394 lines
14 KiB
394 lines
14 KiB
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import bpy
import importlib
import importlib.util
import os
import re
from itertools import count
from bpy.types import bpy_struct, bpy_prop_array, Constraint
RIG_DIR = "rigs" # Name of the directory where rig types are kept
METARIG_DIR = "metarigs" # Name of the directory where metarigs are kept
TEMPLATE_DIR = "ui_templates" # Name of the directory where ui templates are kept
outdated_types = {"pitchipoy.limbs.super_limb": "limbs.super_limb",
"pitchipoy.limbs.super_arm": "limbs.super_limb",
"pitchipoy.limbs.super_leg": "limbs.super_limb",
"pitchipoy.limbs.super_front_paw": "limbs.super_limb",
"pitchipoy.limbs.super_rear_paw": "limbs.super_limb",
"pitchipoy.limbs.super_finger": "limbs.super_finger",
"pitchipoy.super_torso_turbo": "spines.super_spine",
"pitchipoy.simple_tentacle": "limbs.simple_tentacle",
"pitchipoy.super_face": "faces.super_face",
"pitchipoy.super_palm": "limbs.super_palm",
"pitchipoy.super_copy": "basic.super_copy",
"pitchipoy.tentacle": "",
"palm": "limbs.super_palm",
"basic.copy": "basic.super_copy",
"biped.arm": "",
"biped.leg": "",
"finger": "",
"neck_short": "",
"misc.delta": "",
"spine": ""
def get_rigify_type(pose_bone):
return pose_bone.rigify_type.replace(" ", "")
def is_rig_base_bone(obj, name):
return bool(get_rigify_type(obj.pose.bones[name]))
def upgradeMetarigTypes(metarig, revert=False):
"""Replaces rigify_type properties from old versions with their current names
:param revert: revert types to previous version (if old type available)
if revert:
vals = list(outdated_types.values())
rig_defs = {v: k for k, v in outdated_types.items() if vals.count(v) == 1}
rig_defs = outdated_types
for bone in metarig.pose.bones:
rig_type = bone.rigify_type
if rig_type in rig_defs:
bone.rigify_type = rig_defs[rig_type]
if 'leg' in rig_type:
bone.rigfy_parameters.limb_type = 'leg'
if 'arm' in rig_type:
bone.rigfy_parameters.limb_type = 'arm'
if 'paw' in rig_type:
bone.rigfy_parameters.limb_type = 'paw'
if rig_type == "basic.copy":
bone.rigify_parameters.make_widget = False
# Misc
def rig_is_child(rig, parent, *, strict=False):
Checks if the rig is a child of the parent.
Unless strict is True, returns true if the rig and parent are the same.
if parent is None:
return True
if rig and strict:
rig = rig.rigify_parent
while rig:
if rig is parent:
return True
rig = rig.rigify_parent
return False
def get_parent_rigs(rig):
"""Returns a list containing the rig and all of its parents."""
result = []
while rig:
rig = rig.rigify_parent
return result
def get_resource(resource_name):
""" Fetches a rig module by name, and returns it.
module = importlib.import_module(resource_name)
return module
def connected_children_names(obj, bone_name):
""" Returns a list of bone names (in order) of the bones that form a single
connected chain starting with the given bone as a parent.
If there is a connected branch, the list stops there.
bone = obj.data.bones[bone_name]
names = []
while True:
connects = 0
con_name = ""
for child in bone.children:
if child.use_connect:
connects += 1
con_name = child.name
if connects == 1:
names += [con_name]
bone = obj.data.bones[con_name]
return names
def has_connected_children(bone):
""" Returns true/false whether a bone has connected children or not.
t = False
for b in bone.children:
t = t or b.use_connect
return t
def _list_bone_names_depth_first_sorted_rec(result_list, bone):
for child in sorted(list(bone.children), key=lambda b: b.name):
_list_bone_names_depth_first_sorted_rec(result_list, child)
def list_bone_names_depth_first_sorted(obj):
"""Returns a list of bone names in depth first name sorted order."""
