Generated Rigi-fy rig do not keep finger bones roll of meta-rig #79833

opened 2020-08-16 22:26:37 +02:00 by takeshi funahashi · 10 comments

System Information
Operating system: Windows-10-10.0.18362-SP0 64 Bits
Graphics card: GeForce GTX 980 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 NVIDIA Corporation 4.5.0 NVIDIA 451.48

Blender Version
Broken: version: 2.83.5 Beta, branch: master, commit date: 2020-08-05 07:27, hash: blender/blender@6d30a2b085
Worked: (newest version of Blender that worked as expected)

Short description of error
Generated rigi-fy finger bone change rolls from meta-rig, then master finger bone scale bend fingers wrong direction.

Exact steps for others to reproduce the error

  1. Activate Rigi-fy add on. in perference. (not use legasy mode)
  2. open attached zip blend files.
  3. select "meta-rig" in the scene , then in property panell > armature> Viewport display activate "in front" and "axis", to check bone roll easy.
  4. Confirm current meta-rig finger roll which made for the Human mesh, all meta rig finger roll set bend rotation as local X axis.
(so when generate rigi-fy rig,  then scale, finger master controller in pose mode,, it will bend each fingers correctly.  like this pic


  1. select meta-rig, then in property tab> armature> rigi-fy button> generate Rig

  2. select generated rig-fy rig (named as rig), then set Viewport display "in Front" and "Axes" to check bone roll (local axis).

  3. now generated finger bones,, change ingers roll hard,, so when use finger master bone scale, it bend finger wrong direction.
    changed roll.JPG

or open this blend scene file, it already generate rigi-fy rig from scene meta-rig, then pose each finger with master finger bone controller. and check please.

Though In this scene I did not set weight paint ,Actually when I set armature modifier, and auto weight ,, finger bend strange directions.
because roll (local pose axis) have changed from meta-rig after generate rigi-fy.

I did not know what cause this issue. so if my set-up of meta-rig is something wrong,, hope to know the reason.
(I have never experienced this problem... usually set-roll for human meta rig finger bones, it show reasonable bend direction with master-bone scale (pose))

**System Information** Operating system: Windows-10-10.0.18362-SP0 64 Bits Graphics card: GeForce GTX 980 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 NVIDIA Corporation 4.5.0 NVIDIA 451.48 **Blender Version** Broken: version: 2.83.5 Beta, branch: master, commit date: 2020-08-05 07:27, hash: `blender/blender@6d30a2b085` Worked: (newest version of Blender that worked as expected) **Short description of error** Generated rigi-fy finger bone change rolls from meta-rig, then master finger bone scale bend fingers wrong direction. **Exact steps for others to reproduce the error** 1. Activate Rigi-fy add on. in perference. (not use legasy mode) 2. open attached zip blend files. []( 3. select "meta-rig" in the scene , then in property panell > armature> Viewport display activate "in front" and "axis", to check bone roll easy. 3. Confirm current meta-rig finger roll which made for the Human mesh, all meta rig finger roll set bend rotation as local X axis. ``` (so when generate rigi-fy rig, then scale, finger master controller in pose mode,, it will bend each fingers correctly. like this pic ``` ![fingerroll.JPG]( 4. select meta-rig, then in property tab> armature> rigi-fy button> generate Rig 5. select generated rig-fy rig (named as rig), then set Viewport display "in Front" and "Axes" to check bone roll (local axis). 6. now generated finger bones,, change ingers roll hard,, so when use finger master bone scale, it bend finger wrong direction. ![changed roll.JPG]( or open this blend scene file, it already generate rigi-fy rig from scene meta-rig, then pose each finger with master finger bone controller. and check please. []( Though In this scene I did not set weight paint ,Actually when I set armature modifier, and auto weight ,, finger bend strange directions. because roll (local pose axis) have changed from meta-rig after generate rigi-fy. I did not know what cause this issue. so if my set-up of meta-rig is something wrong,, hope to know the reason. (I have never experienced this problem... usually set-roll for human meta rig finger bones, it show reasonable bend direction with master-bone scale (pose))

Added subscriber: @TakeshiFunahashi

Added subscriber: @TakeshiFunahashi

I could find way to solve this issue. The human rig finger bones use "limbs.super_finger" rig-type. then as default rig type options > Bend rotation axis value set as "automatic"

but once I set "X manuall" (that is what I expect for finger bend rotation) for each "limbs.super_finger" bones >rig-type options, in pose mode

and re-generate rigi-fy , now it seems set roll correctly for fingers related bones. then scale master bone bend fingers right direction.

