FBX: Enable the Collection exporter feature #105273

Jesse Yurkovich merged 6 commits from deadpin/blender-addons:fbx-collectionexport into main 2024-04-16 05:13:36 +02:00
Showing only changes of commit 0099da909e - Show all commits

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@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ class ExportFBX(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
# Are we inside the File browser
is_file_browser = context.space_data.type == 'FILE_BROWSER'
export_main(layout, self)
export_main(layout, self, is_file_browser)
deadpin marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

The batch_mode and use_batch_own_dir properties drawn in export_main() should also only be drawn when is_file_browser because the new code in export_fbx_bin.py is only run when batch_mode == 'OFF' (the default value).

Changing the batch_mode to anything else I don't think makes sense for a Collection exporter.

The `batch_mode` and `use_batch_own_dir` properties drawn in `export_main()` should also only be drawn when `is_file_browser` because the new code in `export_fbx_bin.py` is only run when `batch_mode == 'OFF'` (the default value). Changing the `batch_mode` to anything else I don't think makes sense for a Collection exporter.
export_panel_include(layout, self, is_file_browser)
export_panel_transform(layout, self)
export_panel_geometry(layout, self)
@ -597,12 +597,13 @@ class ExportFBX(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
return export_fbx_bin.save(self, context, **keywords)
def export_main(layout, operator):
def export_main(layout, operator, is_file_browser):
row = layout.row(align=True)
row.prop(operator, "path_mode")
sub = row.row(align=True)
sub.enabled = (operator.path_mode == 'COPY')
sub.prop(operator, "embed_textures", text="", icon='PACKAGE' if operator.embed_textures else 'UGLYPACKAGE')
if is_file_browser:
row = layout.row(align=True)
row.prop(operator, "batch_mode")
sub = row.row(align=True)