result_list = []
for bone in sorted(list(obj.data.bones), key=lambda b: b.name):
if bone.parent is None:
_list_bone_names_depth_first_sorted_rec(result_list, bone)
return result_list
def _get_property_value(obj, name):
value = getattr(obj, name, None)
if isinstance(value, bpy_prop_array):
value = tuple(value)
return value
def _generate_properties(lines, prefix, obj, base_class, *, defaults={}, objects={}):
block_props = set(prop.identifier for prop in base_class.bl_rna.properties) - set(defaults.keys())
for prop in type(obj).bl_rna.properties:
if prop.identifier not in block_props and not prop.is_readonly:
cur_value = _get_property_value(obj, prop.identifier)
if prop.identifier in defaults:
if cur_value == defaults[prop.identifier]:
if isinstance(cur_value, bpy_struct):
if cur_value in objects:
lines.append('%s.%s = %s' % (prefix, prop.identifier, objects[cur_value]))
lines.append('%s.%s = %r' % (prefix, prop.identifier, cur_value))
def write_metarig_widgets(obj):
from .widgets import write_widget
widget_set = set()
for pbone in obj.pose.bones:
if pbone.custom_shape:
id_set = set()
widget_map = {}
code = []
for widget_obj in widget_set:
ident = re.sub("[^0-9a-zA-Z_]+", "_", widget_obj.name)
if ident in id_set:
for i in count(1):
if ident+'_'+str(i) not in id_set:
widget_map[widget_obj] = ident
code.append(write_widget(widget_obj, name=ident, use_size=False))
return widget_map, code
def write_metarig(obj, layers=False, func_name="create", groups=False, widgets=False):
Write a metarig as a python script, this rig is to have all info needed for
generating the real rig with rigify.
code = []
code.append("import bpy\n")
code.append("from mathutils import Color\n")
# Widget object creation functions if requested
if widgets:
widget_map, widget_code = write_metarig_widgets(obj)
if widget_map:
code.append("from rigify.utils.widgets import widget_generator\n\n")
code += widget_code
# Start of the metarig function
code.append("def %s(obj):" % func_name)
code.append(" # generated by rigify.utils.write_metarig")
code.append(" bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')")
code.append(" arm = obj.data")
arm = obj.data
# Rigify bone group colors info
if groups and len(arm.rigify_colors) > 0:
code.append("\n for i in range(" + str(len(arm.rigify_colors)) + "):")
code.append(" arm.rigify_colors.add()\n")
for i in range(len(arm.rigify_colors)):
name = arm.rigify_colors[i].name
active = arm.rigify_colors[i].active
normal = arm.rigify_colors[i].normal
select = arm.rigify_colors[i].select
standard_colors_lock = arm.rigify_colors[i].standard_colors_lock
code.append(' arm.rigify_colors[' + str(i) + '].name = "' + name + '"')
code.append(' arm.rigify_colors[' + str(i) + '].active = Color(' + str(active[:]) + ')')
code.append(' arm.rigify_colors[' + str(i) + '].normal = Color(' + str(normal[:]) + ')')
code.append(' arm.rigify_colors[' + str(i) + '].select = Color(' + str(select[:]) + ')')
code.append(' arm.rigify_colors[' + str(i) + '].standard_colors_lock = ' + str(standard_colors_lock))
# Rigify layer layout info
if layers and len(arm.rigify_layers) > 0:
code.append("\n for i in range(" + str(len(arm.rigify_layers)) + "):")
code.append(" arm.rigify_layers.add()\n")
for i in range(len(arm.rigify_layers)):
name = arm.rigify_layers[i].name
row = arm.rigify_layers[i].row
selset = arm.rigify_layers[i].selset
group = arm.rigify_layers[i].group
code.append(' arm.rigify_layers[' + str(i) + '].name = "' + name + '"')
code.append(' arm.rigify_layers[' + str(i) + '].row = ' + str(row))
code.append(' arm.rigify_layers[' + str(i) + '].selset = ' + str(selset))
code.append(' arm.rigify_layers[' + str(i) + '].group = ' + str(group))
# write parents first
bones = [(len(bone.parent_recursive), bone.name) for bone in arm.edit_bones]
bones.sort(key=lambda item: item[0])
bones = [item[1] for item in bones]
code.append("\n bones = {}\n")
