Vilem Duha
OK button removed from popup rating fixed a bug in fetching user's ratings from server
2132 lines
91 KiB
2132 lines
91 KiB
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
from blenderkit import paths, ratings, utils, search, upload, ui_bgl, download, bg_blender, colors, tasks_queue, \
ui_panels, icons, ratings_utils
import bpy
import math, random
from bpy.props import (
from bpy_extras import view3d_utils
import mathutils
from mathutils import Vector
import time
import datetime
import os
import logging
bk_logger = logging.getLogger('blenderkit')
handler_2d = None
handler_3d = None
active_area_pointer = None
active_window_pointer = None
active_region_pointer = None
reports = []
mappingdict = {
'MODEL': 'model',
'SCENE': 'scene',
'HDR': 'hdr',
'MATERIAL': 'material',
'TEXTURE': 'texture',
'BRUSH': 'brush'
verification_icons = {
'ready': 'vs_ready.png',
'deleted': 'vs_deleted.png',
'uploaded': 'vs_uploaded.png',
'uploading': 'vs_uploading.png',
'on_hold': 'vs_on_hold.png',
'validated': None,
'rejected': 'vs_rejected.png'
# class UI_region():
# def _init__(self, parent = None, x = 10,y = 10 , width = 10, height = 10, img = None, col = None):
def get_approximate_text_width(st):
size = 10
for s in st:
if s in 'i|':
size += 2
elif s in ' ':
size += 4
elif s in 'sfrt':
size += 5
elif s in 'ceghkou':
size += 6
elif s in 'PadnBCST3E':
size += 7
elif s in 'GMODVXYZ':
size += 8
elif s in 'w':
size += 9
elif s in 'm':
size += 10
size += 7
return size # Convert to picas
def add_report(text='', timeout=5, color=colors.GREEN):
global reports
# check for same reports and just make them longer by the timeout.
for old_report in reports:
if old_report.text == text:
old_report.timeout = old_report.age + timeout
report = Report(text=text, timeout=timeout, color=color)
class Report():
def __init__(self, text='', timeout=5, color=(.5, 1, .5, 1)):
self.text = text
self.timeout = timeout
self.start_time = time.time()
self.color = color
self.draw_color = color
self.age = 0
def fade(self):
fade_time = 1
self.age = time.time() - self.start_time
if self.age + fade_time > self.timeout:
alpha_multiplier = (self.timeout - self.age) / fade_time
self.draw_color = (self.color[0], self.color[1], self.color[2], self.color[3] * alpha_multiplier)
if self.age > self.timeout:
global reports
except Exception as e:
def draw(self, x, y):
if bpy.context.area.as_pointer() == active_area_pointer:
ui_bgl.draw_text(self.text, x, y + 8, 16, self.draw_color)
def get_asset_under_mouse(mousex, mousey):
s = bpy.context.scene
wm = bpy.context.window_manager
ui_props = bpy.context.scene.blenderkitUI
r = bpy.context.region
search_results = wm.get('search results')
if search_results is not None:
h_draw = min(ui_props.hcount, math.ceil(len(search_results) / ui_props.wcount))
for b in range(0, h_draw):
w_draw = min(ui_props.wcount, len(search_results) - b * ui_props.wcount - ui_props.scrolloffset)
for a in range(0, w_draw):
x = ui_props.bar_x + a * (ui_props.margin + ui_props.thumb_size) + ui_props.margin + ui_props.drawoffset
y = ui_props.bar_y - ui_props.margin - (ui_props.thumb_size + ui_props.margin) * (b + 1)
w = ui_props.thumb_size
h = ui_props.thumb_size
if x < mousex < x + w and y < mousey < y + h:
return a + ui_props.wcount * b + ui_props.scrolloffset
# return search_results[a]
return -3
def draw_bbox(location, rotation, bbox_min, bbox_max, progress=None, color=(0, 1, 0, 1)):
ui_props = bpy.context.scene.blenderkitUI
rotation = mathutils.Euler(rotation)
smin = Vector(bbox_min)
smax = Vector(bbox_max)
v0 = Vector(smin)
v1 = Vector((smax.x, smin.y, smin.z))
v2 = Vector((smax.x, smax.y, smin.z))
v3 = Vector((smin.x, smax.y, smin.z))
v4 = Vector((smin.x, smin.y, smax.z))
v5 = Vector((smax.x, smin.y, smax.z))
v6 = Vector((smax.x, smax.y, smax.z))
v7 = Vector((smin.x, smax.y, smax.z))
arrowx = smin.x + (smax.x - smin.x) / 2
arrowy = smin.y - (smax.x - smin.x) / 2
v8 = Vector((arrowx, arrowy, smin.z))
vertices = [v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8]
for v in vertices:
v += Vector(location)
lines = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 0], [4, 5], [5, 6], [6, 7], [7, 4], [0, 4], [1, 5],
[2, 6], [3, 7], [0, 8], [1, 8]]
ui_bgl.draw_lines(vertices, lines, color)
if progress != None:
color = (color[0], color[1], color[2], .2)
progress = progress * .01
vz0 = (v4 - v0) * progress + v0
vz1 = (v5 - v1) * progress + v1
vz2 = (v6 - v2) * progress + v2
vz3 = (v7 - v3) * progress + v3
rects = (
(v0, v1, vz1, vz0),
(v1, v2, vz2, vz1),
(v2, v3, vz3, vz2),
(v3, v0, vz0, vz3))
for r in rects:
ui_bgl.draw_rect_3d(r, color)
def get_rating_scalevalues(asset_type):
xs = []
if asset_type == 'model':
scalevalues = (0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250)
for v in scalevalues:
a = math.log2(v)
x = (a + 1) * (1. / 9.)
scalevalues = (0.2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
for v in scalevalues:
a = v
x = v / 5.
return scalevalues, xs
def draw_ratings_bgl():
# return;
ui = bpy.context.scene.blenderkitUI
rating_possible, rated, asset, asset_data = is_rating_possible()
if rating_possible: # (not rated or ui_props.rating_menu_on):
# print('rating is pssible', asset_data['name'])
bkit_ratings = asset.bkit_ratings
if ui.rating_button_on:
# print('should draw button')
img = utils.get_thumbnail('star_white.png')
ui.rating_y - ui.rating_button_width,
img, 1)
# if ui_props.asset_type != 'BRUSH':
# thumbnail_image = props.thumbnail
# else:
# b = utils.get_active_brush()
# thumbnail_image = b.icon_filepath
directory = paths.get_temp_dir('%s_search' % asset_data['assetType'])
tpath = os.path.join(directory, asset_data['thumbnail_small'])
img = utils.get_hidden_image(tpath, 'rating_preview')
ui_bgl.draw_image(ui.rating_x + ui.rating_button_width,
ui.rating_y - ui.rating_button_width,
img, 1)
def draw_text_block(x=0, y=0, width=40, font_size=10, line_height=15, text='', color=colors.TEXT):
lines = text.split('\n')
nlines = []
for l in lines:
nlines.extend(search.split_subs(l, ))
column_lines = 0
for l in nlines:
ytext = y - column_lines * line_height
column_lines += 1
ui_bgl.draw_text(l, x, ytext, font_size, color)
def draw_tooltip(x, y, name='', author='', quality='-', img=None, gravatar=None):
region = bpy.context.region
scale = bpy.context.preferences.view.ui_scale
t = time.time()
if not img or max(img.size[0], img.size[1]) == 0:
x += 20
y -= 20
# first get image size scaled
isizex = int(512 * scale * img.size[0] / min(img.size[0], img.size[1]))
isizey = int(512 * scale * img.size[1] / min(img.size[0], img.size[1]))
ttipmargin = 5 * scale
# then do recurrent re-scaling, to know where to fit the tooltip
estimated_height = 2 * ttipmargin + isizey
if estimated_height > y:
scaledown = y / (estimated_height)
scale *= scaledown
isizex = int(512 * scale * img.size[0] / min(img.size[0], img.size[1]))
isizey = int(512 * scale * img.size[1] / min(img.size[0], img.size[1]))
ttipmargin = 5 * scale
textmargin = 12 * scale
