681 lines
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681 lines
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import bpy
import math
from mathutils import Vector, Matrix, Color
from .errors import MetarigError
from .naming import get_name, make_derived_name, is_control_bone
from .misc import pairwise
# Bone collection
class BoneDict(dict):
Special dictionary for holding bone names in a structured way.
Allows access to contained items as attributes, and only
accepts certain types of values.
def __sanitize_attr(key, value):
if hasattr(BoneDict, key):
raise KeyError("Invalid BoneDict key: %s" % (key))
if (value is None or
isinstance(value, str) or
isinstance(value, list) or
isinstance(value, BoneDict)):
return value
if isinstance(value, dict):
return BoneDict(value)
raise ValueError("Invalid BoneDict value: %r" % (value))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
for key, value in dict(*args, **kwargs).items():
dict.__setitem__(self, key, BoneDict.__sanitize_attr(key, value))
self.__dict__ = self
def __repr__(self):
return "BoneDict(%s)" % (dict.__repr__(self))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
dict.__setitem__(self, key, BoneDict.__sanitize_attr(key, value))
def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
for key, value in dict(*args, **kwargs).items():
dict.__setitem__(self, key, BoneDict.__sanitize_attr(key, value))
def flatten(self, key=None):
"""Return all contained bones or a single key as a list."""
items = [self[key]] if key is not None else self.values()
all_bones = []
for item in items:
if isinstance(item, BoneDict):
elif isinstance(item, list):
elif item is not None:
return all_bones
# Bone manipulation
def get_bone(obj, bone_name):
"""Get EditBone or PoseBone by name, depending on the current mode."""
if not bone_name:
return None
bones = obj.data.edit_bones if obj.mode == 'EDIT' else obj.pose.bones
if bone_name not in bones:
raise MetarigError("bone '%s' not found" % bone_name)
return bones[bone_name]
def new_bone(obj, bone_name):
""" Adds a new bone to the given armature object.
Returns the resulting bone's name.
if obj == bpy.context.active_object and bpy.context.mode == 'EDIT_ARMATURE':
edit_bone = obj.data.edit_bones.new(bone_name)
name = edit_bone.name
edit_bone.head = (0, 0, 0)
edit_bone.tail = (0, 1, 0)
edit_bone.roll = 0
return name
raise MetarigError("Can't add new bone '%s' outside of edit mode" % bone_name)
def copy_bone(obj, bone_name, assign_name='', *, parent=False, inherit_scale=False, bbone=False, length=None, scale=None):
""" Makes a copy of the given bone in the given armature object.
Returns the resulting bone's name.
#if bone_name not in obj.data.bones:
if bone_name not in obj.data.edit_bones:
raise MetarigError("copy_bone(): bone '%s' not found, cannot copy it" % bone_name)
if obj == bpy.context.active_object and bpy.context.mode == 'EDIT_ARMATURE':
if assign_name == '':
assign_name = bone_name
# Copy the edit bone
edit_bone_1 = obj.data.edit_bones[bone_name]
edit_bone_2 = obj.data.edit_bones.new(assign_name)
bone_name_1 = bone_name
bone_name_2 = edit_bone_2.name
# Copy edit bone attributes
edit_bone_2.layers = list(edit_bone_1.layers)
edit_bone_2.head = Vector(edit_bone_1.head)
edit_bone_2.tail = Vector(edit_bone_1.tail)
edit_bone_2.roll = edit_bone_1.roll
if parent:
edit_bone_2.parent = edit_bone_1.parent
edit_bone_2.use_connect = edit_bone_1.use_connect
edit_bone_2.use_inherit_rotation = edit_bone_1.use_inherit_rotation
edit_bone_2.use_local_location = edit_bone_1.use_local_location
if parent or inherit_scale:
edit_bone_2.inherit_scale = edit_bone_1.inherit_scale
if bbone:
for name in ['bbone_segments',
'bbone_easein', 'bbone_easeout',
