Speed up FBX export of UVs with numpy #104453

Thomas Barlow wants to merge 1 commits from Mysteryem/blender-addons:fbx_numpy_uvs_pr_standalone into main

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1 changed files with 94 additions and 14 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 65a1a580e9 - Show all commits

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@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ from .fbx_utils import (
units_blender_to_fbx_factor, units_convertor, units_convertor_iter,
matrix4_to_array, similar_values, similar_values_iter, astype_view_signedness, fast_first_axis_unique,
# Mesh transform helpers.
vcos_transformed_gen, nors_transformed_gen, vcos_transformed, nors_transformed,
# UUID from key.
@ -1167,32 +1168,111 @@ def fbx_data_mesh_elements(root, me_obj, scene_data, done_meshes):
# Textures are now only related to materials, in FBX!
uvnumber = len(me.uv_layers)
if uvnumber:
luv_bl_dtype = np.single
luv_fbx_dtype = np.float64
lv_idx_bl_dtype = np.uintc
lv_idx_fbx_dtype = np.int32
t_luv = np.empty(len(me.loops) * 2, dtype=luv_bl_dtype)
# Fast view for sort-based uniqueness of pairs.
t_luv_fast_pair_view = fast_first_axis_flat(t_luv.reshape(-1, 2))
# It must be a view of t_luv otherwise it won't update when t_luv is updated.
assert(t_luv_fast_pair_view.base is t_luv)
# Looks like this mapping is also expected to convey UV islands (arg..... :((((( ).
# So we need to generate unique triplets (uv, vertex_idx) here, not only just based on UV values.
def _uvtuples_gen(raw_uvs, raw_lvidxs):
return zip(zip(*(iter(raw_uvs),) * 2), raw_lvidxs)
t_luv = array.array(data_types.ARRAY_FLOAT64, (0.0,)) * len(me.loops) * 2
t_lvidx = array.array(data_types.ARRAY_INT32, (0,)) * len(me.loops)
t_lvidx = np.empty(len(me.loops), dtype=lv_idx_bl_dtype)
me.loops.foreach_get("vertex_index", t_lvidx)
# If we were to create a combined array of (uv, vertex_idx) elements, we could find unique triplets by sorting
# that array by first sorting by the vertex_idx column and then sorting by the uv column using a stable sorting
# algorithm.
# This is exactly what we'll do, but without creating the combined array, because only the uv elements are
# included in the export and the vertex_idx column is the same for every uv layer.
# Because the vertex_idx column is the same for every uv layer, the vertex_idx column can be sorted in advance.
# argsort gets the indices that sort the array, which are needed to be able to sort the array of uv pairs in the
# same way to create the indices that recreate the full uvs from the unique uvs.
# Loops and vertices tend to naturally have a partial ordering, which makes sorting with kind='stable' (radix
# sort) faster than the default of kind='quicksort' (introsort) in most cases.
perm_vidx = t_lvidx.argsort(kind='stable')
# Mask and uv indices arrays will be modified and re-used by each uv layer.
unique_mask = np.empty(len(me.loops), dtype=np.bool_)
unique_mask[:1] = True
uv_indices = np.empty(len(me.loops), dtype=lv_idx_fbx_dtype)
for uvindex, uvlayer in enumerate(me.uv_layers):
uvlayer.data.foreach_get("uv", t_luv)
lay_uv = elem_data_single_int32(geom, b"LayerElementUV", uvindex)
elem_data_single_int32(lay_uv, b"Version", FBX_GEOMETRY_UV_VERSION)
elem_data_single_string_unicode(lay_uv, b"Name", uvlayer.name)
elem_data_single_string(lay_uv, b"MappingInformationType", b"ByPolygonVertex")
elem_data_single_string(lay_uv, b"ReferenceInformationType", b"IndexToDirect")
uv_ids = tuple(set(_uvtuples_gen(t_luv, t_lvidx)))
elem_data_single_float64_array(lay_uv, b"UV", chain(*(uv for uv, vidx in uv_ids))) # Flatten again...
uvlayer.data.foreach_get("uv", t_luv)
uv2idx = {uv_id: idx for idx, uv_id in enumerate(uv_ids)}
elem_data_single_int32_array(lay_uv, b"UVIndex", (uv2idx[uv_id] for uv_id in _uvtuples_gen(t_luv, t_lvidx)))
del uv2idx
del uv_ids
del t_luv
# t_luv_fast_pair_view is a view in a dtype that compares elements by individual bytes, but float types have
# separate byte representations of positive and negative zero. For uniqueness, these should be considered
# the same, so replace all -0.0 with 0.0 in advance.
t_luv[t_luv == -0.0] = 0.0
# These steps to create unique_uv_pairs are the same as how np.unique would find unique values by sorting a
# structured array where each element is a triplet of (uv, vertex_idx), except uv and vertex_idx are
# separate arrays here and vertex_idx has already been sorted in advance.
# Sort according to the vertex_idx column, using the precalculated indices that sort it.
sorted_t_luv_fast = t_luv_fast_pair_view[perm_vidx]
# Get the indices that would sort the sorted uv pairs. Stable sorting must be used to maintain the sorting
# of the vertex indices.
perm_uv_pairs = sorted_t_luv_fast.argsort(kind='stable')
# Use the indices to sort both the uv pairs and the vertex_idx columns.
perm_combined = perm_vidx[perm_uv_pairs]
sorted_vidx = t_lvidx[perm_combined]
sorted_t_luv_fast = sorted_t_luv_fast[perm_uv_pairs]
# Create a mask where either the uv pair doesn't equal the previous value in the array, or the vertex index
# doesn't equal the previous value, these will be the unique uv-vidx triplets.
# For an imaginary triplet array:
# ...
# [(0.4, 0.2), 0]
# [(0.4, 0.2), 1] -> Unique because vertex index different from previous
# [(0.4, 0.2), 2] -> Unique because vertex index different from previous
# [(0.7, 0.6), 2] -> Unique because uv different from previous
# [(0.7, 0.6), 2]
# ...
# Output the result into unique_mask.
np.logical_or(sorted_t_luv_fast[1:] != sorted_t_luv_fast[:-1], sorted_vidx[1:] != sorted_vidx[:-1],
# Get each uv pair marked as unique by the unique_mask and then view as the original dtype.
unique_uvs = sorted_t_luv_fast[unique_mask].view(luv_bl_dtype)
# NaN values are considered invalid and indicate a bug somewhere else in Blender or in an addon, we want
# these bugs to be reported instead of hiding them by allowing the export to continue.
if np.isnan(unique_uvs).any():
raise RuntimeError("UV layer %s on %r has invalid UVs containing NaN values" % (uvlayer.name, me))
# Convert to the type needed for fbx
unique_uvs = unique_uvs.astype(luv_fbx_dtype, copy=False)
# Set the indices of pairs in unique_uvs that reconstruct the pairs in t_luv into uv_indices.
# uv_indices will then be the same as an inverse array returned by np.unique with return_inverse=True.
uv_indices[perm_combined] = np.cumsum(unique_mask, dtype=uv_indices.dtype) - 1
elem_data_single_float64_array(lay_uv, b"UV", unique_uvs)
elem_data_single_int32_array(lay_uv, b"UVIndex", uv_indices)
del unique_uvs
del sorted_t_luv_fast
del sorted_vidx
del perm_uv_pairs
del perm_combined
del uv_indices
del unique_mask
del perm_vidx
del t_lvidx
del _uvtuples_gen
del t_luv
del t_luv_fast_pair_view
# Face's materials.
me_fbxmaterials_idx = scene_data.mesh_material_indices.get(me)