if gravatar is not None:
overlay_height_base = 90
overlay_height_base = 70
overlay_height = overlay_height_base * scale
name_height = int(20 * scale)
width = isizex + 2 * ttipmargin
properties_width = 0
for r in bpy.context.area.regions:
if r.type == 'UI':
properties_width = r.width
# limit to area borders
x = min(x + width, region.width - properties_width) - width
# define_colors
background_color = bpy.context.preferences.themes[0].user_interface.wcol_tooltip.inner
background_overlay = (background_color[0], background_color[1], background_color[2], .8)
textcol = bpy.context.preferences.themes[0].user_interface.wcol_tooltip.text
textcol = (textcol[0], textcol[1], textcol[2], 1)
# background
ui_bgl.draw_rect(x - ttipmargin,
y - 2 * ttipmargin - isizey,
isizex + ttipmargin * 2,
2 * ttipmargin + isizey,
# main preview image
ui_bgl.draw_image(x, y - isizey - ttipmargin, isizex, isizey, img, 1)
# text overlay background
ui_bgl.draw_rect(x - ttipmargin,
y - 2 * ttipmargin - isizey,
isizex + ttipmargin * 2,
ttipmargin + overlay_height,
# draw name
name_x = x + textmargin
name_y = y - isizey + overlay_height - textmargin - name_height
ui_bgl.draw_text(name, name_x, name_y, name_height, textcol)
# draw gravatar
author_x_text = x + isizex - textmargin
gravatar_size = overlay_height - 2 * textmargin
gravatar_y = y - isizey - ttipmargin + textmargin
if gravatar is not None:
author_x_text -= gravatar_size + textmargin
ui_bgl.draw_image(x + isizex - gravatar_size - textmargin,
gravatar_y, # + textmargin,
gravatar_size, gravatar_size, gravatar, 1)
# draw author's name
author_text_size = int(name_height * .7)
ui_bgl.draw_text(author, author_x_text, gravatar_y, author_text_size, textcol, ralign=True)
# draw quality
quality_text_size = int(name_height * 1)
img = utils.get_thumbnail('star_grey.png')
ui_bgl.draw_image(name_x, gravatar_y, quality_text_size, quality_text_size, img, .6)
ui_bgl.draw_text(str(quality), name_x + quality_text_size + 5, gravatar_y, quality_text_size, textcol)
def draw_tooltip_with_author(asset_data, x, y):
# TODO move this lazy loading into a function and don't duplicate through the code
img = get_large_thumbnail_image(asset_data)
gimg = None
author_text = ''
if bpy.context.window_manager.get('bkit authors') is not None:
a = bpy.context.window_manager['bkit authors'].get(asset_data['author']['id'])
if a is not None and a != '':
if a.get('gravatarImg') is not None:
gimg = utils.get_hidden_image(a['gravatarImg'], a['gravatarHash'])
if len(a['firstName'])>0 or len(a['lastName'])>0:
author_text = f"by {a['firstName']} {a['lastName']}"
aname = asset_data['displayName']
aname = aname[0].upper() + aname[1:]
if len(aname) > 36:
aname = f"{aname[:33]}..."
rc = asset_data.get('ratingsCount')
show_rating_threshold = 0
rcount = 0
quality = '-'
if rc:
rcount = min(rc.get('quality',0), rc.get('workingHours',0))
if rcount > show_rating_threshold:
quality = round(asset_data['ratingsAverage'].get('quality'))
author_text = ''
if len(a['firstName'])>0 or len(a['lastName'])>0:
author_text = f"by {a['firstName']} {a['lastName']}"
draw_tooltip(x, y, name=aname, author=author_text, quality=quality, img=img,
def draw_callback_2d(self, context):
if not utils.guard_from_crash():
a = context.area
w = context.window
# self.area might throw error just by itself.
a1 = self.area
w1 = self.window
go = True
if len(a.spaces[0].region_quadviews) > 0:
# print(dir(bpy.context.region_data))
# print('quad', a.spaces[0].region_3d, a.spaces[0].region_quadviews[0])
if a.spaces[0].region_3d != context.region_data:
go = False
# bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(self._handle_2d, 'WINDOW')
# bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(self._handle_3d, 'WINDOW')
go = False
if go and a == a1 and w == w1:
props = context.scene.blenderkitUI
if props.down_up == 'SEARCH':
draw_asset_bar(self, context)
elif props.down_up == 'UPLOAD':
draw_callback_2d_upload_preview(self, context)
def draw_downloader(x, y, percent=0, img=None, text=''):
if img is not None:
ui_bgl.draw_image(x, y, 50, 50, img, .5)
ui_bgl.draw_rect(x, y, 50, int(0.5 * percent), (.2, 1, .2, .3))
ui_bgl.draw_rect(x - 3, y - 3, 6, 6, (1, 0, 0, .3))
# if asset_data is not None:
# ui_bgl.draw_text(asset_data['name'], x, y, colors.TEXT)
# ui_bgl.draw_text(asset_data['filesSize'])
if text:
ui_bgl.draw_text(text, x, y - 15, 12, colors.TEXT)
def draw_progress(x, y, text='', percent=None, color=colors.GREEN):
ui_bgl.draw_rect(x, y, percent, 5, color)
ui_bgl.draw_text(text, x, y + 8, 16, color)
def draw_callback_3d_progress(self, context):
# 'star trek' mode gets here, blocked by now ;)
for threaddata in download.download_threads:
asset_data = threaddata[1]
tcom = threaddata[2]
if tcom.passargs.get('downloaders'):
for d in tcom.passargs['downloaders']:
if asset_data['assetType'] == 'model':
draw_bbox(d['location'], d['rotation'], asset_data['bbox_min'], asset_data['bbox_max'],
def draw_callback_2d_progress(self, context):
green = (.2, 1, .2, .3)
offset = 0
row_height = 35
ui = bpy.context.scene.blenderkitUI
x = ui.reports_x
y = ui.reports_y
index = 0
for threaddata in download.download_threads:
asset_data = threaddata[1]
tcom = threaddata[2]
directory = paths.get_temp_dir('%s_search' % asset_data['assetType'])
tpath = os.path.join(directory, asset_data['thumbnail_small'])
img = utils.get_hidden_image(tpath, asset_data['id'])
if tcom.passargs.get('downloaders'):
for d in tcom.passargs['downloaders']:
loc = view3d_utils.location_3d_to_region_2d(bpy.context.region, bpy.context.space_data.region_3d,
# print('drawing downloader')
if loc is not None:
if asset_data['assetType'] == 'model':
# models now draw with star trek mode, no need to draw percent for the image.
draw_downloader(loc[0], loc[1], percent=tcom.progress, img=img,
draw_downloader(loc[0], loc[1], percent=tcom.progress, img=img,
# utils.p('end drawing downlaoders downloader')
draw_progress(x, y - index * 30, text='downloading %s' % asset_data['name'],
index += 1
for process in bg_blender.bg_processes:
tcom = process[1]
n = ''
if is not None:
n = + ': '
draw_progress(x, y - index * 30, '%s' % n + tcom.lasttext,
index += 1
global reports
for report in reports:
report.draw(x, y - index * 30)
index += 1
def draw_callback_2d_upload_preview(self, context):
ui_props = context.scene.blenderkitUI
props = utils.get_upload_props()
# assets which don't need asset preview
if ui_props.asset_type == 'HDR':
if props != None and ui_props.draw_tooltip:
if ui_props.asset_type != 'BRUSH':
ui_props.thumbnail_image = props.thumbnail
b = utils.get_active_brush()
ui_props.thumbnail_image = b.icon_filepath
img = utils.get_hidden_image(ui_props.thumbnail_image, 'upload_preview')
draw_tooltip(ui_props.bar_x, ui_props.bar_y, name=ui_props.tooltip, img=img)
def is_upload_old(asset_data):
estimates if the asset is far too long in the 'uploaded' state
This returns the number of days the validation is over the limit.