'bbone_rollin', 'bbone_rollout',
'bbone_curveinx', 'bbone_curveinz', 'bbone_curveoutx', 'bbone_curveoutz',
'bbone_scalein', 'bbone_scaleout']:
setattr(edit_bone_2, name, getattr(edit_bone_1, name))
# Resize the bone after copy if requested
if length is not None:
edit_bone_2.length = length
elif scale is not None:
edit_bone_2.length *= scale
return bone_name_2
raise MetarigError("Cannot copy bones outside of edit mode")
def copy_bone_properties(obj, bone_name_1, bone_name_2, transforms=True, props=True, widget=True):
""" Copy transform and custom properties from bone 1 to bone 2. """
if obj.mode in {'OBJECT','POSE'}:
# Get the pose bones
pose_bone_1 = obj.pose.bones[bone_name_1]
pose_bone_2 = obj.pose.bones[bone_name_2]
# Copy pose bone attributes
if transforms:
pose_bone_2.rotation_mode = pose_bone_1.rotation_mode
pose_bone_2.rotation_axis_angle = tuple(pose_bone_1.rotation_axis_angle)
pose_bone_2.rotation_euler = tuple(pose_bone_1.rotation_euler)
pose_bone_2.rotation_quaternion = tuple(pose_bone_1.rotation_quaternion)
pose_bone_2.lock_location = tuple(pose_bone_1.lock_location)
pose_bone_2.lock_scale = tuple(pose_bone_1.lock_scale)
pose_bone_2.lock_rotation = tuple(pose_bone_1.lock_rotation)
pose_bone_2.lock_rotation_w = pose_bone_1.lock_rotation_w
pose_bone_2.lock_rotations_4d = pose_bone_1.lock_rotations_4d
# Copy custom properties
if props:
from .mechanism import copy_custom_properties
copy_custom_properties(pose_bone_1, pose_bone_2)
if widget:
pose_bone_2.custom_shape = pose_bone_1.custom_shape
raise MetarigError("Cannot copy bone properties in edit mode")
def _legacy_copy_bone(obj, bone_name, assign_name=''):
new_name = copy_bone(obj, bone_name, assign_name, parent=True, bbone=True)
# Mode switch PER BONE CREATION?!
copy_bone_properties(obj, bone_name, new_name)
return new_name
def flip_bone(obj, bone_name):
""" Flips an edit bone.
if bone_name not in obj.data.edit_bones:
raise MetarigError("flip_bone(): bone '%s' not found, cannot copy it" % bone_name)
if obj == bpy.context.active_object and bpy.context.mode == 'EDIT_ARMATURE':
bone = obj.data.edit_bones[bone_name]
head = Vector(bone.head)
tail = Vector(bone.tail)
bone.tail = head + tail
bone.head = tail
bone.tail = head
raise MetarigError("Cannot flip bones outside of edit mode")
def flip_bone_chain(obj, bone_names):
"""Flips a connected bone chain."""
assert obj.mode == 'EDIT'
bones = [ obj.data.edit_bones[name] for name in bone_names ]
# Verify chain and unparent
for prev_bone, bone in pairwise(bones):
assert bone.parent == prev_bone and bone.use_connect
for bone in bones:
bone.parent = None
bone.use_connect = False
for child in bone.children:
child.use_connect = False
# Flip bones
for bone in bones:
head, tail = Vector(bone.head), Vector(bone.tail)
bone.tail = head + tail
bone.head, bone.tail = tail, head
# Re-parent
for bone, next_bone in pairwise(bones):
bone.parent = next_bone
bone.use_connect = True
def put_bone(obj, bone_name, pos, *, matrix=None, length=None, scale=None):
""" Places a bone at the given position.
if bone_name not in obj.data.edit_bones:
raise MetarigError("put_bone(): bone '%s' not found, cannot move it" % bone_name)
if obj == bpy.context.active_object and bpy.context.mode == 'EDIT_ARMATURE':
bone = obj.data.edit_bones[bone_name]
if matrix is not None:
old_len = len(matrix)
matrix = matrix.to_4x4()
if pos is not None:
matrix.translation = pos
elif old_len < 4:
matrix.translation = bone.head
bone.matrix = matrix
delta = pos - bone.head
if length is not None:
bone.length = length
elif scale is not None:
bone.length *= scale
raise MetarigError("Cannot 'put' bones outside of edit mode")
def disable_bbones(obj, bone_names):
"""Disables B-Bone segments on the specified bones."""
