Speed up FBX export of polygon indices and edges with numpy #104451
@ -897,19 +897,60 @@ def fbx_data_mesh_elements(root, me_obj, scene_data, done_meshes):
# We do loose edges as two-vertices faces, if enabled...
# We do loose edges as two-vertices faces, if enabled...
# Note we have to process Edges in the same time, as they are based on poly's loops...
# Note we have to process Edges in the same time, as they are based on poly's loops...
# Total number of loops, including any extra added for loose edges.
loop_nbr = len(me.loops)
loop_nbr = len(me.loops)
t_pvi = array.array(data_types.ARRAY_INT32, (0,)) * loop_nbr
t_ls = [None] * len(me.polygons)
me.loops.foreach_get("vertex_index", t_pvi)
# dtypes matching the C data. Matching the C datatype avoids iteration and casting of every element in foreach_get's
# C code.
bl_vertex_index_dtype = bl_edge_index_dtype = bl_loop_index_dtype = np.uintc
# Start vertex indices of loops. May contain elements for loops added for the export of loose edges.
t_lvi = np.empty(len(me.loops), dtype=bl_vertex_index_dtype)
# Loop start indices of polygons. May contain elements for the polygons added for the export of loose edges.
t_ls = np.empty(len(me.polygons), dtype=bl_loop_index_dtype)
# Vertex indices of edges (unsorted, unlike Mesh.edge_keys), flattened into an array twice the length of the number
# of edges.
t_ev = np.empty(len(me.edges) * 2, dtype=bl_vertex_index_dtype)
# Each edge has two vertex indices, so it's useful to view the array as 2d where each element on the first axis is a
# pair of vertex indices
t_ev_pair_view = t_ev.view()
t_ev_pair_view.shape = (-1, 2)
# Edge indices of loops. May contain elements for loops added for the export of loose edges.
t_lei = np.empty(len(me.loops), dtype=bl_edge_index_dtype)
me.loops.foreach_get("vertex_index", t_lvi)
me.polygons.foreach_get("loop_start", t_ls)
me.polygons.foreach_get("loop_start", t_ls)
me.edges.foreach_get("vertices", t_ev)
me.loops.foreach_get("edge_index", t_lei)
# Add "fake" faces for loose edges.
# Add "fake" faces for loose edges. Each "fake" face consists of two loops creating a new 2-sided polygon.
if scene_data.settings.use_mesh_edges:
if scene_data.settings.use_mesh_edges:
t_le = tuple(e.vertices for e in me.edges if e.is_loose)
bl_edge_is_loose_dtype = bool
# Get the mask of edges that are loose
t_ls.extend(range(loop_nbr, loop_nbr + len(t_le) * 2, 2))
loose_mask = np.empty(len(me.edges), dtype=bl_edge_is_loose_dtype)
me.edges.foreach_get('is_loose', loose_mask)
indices_of_loose_edges = np.flatnonzero(loose_mask)
# Since we add two loops per loose edge, repeat the indices so that there's one for each new loop
new_loop_edge_indices = np.repeat(indices_of_loose_edges, 2)
# Get the loose edge vertex index pairs
t_le = t_ev_pair_view[loose_mask]
# append will automatically flatten the pairs in t_le
t_lvi = np.append(t_lvi, t_le)
t_lei = np.append(t_lei, new_loop_edge_indices)
# Two loops are added per loose edge
loop_nbr += 2 * len(t_le)
t_ls = np.append(t_ls, np.arange(len(me.loops), loop_nbr, 2, dtype=t_ls.dtype))
del t_le
del t_le
del loose_mask
del indices_of_loose_edges
del new_loop_edge_indices
# Edges...
# Edges...
# Note: Edges are represented as a loop here: each edge uses a single index, which refers to the polygon array.
# Note: Edges are represented as a loop here: each edge uses a single index, which refers to the polygon array.
@ -919,83 +960,136 @@ def fbx_data_mesh_elements(root, me_obj, scene_data, done_meshes):