date_time_str = asset_data["created"][:10]
# date_time_str = 'Jun 28 2018 7:40AM'
date_time_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_time_str, '%Y-%m-%d')
today =
age = today - date_time_obj
old = datetime.timedelta(days=7)
if age > old:
return (age.days - old.days)
return 0
def get_large_thumbnail_image(asset_data):
'''Get thumbnail image from asset data'''
scene = bpy.context.scene
ui_props = scene.blenderkitUI
iname = utils.previmg_name(ui_props.active_index, fullsize=True)
directory = paths.get_temp_dir('%s_search' % mappingdict[ui_props.asset_type])
tpath = os.path.join(directory, asset_data['thumbnail'])
if asset_data['assetType'] == 'hdr':
tpath = os.path.join(directory, asset_data['thumbnail'])
if not asset_data['thumbnail']:
tpath = paths.get_addon_thumbnail_path('thumbnail_not_available.jpg')
if asset_data['assetType'] == 'hdr':
colorspace = 'Non-Color'
colorspace = 'sRGB'
img = utils.get_hidden_image(tpath, iname, colorspace=colorspace)
return img
def draw_asset_bar(self, context):
s = bpy.context.scene
ui_props = context.scene.blenderkitUI
user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
r = self.region
# hc = bpy.context.preferences.themes[0]
# hc = bpy.context.preferences.themes[0].user_interface.wcol_menu_back.inner
# hc = (hc[0], hc[1], hc[2], .2)
hc = (1, 1, 1, .07)
# grey1 = (hc.r * .55, hc.g * .55, hc.b * .55, 1)
grey2 = (hc[0] * .8, hc[1] * .8, hc[2] * .8, .5)
# grey1 = (hc.r, hc.g, hc.b, 1)
white = (1, 1, 1, 0.2)
green = (.2, 1, .2, .7)
highlight = bpy.context.preferences.themes[0].user_interface.wcol_menu_item.inner_sel
highlight = (1, 1, 1, .2)
# highlight = (1, 1, 1, 0.8)
# background of asset bar
# if ui_props.hcount>0:
# #this fixes a draw issue introduced in blender 2.91. draws a very small version of the image to avoid problems
# # with alpha. Not sure why this works.
# img = utils.get_thumbnail('arrow_left.png')
# ui_bgl.draw_image(0, 0, 1,
# 1,
# img,
# 1)
if not ui_props.dragging and ui_props.hcount > 0 and ui_props.wcount > 0:
search_results = bpy.context.window_manager.get('search results')
search_results_orig = bpy.context.window_manager.get('search results orig')
if search_results == None:
h_draw = min(ui_props.hcount, math.ceil(len(search_results) / ui_props.wcount))
if ui_props.wcount > len(search_results):
bar_width = len(search_results) * (ui_props.thumb_size + ui_props.margin) + ui_props.margin
bar_width = ui_props.bar_width
row_height = ui_props.thumb_size + ui_props.margin
ui_bgl.draw_rect(ui_props.bar_x, ui_props.bar_y - ui_props.bar_height, bar_width,
ui_props.bar_height, hc)
if search_results is not None:
if ui_props.scrolloffset > 0 or ui_props.wcount * ui_props.hcount < len(search_results):
ui_props.drawoffset = 35
ui_props.drawoffset = 0
if ui_props.wcount * ui_props.hcount < len(search_results):
# arrows
arrow_y = ui_props.bar_y - int((ui_props.bar_height + ui_props.thumb_size) / 2) + ui_props.margin
if ui_props.scrolloffset > 0:
if ui_props.active_index == -2:
ui_bgl.draw_rect(ui_props.bar_x, ui_props.bar_y - ui_props.bar_height, 25,
ui_props.bar_height, highlight)
img = utils.get_thumbnail('arrow_left.png')
ui_bgl.draw_image(ui_props.bar_x, arrow_y, 25,
if search_results_orig['count'] - ui_props.scrolloffset > (ui_props.wcount * ui_props.hcount) + 1:
if ui_props.active_index == -1:
ui_bgl.draw_rect(ui_props.bar_x + ui_props.bar_width - 25,
ui_props.bar_y - ui_props.bar_height, 25,
img1 = utils.get_thumbnail('arrow_right.png')
ui_bgl.draw_image(ui_props.bar_x + ui_props.bar_width - 25,
arrow_y, 25,
ui_props.thumb_size, img1, 1)
for b in range(0, h_draw):
w_draw = min(ui_props.wcount, len(search_results) - b * ui_props.wcount - ui_props.scrolloffset)
y = ui_props.bar_y - (b + 1) * (row_height)
for a in range(0, w_draw):
x = ui_props.bar_x + a * (
ui_props.margin + ui_props.thumb_size) + ui_props.margin + ui_props.drawoffset
index = a + ui_props.scrolloffset + b * ui_props.wcount
iname = utils.previmg_name(index)
img =
if img is not None and img.size[0] > 0 and img.size[1] > 0:
w = int(ui_props.thumb_size * img.size[0] / max(img.size[0], img.size[1]))
h = int(ui_props.thumb_size * img.size[1] / max(img.size[0], img.size[1]))
crop = (0, 0, 1, 1)
if img.size[0] > img.size[1]:
offset = (1 - img.size[1] / img.size[0]) / 2
crop = (offset, 0, 1 - offset, 1)
ui_bgl.draw_image(x, y, w, w, img, 1,
if index == ui_props.active_index:
ui_bgl.draw_rect(x - ui_props.highlight_margin, y - ui_props.highlight_margin,
w + 2 * ui_props.highlight_margin, w + 2 * ui_props.highlight_margin,
# if index == ui_props.active_index:
# ui_bgl.draw_rect(x - highlight_margin, y - highlight_margin,
# w + 2*highlight_margin, h + 2*highlight_margin , highlight)
ui_bgl.draw_rect(x, y, ui_props.thumb_size, ui_props.thumb_size, white)
result = search_results[index]
# code to inform validators that the validation is waiting too long and should be done asap
if result['verificationStatus'] == 'uploaded':
if utils.profile_is_validator():
over_limit = is_upload_old(result)
if over_limit:
redness = min(over_limit * .05, 0.5)
red = (1, 0, 0, redness)
ui_bgl.draw_rect(x, y, ui_props.thumb_size, ui_props.thumb_size, red)
if result['downloaded'] > 0:
ui_bgl.draw_rect(x, y, int(ui_props.thumb_size * result['downloaded'] / 100.0), 2, green)
# object type icons - just a test..., adds clutter/ not so userfull:
# icons = ('type_finished.png', 'type_template.png', 'type_particle_system.png')
if (result.get('canDownload', True)) == 0:
img = utils.get_thumbnail('locked.png')
ui_bgl.draw_image(x + 2, y + 2, 24, 24, img, 1)
# pcoll = icons.icon_collections["main"]
# v_icon = pcoll['rejected']
v_icon = verification_icons[result.get('verificationStatus', 'validated')]
if v_icon is None and utils.profile_is_validator():
# poke for validators to rate
if ratings_utils.get_rating_local(result['id']) in (None, {}):
v_icon = 'star_grey.png'
if v_icon is not None:
img = utils.get_thumbnail(v_icon)
ui_bgl.draw_image(x + ui_props.thumb_size - 26, y + 2, 24, 24, img, 1)
# if user_preferences.api_key == '':
# report = 'Register on BlenderKit website to upload your own assets.'
# ui_bgl.draw_text(report, ui_props.bar_x + ui_props.margin,
# ui_props.bar_y - 25 - ui_props.margin - ui_props.bar_height, 15)
# elif len(search_results) == 0:
# report = 'BlenderKit - No matching results found.'
# ui_bgl.draw_text(report, ui_props.bar_x + ui_props.margin,
# ui_props.bar_y - 25 - ui_props.margin, 15)
if ui_props.draw_tooltip:
r = search_results[ui_props.active_index]
draw_tooltip_with_author(r, ui_props.mouse_x, ui_props.mouse_y)
s = bpy.context.scene
props = utils.get_search_props()
# if != '' and props.is_searching or props.search_error:
# ui_bgl.draw_text(, ui_props.bar_x,
# ui_props.bar_y - 15 - ui_props.margin - ui_props.bar_height, 15)
if ui_props.dragging and (
ui_props.draw_drag_image or ui_props.draw_snapped_bounds) and ui_props.active_index > -1:
iname = utils.previmg_name(ui_props.active_index)
img =
linelength = 35
ui_bgl.draw_image(ui_props.mouse_x + linelength, ui_props.mouse_y - linelength - ui_props.thumb_size,
ui_props.thumb_size, ui_props.thumb_size, img, 1)
ui_bgl.draw_line2d(ui_props.mouse_x, ui_props.mouse_y, ui_props.mouse_x + linelength,
ui_props.mouse_y - linelength, 2, white)
def draw_callback_3d(self, context):
''' Draw snapped bbox while dragging and in the future other blenderkit related stuff. '''
if not utils.guard_from_crash():
ui = context.scene.blenderkitUI
if ui.dragging and ui.asset_type == 'MODEL':
if ui.draw_snapped_bounds:
draw_bbox(ui.snapped_location, ui.snapped_rotation, ui.snapped_bbox_min, ui.snapped_bbox_max)
def object_in_particle_collection(o):
'''checks if an object is in a particle system as instance, to not snap to it and not to try to attach material.'''