assert(obj.mode != 'EDIT')
for bone in bone_names:
obj.data.bones[bone].bbone_segments = 1
def _legacy_make_nonscaling_child(obj, bone_name, location, child_name_postfix=""):
""" Takes the named bone and creates a non-scaling child of it at
the given location. The returned bone (returned by name) is not
a true child, but behaves like one sans inheriting scaling.
It is intended as an intermediate construction to prevent rig types
from scaling with their parents. The named bone is assumed to be
an ORG bone.
if bone_name not in obj.data.edit_bones:
raise MetarigError("make_nonscaling_child(): bone '%s' not found, cannot copy it" % bone_name)
if obj == bpy.context.active_object and bpy.context.mode == 'EDIT_ARMATURE':
# Create desired names for bones
name1 = make_derived_name(bone_name, 'mch', child_name_postfix + "_ns_ch")
name2 = make_derived_name(bone_name, 'mch', child_name_postfix + "_ns_intr")
# Create bones
child = copy_bone(obj, bone_name, name1)
intermediate_parent = copy_bone(obj, bone_name, name2)
# Get edit bones
eb = obj.data.edit_bones
child_e = eb[child]
intrpar_e = eb[intermediate_parent]
# Parenting
child_e.use_connect = False
child_e.parent = None
intrpar_e.use_connect = False
intrpar_e.parent = eb[bone_name]
# Positioning
child_e.length *= 0.5
intrpar_e.length *= 0.25
put_bone(obj, child, location)
put_bone(obj, intermediate_parent, location)
# Object mode
pb = obj.pose.bones
# Add constraints
con = pb[child].constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION')
con.name = "parent_loc"
con.target = obj
con.subtarget = intermediate_parent
con = pb[child].constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION')
con.name = "parent_loc"
con.target = obj
con.subtarget = intermediate_parent
return child
raise MetarigError("Cannot make nonscaling child outside of edit mode")
# Bone manipulation as rig methods
class BoneUtilityMixin(object):
Provides methods for more convenient creation of bones.
Requires self.obj to be the armature object being worked on.
def register_new_bone(self, new_name, old_name=None):
"""Registers creation or renaming of a bone based on old_name"""
def new_bone(self, new_name):
"""Create a new bone with the specified name."""
name = new_bone(self.obj, new_name)
return name
def copy_bone(self, bone_name, new_name='', *, parent=False, inherit_scale=False, bbone=False, length=None, scale=None):
"""Copy the bone with the given name, returning the new name."""
name = copy_bone(self.obj, bone_name, new_name, parent=parent, inherit_scale=inherit_scale, bbone=bbone, length=length, scale=scale)
self.register_new_bone(name, bone_name)
return name
def copy_bone_properties(self, src_name, tgt_name, *, props=True, ui_controls=None, **kwargs):
"""Copy pose-mode properties of the bone."""
if props:
if ui_controls is None and is_control_bone(tgt_name) and hasattr(self, 'script'):
ui_controls = [tgt_name]
elif ui_controls is True:
ui_controls = self.bones.flatten('ctrl')
copy_bone_properties(self.obj, src_name, tgt_name, props=props and not ui_controls, **kwargs)
if props and ui_controls:
from .mechanism import copy_custom_properties_with_ui
copy_custom_properties_with_ui(self, src_name, tgt_name, ui_controls=ui_controls)
def rename_bone(self, old_name, new_name):
"""Rename the bone, returning the actual new name."""
bone = self.get_bone(old_name)
bone.name = new_name
if bone.name != old_name:
self.register_new_bone(bone.name, old_name)
return bone.name
def get_bone(self, bone_name):
"""Get EditBone or PoseBone by name, depending on the current mode."""
