Nick Alberelli 844c6c7389 Remap: Refactor scripts (#177)
## What's Changed?
 - Remap scripts are consolidated into a single remap script
 - Updated README to explain new remap workflow

### New Remap Tool Demo
<video src="/attachments/b76d1fe5-5eda-4269-a8eb-5f79096decbe" title="2023-12-06 16-25-40.mkv" controls></video>

Reviewed-on: studio/blender-studio-pipeline#177
2023-12-07 16:17:25 +01:00

181 lines
5.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pathlib import Path
import hashlib
import json
import os
JSON_FILE_KEY = 'json_file_path'
CRAWL_DIR_KEY = 'folder_path'
def get_current_dir():
return Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
def get_variable_file_path():
directory = get_current_dir()
variables_dir = directory.joinpath("var")
if not variables_dir.exists():
return variables_dir.joinpath("remap_variables.json")
def get_variable_file():
env_file = get_variable_file_path()
if env_file.exists():
return env_file
def remove_variable_file():
env_file = get_variable_file_path()
def get_variables():
var_file = Path(get_variable_file())
var_file_data = open(var_file)
var_file_dict = json.load(var_file_data)
return var_file_dict
def set_variable_file():
file_path = get_variable_file_path()
variables = {}
dir_to_map = get_dir_to_map()
json_file = get_josn_file_dir()
variables[JSON_FILE_KEY] = f"{json_file}"
variables[CRAWL_DIR_KEY] = f"{dir_to_map}"
with open(file_path, 'w') as json_file:
json.dump(variables, json_file, indent=4)
return variables
def get_dir_recursively(prompt: str):
iterations = 0
dir_to_map = input(prompt)
if Path(dir_to_map).is_dir():
iterations += 1
return dir_to_map
if iterations > 10:
raise Exception('Provided path is not a directory')
print('Provided path is not a directory')
return get_dir_recursively(prompt)
def get_dir_to_map() -> str:
return get_dir_recursively("Please enter directory to map: ")
def get_josn_file_dir() -> str:
json_dir = get_dir_recursively("Please enter directory to store JSON map: ")
return Path(json_dir).joinpath("dir_map.json").__str__()
def get_bbatch_command():
directory = get_current_dir()
source_file = directory.joinpath('')
variables = get_variables()
"To update your .blend file references open the bbatch directory and run the following command"
f'python -m bbatch {variables[CRAWL_DIR_KEY]} --nosave --recursive --script {source_file} --args "{variables[JSON_FILE_KEY]}"'
def generate_checksum(filepath: str) -> str:
Generate a checksum for a zip file
archive_path: String of the archive's file path
sha256 checksum for the provided archive as string
with open(filepath, "rb") as f:
digest = hashlib.file_digest(f, "sha256")
return digest.hexdigest()
def generate_json_for_directory(directory_path, json_file_path):
# TODO Centralize duplicate code from 'update_json_for_directory()'
data = {}
for root, _, files in os.walk(directory_path):
for file_name in files:
file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
sha256 = generate_checksum(file_path)
if sha256 in data:
data[sha256] = {'old': [file_path], 'new': ''}
print(f"Making hash for {file_name}")
with open(json_file_path, 'w') as json_file:
json.dump(data, json_file, indent=4)
def update_json_for_directory(directory_path, json_file_path):
file_map_json = Path(json_file_path)
file_map_data = open(file_map_json)
file_map_dict = json.load(file_map_data)
data = file_map_dict
for root, _, files in os.walk(directory_path):
for file_name in files:
file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
sha256 = generate_checksum(file_path)
if not data.get(sha256):
print(f"Cannot find file in dict {file_path}")
if sha256 in data:
data[sha256]['new'] = file_path
print(f"Updating path for {file_path}")
with open(json_file_path, 'w') as json_file:
json.dump(data, json_file, indent=4)
def main():
if not get_variable_file():
print("Starting new remap session")
variables = set_variable_file()
print(f"Generating map for directory '{variables[CRAWL_DIR_KEY]}'")
generate_json_for_directory(variables[CRAWL_DIR_KEY], variables[JSON_FILE_KEY])
f"Directory '{variables[CRAWL_DIR_KEY]}' can now be re-organized before re-running this tool to update it's map"
variables = get_variables()
answer = input(
f"Continune with existing session to update map for dir '{variables[CRAWL_DIR_KEY]}'? yes or no: "
answer_lw = answer.lower()
if answer_lw == "yes" or answer_lw == 'y':
print(f"Updating map for directory '{variables[CRAWL_DIR_KEY]}'")
variables[CRAWL_DIR_KEY], variables[JSON_FILE_KEY]
print('Map update is complete')
elif answer_lw == "no" or answer_lw == 'n':
print("Please enter yes or no.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Welcome to 'remap', a tool to assist in a re-organization of folders")