for p in
if p.render_type == 'COLLECTION':
if p.instance_collection:
for o1 in p.instance_collection.objects:
if o1 == o:
return True
if p.render_type == 'COLLECTION':
if p.instance_object == o:
return True
return False
def deep_ray_cast(depsgraph, ray_origin, vec):
# this allows to ignore some objects, like objects with bounding box draw style or particle objects
object = None
# while object is None or object.draw
has_hit, snapped_location, snapped_normal, face_index, object, matrix = bpy.context.scene.ray_cast(
depsgraph, ray_origin, vec)
empty_set = False, Vector((0, 0, 0)), Vector((0, 0, 1)), None, None, None
if not object:
return empty_set
try_object = object
while try_object and (try_object.display_type == 'BOUNDS' or object_in_particle_collection(try_object)):
ray_origin = snapped_location + vec.normalized() * 0.0003
try_has_hit, try_snapped_location, try_snapped_normal, try_face_index, try_object, try_matrix = bpy.context.scene.ray_cast(
depsgraph, ray_origin, vec)
if try_has_hit:
# this way only good hits are returned, otherwise
has_hit, snapped_location, snapped_normal, face_index, object, matrix = try_has_hit, try_snapped_location, try_snapped_normal, try_face_index, try_object, try_matrix
if not (object.display_type == 'BOUNDS' or object_in_particle_collection(
try_object)): # or not object.visible_get()):
return has_hit, snapped_location, snapped_normal, face_index, object, matrix
return empty_set
def mouse_raycast(context, mx, my):
r = context.region
rv3d = context.region_data
coord = mx, my
# get the ray from the viewport and mouse
view_vector = view3d_utils.region_2d_to_vector_3d(r, rv3d, coord)
if rv3d.view_perspective == 'CAMERA' and rv3d.is_perspective == False:
# ortographic cameras don'w work with region_2d_to_origin_3d
view_position = rv3d.view_matrix.inverted().translation
ray_origin = view3d_utils.region_2d_to_location_3d(r, rv3d, coord, depth_location=view_position)
ray_origin = view3d_utils.region_2d_to_origin_3d(r, rv3d, coord, clamp=1.0)
ray_target = ray_origin + (view_vector * 1000000000)
vec = ray_target - ray_origin
has_hit, snapped_location, snapped_normal, face_index, object, matrix = deep_ray_cast(
bpy.context.view_layer.depsgraph, ray_origin, vec)
# backface snapping inversion
if view_vector.angle(snapped_normal) < math.pi / 2:
snapped_normal = -snapped_normal
# print(has_hit, snapped_location, snapped_normal, face_index, object, matrix)
# rote = mathutils.Euler((0, 0, math.pi))
randoffset = math.pi
if has_hit:
props = bpy.context.scene.blenderkit_models
up = Vector((0, 0, 1))
if props.perpendicular_snap:
if snapped_normal.z > 1 - props.perpendicular_snap_threshold:
snapped_normal = Vector((0, 0, 1))
elif snapped_normal.z < -1 + props.perpendicular_snap_threshold:
snapped_normal = Vector((0, 0, -1))
elif abs(snapped_normal.z) < props.perpendicular_snap_threshold:
snapped_normal.z = 0
snapped_rotation = snapped_normal.to_track_quat('Z', 'Y').to_euler()
if props.randomize_rotation and snapped_normal.angle(up) < math.radians(10.0):
randoffset = props.offset_rotation_amount + math.pi + (
random.random() - 0.5) * props.randomize_rotation_amount
randoffset = props.offset_rotation_amount # we don't rotate this way on walls and ceilings. + math.pi
# snapped_rotation.z += math.pi + (random.random() - 0.5) * .2
snapped_rotation = mathutils.Quaternion((0, 0, 0, 0)).to_euler()
snapped_rotation.rotate_axis('Z', randoffset)
return has_hit, snapped_location, snapped_normal, snapped_rotation, face_index, object, matrix
def floor_raycast(context, mx, my):
r = context.region
rv3d = context.region_data
coord = mx, my
# get the ray from the viewport and mouse
view_vector = view3d_utils.region_2d_to_vector_3d(r, rv3d, coord)
ray_origin = view3d_utils.region_2d_to_origin_3d(r, rv3d, coord)
ray_target = ray_origin + (view_vector * 1000)
# various intersection plane normals are needed for corner cases that might actually happen quite often - in front and side view.
# default plane normal is scene floor.
plane_normal = (0, 0, 1)
if math.isclose(view_vector.x, 0, abs_tol=1e-4) and math.isclose(view_vector.z, 0, abs_tol=1e-4):
plane_normal = (0, 1, 0)
elif math.isclose(view_vector.z, 0, abs_tol=1e-4):
plane_normal = (1, 0, 0)
snapped_location = mathutils.geometry.intersect_line_plane(ray_origin, ray_target, (0, 0, 0), plane_normal,
if snapped_location != None:
has_hit = True
snapped_normal = Vector((0, 0, 1))
face_index = None
object = None
matrix = None
snapped_rotation = snapped_normal.to_track_quat('Z', 'Y').to_euler()
props = bpy.context.scene.blenderkit_models
if props.randomize_rotation:
randoffset = props.offset_rotation_amount + math.pi + (
random.random() - 0.5) * props.randomize_rotation_amount
randoffset = props.offset_rotation_amount + math.pi
snapped_rotation.rotate_axis('Z', randoffset)
return has_hit, snapped_location, snapped_normal, snapped_rotation, face_index, object, matrix
def is_rating_possible():
ao = bpy.context.active_object
ui = bpy.context.scene.blenderkitUI
preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
# first test if user is logged in.
if preferences.api_key == '':
return False, False, None, None
if bpy.context.scene.get('assets rated') is not None and ui.down_up == 'SEARCH':
if bpy.context.mode in ('SCULPT', 'PAINT_TEXTURE'):
b = utils.get_active_brush()
ad = b.get('asset_data')
if ad is not None:
rated = bpy.context.scene['assets rated'].get(ad['assetBaseId'])
return True, rated, b, ad
if ao is not None:
ad = None
# crawl parents to reach active asset. there could have been parenting so we need to find the first onw
ao_check = ao
while ad is None or (ad is None and ao_check.parent is not None):
s = bpy.context.scene
ad = ao_check.get('asset_data')
if ad is not None and ad.get('assetBaseId') is not None:
s['assets rated'] = s.get('assets rated', {})
rated = s['assets rated'].get(ad['assetBaseId'])
# originally hidden for already rated assets
return True, rated, ao_check, ad
elif ao_check.parent is not None:
ao_check = ao_check.parent
# check also materials
m = ao.active_material
if m is not None:
ad = m.get('asset_data')
if ad is not None and ad.get('assetBaseId'):
rated = bpy.context.scene['assets rated'].get(ad['assetBaseId'])
return True, rated, m, ad
# if t>2 and t<2.5:
# ui_props.rating_on = False
return False, False, None, None
def interact_rating(r, mx, my, event):
ui = bpy.context.scene.blenderkitUI
rating_possible, rated, asset, asset_data = is_rating_possible()
if rating_possible:
bkit_ratings = asset.bkit_ratings
t = time.time() - ui.last_rating_time
if bpy.context.mode in ('SCULPT', 'PAINT_TEXTURE'):
accept_value = 'PRESS'
accept_value = 'RELEASE'
if ui.rating_button_on and event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE' and event.value == accept_value:
if mouse_in_area(mx, my,
ui.rating_y - ui.rating_button_width,
ui.rating_button_width * 2,
# ui.rating_menu_on = True
ctx = utils.get_fake_context(bpy.context, area_type='VIEW_3D')
bpy.ops.wm.blenderkit_menu_rating_upload(ctx, 'INVOKE_DEFAULT', asset_name=asset_data['name'],
return True
return False
def mouse_in_area(mx, my, x, y, w, h):
if x < mx < x + w and y < my < y + h:
return True
return False
def mouse_in_asset_bar(mx, my):
ui_props = bpy.context.scene.blenderkitUI
# search_results = bpy.context.window_manager.get('search results')
# if search_results == None:
# return False
# w_draw1 = min(ui_props.wcount + 1, len(search_results) - b * ui_props.wcount - ui_props.scrolloffset)
# end = ui_props.bar_x + (w_draw1) * (
# ui_props.margin + ui_props.thumb_size) + ui_props.margin + ui_props.drawoffset + 25
if ui_props.bar_y - ui_props.bar_height < my < ui_props.bar_y \
and mx > ui_props.bar_x and mx < ui_props.bar_x + ui_props.bar_width:
return True
return False
def mouse_in_region(r, mx, my):
if 0 < my < r.height and 0 < mx < r.width:
return True
return False
def update_ui_size(area, region):
if or not area:
ui = bpy.context.scene.blenderkitUI
user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
ui_scale = bpy.context.preferences.view.ui_scale
ui.margin =['margin'].default * ui_scale
ui.thumb_size = user_preferences.thumb_size * ui_scale
reg_multiplier = 1
if not bpy.context.preferences.system.use_region_overlap:
reg_multiplier = 0
for r in area.regions:
if r.type == 'TOOLS':
ui.bar_x = r.width * reg_multiplier + ui.margin + ui.bar_x_offset * ui_scale
elif r.type == 'UI':
ui.bar_end = r.width * reg_multiplier + 100 * ui_scale
ui.bar_width = region.width - ui.bar_x - ui.bar_end
ui.wcount = math.floor(