for bone_name in bones:
bone = arm.edit_bones[bone_name]
code.append(" bone = arm.edit_bones.new(%r)" % bone.name)
code.append(" bone.head = %.4f, %.4f, %.4f" % bone.head.to_tuple(4))
code.append(" bone.tail = %.4f, %.4f, %.4f" % bone.tail.to_tuple(4))
code.append(" bone.roll = %.4f" % bone.roll)
code.append(" bone.use_connect = %s" % str(bone.use_connect))
if bone.inherit_scale != 'FULL':
code.append(" bone.inherit_scale = %r" % str(bone.inherit_scale))
if bone.parent:
code.append(" bone.parent = arm.edit_bones[bones[%r]]" % bone.parent.name)
code.append(" bones[%r] = bone.name" % bone.name)
code.append(" bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')")
if widgets and widget_map:
code.append(" widget_map = {}")
# Rig type and other pose properties
for bone_name in bones:
pbone = obj.pose.bones[bone_name]
code.append(" pbone = obj.pose.bones[bones[%r]]" % bone_name)
code.append(" pbone.rigify_type = %r" % pbone.rigify_type)
code.append(" pbone.lock_location = %s" % str(tuple(pbone.lock_location)))
code.append(" pbone.lock_rotation = %s" % str(tuple(pbone.lock_rotation)))
code.append(" pbone.lock_rotation_w = %s" % str(pbone.lock_rotation_w))
code.append(" pbone.lock_scale = %s" % str(tuple(pbone.lock_scale)))
code.append(" pbone.rotation_mode = %r" % pbone.rotation_mode)
if layers:
code.append(" pbone.bone.layers = %s" % str(list(pbone.bone.layers)))
# Rig type parameters
for param_name in pbone.rigify_parameters.keys():
param = getattr(pbone.rigify_parameters, param_name, '')
if str(type(param)) == "<class 'bpy_prop_array'>":
param = list(param)
if type(param) == str:
param = '"' + param + '"'
code.append(" try:")
code.append(" pbone.rigify_parameters.%s = %s" % (param_name, str(param)))
code.append(" except AttributeError:")
code.append(" pass")
# Constraints
for con in pbone.constraints:
code.append(" con = pbone.constraints.new(%r)" % (con.type))
code.append(" con.name = %r" % (con.name))
# Add target first because of target_space handling
if con.type == 'ARMATURE':
for tgt in con.targets:
code.append(" tgt = con.targets.new()")
code.append(" tgt.target = obj")
code.append(" tgt.subtarget = %r" % (tgt.subtarget))
code.append(" tgt.weight = %.3f" % (tgt.weight))
elif getattr(con, 'target', None) == obj:
code.append(" con.target = obj")
# Generic properties
code, " con", con, Constraint,
'owner_space': 'WORLD', 'target_space': 'WORLD',
'mute': False, 'influence': 1.0,
'target': obj,
objects={obj: 'obj'},
# Custom widgets
if widgets and pbone.custom_shape:
widget_id = widget_map[pbone.custom_shape]
code.append(" if %r not in widget_map:" % (widget_id))
code.append(" widget_map[%r] = create_%s_widget(obj, pbone.name, widget_name=%r, widget_force_new=True)" % (widget_id, widget_id, pbone.custom_shape.name))
code.append(" pbone.custom_shape = widget_map[%r]" % (widget_id))
code.append("\n bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')")
code.append(" for bone in arm.edit_bones:")
code.append(" bone.select = False")
code.append(" bone.select_head = False")
code.append(" bone.select_tail = False")
code.append(" for b in bones:")
code.append(" bone = arm.edit_bones[bones[b]]")
code.append(" bone.select = True")
code.append(" bone.select_head = True")
code.append(" bone.select_tail = True")
code.append(" bone.bbone_x = bone.bbone_z = bone.length * 0.05")
code.append(" arm.edit_bones.active = bone")
# Set appropriate layers visible
if layers:
# Find what layers have bones on them
active_layers = []
for bone_name in bones:
bone = obj.data.bones[bone_name]
for i in range(len(bone.layers)):
if bone.layers[i]:
if i not in active_layers:
code.append("\n arm.layers = [(x in " + str(active_layers) + ") for x in range(" + str(len(arm.layers)) + ")]")
code.append("\n return bones")
code.append('\nif __name__ == "__main__":')
code.append(" " + func_name + "(bpy.context.active_object)\n")
return "\n".join(code)