std::string &name, const MaterialX::ValuePtr value);
void set_input(const std::string &name, const MaterialX::NodePtr node);
operator bool() const;
NodeItem operator+(const NodeItem &other) const;
NodeItem operator-(const NodeItem &other) const;
NodeItem operator*(const NodeItem &other) const;
NodeItem operator/(const NodeItem &other) const;
NodeItem operator%(const NodeItem &other) const;
NodeItem operator^(const NodeItem &other) const;
bool operator==(const NodeItem &other) const;
NodeItem abs() const;
NodeItem floor() const;
NodeItem ceil() const;
NodeItem min(const NodeItem &other) const;
NodeItem max(const NodeItem &other) const;
NodeItem dot(const NodeItem &other) const;
NodeItem if_else(char condition,
const NodeItem &other,
const NodeItem &if_val,
const NodeItem &else_val) const;
NodeItem blend(const NodeItem &a, const NodeItem &b) const;
NodeItem clamp(const NodeItem &min_val, const NodeItem &max_val) const;
NodeItem clamp(float min_val = 0.0f, float max_val = 1.0f) const;
NodeItem sin() const;
NodeItem cos() const;
NodeItem tan() const;
NodeItem asin() const;
NodeItem acos() const;
NodeItem atan() const;
NodeItem log() const;
NodeItem to_color3() const;
bool is_numeric() const;
std::string type() const;
NodeItem arithmetic(const std::string &mx_category, std::function<float(float)> func) const;
NodeItem arithmetic(const NodeItem &other,
const std::string &mx_category,
std::function<float(float, float)> func) const;
MaterialX::ValuePtr float_to_type(float v, std::string t) const;
template<class T> NodeItem NodeItem::val(const T &data) const
NodeItem res(graph_);
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<T>(data);
return res;
template<class T>
void NodeItem::set_input(const std::string &name, const T &value, const std::string &mx_type)
node->setInputValue(name, value, mx_type);
} // namespace blender::nodes::materialx

View File

@ -8,460 +8,6 @@
namespace blender::nodes::materialx { namespace blender::nodes::materialx {
NodeItem::NodeItem(MaterialX::GraphElement *graph) : graph_(graph) {}
NodeItem NodeItem::empty() const
return NodeItem(graph_);
void NodeItem::set_input(const std::string &name, const NodeItem &item)
if (item.value) {
set_input(name, item.value);
else if (item.node) {
set_input(name, item.node);
void NodeItem::set_input(const std::string &name, const MaterialX::ValuePtr value)
std::string mx_type = value->getTypeString();
if (value->isA<float>()) {
set_input(name, value->asA<float>(), mx_type);
else if (value->isA<MaterialX::Vector2>()) {
set_input(name, value->asA<MaterialX::Vector2>(), mx_type);
else if (value->isA<MaterialX::Vector3>()) {
set_input(name, value->asA<MaterialX::Vector3>(), mx_type);
else if (value->isA<MaterialX::Vector4>()) {
set_input(name, value->asA<MaterialX::Vector4>(), mx_type);
else if (value->isA<MaterialX::Color3>()) {
set_input(name, value->asA<MaterialX::Color3>(), mx_type);
else if (value->isA<MaterialX::Color4>()) {
set_input(name, value->asA<MaterialX::Color4>(), mx_type);
else if (value->isA<std::string>()) {
set_input(name, value->asA<std::string>(), mx_type);
else {
void NodeItem::set_input(const std::string &name, const MaterialX::NodePtr node)
this->node->setConnectedNode(name, node);
NodeItem::operator bool() const
return value || node;
NodeItem NodeItem::operator+(const NodeItem &other) const
return arithmetic(other, "add", [](float a, float b) { return a + b; });
NodeItem NodeItem::operator-(const NodeItem &other) const
return arithmetic(other, "subtract", [](float a, float b) { return a - b; });
NodeItem NodeItem::operator*(const NodeItem &other) const
return arithmetic(other, "multiply", [](float a, float b) { return a * b; });
NodeItem NodeItem::operator/(const NodeItem &other) const
return arithmetic(other, "divide", [](float a, float b) { return b == 0.0f ? 0.0f : a / b; });
NodeItem NodeItem::operator%(const NodeItem &other) const
return arithmetic(
other, "modulo", [](float a, float b) { return b == 0.0f ? 0.0f : std::fmodf(a, b); });
NodeItem NodeItem::operator^(const NodeItem &other) const
return arithmetic(other, "power", [](float a, float b) { return std::powf(a, b); });