# for loose edges).
# for loose edges).
# We also have to store a mapping from real edges to their indices in this array, for edge-mapped data
# We also have to store a mapping from real edges to their indices in this array, for edge-mapped data
# (like e.g. crease).
# (like e.g. crease).
t_eli = array.array(data_types.ARRAY_INT32)
eli_fbx_dtype = np.int32
edges_map = {}
edges_nbr = 0
if t_ls and t_pvi:
# t_ls is loop start indices of polygons, but we want to use it to indicate the end loop of each polygon.
# The loop end index of a polygon is the loop start index of the next polygon minus one, so the first element of
# t_ls will be ignored, and we need to add an extra element at the end to signify the end of the last polygon.
# If we were to add another polygon to the mesh, its loop start index would be the next loop index.
t_ls = set(t_ls[1:])
todo_edges = [None] * len(me.edges) * 2
# Sigh, cannot access edge.key through foreach_get... :/
me.edges.foreach_get("vertices", todo_edges)
todo_edges = set((v1, v2) if v1 < v2 else (v2, v1) for v1, v2 in zip(*(iter(todo_edges),) * 2))
li = 0
# Edge index of each unique edge-key, used to map per-edge data to unique edge-keys (t_pvi).
vi = vi_start = t_pvi[0]
t_pvi_edge_indices = np.empty(0, dtype=t_lei.dtype)
for li_next, vi_next in enumerate(t_pvi[1:] + t_pvi[:1], start=1):
if li_next in t_ls: # End of a poly's loop.
vi2 = vi_start
vi_start = vi_next
vi2 = vi_next
e_key = (vi, vi2) if vi < vi2 else (vi2, vi)
pvi_fbx_dtype = np.int32
if e_key in todo_edges:
if t_ls.size and t_lvi.size:
# Get unsorted edge keys by indexing the edge->vertex-indices array by the loop->edge-index array.
t_pvi_edge_keys = t_ev_pair_view[t_lei]
edges_map[e_key] = edges_nbr
edges_nbr += 1
vi = vi_next
# Sort each [edge_start_n, edge_end_n] pair to get edge keys. Heapsort seems to be the fastest for this specific
li = li_next
# use case.
# End of edges!
t_pvi_edge_keys.sort(axis=1, kind='heapsort')
# We have to ^-1 last index of each loop.
# Note that finding unique edge keys means that if there are multiple edges that share the same vertices (which
for ls in t_ls:
# shouldn't normally happen), only the first edge found in loops will be exported along with its per-edge data.
t_pvi[ls - 1] ^= -1
# To export separate edges that share the same vertices, fast_first_axis_unique can be replaced with np.unique
# with t_lei as the first argument, finding unique edges rather than unique edge keys.
# Since we want the unique values in their original order, the only part we care about is the indices of the
# first occurrence of the unique elements in t_pvi_edge_keys, so we can use our fast uniqueness helper function.
t_eli = fast_first_axis_unique(t_pvi_edge_keys, return_unique=False, return_index=True)
# To get the indices of the elements in t_pvi_edge_keys that produce unique values, but in the original order of
# t_pvi_edge_keys, t_eli must be sorted.
# Due to loops and their edge keys tending to have a partial ordering within meshes, sorting with kind='stable'
# with radix sort tends to be faster than the default of kind='quicksort' with introsort.
# Edge index of each element in unique t_pvi_edge_keys, used to map per-edge data such as sharp and creases.
t_pvi_edge_indices = t_lei[t_eli]
# We have to ^-1 last index of each loop.
# Ensure t_pvi is the correct number of bits before inverting.
t_pvi = astype_view_signedness(t_lvi, pvi_fbx_dtype)
# The index of the end of each loop is one before the index of the start of the next loop.
t_pvi[t_ls[1:] - 1] ^= -1
# The index of the end of the last loop will be the very last index.
t_pvi[-1] ^= -1
del t_pvi_edge_keys
# Should be empty, but make sure it's the correct type.
t_pvi = np.empty(0, dtype=pvi_fbx_dtype)
t_eli = np.empty(0, dtype=eli_fbx_dtype)
# And finally we can write data!
# And finally we can write data!
t_pvi = astype_view_signedness(t_pvi, pvi_fbx_dtype)
t_eli = astype_view_signedness(t_eli, eli_fbx_dtype)
elem_data_single_int32_array(geom, b"PolygonVertexIndex", t_pvi)
elem_data_single_int32_array(geom, b"PolygonVertexIndex", t_pvi)
elem_data_single_int32_array(geom, b"Edges", t_eli)
elem_data_single_int32_array(geom, b"Edges", t_eli)