(ui.bar_width - 2 * ui.drawoffset) / (ui.thumb_size + ui.margin))
search_results = bpy.context.window_manager.get('search results')
if search_results != None and ui.wcount > 0:
ui.hcount = min(user_preferences.max_assetbar_rows, math.ceil(len(search_results) / ui.wcount))
ui.hcount = 1
ui.bar_height = (ui.thumb_size + ui.margin) * ui.hcount + ui.margin
ui.bar_y = region.height - ui.bar_y_offset * ui_scale
if ui.down_up == 'UPLOAD':
ui.reports_y = ui.bar_y - 600
ui.reports_x = ui.bar_x
ui.reports_y = ui.bar_y - ui.bar_height - 100
ui.reports_x = ui.bar_x
ui.rating_x = ui.bar_x
ui.rating_y = ui.bar_y - ui.bar_height
class ParticlesDropDialog(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "object.blenderkit_particles_drop"
bl_label = "BlenderKit particle plants object drop"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'INTERNAL'}
asset_search_index: IntProperty(name="Asset index",
description="Index of the asset in asset bar",
model_location: FloatVectorProperty(name="Location",
default=(0, 0, 0))
model_rotation: FloatVectorProperty(name="Rotation",
default=(0, 0, 0),
target_object: StringProperty(
name="Target object",
description="The object to which the particles will get applied",
default="", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
def poll(cls, context):
return True
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
message = 'This asset is a particle setup. BlenderKit can apply particles to the active/drag-drop object.' \
'The number of particles is caluclated automatically, but if there are 2 many particles,' \
' BlenderKit can do the following steps to make sure Blender continues to run:' \
'\n1.Switch to bounding box view of the particles.' \
'\n2.Turn down number of particles that are shown in the view.' \
'\n3.Hide the particle system completely from the 3D view.' \
"as a result of this, it's possible you'll see the particle setup only in render view or " \
"rendered images. You should still be careful and test particle systems on smaller objects first."
utils.label_multiline(layout, text=message, width=400)
def execute(self, context):
# asset_type=ui_props.asset_type,
return {'FINISHED'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
wm = context.window_manager
return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=400)
# class MaterialDropDialog(bpy.types.Operator):
# """Tooltip"""
# bl_idname = "object.blenderkit_material_drop"
# bl_label = "BlenderKit material drop on linked objects"
# bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'INTERNAL'}
# asset_search_index: IntProperty(name="Asset index",
# description="Index of the asset in asset bar",
# default=0,
# )
# model_location: FloatVectorProperty(name="Location",
# default=(0, 0, 0))
# model_rotation: FloatVectorProperty(name="Rotation",
# default=(0, 0, 0),
# subtype='QUATERNION')
# target_object: StringProperty(
# name="Target object",
# description="The object to which the particles will get applied",
# default="", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
# target_material_slot: IntProperty(name="Target material slot",
# description="Index of the material on the object to be changed",
# default=0,
# )
# @classmethod
# def poll(cls, context):
# return True
# def draw(self, context):
# layout = self.layout
# message = "This asset is linked to the scene from an external file and cannot have material appended." \
# " Do you want to bring it into Blender Scene?"
# utils.label_multiline(layout, text=message, width=400)
# def execute(self, context):
# for c in
# for o in c.objects:
# if != self.target_object:
# continue;
# for empty in bpy.context.visible_objects:
# if not(empty.instance_type == 'COLLECTION' and empty.instance_collection == c):
# continue;
# utils.activate(empty)
# break;
# bpy.ops.object.blenderkit_bring_to_scene()
# bpy.ops.scene.blenderkit_download(True,
# # asset_type=ui_props.asset_type,
# asset_index=self.asset_search_index,
# model_location=self.model_rotation,
# model_rotation=self.model_rotation,
# target_object=self.target_object,
# material_target_slot = self.target_slot)
# return {'FINISHED'}
# def invoke(self, context, event):
# wm = context.window_manager
# return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=400)
class AssetBarOperator(bpy.types.Operator):
'''runs search and displays the asset bar at the same time'''
bl_idname = "view3d.blenderkit_asset_bar"
bl_label = "BlenderKit Asset Bar UI"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'INTERNAL'}
do_search: BoolProperty(name="Run Search", description='', default=True, options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
keep_running: BoolProperty(name="Keep Running", description='', default=True, options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
free_only: BoolProperty(name="Free first", description='', default=False, options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
category: StringProperty(
description="search only subtree of this category",
default="", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
tooltip: bpy.props.StringProperty(default='runs search and displays the asset bar at the same time')
def description(cls, context, properties):
return properties.tooltip
def search_more(self):
sro = bpy.context.window_manager.get('search results orig')
if sro is not None and sro.get('next') is not None:
def exit_modal(self):
bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(self._handle_2d, 'WINDOW')
bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(self._handle_3d, 'WINDOW')
ui_props = bpy.context.scene.blenderkitUI
ui_props.dragging = False
ui_props.tooltip = ''
ui_props.active_index = -3
ui_props.draw_drag_image = False
ui_props.draw_snapped_bounds = False
ui_props.has_hit = False
ui_props.assetbar_on = False
def modal(self, context, event):
# This is for case of closing the area or changing type:
ui_props = context.scene.blenderkitUI
user_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
areas = []
# timers testing - seems timers might be causing crashes. testing it this way now.
if not user_preferences.use_timers:
if bpy.context.scene != self.scene:
return {'CANCELLED'}
for w in
if self.area not in areas or self.area.type != 'VIEW_3D' or self.has_quad_views != (
len(self.area.spaces[0].region_quadviews) > 0):
# print('search areas') bpy.context.area.spaces[0].region_quadviews
# stopping here model by now - because of:
# switching layouts or maximizing area now fails to assign new area throwing the bug
# internal error: modal gizmo-map handler has invalid area
return {'CANCELLED'}
newarea = None
for a in context.window.screen.areas:
if a.type == 'VIEW_3D':
self.area = a
for r in a.regions:
if r.type == 'WINDOW':
self.region = r
newarea = a
# context.area = a
# we check again and quit if things weren't fixed this way.
if newarea == None:
return {'CANCELLED'}
update_ui_size(self.area, self.region)
# this was here to check if sculpt stroke is running, but obviously that didn't help,
# since the RELEASE event is cought by operator and thus there is no way to detect a stroke has ended...
if bpy.context.mode in ('SCULPT', 'PAINT_TEXTURE'):
bpy.context.window_manager['appendable'] = True
if event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE':
if event.value == 'PRESS':
bpy.context.window_manager['appendable'] = False
s = context.scene
if ui_props.turn_off:
ui_props.turn_off = False
ui_props.draw_tooltip = False
return {'CANCELLED'}
if context.region != self.region:
# print(time.time(), 'pass through because of region')
# print(context.region.type, self.region.type)
return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
if ui_props.down_up == 'UPLOAD':
ui_props.mouse_x = 0
ui_props.mouse_y = self.region.height
ui_props.draw_tooltip = True
# only generate tooltip once in a while
if (
event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE' or event.type == 'RIGHTMOUSE') and event.value == 'RELEASE' or event.type == 'ENTER' or ui_props.tooltip == '':
ao = bpy.context.active_object
if ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL' and ao != None \
or ui_props.asset_type == 'MATERIAL' and ao != None and ao.active_material != None \
or ui_props.asset_type == 'BRUSH' and utils.get_active_brush() is not None \
or ui_props.asset_type == 'SCENE' or ui_props.asset_type == 'HDR':
export_data, upload_data = upload.get_upload_data(context=context, asset_type=ui_props.asset_type)
if upload_data:
# print(upload_data)
ui_props.tooltip = upload_data['displayName'] # search.generate_tooltip(upload_data)