bool NodeItem::operator==(const NodeItem &other) const
if (node && node == other.node) {
return true;
/* TODO: implement */
return false;
NodeItem NodeItem::abs() const
return arithmetic("absval", [](float a) { return std::fabsf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::floor() const
return arithmetic("floor", [](float a) { return std::floorf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::ceil() const
return arithmetic("ceil", [](float a) { return std::ceilf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::min(const NodeItem &other) const
return arithmetic(other, "min", [](float a, float b) { return std::min(a, b); });
NodeItem NodeItem::max(const NodeItem &other) const
return arithmetic(other, "max", [](float a, float b) { return std::max(a, b); });
NodeItem NodeItem::dot(const NodeItem &other) const
NodeItem d = arithmetic(other, "dotproduct", [](float a, float b) { return a * b; });
if (d.value) {
std::string t = d.type();
float f = 0.0f;
if (t == "float") {
f = value->asA<float>();
else if (t == "color3") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Color3>();
f = v[0] + v[1] + v[2];
else if (t == "color4") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Color4>();
f = v[0] + v[1] + v[2] + v[3];
else if (t == "vector2") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Vector2>();
f = v[0] + v[1];
else if (t == "vector3") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Vector3>();
f = v[0] + v[1] + v[2];
else if (t == "vector4") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Vector4>();
f = v[0] + v[1] + v[2] + v[3];
d.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue(f);
return d;
NodeItem NodeItem::if_else(char condition,
const NodeItem &other,
const NodeItem &if_val,
const NodeItem &else_val) const
//def if_else(self, cond: str, other, if_value, else_value):
// if cond == '>':
// res = self._arithmetic_helper(other, 'ifgreater', lambda a, b: float(a > b))
// elif cond == '>=':
// res = self._arithmetic_helper(other, 'ifgreatereq', lambda a, b: float(a >= b))
// elif cond == '==':
// res = self._arithmetic_helper(other, 'ifequal', lambda a, b: float(a == b))
// elif cond == '<':
// return self.node_item(other).if_else('>', self, else_value, if_value)
// elif cond == '<=':
// return self.node_item(other).if_else('>=', self, else_value, if_value)
// elif cond == '!=':
// return self.if_else('==', other, else_value, if_value)
// else:
// raise ValueError("Incorrect condition:", cond)
// if isinstance(, float):
// return if_value if == 1.0 else else_value
// elif isinstance(, tuple):
// return if_value if[0] == 1.0 else else_value
// else:
// res.set_input('value1', if_value)
// res.set_input('value2', else_value)
// return res
return empty();
NodeItem NodeItem::blend(const NodeItem &a, const NodeItem &b) const
return (val(1.0f) - *this) * a + *this * b;
NodeItem NodeItem::clamp(const NodeItem &min_val, const NodeItem &max_val) const
return min(max_val).max(min_val);
NodeItem NodeItem::clamp(float min_val, float max_val) const
return clamp(val(min_val), val(max_val));
NodeItem NodeItem::sin() const
return arithmetic("sin", [](float a) { return std::sinf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::cos() const
return arithmetic("cos", [](float a) { return std::cosf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::tan() const
return arithmetic("tan", [](float a) { return std::tanf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::asin() const
return arithmetic("asin", [](float a) { return std::asinf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::acos() const
return arithmetic("acos", [](float a) { return std::acosf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::atan() const
return arithmetic("atan", [](float a) { return std::atanf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::log() const
return arithmetic("ln", [](float a) { return std::logf(a); });
NodeItem NodeItem::to_color3() const
std::string t = type();
NodeItem res = empty();
if (value) {
MaterialX::Color3 c;
if (t == "float") {