return get_bone(self.obj, bone_name)
def get_bone_parent(self, bone_name):
"""Get the name of the parent bone, or None."""
return get_name(self.get_bone(bone_name).parent)
def set_bone_parent(self, bone_name, parent_name, use_connect=False, inherit_scale=None):
"""Set the parent of the bone."""
eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones
bone = eb[bone_name]
if use_connect is not None:
bone.use_connect = use_connect
if inherit_scale is not None:
bone.inherit_scale = inherit_scale
bone.parent = (eb[parent_name] if parent_name else None)
def parent_bone_chain(self, bone_names, use_connect=None, inherit_scale=None):
"""Link bones into a chain with parenting. First bone may be None."""
for parent, child in pairwise(bone_names):
self.set_bone_parent(child, parent, use_connect=use_connect, inherit_scale=inherit_scale)
# B-Bones
def connect_bbone_chain_handles(obj, bone_names):
assert obj.mode == 'EDIT'
for prev_name, next_name in pairwise(bone_names):
prev_bone = get_bone(obj, prev_name)
next_bone = get_bone(obj, next_name)
prev_bone.bbone_handle_type_end = 'ABSOLUTE'
prev_bone.bbone_custom_handle_end = next_bone
next_bone.bbone_handle_type_start = 'ABSOLUTE'
next_bone.bbone_custom_handle_start = prev_bone
# Math
def is_same_position(obj, bone_name1, bone_name2):
head1 = get_bone(obj, bone_name1).head
head2 = get_bone(obj, bone_name2).head
return (head1 - head2).length < 1e-5
def is_connected_position(obj, bone_name1, bone_name2):
tail1 = get_bone(obj, bone_name1).tail
head2 = get_bone(obj, bone_name2).head
return (tail1 - head2).length < 1e-5
def copy_bone_position(obj, bone_name, target_bone_name, *, length=None, scale=None):
""" Completely copies the position and orientation of the bone. """
bone1_e = obj.data.edit_bones[bone_name]
bone2_e = obj.data.edit_bones[target_bone_name]
bone2_e.head = bone1_e.head
bone2_e.tail = bone1_e.tail
bone2_e.roll = bone1_e.roll
# Resize the bone after copy if requested
if length is not None:
bone2_e.length = length
elif scale is not None:
bone2_e.length *= scale
def align_bone_orientation(obj, bone_name, target_bone_name):
""" Aligns the orientation of bone to target bone. """
bone1_e = obj.data.edit_bones[bone_name]
bone2_e = obj.data.edit_bones[target_bone_name]
axis = bone2_e.y_axis.normalized() * bone1_e.length
bone1_e.tail = bone1_e.head + axis
bone1_e.roll = bone2_e.roll
def set_bone_orientation(obj, bone_name, orientation):
""" Aligns the orientation of bone to target bone or matrix. """
if isinstance(orientation, str):
align_bone_orientation(obj, bone_name, orientation)
bone_e = obj.data.edit_bones[bone_name]
matrix = Matrix(orientation).to_4x4()
matrix.translation = bone_e.head
bone_e.matrix = matrix
def align_bone_roll(obj, bone1, bone2):
""" Aligns the roll of two bones.
bone1_e = obj.data.edit_bones[bone1]
bone2_e = obj.data.edit_bones[bone2]
bone1_e.roll = 0.0
# Get the directions the bones are pointing in, as vectors
y1 = bone1_e.y_axis
x1 = bone1_e.x_axis
y2 = bone2_e.y_axis
x2 = bone2_e.x_axis
# Get the shortest axis to rotate bone1 on to point in the same direction as bone2
axis = y1.cross(y2)
# Angle to rotate on that shortest axis
angle = y1.angle(y2)
# Create rotation matrix to make bone1 point in the same direction as bone2
rot_mat = Matrix.Rotation(angle, 3, axis)
# Roll factor
x3 = rot_mat @ x1
dot = x2 @ x3
if dot > 1.0:
dot = 1.0
elif dot < -1.0:
dot = -1.0
roll = math.acos(dot)
# Set the roll
bone1_e.roll = roll
# Check if we rolled in the right direction
x3 = rot_mat @ bone1_e.x_axis
check = x2 @ x3
# If not, reverse
if check < 0.9999:
bone1_e.roll = -roll
def align_bone_x_axis(obj, bone, vec):
""" Rolls the bone to align its x-axis as closely as possible to
the given vector.