del t_lvi
del t_pvi
del t_pvi
del t_ls
del t_eli
del t_eli
del t_ev
del t_ev_pair_view
# And now, layers!
# And now, layers!
# Smoothing.
# Smoothing.
if smooth_type in {'FACE', 'EDGE'}:
if smooth_type in {'FACE', 'EDGE'}:
t_ps = None
ps_fbx_dtype = np.int32
poly_use_smooth_dtype = bool
edge_use_sharp_dtype = bool
_map = b""
_map = b""
if smooth_type == 'FACE':
if smooth_type == 'FACE':
t_ps = array.array(data_types.ARRAY_INT32, (0,)) * len(me.polygons)
t_ps = np.empty(len(me.polygons), dtype=poly_use_smooth_dtype)
me.polygons.foreach_get("use_smooth", t_ps)
me.polygons.foreach_get("use_smooth", t_ps)
_map = b"ByPolygon"
_map = b"ByPolygon"
else: # EDGE
else: # EDGE
# Write Edge Smoothing.
# Note edge is sharp also if it's used by more than two faces, or one of its faces is flat.
t_ps = array.array(data_types.ARRAY_INT32, (0,)) * edges_nbr
sharp_edges = set()
temp_sharp_edges = {}
for p in me.polygons:
if not p.use_smooth:
for k in p.edge_keys:
if temp_sharp_edges.setdefault(k, 0) > 1:
temp_sharp_edges[k] += 1
del temp_sharp_edges
for e in me.edges:
if e.key not in edges_map:
continue # Only loose edges, in theory!
t_ps[edges_map[e.key]] = not (e.use_edge_sharp or (e.key in sharp_edges))
_map = b"ByEdge"
_map = b"ByEdge"
if t_pvi_edge_indices.size:
# Write Edge Smoothing.
# Note edge is sharp also if it's used by more than two faces, or one of its faces is flat.
mesh_poly_nbr = len(me.polygons)
mesh_edge_nbr = len(me.edges)
mesh_loop_nbr = len(me.loops)
# t_ls and t_lei may contain extra polygons or loops added for loose edges that are not present in the
# mesh data, so create views that exclude the extra data added for loose edges.
mesh_t_ls_view = t_ls[:mesh_poly_nbr]
mesh_t_lei_view = t_lei[:mesh_loop_nbr]
# - Get sharp edges from flat shaded faces
# Get the 'use_smooth' attribute of all polygons.
p_use_smooth_mask = np.empty(mesh_poly_nbr, dtype=poly_use_smooth_dtype)
me.polygons.foreach_get('use_smooth', p_use_smooth_mask)
# Invert to get all flat shaded polygons.
p_flat_mask = np.invert(p_use_smooth_mask, out=p_use_smooth_mask)
# Convert flat shaded polygons to flat shaded loops by repeating each element by the number of sides of
# that polygon.
# Polygon sides can be calculated from the element-wise difference of loop starts appended by the number
# of loops. Alternatively, polygon sides can be retrieved directly from the 'loop_total' attribute of
# polygons, but since we already have t_ls, it tends to be quicker to calculate from t_ls when above
# around 10_000 polygons.
polygon_sides = np.diff(mesh_t_ls_view, append=mesh_loop_nbr)
p_flat_loop_mask = np.repeat(p_flat_mask, polygon_sides)