float v = value->asA<float>();
c = {v, v, v};
else if (t == "color3") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Color3>();
c = {v[0], v[1], v[2]};
else if (t == "color4") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Color4>();
c = {v[0], v[1], v[2]};
else if (t == "vector3") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Vector3>();
c = {v[0], v[1], v[2]};
else if (t == "vector4") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Vector4>();
c = {v[0], v[1], v[2]};
else {
return res;
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Color3>(c);
else if (node) {
if (t != "color3") {
return res;
res.node = node;
return res;
bool NodeItem::is_numeric() const
std::string t = type();
return ELEM(t, "float", "color3", "color4", "vector2", "vector3", "vector4");
std::string NodeItem::type() const
return value ? value->getTypeString() : node->getType();
NodeItem NodeItem::arithmetic(const std::string &mx_category,
std::function<float(float)> func) const
if (!is_numeric()) {
return empty();
std::string t = value ? value->getTypeString() : node->getType();
NodeItem res(graph_);
if (value) {
if (t == "float") {
float v = value->asA<float>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<float>(func(v));
else if (t == "color3") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Color3>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Color3>(
{func(v[0]), func(v[1]), func(v[2])});
else if (t == "color4") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Color4>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Color4>(
{func(v[0]), func(v[1]), func(v[2]), func(v[3])});
else if (t == "vector2") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Vector2>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Vector2>({func(v[0]), func(v[1])});
else if (t == "vector3") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Vector3>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Vector3>(
{func(v[0]), func(v[1]), func(v[2])});
else if (t == "vector4") {
auto v = value->asA<MaterialX::Vector4>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Vector4>(
{func(v[0]), func(v[1]), func(v[2]), func(v[3])});
else {
else {
res.node = graph_->addNode(mx_category, MaterialX::EMPTY_STRING, t);
res.set_input("in", *this);
return res;
NodeItem NodeItem::arithmetic(const NodeItem &other,
const std::string &mx_category,
std::function<float(float, float)> func) const
NodeItem res = empty();
if (!is_numeric() || !other.is_numeric()) {
return res;
std::string t1 = type();
std::string t2 = other.type();
if (value && other.value) {
std::string t = t1;
auto val1 = value;
auto val2 = other.value;
if (t1 != t2) {
if (t1 == "float") {
val1 = float_to_type(val1->asA<float>(), t2);
t = t2;
else if (t2 == "float") {
val2 = float_to_type(val2->asA<float>(), t1);
else {
return res;
if (t == "float") {
float v1 = val1->asA<float>();
float v2 = val2->asA<float>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<float>(func(v1, v2));
else if (t == "color3") {
auto v1 = val1->asA<MaterialX::Color3>();
auto v2 = val2->asA<MaterialX::Color3>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Color3>(
{func(v1[0], v2[0]), func(v1[1], v2[1]), func(v1[2], v2[2])});
else if (t == "color4") {
auto v1 = val1->asA<MaterialX::Color4>();
auto v2 = val2->asA<MaterialX::Color4>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Color4>(
{func(v1[0], v2[0]), func(v1[1], v2[1]), func(v1[2], v2[2]), func(v1[3], v2[3])});
else if (t == "vector2") {
auto v1 = val1->asA<MaterialX::Vector2>();
auto v2 = val2->asA<MaterialX::Vector2>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Vector2>(
{func(v1[0], v2[0]), func(v1[1], v2[1])});
else if (t == "vector3") {
auto v1 = val1->asA<MaterialX::Vector3>();
auto v2 = val2->asA<MaterialX::Vector3>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Vector3>(
{func(v1[0], v2[0]), func(v1[1], v2[1]), func(v1[2], v2[2])});
else if (t == "vector4") {
auto v1 = val1->asA<MaterialX::Vector4>();
auto v2 = val2->asA<MaterialX::Vector4>();
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Vector4>(
