Lukas Tönne LukasTonne
Lukas Tönne commented on pull request LukasTonne/blender#2 2024-07-06 11:01:44 +02:00
Allow "Instance on Points" node to instance on physics component

If you're adding a new implicit field input it should probably also be supported in node groups.

Lukas Tönne suggested changes for LukasTonne/blender#2 2024-07-06 11:01:44 +02:00
Allow "Instance on Points" node to instance on physics component

Some additions for the new implicit input needed, otherwise looks fine.

Lukas Tönne commented on pull request blender/blender#124247 2024-07-06 10:46:08 +02:00
Fix #124181: Add depsgraph relation to clear cache from modifiers

Yeah, the existing Geometry Init -> Point Cache relation is supposed to do the same thing and is redundant when a relation to a specific modifier is added. Since there is only one node for all…

Lukas Tönne pushed to geometry-nodes-physics-data-source at LukasTonne/blender 2024-07-06 10:10:49 +02:00
a88ef6f55c Fix cmake file.
Lukas Tönne created pull request blender/blender#124247 2024-07-05 17:29:31 +02:00
Fix #124181: Add depsgraph relation to clear cache from modifiers
Lukas Tönne created branch fix-modifier-point-cache-reset in LukasTonne/blender 2024-07-05 17:28:14 +02:00
Lukas Tönne pushed to fix-modifier-point-cache-reset at LukasTonne/blender 2024-07-05 17:28:14 +02:00
8f9b66a18a Fix #124181: Add depsgraph relation to clear cache from modifiers.
fad8d451ef Fix: MEM_new/MEM_freeN mismatch in Curvemap UI
a9c0dc9084 GPv3: Draw Tool: Trim Stroke Ends option
Compare 3 commits »
Lukas Tönne commented on issue blender/blender#124181 2024-07-05 16:15:35 +02:00
Depsgraph: Missing dependency between Cloth Sim -> Pose with Armature modifier

There are already depsgraph nodes for each modifier, representing the output of each modifier. So the cloth modifier should be able to depend on the armature modifier output and indirectly on the…

Lukas Tönne pushed to geometry-nodes-physics-data-source at LukasTonne/blender 2024-07-05 15:53:45 +02:00
7ccefa9315 Temp: new abstraction for PhysicsDataSource.
Lukas Tönne created branch geometry-nodes-physics-data-source in LukasTonne/blender 2024-07-05 15:53:44 +02:00
Lukas Tönne pushed to geometry-nodes-rb-component at LukasTonne/blender 2024-07-05 14:14:36 +02:00
66dd7c6769 Merge branch 'main' into geometry-nodes-rb-component
924aa88877 Fix #124082: GPv3: New frames created in sculpt mode are empty
969efcad7b Refactor: GPv3: Move core cutter function
a2482ab450 Merge branch 'blender-v4.2-release'
46743e8e3f AUTHORS: add 2 new authors, 3 updated names
Compare 137 commits »
Lukas Tönne commented on issue blender/blender#124173 2024-07-05 12:42:24 +02:00
Grease Pencil: SVG export creates invalid xml

The large width/height/viewBox values are because it doesn't find objects to export. This is broken, but i'm more concerned with the <?xml?> header node atm.

This is some kind of nasty…

Lukas Tönne commented on issue blender/blender#124181 2024-07-05 11:08:37 +02:00
Depsgraph: Missing dependency between Cloth Sim -> Pose with Armature modifier

I came across this 4-year old duplicate recently #74523

In a nutshell: The cloth modifier cannot directly add a dependency on (pose) bones because it only indirectly depends on the armature…

Lukas Tönne opened issue blender/blender#124173 2024-07-04 17:05:09 +02:00
Grease Pencil: SVG export creates invalid xml
Lukas Tönne pushed to gpv3-import-export at LukasTonne/blender 2024-07-04 15:39:08 +02:00
4facb83bac Bounds computation for export scale.
Lukas Tönne pushed to gpv3-import-export at LukasTonne/blender 2024-07-04 13:41:58 +02:00
436439c592 Share code between exporters.
Lukas Tönne commented on pull request blender/blender#124093 2024-07-03 16:55:20 +02:00
WIP: Geometry Nodes for Rigid Body Simulation

@blender-bot package

Lukas Tönne pushed to geometry-nodes-rb-component at LukasTonne/blender 2024-07-03 16:54:48 +02:00
f4dc48d149 Move attribute lambdas to static functions because buildbot GCC is broken.
be03adc522 Revert "Use static constexpr for local function definitions for attributes."
Compare 2 commits »
Lukas Tönne pushed to gpv3-import-export at LukasTonne/blender 2024-07-03 15:35:25 +02:00
2f9a0a56d8 Merge branch 'main' into gpv3-import-export
439c318098 Fix #98440: Confirm On Release in Radial Control doesn't work with RMB
275b6ee008 Merge branch 'blender-v4.2-release'
74c09b2e63 Cycles: oneAPI: Fix undefined behavior when embree fails initializing
4477641467 Cycles: oneAPI: Fix driver version check for future Intel GPU drivers
Compare 154 commits »
Lukas Tönne commented on pull request blender/blender#124093 2024-07-03 15:31:17 +02:00
WIP: Geometry Nodes for Rigid Body Simulation

@blender-bot package