Julian Eisel JulianEisel
  • Amsterdam
  • Asset system (development lead), UI (developer & module coordindator), VR (initial development).

  • Joined on 2013-12-12
Julian Eisel commented on pull request blender/blender#122767 2024-06-12 11:39:48 +02:00
Fix #122421: Setting 'render border' is usually not undoable.

Same here.

Julian Eisel commented on pull request blender/blender#122767 2024-06-12 11:39:47 +02:00
Fix #122421: Setting 'render border' is usually not undoable.

Would note that it does a manual undo push otherwise.

Julian Eisel pushed to temp-brush-asset-shelf-popup-search at JulianEisel/blender 2024-06-11 19:00:20 +02:00
830074bee6 Merge branch 'brush-assets-project' into temp-brush-asset-shelf-popup-search
57d9fa717a Cleanup: Apply clang format
0f82b2fd36 Merge branch 'main' into brush-assets-project
729bfe7800 Cleanup: Rename more paint variables
3f0114730d Anim: UI: Action selector now always lists layered Actions
Compare 34 commits »
Julian Eisel pushed to brush-assets-project at blender/blender 2024-06-11 19:00:01 +02:00
57d9fa717a Cleanup: Apply clang format
Julian Eisel pushed to main at blender/blender-developer-docs 2024-06-11 18:49:02 +02:00
70db09d1a6 Fix broken layout on landing page
Julian Eisel deleted branch temp-separate-asset-filelist-job-type from JulianEisel/blender 2024-06-11 18:31:58 +02:00
Julian Eisel closed issue blender/blender#121235 2024-06-11 18:31:56 +02:00
Regression: File browser shows all folders as empty if opened too soon
Julian Eisel merged pull request blender/blender#123027 2024-06-11 18:31:52 +02:00
UI: Separate job type for asset library and file list loading
Julian Eisel pushed to blender-v4.2-release at blender/blender 2024-06-11 18:31:51 +02:00
e02e78d840 UI: Separate job type for asset library and file list loading
Julian Eisel commented on pull request blender/blender#123033 2024-06-11 18:17:52 +02:00
Refactor: WM: Suspend new jobs based on same job type, not callback
  • I'd also rather handle the 'kill jobs' case as well then, and fully get rid of identifying a job by its start callback.

This isn't entirely trivial since:

  • WM_jobs_kill_type() and…
Julian Eisel pushed to temp-jobs-suspend-by-type at JulianEisel/blender 2024-06-11 18:17:39 +02:00
525099824e Improve API comment
18a88e3532 Merge branch 'main' into temp-jobs-suspend-by-type
81d5af15a6 Fix: Crash and or assert in mesh index buffer creation
e175259f44 Fix #73168: Stop particle draw code from crashing
1e237da1db Fix #123076: Remove UI line for removed property
Compare 73 commits »
Julian Eisel commented on pull request blender/blender#123086 2024-06-11 17:33:36 +02:00
Refactor: Consistent WM jobs API; avoid function pointers as identifiers

No job of this type is created with the region as owner. This would only work because the function killed job with either the given owner or the type. So this is a non-functional change.

Julian Eisel pushed to temp-refactor-jobs-stopkill-api at JulianEisel/blender 2024-06-11 17:31:03 +02:00
f972ea34ca Fix 3D view render preview killing
Julian Eisel pushed to temp-refactor-jobs-stopkill-api at JulianEisel/blender 2024-06-11 17:30:30 +02:00
c66c5b6ec0 Cleanup & add assert
Julian Eisel commented on pull request blender/blender#123086 2024-06-11 17:18:53 +02:00
Refactor: Consistent WM jobs API; avoid function pointers as identifiers

Same as above.

Julian Eisel commented on pull request blender/blender#123086 2024-06-11 17:18:52 +02:00
Refactor: Consistent WM jobs API; avoid function pointers as identifiers

Previous code would actually stop jobs that were either owned by the editor or used the given start callback. This doesn't seem like the intention though, so changing that seems fine/good.

Julian Eisel created pull request blender/blender#123086 2024-06-11 17:11:58 +02:00
Refactor: Consistent WM jobs API; avoid function pointers as identifiers
Julian Eisel created branch temp-refactor-jobs-stopkill-api in JulianEisel/blender 2024-06-11 16:39:09 +02:00
Julian Eisel pushed to temp-refactor-jobs-stopkill-api at JulianEisel/blender 2024-06-11 16:39:09 +02:00
7fe7c8bd7f Refactor: Consistent WM jobs API; avoid function pointers as identifiers
81d5af15a6 Fix: Crash and or assert in mesh index buffer creation
e175259f44 Fix #73168: Stop particle draw code from crashing
1e237da1db Fix #123076: Remove UI line for removed property
fc7bcbe743 Tests: Update tests submodule hash for added sculpt test files
Compare 10 commits »