Must be in edit mode.
bone_e = obj.data.edit_bones[bone]
vec = vec.cross(bone_e.y_axis)
dot = max(-1.0, min(1.0, bone_e.z_axis.dot(vec)))
angle = math.acos(dot)
bone_e.roll += angle
dot1 = bone_e.z_axis.dot(vec)
bone_e.roll -= angle * 2
dot2 = bone_e.z_axis.dot(vec)
if dot1 > dot2:
bone_e.roll += angle * 2
def align_bone_z_axis(obj, bone, vec):
""" Rolls the bone to align its z-axis as closely as possible to
the given vector.
Must be in edit mode.
bone_e = obj.data.edit_bones[bone]
vec = bone_e.y_axis.cross(vec)
dot = max(-1.0, min(1.0, bone_e.x_axis.dot(vec)))
angle = math.acos(dot)
bone_e.roll += angle
dot1 = bone_e.x_axis.dot(vec)
bone_e.roll -= angle * 2
dot2 = bone_e.x_axis.dot(vec)
if dot1 > dot2:
bone_e.roll += angle * 2
def align_bone_y_axis(obj, bone, vec):
""" Matches the bone y-axis to
the given vector.
Must be in edit mode.
bone_e = obj.data.edit_bones[bone]
vec = vec * bone_e.length
bone_e.tail = bone_e.head + vec
def compute_chain_x_axis(obj, bone_names):
Compute the x axis of all bones to be perpendicular
to the primary plane in which the bones lie.
eb = obj.data.edit_bones
assert(len(bone_names) > 1)
first_bone = eb[bone_names[0]]
last_bone = eb[bone_names[-1]]
# Compute normal to the plane defined by the first bone,
# and the end of the last bone in the chain
chain_y_axis = last_bone.tail - first_bone.head
chain_rot_axis = first_bone.y_axis.cross(chain_y_axis)
if chain_rot_axis.length < first_bone.length/100:
return first_bone.x_axis.normalized()
return chain_rot_axis.normalized()
def align_chain_x_axis(obj, bone_names):
Aligns the x axis of all bones to be perpendicular
to the primary plane in which the bones lie.
chain_rot_axis = compute_chain_x_axis(obj, bone_names)
for name in bone_names:
align_bone_x_axis(obj, name, chain_rot_axis)
def align_bone_to_axis(obj, bone_name, axis, *, length=None, roll=0, flip=False):
Aligns the Y axis of the bone to the global axis (x,y,z,-x,-y,-z),
optionally adjusting length and initially flipping the bone.
bone_e = obj.data.edit_bones[bone_name]
if length is None:
length = bone_e.length
if roll is None:
roll = bone_e.roll
if axis[0] == '-':
length = -length
axis = axis[1:]
vec = Vector((0,0,0))
setattr(vec, axis, length)
if flip:
base = Vector(bone_e.tail)
bone_e.tail = base + vec
bone_e.head = base
bone_e.tail = bone_e.head + vec
bone_e.roll = roll
def set_bone_widget_transform(obj, bone_name, transform_bone, use_size=True, scale=1.0, target_size=False):
assert obj.mode != 'EDIT'
bone = obj.pose.bones[bone_name]
if transform_bone and transform_bone != bone_name:
bone.custom_shape_transform = bone2 = obj.pose.bones[transform_bone]
if use_size and target_size:
scale *= bone2.length / bone.length
bone.custom_shape_transform = None
bone.use_custom_shape_bone_size = use_size
bone.custom_shape_scale_xyz = (scale, scale, scale)