Ah!... I had understood that the 3 operators would be merged in only one with 3 options. Sorry, my mistake!
I don't know what is the plan, but about Simplify, the new operator only supports RDP algorithm (Adaptive), but not the Fixed and Sample modes. The RPD is good in some cases, but not in all, so…
A PR is "Pull Request". Basically, it's a way to include the changes in a file tat can be tested and later merged to the main code.
You need to configure GIt to do that. You can find more info…
Thanks for looking at this issue. Could you create a PR so artists can test your changes?
One point that should perhaps be considered as part of the Edit is the concept of active curve/selection and active point. The active curve and selection order is already in GPv2 and is used in…
The operator : Recalculate Geometry GPENCIL_OT_recalc_geometry
don't need to be converted. This was to fix the old geometry data, but now it's runtime.
The Build modifier works with the order of the strokes in the list (that is the same used when the draw engine uses)...so, if you use the draw "on back"...you are putting before in the list. To…