# Convert flat shaded loops to flat shaded (sharp) edge indices.
# Note that if an edge is in multiple loops that are part of flat shaded faces, its edge index will end
# up in sharp_edge_indices_from_polygons multiple times.
sharp_edge_indices_from_polygons = mesh_t_lei_view[p_flat_loop_mask]
# - Get sharp edges from edges marked as sharp
e_use_sharp_mask = np.empty(mesh_edge_nbr, dtype=edge_use_sharp_dtype)
me.edges.foreach_get('use_edge_sharp', e_use_sharp_mask)
# - Get sharp edges from edges used by more than two loops (and therefore more than two faces)
e_more_than_two_faces_mask = np.bincount(mesh_t_lei_view, minlength=mesh_edge_nbr) > 2
# - Combine with edges that are sharp because they're in more than two faces
e_use_sharp_mask = np.logical_or(e_use_sharp_mask, e_more_than_two_faces_mask, out=e_use_sharp_mask)
# - Combine with edges that are sharp because a polygon they're in has flat shading
e_use_sharp_mask[sharp_edge_indices_from_polygons] = True
# - Convert sharp edges to sharp edge keys (t_pvi)
ek_use_sharp_mask = e_use_sharp_mask[t_pvi_edge_indices]
# - Sharp edges are indicated in FBX as zero (False), so invert
t_ps = np.invert(ek_use_sharp_mask, out=ek_use_sharp_mask)
del ek_use_sharp_mask
del e_use_sharp_mask
del sharp_edge_indices_from_polygons
del p_flat_loop_mask
del polygon_sides
del p_flat_mask
del p_use_smooth_mask
del mesh_t_lei_view
del mesh_t_ls_view
t_ps = np.empty(0, dtype=ps_fbx_dtype)
t_ps = t_ps.astype(ps_fbx_dtype, copy=False)
lay_smooth = elem_data_single_int32(geom, b"LayerElementSmoothing", 0)
lay_smooth = elem_data_single_int32(geom, b"LayerElementSmoothing", 0)
elem_data_single_int32(lay_smooth, b"Version", FBX_GEOMETRY_SMOOTHING_VERSION)
elem_data_single_int32(lay_smooth, b"Version", FBX_GEOMETRY_SMOOTHING_VERSION)
elem_data_single_string(lay_smooth, b"Name", b"")
elem_data_single_string(lay_smooth, b"Name", b"")
@ -1003,16 +1097,29 @@ def fbx_data_mesh_elements(root, me_obj, scene_data, done_meshes):
elem_data_single_string(lay_smooth, b"ReferenceInformationType", b"Direct")
elem_data_single_string(lay_smooth, b"ReferenceInformationType", b"Direct")
elem_data_single_int32_array(lay_smooth, b"Smoothing", t_ps) # Sight, int32 for bool...
elem_data_single_int32_array(lay_smooth, b"Smoothing", t_ps) # Sight, int32 for bool...
del t_ps
del t_ps
del t_ls
del t_lei
# Edge crease for subdivision
# Edge crease for subdivision
if write_crease:
if write_crease:
t_ec = array.array(data_types.ARRAY_FLOAT64, (0.0,)) * edges_nbr
ec_fbx_dtype = np.float64
for e in me.edges:
if t_pvi_edge_indices.size:
if e.key not in edges_map:
ec_bl_dtype = np.single
continue # Only loose edges, in theory!
t_ec_raw = np.empty(len(me.edges), dtype=ec_bl_dtype)
me.edges.foreach_get('crease', t_ec_raw)
# Convert to t_pvi edge-keys.
t_ec_ek_raw = t_ec_raw[t_pvi_edge_indices]
# Blender squares those values before sending them to OpenSubdiv, when other software don't,
# Blender squares those values before sending them to OpenSubdiv, when other software don't,
# so we need to compensate that to get similar results through FBX...
# so we need to compensate that to get similar results through FBX...
t_ec[edges_map[e.key]] = e.crease * e.crease
# Use the precision of the fbx dtype for the calculation since it's usually higher precision.
t_ec_ek_raw = t_ec_ek_raw.astype(ec_fbx_dtype, copy=False)
t_ec = np.square(t_ec_ek_raw, out=t_ec_ek_raw)
del t_ec_ek_raw
del t_ec_raw
t_ec = np.empty(0, dtype=ec_fbx_dtype)
lay_crease = elem_data_single_int32(geom, b"LayerElementEdgeCrease", 0)
lay_crease = elem_data_single_int32(geom, b"LayerElementEdgeCrease", 0)
elem_data_single_int32(lay_crease, b"Version", FBX_GEOMETRY_CREASE_VERSION)
elem_data_single_int32(lay_crease, b"Version", FBX_GEOMETRY_CREASE_VERSION)
@ -1023,7 +1130,7 @@ def fbx_data_mesh_elements(root, me_obj, scene_data, done_meshes):
del t_ec
del t_ec
# And we are done with edges!
# And we are done with edges!
del edges_map
del t_pvi_edge_indices
# Loop normals.
# Loop normals.
tspacenumber = 0
tspacenumber = 0
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