Export Paper Model - features #104994

opened 2023-11-09 22:54:02 +01:00 by ManBlender · 3 comments

System Information
Operating system: Windows-10-10.0.22621-SP0 64 Bits
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 NVIDIA Corporation 4.5.0 NVIDIA 497.17

Blender Version
Broken: version: 4.0

Addon Information
Name: Export Paper Model (1, 2)
Author: Addam Dominec

Short description of error
Want propose to changes around this addon Options

  1. change name from "island" to "object_name" - as normal
  2. add number pages to pdf or with title margin (custom option line/field for this eg. call from inputs vars by #)
  3. add option generate figures island with material colors
  4. add to 1st page the main view from camera or select camera or add more cameras, add project title and summary maybe (scale, no o pages, no of figures, area eg. cm^2 or cm^3, no colors, other configurations settings - eg. to compare, frames - point 13).
  5. add to cross-section views (front, back, left, right) number of islands or with names
  6. add options add author labels/fields and title of project
  7. add bill of materials and localization on pages to cut (eg. BOM table) in relation to point 6
  8. add option to paper orientation eg. vertical, or horizontal - related with point 4, where view horizontal can be more nice and comfy
  9. add group figures by collections (as groups) on pages or additional identification for islands in relation to BOM
  10. add page with BOM table color reference (related with point.3)
  11. generate scene with whole pages as frames to preview or for modify something or add (eg. measurements, arrows, descriptions)
  • can be 2scene with layer ALL and layers with number pages, eg. Page 1, Page 2 (on center viewport, in case ALL can be as series frames with pages)
  1. option to auto-join objects or apply all modificators (or omit all if possible) to one figures to put all in one file pdf
  2. generate pdf from frames, eg. join to project more than one main frame
  3. generate cells like excel for x axe A,B,C,D... for y 1,2,34 - for id figures and islands in BOM
  4. add margins for paper sheets as frames (related to point 11), due some printers are limited for paper sizes are
  5. option to hide arrows with numbers to connect with other "wings" for glue and option to hide the numbers on wings
  6. color of lines - in case each object can have other color (eg. random) for more easy identification
  7. add multiplex print like even, odd, eg. even are print like normal, and odd color with UV (there are 2 separated pdf file then)
  • then odd with UV can be isolated with cut lines or folding
  1. add description of project from python script code, as to publish on page, maybe MD (MarkDown)
  • eg. locate some parts text label on pages (python class type like json to assign right pages in script)
  1. option to not use color for wings to glue when printing, coz can be problematic for gluing (for glue and when operating, eg. ink or toner smearing)
  2. option to generate just UV map texture without cutting lines, numbers etc (if these are problem)
  3. save file pdf with some references like object,data,page (custom - right now it's easy to overwrite files)
  4. prevent to rotate figures, to have always perpendicular to the axis (other cases doing hard work for some modifications in other editors like Inscape, Ilustrator)
  5. join external page/s .pdf with main pdf file (eg. 1st page, last page - regarding point: 4, 5, 10, 14, 18)
**System Information** Operating system: Windows-10-10.0.22621-SP0 64 Bits Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 NVIDIA Corporation 4.5.0 NVIDIA 497.17 **Blender Version** Broken: version: 4.0 **Addon Information** Name: Export Paper Model (1, 2) Author: Addam Dominec **Short description of error** Want propose to changes around this addon Options 1. change name from "island" to "object_name" - as normal 2. add number pages to pdf or with title margin (custom option line/field for this eg. call from inputs vars by #) 3. add option generate figures island with material colors 4. add to 1st page the main view from camera or select camera or add more cameras, add project title and summary maybe (scale, no o pages, no of figures, area eg. cm^2 or cm^3, no colors, other configurations settings - eg. to compare, frames - point 13). 5. add to cross-section views (front, back, left, right) number of islands or with names 6. add options add author labels/fields and title of project 7. add bill of materials and localization on pages to cut (eg. BOM table) in relation to point 6 8. add option to paper orientation eg. vertical, or horizontal - related with point 4, where view horizontal can be more nice and comfy 9. add group figures by collections (as groups) on pages or additional identification for islands in relation to BOM 10. add page with BOM table color reference (related with point.3) 11. generate scene with whole pages as frames to preview or for modify something or add (eg. measurements, arrows, descriptions) - can be 2scene with layer `ALL` and layers with number pages, eg. `Page 1`, `Page 2` (on center viewport, in case ALL can be as series frames with pages) 12. option to auto-join objects or apply all modificators (or omit all if possible) to one figures to put all in one file pdf 13. generate pdf from frames, eg. join to project more than one main frame 14. generate cells like excel for x axe A,B,C,D... for y 1,2,34 - for id figures and islands in BOM 15. add margins for paper sheets as frames (related to point 11), due some printers are limited for paper sizes are 16. option to hide arrows with numbers to connect with other "wings" for glue and option to hide the numbers on wings 17. color of lines - in case each object can have other color (eg. random) for more easy identification 18. add multiplex print like even, odd, eg. even are print like normal, and odd color with UV (there are 2 separated pdf file then) - then odd with UV can be isolated with cut lines or folding 19. add description of project from python script code, as to publish on page, maybe MD (MarkDown) - eg. locate some parts text label on pages (python class type like json to assign right pages in script) 20. option to not use color for wings to glue when printing, coz can be problematic for gluing (for glue and when operating, eg. ink or toner smearing) 21. option to generate just UV map texture without cutting lines, numbers etc (if these are problem) 22. save file pdf with some references like object,data,page (custom - right now it's easy to overwrite files) 23. prevent to rotate figures, to have always perpendicular to the axis (other cases doing hard work for some modifications in other editors like Inscape, Ilustrator) 24. join external page/s .pdf with main pdf file (eg. 1st page, last page - regarding point: 4, 5, 10, 14, 18)
ManBlender added the
Needs Triage
labels 2023-11-09 22:54:03 +01:00
Pratik Borhade added
Needs Info from Developers
and removed
Needs Triage
labels 2023-11-10 08:06:09 +01:00