Sorry I seems did not know the usage of the finger rig-type rotation option. (I have never changed it before)

I could find way to solve this issue. The human rig finger bones use **"limbs.super_finger"** rig-type. then as default rig type options > Bend rotation axis value set as "automatic" but once I set "X manuall" (that is what I expect for finger bend rotation) for each "limbs.super_finger" bones >rig-type options, in pose mode ![fingerrib.JPG]( and re-generate rigi-fy , now it seems set roll correctly for fingers related bones. then scale master bone bend fingers right direction. ![goodroll.JPG]( Sorry I seems did not know the usage of the finger rig-type rotation option. (I have never changed it before)

Added subscriber: @Mets

Added subscriber: @Mets

Changed status from 'Needs Triage' to: 'Archived'

Changed status from 'Needs Triage' to: 'Archived'
Demeter Dzadik self-assigned this 2020-08-17 10:51:16 +02:00

Glad you got the issue resolved and came back with the update. So if I understand correctly there's no bug here after all.

Glad you got the issue resolved and came back with the update. So if I understand correctly there's no bug here after all.

Yes It is not bug, versions. Thanks you closed this topic. (sorry I did not know how to close, )

but I think it may better, discribe about it in blender manuall. because human meta-rig and rig-type,limbs.super_finger set default rotation as "automatic"

blender manuall of each versions have not discribed it, when we align meta-rig bones for mesh fingers. just recommend to set roll as X direction (main) for fingers.
And most of tutoriall may suggest so and it worked before.

, but I have never known I need to change rotation way as manuall X for these finger rig-type props about recent rigi-fy.

Yes It is not bug, versions. Thanks you closed this topic. (sorry I did not know how to close, ) but I think it may better, discribe about it in blender manuall. because human meta-rig and rig-type,limbs.super_finger set default rotation as "automatic" blender manuall of each versions have not discribed it, when we align meta-rig bones for mesh fingers. just recommend to set roll as X direction (main) for fingers. And most of tutoriall may suggest so and it worked before. , but I have never known I need to change rotation way as manuall X for these finger rig-type props about recent rigi-fy.

Yes, although the Rigify manual is very nicely worded and thorough, it does feel a bit outdated in places. I'll add this to my list of TODO's, I'm not sure if anyone is actively maintaining that part of the manual. I think not, and if so, at some point I would like to go through it and bring it up to date. Thanks for pointing this out.

Yes, although the Rigify manual is very nicely worded and thorough, it does feel a bit outdated in places. I'll add this to my list of TODO's, I'm not sure if anyone is actively maintaining that part of the manual. I think not, and if so, at some point I would like to go through it and bring it up to date. Thanks for pointing this out.

Though I know this topic is closed, and I need not add anything but I really respect "Demeter Dzadik (Mets)" react about non professional user report.

I sometimes hesitate to reprot here , becaues I do not hoep to annoying developer because my lack of knowledge.
(though I try to offer report with test and read documents again,, but sometimes I just do not know basic things or miss something)

I did not expect you will reply my request about documents, but I really feel you are good person, and you make me feel happy. thanks.

Though I know this topic is closed, and I need not add anything but I really respect "Demeter Dzadik (Mets)" react about non professional user report. I sometimes hesitate to reprot here , becaues I do not hoep to annoying developer because my lack of knowledge. (though I try to offer report with test and read documents again,, but sometimes I just do not know basic things or miss something) I did not expect you will reply my request about documents, but I really feel you are good person, and you make me feel happy. thanks.

You are melting my heart! Any genuine attempt to help out Blender is always appreciated here!

You are melting my heart! Any genuine attempt to help out Blender is always appreciated here!

It took a few months but I finally got down on my TODO list to updating the manual as suggested. rBM7368

It took a few months but I finally got down on my TODO list to updating the manual as suggested. rBM7368
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Reference: blender/blender-addons#79833
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