return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
# TODO add one more condition here to take less performance.
r = self.region
s = bpy.context.scene
sr = bpy.context.window_manager.get('search results')
search_results_orig = bpy.context.window_manager.get('search results orig')
# If there aren't any results, we need no interaction(yet)
if sr is None:
return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
if len(sr) - ui_props.scrolloffset < (ui_props.wcount * ui_props.hcount) + 10:
if event.type == 'WHEELUPMOUSE' or event.type == 'WHEELDOWNMOUSE' or event.type == 'TRACKPADPAN':
# scrolling
mx = event.mouse_region_x
my = event.mouse_region_y
if ui_props.dragging and not mouse_in_asset_bar(mx, my): # and my < r.height - ui_props.bar_height \
# and mx > 0 and mx < r.width and my > 0:
sprops = bpy.context.scene.blenderkit_models
if event.type == 'WHEELUPMOUSE':
sprops.offset_rotation_amount += sprops.offset_rotation_step
elif event.type == 'WHEELDOWNMOUSE':
sprops.offset_rotation_amount -= sprops.offset_rotation_step
#### TODO - this snapping code below is 3x in this file.... refactor it.
ui_props.has_hit, ui_props.snapped_location, ui_props.snapped_normal, ui_props.snapped_rotation, face_index, object, matrix = mouse_raycast(
context, mx, my)
# MODELS can be dragged on scene floor
if not ui_props.has_hit and ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL':
ui_props.has_hit, ui_props.snapped_location, ui_props.snapped_normal, ui_props.snapped_rotation, face_index, object, matrix = floor_raycast(
mx, my)
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
if not mouse_in_asset_bar(mx, my):
return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
# note - TRACKPADPAN is unsupported in blender by now.
# if event.type == 'TRACKPADPAN' :
# print(dir(event))
# print(event.value, event.oskey, event.)
if (event.type == 'WHEELDOWNMOUSE') and len(sr) - ui_props.scrolloffset > (
ui_props.wcount * ui_props.hcount):
if ui_props.hcount > 1:
ui_props.scrolloffset += ui_props.wcount
ui_props.scrolloffset += 1
if len(sr) - ui_props.scrolloffset < (ui_props.wcount * ui_props.hcount):
ui_props.scrolloffset = len(sr) - (ui_props.wcount * ui_props.hcount)
if event.type == 'WHEELUPMOUSE' and ui_props.scrolloffset > 0:
if ui_props.hcount > 1:
ui_props.scrolloffset -= ui_props.wcount
ui_props.scrolloffset -= 1
if ui_props.scrolloffset < 0:
ui_props.scrolloffset = 0
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
if event.type == 'MOUSEMOVE': # Apply
r = self.region
mx = event.mouse_region_x
my = event.mouse_region_y
ui_props.mouse_x = mx
ui_props.mouse_y = my
# if ui_props.dragging_rating or ui_props.rating_menu_on:
# res = interact_rating(r, mx, my, event)
# if res == True:
# return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
if ui_props.drag_init:
ui_props.drag_length = abs(self.drag_start_x - mx) + abs(self.drag_start_y - my)
if ui_props.drag_length > 5:
ui_props.dragging = True
ui_props.drag_init = False
if not (ui_props.dragging and mouse_in_region(r, mx, my)) and not mouse_in_asset_bar(mx, my): #
ui_props.dragging = False
ui_props.has_hit = False
ui_props.active_index = -3
ui_props.draw_drag_image = False
ui_props.draw_snapped_bounds = False
ui_props.draw_tooltip = False
return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
sr = bpy.context.window_manager['search results']
if not ui_props.dragging:
if sr != None and ui_props.wcount * ui_props.hcount > len(sr) and ui_props.scrolloffset > 0:
ui_props.scrolloffset = 0
asset_search_index = get_asset_under_mouse(mx, my)
ui_props.active_index = asset_search_index
if asset_search_index > -1:
asset_data = sr[asset_search_index]
ui_props.draw_tooltip = True
ui_props.tooltip = asset_data['tooltip']
# bpy.ops.wm.call_menu(name='OBJECT_MT_blenderkit_asset_menu')
ui_props.draw_tooltip = False
if mx > ui_props.bar_x + ui_props.bar_width - 50 and search_results_orig[
'count'] - ui_props.scrolloffset > (
ui_props.wcount * ui_props.hcount) + 1:
ui_props.active_index = -1
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
if mx < ui_props.bar_x + 50 and ui_props.scrolloffset > 0:
ui_props.active_index = -2
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
result = False
if ui_props.dragging and mouse_in_region(r, mx, my):
ui_props.has_hit, ui_props.snapped_location, ui_props.snapped_normal, ui_props.snapped_rotation, face_index, object, matrix = mouse_raycast(
context, mx, my)
# MODELS can be dragged on scene floor
if not ui_props.has_hit and ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL':
ui_props.has_hit, ui_props.snapped_location, ui_props.snapped_normal, ui_props.snapped_rotation, face_index, object, matrix = floor_raycast(
mx, my)
if ui_props.has_hit and ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL':
# this condition is here to fix a bug for a scene submitted by a user, so this situation shouldn't
# happen anymore, but there might exists scenes which have this problem for some reason.
if ui_props.active_index < len(sr) and ui_props.active_index > -1:
ui_props.draw_snapped_bounds = True
active_mod = sr[ui_props.active_index]
ui_props.snapped_bbox_min = Vector(active_mod['bbox_min'])
ui_props.snapped_bbox_max = Vector(active_mod['bbox_max'])
ui_props.draw_snapped_bounds = False
ui_props.draw_drag_image = True
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
if event.type == 'RIGHTMOUSE':
mx = event.mouse_x - r.x
my = event.mouse_y - r.y
if event.value == 'PRESS' and mouse_in_asset_bar(mx, my) and ui_props.active_index > -1:
# context.window.cursor_warp(event.mouse_x - 300, event.mouse_y - 10);
# context.window.cursor_warp(event.mouse_x, event.mouse_y);
# bpy.ops.wm.call_menu(name='OBJECT_MT_blenderkit_asset_menu')
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
if event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE':
r = self.region
mx = event.mouse_region_x
my = event.mouse_region_y
ui_props = context.scene.blenderkitUI
if event.value == 'PRESS' and ui_props.active_index > -1:
# start dragging models and materials
if ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL' or ui_props.asset_type == 'MATERIAL':
# check if asset is locked and let the user know in that case
asset_search_index = ui_props.active_index
asset_data = sr[asset_search_index]
if not asset_data.get('canDownload'):
message = "Let's support asset creators and Open source."
link_text = 'Unlock the asset.'
url = paths.get_bkit_url() + '/get-blenderkit/' + asset_data['id'] + '/?from_addon=True'
bpy.ops.wm.blenderkit_url_dialog('INVOKE_REGION_WIN', url=url, message=message,
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
# go on with drag init
ui_props.drag_init = True
ui_props.draw_tooltip = False
ui_props.drag_length = 0
self.drag_start_x = mx
self.drag_start_y = my
if ui_props.rating_on:
res = interact_rating(r, mx, my, event)
if res:
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
if not ui_props.dragging and not mouse_in_asset_bar(mx, my):
return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
# this can happen by switching result asset types - length of search result changes
if ui_props.scrolloffset > 0 and (ui_props.wcount * ui_props.hcount) > len(sr) - ui_props.scrolloffset:
ui_props.scrolloffset = len(sr) - (ui_props.wcount * ui_props.hcount)
if event.value == 'RELEASE': # Confirm
ui_props.drag_init = False
# scroll by a whole page
if mx > ui_props.bar_x + ui_props.bar_width - 50 and len(
sr) - ui_props.scrolloffset > ui_props.wcount * ui_props.hcount:
ui_props.scrolloffset = min(
ui_props.scrolloffset + (ui_props.wcount * ui_props.hcount),
len(sr) - ui_props.wcount * ui_props.hcount)
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
if mx < ui_props.bar_x + 50 and ui_props.scrolloffset > 0:
ui_props.scrolloffset = max(0, ui_props.scrolloffset - ui_props.wcount * ui_props.hcount)
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
# Drag-drop interaction
if ui_props.dragging and mouse_in_region(r, mx, my): # and ui_props.drag_length>10:
asset_search_index = ui_props.active_index
# raycast here
ui_props.active_index = -3
if ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL':
ui_props.has_hit, ui_props.snapped_location, ui_props.snapped_normal, ui_props.snapped_rotation, face_index, object, matrix = mouse_raycast(
context, mx, my)
# MODELS can be dragged on scene floor
if not ui_props.has_hit and ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL':
ui_props.has_hit, ui_props.snapped_location, ui_props.snapped_normal, ui_props.snapped_rotation, face_index, object, matrix = floor_raycast(
mx, my)
if not ui_props.has_hit:
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
target_object = ''
if object is not None:
target_object =
target_slot = ''
if ui_props.asset_type == 'MATERIAL':
ui_props.has_hit, ui_props.snapped_location, ui_props.snapped_normal, ui_props.snapped_rotation, face_index, object, matrix = mouse_raycast(
context, mx, my)
if not ui_props.has_hit:
# this is last attempt to get object under mouse - for curves and other objects than mesh.
ui_props.dragging = False
sel = utils.selection_get()
|, event.mouse_region_y))
sel1 = utils.selection_get()
if sel[0] != sel1[0] and sel1[0].type != 'MESH':
object = sel1[0]
target_slot = sel1[0].active_material_index
ui_props.has_hit = True
if not ui_props.has_hit:
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
# first, test if object can have material applied.
# TODO add other types here if droppable.
if object is not None and not object.is_library_indirect and object.type in utils.supported_material_drag:
target_object =
# create final mesh to extract correct material slot
depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
object_eval = object.evaluated_get(depsgraph)
temp_mesh = object_eval.to_mesh()
target_slot = temp_mesh.polygons[face_index].material_index
if object.is_library_indirect:
ui_panels.ui_message(title='This object is linked from outer file',
message="Please select the model,"
"go to the 'Selected Model' panel "
"in BlenderKit and hit 'Bring to Scene' first.")
if object.type not in utils.supported_material_drag:
ui_panels.ui_message(title='Unsupported object type',
message="Only meshes are supported for material drag-drop.\n "
"Use click interaction for other object types.")
|{'WARNING'}, "Invalid or library object as input:")
target_object = ''
target_slot = ''
# Click interaction
asset_search_index = get_asset_under_mouse(mx, my)
if ui_props.asset_type in ('MATERIAL',
'MODEL'): # this was meant for particles, commenting for now or ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL':
ao = bpy.context.active_object
supported_material_click = ('MESH', 'CURVE', 'META', 'FONT', 'SURFACE', 'VOLUME', 'GPENCIL')
if ao != None and not ao.is_library_indirect and ao.type in supported_material_click:
target_object =
target_slot = bpy.context.active_object.active_material_index
# change snapped location for placing material downloader.
ui_props.snapped_location = bpy.context.active_object.location
if ao != None and ui_props.asset_type == 'MATERIAL' and ao.type not in supported_material_click:
ui_panels.ui_message(title='Unsupported object type',
message="Can't assign material to this object type."
"Please select another object.")
target_object = ''
target_slot = ''
if asset_search_index == -3:
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
if asset_search_index > -3:
asset_data = sr[asset_search_index]
# picking of assets and using them
if ui_props.asset_type == 'MATERIAL':
if target_object != '':
# position is for downloader:
loc = ui_props.snapped_location
rotation = (0, 0, 0)
utils.automap(target_object, target_slot=target_slot,
tex_size=asset_data.get('texture_size_meters', 1.0))
# asset_type=ui_props.asset_type,
elif ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL':
if ui_props.has_hit and ui_props.dragging:
loc = ui_props.snapped_location
rotation = ui_props.snapped_rotation
loc = s.cursor.location
rotation = s.cursor.rotation_euler
if 'particle_plants' in asset_data['tags']:
# asset_type=ui_props.asset_type,
elif ui_props.asset_type == 'HDR':
# replace_resolution=True,
max_resolution=asset_data.get('max_resolution', 0)
elif ui_props.asset_type == 'SCENE':
# replace_resolution=True,
max_resolution=asset_data.get('max_resolution', 0)
bpy.ops.scene.blenderkit_download( # asset_type=ui_props.asset_type,
ui_props.dragging = False
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
if event.type == 'W' and ui_props.active_index > -1:
sr = bpy.context.window_manager['search results']
asset_data = sr[ui_props.active_index]
a = bpy.context.window_manager['bkit authors'].get(asset_data['author']['id'])
if a is not None:
utils.p('author:', a)
if a.get('aboutMeUrl') is not None:
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
if event.type == 'A' and ui_props.active_index > -1:
sr = bpy.context.window_manager['search results']
asset_data = sr[ui_props.active_index]
a = asset_data['author']['id']
if a is not None:
sprops = utils.get_search_props()
sprops.search_keywords = ''
sprops.search_verification_status = 'ALL'
utils.p('author:', a)
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
if event.type == 'X' and ui_props.active_index > -1:
# delete downloaded files for this asset
sr = bpy.context.window_manager['search results']
asset_data = sr[ui_props.active_index]
|'delete asset from local drive:' + asset_data['name'])
asset_data['downloaded'] = 0
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
ui_props = context.scene.blenderkitUI
sr = bpy.context.window_manager.get('search results')
if self.do_search:
# we erase search keywords for cateogry search now, since these combinations usually return nothing now.
# when the db gets bigger, this can be deleted.
if self.category != '':
sprops = utils.get_search_props()
sprops.search_keywords = ''
if ui_props.assetbar_on:
# we don't want to run the assetbar more than once, that's why it has a switch on/off behaviour,
# unless being called with 'keep_running' prop.
if not self.keep_running:
# this sends message to the originally running operator, so it quits, and then it ends this one too.
# If it initiated a search, the search will finish in a thread. The switch off procedure is run
# by the 'original' operator, since if we get here, it means
# same operator is already running.
ui_props.turn_off = True
# if there was an error, we need to turn off these props so we can restart after 2 clicks
ui_props.assetbar_on = False
return {'FINISHED'}
ui_props.dragging = False # only for cases where assetbar ended with an error.
ui_props.assetbar_on = True
ui_props.turn_off = False
if sr is None:
bpy.context.window_manager['search results'] = []
if context.area.type != 'VIEW_3D':
|{'WARNING'}, "View3D not found, cannot run operator")
return {'CANCELLED'}
# the arguments we pass the the callback
args = (self, context)
self.window = context.window
self.area = context.area
self.scene = bpy.context.scene
self.has_quad_views = len(bpy.context.area.spaces[0].region_quadviews) > 0
for r in self.area.regions:
if r.type == 'WINDOW':
self.region = r
global active_window_pointer, active_area_pointer, active_region_pointer
active_window_pointer = self.window.as_pointer()
active_area_pointer = self.area.as_pointer()
active_region_pointer = self.region.as_pointer()
update_ui_size(self.area, self.region)
self._handle_2d = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(draw_callback_2d, args, 'WINDOW', 'POST_PIXEL')
self._handle_3d = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(draw_callback_3d, args, 'WINDOW', 'POST_VIEW')
ui_props.assetbar_on = True
# in an exceptional case these were accessed before drag start.
self.drag_start_x = 0
self.drag_start_y = 0
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
def execute(self, context):
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
class TransferBlenderkitData(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Regenerate cobweb"""
bl_idname = "object.blenderkit_data_trasnfer"
bl_label = "Transfer BlenderKit data"
bl_description = "Transfer blenderKit metadata from one object to another when fixing uploads with wrong parenting"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def execute(self, context):
source_ob = bpy.context.active_object
for target_ob in bpy.context.selected_objects:
if target_ob != source_ob:
for k in source_ob.keys():
target_ob[k] = source_ob[k]
return {'FINISHED'}
class UndoWithContext(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Regenerate cobweb"""
bl_idname = "wm.undo_push_context"
bl_label = "BlnenderKit undo push"
bl_description = "BlenderKit undo push with fixed context"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'INTERNAL'}
# def modal(self, context, event):
# return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
message: StringProperty('Undo Message', default='BlenderKit operation')
def execute(self, context):
# C_dict = utils.get_fake_context(context)
# w, a, r = get_largest_area(area_type=area_type)
# wm =[0]
# w =[0]
# C_dict = {'window': w, 'screen': w.screen}
# bpy.ops.ed.undo_push(C_dict, 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN', message=self.message)
# bpy.ops.ed.undo_push('INVOKE_REGION_WIN', message=self.message)
return {'FINISHED'}
def draw_callback_dragging(self, context):
img =
linelength = 35
scene = bpy.context.scene
ui_props = scene.blenderkitUI
ui_bgl.draw_image(self.mouse_x + linelength, self.mouse_y - linelength - ui_props.thumb_size,
ui_props.thumb_size, ui_props.thumb_size, img, 1)
ui_bgl.draw_line2d(self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y, self.mouse_x + linelength,
self.mouse_y - linelength, 2, colors.WHITE)
def draw_callback_3d_dragging(self, context):
''' Draw snapped bbox while dragging. '''
if not utils.guard_from_crash():
ui_props = context.scene.blenderkitUI
# print(ui_props.asset_type, self.has_hit, self.snapped_location)
if ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL':
if self.has_hit:
draw_bbox(self.snapped_location, self.snapped_rotation, self.snapped_bbox_min, self.snapped_bbox_max)
def find_and_activate_instancers(object):
for ob in bpy.context.visible_objects:
if ob.instance_type == 'COLLECTION' and ob.instance_collection and in ob.instance_collection.objects:
return ob
class AssetDragOperator(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Drag & drop assets into scene."""