I don't know what should happen with an issue like this. It is a large list of feature requests, and it is almost impossible that I would ever mark this as "done" because many of the individual subtasks need discussion on their own.

Quick estimation of these individual tasks:

  1. easy
  2. easy
  3. medium github#89
  4. hard, and extremely hard if it is supposed to look nice
  5. hard
  6. easy
  7. I don't understand. What is the user benefit from having such a table?
  8. won't do. Since the title texts are on bottom, horizontal layout is more wasteful on paper space. Who really wants to switch to horizontal, can already set custom page size.
  9. medium
  10. I don't understand. What is the user benefit from having such a table?
  11. hard or extremely hard, depending on the actual requirements. Some kind preview can already be seen in the Image Editor.
  12. hard github#82
  13. I don't understand. What is a frame? Joining multiple pdfs into one can be done in many third-party tools like pdfarranger
  14. I don't understand. What is the user benefit from having such a table?
  15. paper margin is already implemented. I don't understand if this subtask has meaning without subtask 11.
  16. hiding numbers and arrows is already implemented.
  17. easy. Using object color for lines sounds reasonable. Random colors sound hard to understand from the user perspective.
I don't know what should happen with an issue like this. It is a large list of feature requests, and it is almost impossible that I would ever mark this as "done" because many of the individual subtasks need discussion on their own. Quick estimation of these individual tasks: 1. easy 2. easy 3. medium [github#89](https://github.com/addam/Export-Paper-Model-from-Blender/issues/89) 4. hard, and extremely hard if it is supposed to look nice 5. hard 6. easy 7. I don't understand. What is the user benefit from having such a table? 8. won't do. Since the title texts are on bottom, horizontal layout is more wasteful on paper space. Who really wants to switch to horizontal, can already set custom page size. 9. medium 10. I don't understand. What is the user benefit from having such a table? 11. hard or extremely hard, depending on the actual requirements. Some kind preview can already be seen in the Image Editor. 12. hard [github#82](https://github.com/addam/Export-Paper-Model-from-Blender/issues/82) 13. I don't understand. What is a frame? Joining multiple pdfs into one can be done in many third-party tools like [pdfarranger](https://github.com/pdfarranger/pdfarranger/releases/tag/1.10.1) 14. I don't understand. What is the user benefit from having such a table? 15. paper margin is already implemented. I don't understand if this subtask has meaning without subtask 11. 16. hiding numbers and arrows is already implemented. 17. easy. Using object color for lines sounds reasonable. Random colors sound hard to understand from the user perspective.