{func(v1[0], v2[0]), func(v1[1], v2[1]), func(v1[2], v2[2]), func(v1[3], v2[3])});
else {
else {
std::string t = t1;
auto val1 = *this;
auto val2 = other;
if (t1 != t2) {
if (val1.value && t1 == "float") {
val1.value = float_to_type(val1.value->asA<float>(), t2);
t = t2;
else if (val2.value && t2 == "float") {
val2.value = float_to_type(val2.value->asA<float>(), t1);
else {
return res;
res.node = graph_->addNode(mx_category, MaterialX::EMPTY_STRING, t);
res.set_input("in1", val1);
res.set_input("in2", val2);
return res;
MaterialX::ValuePtr NodeItem::float_to_type(float v, std::string t) const
if (t == "float") {
return MaterialX::Value::createValue<float>(v);
if (t == "color3") {
return MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Color3>({v, v, v});
if (t == "color4") {
return MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Color4>({v, v, v, 1.0f});
if (t == "vector2") {
return MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Vector2>({v, v});
if (t == "vector3") {
return MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Vector3>({v, v, v});
if (t == "vector4") {
return MaterialX::Value::createValue<MaterialX::Vector4>({v, v, v, 1.0f});
return nullptr;
NodeParser::NodeParser(MaterialX::GraphElement *graph, NodeParser::NodeParser(MaterialX::GraphElement *graph,
const Depsgraph *depsgraph, const Depsgraph *depsgraph,
const Material *material, const Material *material,

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <MaterialXCore/Document.h> #include "node_item.h"
#include "DEG_depsgraph.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph.h"
#include "DNA_material_types.h" #include "DNA_material_types.h"
@ -12,82 +12,6 @@
namespace blender::nodes::materialx { namespace blender::nodes::materialx {
class NodeItem {
MaterialX::ValuePtr value;
MaterialX::NodePtr node;
MaterialX::GraphElement *graph_;
NodeItem(MaterialX::GraphElement *graph);
~NodeItem() = default;
NodeItem empty() const;
template<class T> NodeItem val(const T &data) const;
template<class T>
void set_input(const std::string &name, const T &value, const std::string &mx_type);
void set_input(const std::string &name, const NodeItem &item);
void set_input(const std::string &name, const MaterialX::ValuePtr value);
void set_input(const std::string &name, const MaterialX::NodePtr node);
operator bool() const;
NodeItem operator+(const NodeItem &other) const;
NodeItem operator-(const NodeItem &other) const;
NodeItem operator*(const NodeItem &other) const;
NodeItem operator/(const NodeItem &other) const;
NodeItem operator%(const NodeItem &other) const;
NodeItem operator^(const NodeItem &other) const;
bool operator==(const NodeItem &other) const;
NodeItem abs() const;
NodeItem floor() const;
NodeItem ceil() const;
NodeItem min(const NodeItem &other) const;
NodeItem max(const NodeItem &other) const;
NodeItem dot(const NodeItem &other) const;
NodeItem if_else(char condition,
const NodeItem &other,
const NodeItem &if_val,
const NodeItem &else_val) const;
NodeItem blend(const NodeItem &a, const NodeItem &b) const;
NodeItem clamp(const NodeItem &min_val, const NodeItem &max_val) const;
NodeItem clamp(float min_val = 0.0f, float max_val = 1.0f) const;
NodeItem sin() const;
NodeItem cos() const;
NodeItem tan() const;
NodeItem asin() const;
NodeItem acos() const;
NodeItem atan() const;
NodeItem log() const;
NodeItem to_color3() const;
bool is_numeric() const;
std::string type() const;
NodeItem arithmetic(const std::string &mx_category, std::function<float(float)> func) const;
NodeItem arithmetic(const NodeItem &other,
const std::string &mx_category,
std::function<float(float, float)> func) const;
MaterialX::ValuePtr float_to_type(float v, std::string t) const;
template<class T> NodeItem NodeItem::val(const T &data) const
NodeItem res(graph_);
res.value = MaterialX::Value::createValue<T>(data);
return res;
template<class T>
void NodeItem::set_input(const std::string &name, const T &value, const std::string &mx_type)
node->setInputValue(name, value, mx_type);
class NodeParser { class NodeParser {
public: public:
MaterialX::GraphElement *graph; MaterialX::GraphElement *graph;