bl_idname = "view3d.asset_drag_drop"
bl_label = "BlenderKit asset drag drop"
asset_search_index: IntProperty(name="Active Index", default=0)
def handlers_remove(self):
bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(self._handle, 'WINDOW')
bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(self._handle_3d, 'WINDOW')
def mouse_release(self):
scene = bpy.context.scene
ui_props = scene.blenderkitUI
if not self.has_hit:
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
if ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL':
target_object = ''
if self.object_name is not None:
target_object = self.object_name
target_slot = ''
if ui_props.asset_type == 'MATERIAL':
# first, test if object can have material applied.
object =[self.object_name]
# this enables to run Bring to scene automatically when dropping on a linked objects.
# it's however quite a slow operation, that's why not enabled (and finished) now.
# if object is not None and object.is_library_indirect:
# find_and_activate_instancers(object)
# bpy.ops.object.blenderkit_bring_to_scene()
if object is not None and not object.is_library_indirect and object.type == 'MESH':
target_object =
# create final mesh to extract correct material slot
depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
object_eval = object.evaluated_get(depsgraph)
temp_mesh = object_eval.to_mesh()
target_slot = temp_mesh.polygons[self.face_index].material_index
# elif object.is_library_indirect:#case for bring to scene objects, will be solved through prefs and direct
# action
if object.is_library_indirect:
ui_panels.ui_message(title='This object is linked from outer file',
message="Please select the model,"
"go to the 'Selected Model' panel "
"in BlenderKit and hit 'Bring to Scene' first.")
|{'WARNING'}, "Invalid or library object as input:")
target_object = ''
target_slot = ''
if abs(self.start_mouse_x - self.mouse_x) < 20 and abs(self.start_mouse_y - self.mouse_y) < 20:
# no dragging actually this was a click.
self.snapped_location = scene.cursor.location
self.snapped_rotation = (0, 0, 0)
if ui_props.asset_type in ('MATERIAL',):
ao = bpy.context.active_object
if ao != None and not ao.is_library_indirect:
target_object =
target_slot = bpy.context.active_object.active_material_index
# change snapped location for placing material downloader.
self.snapped_location = bpy.context.active_object.location
target_object = ''
target_slot = ''
# picking of assets and using them
if ui_props.asset_type == 'MATERIAL':
if target_object != '':
# position is for downloader:
loc = self.snapped_location
rotation = (0, 0, 0)
utils.automap(target_object, target_slot=target_slot,
tex_size=self.asset_data.get('texture_size_meters', 1.0))
# asset_type=ui_props.asset_type,
elif ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL':
if 'particle_plants' in self.asset_data['tags']:
# asset_type=ui_props.asset_type,
if ui_props.asset_type == 'SCENE':
ui_panels.ui_message(title='Scene will be appended after download',
message='After the scene is appended, you have to switch to it manually.'
'If you want to switch to scenes automatically after appending,'
' you can set it in import settings.')
bpy.ops.scene.blenderkit_download( # asset_type=ui_props.asset_type,
def modal(self, context, event):
scene = bpy.context.scene
ui_props = scene.blenderkitUI
# if event.type == 'MOUSEMOVE':
if not hasattr(self, 'start_mouse_x'):
self.start_mouse_x = event.mouse_region_x
self.start_mouse_y = event.mouse_region_y
self.mouse_x = event.mouse_region_x
self.mouse_y = event.mouse_region_y
if event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE' and event.value == 'RELEASE':
return {'FINISHED'}
elif event.type in {'RIGHTMOUSE', 'ESC'}:
return {'CANCELLED'}
sprops = bpy.context.scene.blenderkit_models
if event.type == 'WHEELUPMOUSE':
sprops.offset_rotation_amount += sprops.offset_rotation_step
elif event.type == 'WHEELDOWNMOUSE':
sprops.offset_rotation_amount -= sprops.offset_rotation_step
self.object_name = None
#### TODO - this snapping code below is 3x in this file.... refactor it.
self.has_hit, self.snapped_location, self.snapped_normal, self.snapped_rotation, self.face_index, object, self.matrix = mouse_raycast(
context, event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y)
if object is not None:
self.object_name =
# MODELS can be dragged on scene floor
if not self.has_hit and ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL':
self.has_hit, self.snapped_location, self.snapped_normal, self.snapped_rotation, self.face_index, object, self.matrix = floor_raycast(
event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y)
if object is not None:
self.object_name =
if ui_props.asset_type == 'MODEL':
self.snapped_bbox_min = Vector(self.asset_data['bbox_min'])
self.snapped_bbox_max = Vector(self.asset_data['bbox_max'])
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
if context.area.type == 'VIEW_3D':
# the arguments we pass the the callback
args = (self, context)
# Add the region OpenGL drawing callback
# draw in view space with 'POST_VIEW' and 'PRE_VIEW'
self.iname = utils.previmg_name(self.asset_search_index)
self._handle = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(draw_callback_dragging, args, 'WINDOW', 'POST_PIXEL')
self._handle_3d = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(draw_callback_3d_dragging, args, 'WINDOW',
self.mouse_x = 0
self.mouse_y = 0
self.has_hit = False
self.snapped_location = (0, 0, 0)
self.snapped_normal = (0, 0, 1)
self.snapped_rotation = (0, 0, 0)
self.face_index = 0
object = None
self.matrix = None
sr = bpy.context.window_manager['search results']
self.asset_data = sr[self.asset_search_index]
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
|{'WARNING'}, "View3D not found, cannot run operator")
return {'CANCELLED'}
class RunAssetBarWithContext(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Regenerate cobweb"""
bl_idname = "object.run_assetbar_fix_context"
bl_label = "BlnenderKit assetbar with fixed context"
bl_description = "Run assetbar with fixed context"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'INTERNAL'}
keep_running: BoolProperty(name="Keep Running", description='', default=True, options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
do_search: BoolProperty(name="Run Search", description='', default=False, options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
# def modal(self, context, event):
# return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
def execute(self, context):
C_dict = utils.get_fake_context(context)
if C_dict.get('window'): # no 3d view, no asset bar.
preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
if preferences.experimental_features:
bpy.ops.view3d.blenderkit_asset_bar_widget(C_dict, 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN', keep_running=self.keep_running,
bpy.ops.view3d.blenderkit_asset_bar(C_dict, 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN', keep_running=self.keep_running,
return {'FINISHED'}
classes = (
# AssetBarExperiment,
# store keymap items here to access after registration
addon_keymapitems = []
# @persistent
def pre_load(context):
ui_props = bpy.context.scene.blenderkitUI
ui_props.assetbar_on = False
ui_props.turn_off = True
preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['blenderkit'].preferences
preferences.login_attempt = False
def register_ui():
global handler_2d, handler_3d
for c in classes:
args = (None, bpy.context)
handler_2d = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(draw_callback_2d_progress, args, 'WINDOW', 'POST_PIXEL')
handler_3d = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(draw_callback_3d_progress, args, 'WINDOW', 'POST_VIEW')
wm = bpy.context.window_manager
# spaces solved by registering shortcut to Window. Couldn't register object mode before somehow.
if not wm.keyconfigs.addon:
km ="Window", space_type='EMPTY')
# asset bar shortcut
kmi ="object.run_assetbar_fix_context", 'SEMI_COLON', 'PRESS', ctrl=False, shift=False)
| = False
| = False
# fast rating shortcut
wm = bpy.context.window_manager
km = wm.keyconfigs.addon.keymaps['Window']
kmi =, 'F', 'PRESS', ctrl=False, shift=False)
kmi =, 'F', 'PRESS', ctrl=True, shift=False)
def unregister_ui():
global handler_2d, handler_3d
bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(handler_2d, 'WINDOW')
bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(handler_3d, 'WINDOW')
for c in classes:
wm = bpy.context.window_manager
if not wm.keyconfigs.addon:
km = wm.keyconfigs.addon.keymaps.get('Window')
if km:
for kmi in addon_keymapitems:
del addon_keymapitems[:]