I add point 18 in relation 3 and 19, 20 ;p

@AdamDominec You can move each point to github then, did not know about this project on github before posting this.
In fact I tried use this to generate some prototype of work and was idea.. this is nice, but many weakens that can be supported.
What we can doo.. here.. put this list on patronite to support some $ maybe for solve problems and to motivate You : )
Maybe Blender Fundation can to dome magic trick, eg announcement for this quick track and founding to grow with this tool. Also blenderartist board community can support. Tool is great. I decided to support this by my vision to make some progress, update. Nice to see author here - thank You @PratikPB2123

The list was spontaneously posted.. sometimes just need to start to find more solution and option.
Anyway thx for great tool and attention here. (A więc Emu? : ) Hi !!

Regarding this:

  1. hard, and extremely hard if it is supposed to look nice

Try watch for techSec, addon generating view and refreshing this inside blender, in fact blender need refresh for files I think

  1. I don't understand. What is the user benefit from having such a table?
  • I made project, eg. robot (simple boxes, but many), then join all to one figure, and have more than 20 pages, in case many small figures to cut around one page.. then imagine situation, that I'm cutting all figures and can't be sure with island/element is from main object as robot. Then grouped elements can be more identified, I can mark on BOM table with was A. printed B. cutted and C. glued, wich was D. asembled (exactly BOM table can have more colls like KANBAN due this process - due A. coz if something D. fixed cos broken again in this proess, especialy if some part of project are wrong/bad due project)
  1. won't do. Since the title texts are on bottom, horizontal layout is more wasteful on paper space. Who really wants to switch to horizontal, can already set custom page size.

But if horizontal view, then scale can be more real and adequate, real figures then can be bigger due this.
So in relation to point 2, 6 where 1st page can be with title, etc. text about project in vertical, and other this same (like BOM, or some "notes" (eg. point 19).

  1. hard or extremely hard, depending on the actual requirements. Some kind preview can already be seen in the Image Editor.

I belivie... : )
I did not analyze to much code around. Idea was to map the planes/fields like islands and maybe like svg.
Why do this? Eg. for point 18 with option to prepare own skins, UV, then this pages can be operated as separated, modified, etc. and all in blender.. without Inscape, etc.
In future can be used with BlenderBIM. Exactly planing some "split" solutions here, coz robot is test, and architectural use of this addon ca be great for mockups. Then user can "cut" in blender some svg object as duplicated to put on "land" to prepare right localization (eg. advanced dioramas).

  1. hard github#82

I believe. We can suggest a "convention" that this addon converting all to 1 object as duplicated hidden figure and prepared to operation, but this all must be parented and child to the main, then user can indicate main object, eg. some empty for esy iteration objects that should be join, or where modification can be eliminated. Eg, paper prototype not must be this same like project, but for process this to paper modification must be turn off, excluded. In this case.. that why preview is important. We can have some preview of project as duplicated and refreshed if changes around object but not modificators, or with applied (then maybe decimate modficator can be used https://youtu.be/u9yqkf4Brf4?t=10).

  1. I don't understand. What is a frame? Joining multiple pdfs into one can be done in many third-party tools like pdfarranger

Frame as board for paper and for figures, to framing on scene/layers. Eg. for some description text to add but not apart from paper sheet size, or if want outside, the user can see board.

  1. I don't understand. What is the user benefit from having such a table?

Regarding explanation of point 7. upper, where have 10 figures on page and not sure with element is from as source of whole body, this BOM table can indicate a place and location island on paper sheet.
You probably thinking A4 format only, but when is bigger.. more figures on 1 sheet.. how to find. Then.. in table
A1 = hand left
B1 = head
C1 = hand right
A2 = left leg
B2 = body
C2 = right leg
..as example (the object names)

  1. easy. Using object color for lines sounds reasonable. Random colors sound hard to understand from the user perspective.

Each object can have color as wireframe. Random colors are seted by default from blender I think when using function (Viewport shading, Color > Random), in fact ViewPort Display for object have many settings that can be used, eg. color and name pined to origin, etc.

I add point 18 in relation 3 and 19, 20 ;p @AdamDominec You can move each point to github then, did not know about this project on github before posting this. In fact I tried use this to generate some prototype of work and was idea.. this is nice, but many weakens that can be supported. What we can doo.. here.. put this list on patronite to support some $ maybe for solve problems and to motivate You : ) Maybe Blender Fundation can to dome magic trick, eg announcement for this quick track and founding to grow with this tool. Also blenderartist board community can support. Tool is great. I decided to support this by my vision to make some progress, update. Nice to see author here - thank You @PratikPB2123 The list was spontaneously posted.. sometimes just need to start to find more solution and option. Anyway thx for great tool and attention here. (A więc Emu? : ) Hi !! Regarding this: > 4. hard, and extremely hard if it is supposed to look nice Try watch for techSec, addon generating view and refreshing this inside blender, in fact blender need refresh for files I think https://www.youtube.com/@ryansouthall8464 https://blender.community/c/rightclickselect/mEyE/?sorting=hot > 7. I don't understand. What is the user benefit from having such a table? - I made project, eg. robot (simple boxes, but many), then join all to one figure, and have more than 20 pages, in case many small figures to cut around one page.. then imagine situation, that I'm cutting all figures and can't be sure with island/element is from main object as robot. Then grouped elements can be more identified, I can mark on BOM table with was A. printed B. cutted and C. glued, wich was D. asembled (exactly BOM table can have more colls like KANBAN due this process - due A. coz if something D. fixed cos broken again in this proess, especialy if some part of project are wrong/bad due project) > 8. won't do. Since the title texts are on bottom, horizontal layout is more wasteful on paper space. Who really wants to switch to horizontal, can already set custom page size. But if horizontal view, then scale can be more real and adequate, real figures then can be bigger due this. So in relation to point 2, 6 where 1st page can be with title, etc. text about project in vertical, and other this same (like BOM, or some "notes" (eg. point 19). > 11. hard or extremely hard, depending on the actual requirements. Some kind preview can already be seen in the Image Editor. I belivie... : ) I did not analyze to much code around. Idea was to map the planes/fields like islands and maybe like svg. Why do this? Eg. for point 18 with option to prepare own skins, UV, then this pages can be operated as separated, modified, etc. and all in blender.. without Inscape, etc. In future can be used with BlenderBIM. Exactly planing some "split" solutions here, coz robot is test, and architectural use of this addon ca be great for mockups. Then user can "cut" in blender some svg object as duplicated to put on "land" to prepare right localization (eg. advanced dioramas). > 12. hard github#82 I believe. We can suggest a "convention" that this addon converting all to 1 object as duplicated hidden figure and prepared to operation, but this all must be parented and child to the main, then user can indicate main object, eg. some empty for esy iteration objects that should be join, or where modification can be eliminated. Eg, paper prototype not must be this same like project, but for process this to paper modification must be turn off, excluded. In this case.. that why preview is important. We can have some preview of project as duplicated and refreshed if changes around object but not modificators, or with applied (then maybe decimate modficator can be used https://youtu.be/u9yqkf4Brf4?t=10). > 13. I don't understand. What is a frame? Joining multiple pdfs into one can be done in many third-party tools like pdfarranger Frame as board for paper and for figures, to framing on scene/layers. Eg. for some description text to add but not apart from paper sheet size, or if want outside, the user can see board. > 14. I don't understand. What is the user benefit from having such a table? Regarding explanation of point 7. upper, where have 10 figures on page and not sure with element is from as source of whole body, this BOM table can indicate a place and location island on paper sheet. You probably thinking A4 format only, but when is bigger.. more figures on 1 sheet.. how to find. Then.. in table A1 = hand left B1 = head C1 = hand right A2 = left leg B2 = body C2 = right leg ..as example (the object names) > 17. easy. Using object color for lines sounds reasonable. Random colors sound hard to understand from the user perspective. Each object can have color as wireframe. Random colors are seted by default from blender I think when using function (Viewport shading, Color > Random), in fact ViewPort Display for object have many settings that can be used, eg. color and name pined to origin, etc.
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Reference: blender/blender-addons#104994
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