Requested by @dexon, see rBAece39d809ce#339214. This patch tries to improve a workflow that was hurt by D11356. One of the goals of that patch was to make the connection between metarig and generated rig stronger and more reliable, by using datablock pointers rather than text-based matching. This allows users to rename their datablocks as they would do with any other datablock in Blender, so there's much more freedom with naming when working with one metarig per generated rig per file. However, this made it hard to duplicate the metarig, make changes to it, and make a new rig out of it within the same file. Renaming several datablocks in this case is not an "option", but an unintuitive necessity. With the patch applied, when the metarig has no target rig, there is an option to input a rig name. If something is input by the user, that name will be used for the rig, the widget collection (by extension the widget objects) and the rig script, as long as they are not specified. So, while still requiring a few more clicks than before, the workflow for duplicating metarigs to make new ones is now much more reasonable: - Duplicate metarig, make changes - Remove the datablock references - Input a rig name - Generate If the a rig object with the same name already existed, it will NOT be overwritten, and the generated rig will have a .001 suffix. This matches the "new" option of the removed "new/overwrite" options. Meanwhile, the other workflow of having one metarig per generated rig per file is not affected at all: The text box for the name input can simply be ignored on the first generation. It will not show up after that, since you would never remove the target rig in this workflow. Differential Revision: https://developer.blender.org/D14757
721 lines
24 KiB
721 lines
24 KiB
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import bpy
import re
import time
from .utils.errors import MetarigError
from .utils.bones import new_bone
from .utils.layers import ORG_LAYER, MCH_LAYER, DEF_LAYER, ROOT_LAYER
from .utils.naming import ORG_PREFIX, MCH_PREFIX, DEF_PREFIX, ROOT_NAME, make_original_name, change_name_side, get_name_side, Side
from .utils.widgets import WGT_PREFIX
from .utils.widgets_special import create_root_widget
from .utils.mechanism import refresh_all_drivers
from .utils.misc import gamma_correct, select_object
from .utils.collections import ensure_collection, list_layer_collections, filter_layer_collections_by_object
from .utils.rig import get_rigify_type
from . import base_generate
from . import rig_ui_template
from . import rig_lists
RIG_MODULE = "rigs"
class Timer:
def __init__(self):
self.timez = time.time()
def tick(self, string):
t = time.time()
print(string + "%.3f" % (t - self.timez))
self.timez = t
class Generator(base_generate.BaseGenerator):
def __init__(self, context, metarig):
super().__init__(context, metarig)
self.id_store = context.window_manager
def find_rig_class(self, rig_type):
rig_module = rig_lists.rigs[rig_type]["module"]
return rig_module.Rig
def __switch_to_usable_collection(self, obj, fallback=False):
collections = filter_layer_collections_by_object(self.usable_collections, obj)
if collections:
self.layer_collection = collections[0]
elif fallback:
self.layer_collection = self.view_layer.layer_collection
self.collection = self.layer_collection.collection
def ensure_rig_object(self) -> bpy.types.Object:
"""Check if the generated rig already exists, so we can
regenerate in the same object. If not, create a new
object to generate the rig in.
print("Fetch rig.")
meta_data = self.metarig.data
target_rig = meta_data.rigify_target_rig
if not target_rig:
if meta_data.rigify_rig_basename:
rig_new_name = meta_data.rigify_rig_basename
elif "metarig" in self.metarig.name:
rig_new_name = self.metarig.name.replace("metarig", "rig")
elif "META" in self.metarig.name:
rig_new_name = self.metarig.name.replace("META", "RIG")
rig_new_name = "RIG-" + self.metarig.name
target_rig = bpy.data.objects.new(rig_new_name, bpy.data.armatures.new(rig_new_name))
target_rig.display_type = 'WIRE'
# If the object is already added to the scene, switch to its collection
if target_rig in list(self.context.scene.collection.all_objects):
# Otherwise, add to the selected collection or the metarig collection if unusable
if (self.layer_collection not in self.usable_collections
or self.layer_collection == self.view_layer.layer_collection):
self.__switch_to_usable_collection(self.metarig, True)
# Configure and remember the object
meta_data.rigify_target_rig = target_rig
target_rig.data.pose_position = 'POSE'
return target_rig
def __unhide_rig_object(self, obj):
# Ensure the object is visible and selectable
obj.hide_set(False, view_layer=self.view_layer)
obj.hide_viewport = False
if not obj.visible_get(view_layer=self.view_layer):
raise Exception('Could not generate: Target rig is not visible')
obj.select_set(True, view_layer=self.view_layer)
if not obj.select_get(view_layer=self.view_layer):
raise Exception('Could not generate: Cannot select target rig')
if self.layer_collection not in self.usable_collections:
raise Exception('Could not generate: Could not find a usable collection.')
def __find_legacy_collection(self) -> bpy.types.Collection:
"""For backwards comp, matching by name to find a legacy collection.
(For before there was a Widget Collection PointerProperty)
wgts_group_name = "WGTS_" + self.obj.name
old_collection = bpy.data.collections.get(wgts_group_name)
if old_collection and old_collection.library:
old_collection = None
if not old_collection:
# Update the old 'Widgets' collection
legacy_collection = bpy.data.collections.get('Widgets')
if legacy_collection and wgts_group_name in legacy_collection.objects and not legacy_collection.library:
legacy_collection.name = wgts_group_name
old_collection = legacy_collection
if old_collection:
# Rename the collection
old_collection.name = wgts_group_name
return old_collection
def ensure_widget_collection(self):
# Create/find widget collection
self.widget_collection = self.metarig.data.rigify_widgets_collection
if not self.widget_collection:
self.widget_collection = self.__find_legacy_collection()
if not self.widget_collection:
wgts_group_name = "WGTS_" + self.obj.name.replace("RIG-", "")
self.widget_collection = ensure_collection(self.context, wgts_group_name, hidden=True)
self.metarig.data.rigify_widgets_collection = self.widget_collection
self.use_mirror_widgets = self.metarig.data.rigify_mirror_widgets
# Build tables for existing widgets
self.old_widget_table = {}
self.new_widget_table = {}
self.widget_mirror_mesh = {}
if self.metarig.data.rigify_force_widget_update:
# Remove widgets if force update is set
for obj in list(self.widget_collection.objects):
elif self.obj.pose:
# Find all widgets from the collection referenced by the old rig
known_widgets = set(obj.name for obj in self.widget_collection.objects)
for bone in self.obj.pose.bones:
if bone.custom_shape and bone.custom_shape.name in known_widgets:
self.old_widget_table[bone.name] = bone.custom_shape
# Rename widgets in case the rig was renamed
name_prefix = WGT_PREFIX + self.obj.name + "_"
for bone_name, widget in self.old_widget_table.items():
old_data_name = change_name_side(widget.name, get_name_side(widget.data.name))
widget.name = name_prefix + bone_name
# If the mesh name is the same as the object, rename it too
if widget.data.name == old_data_name:
widget.data.name = change_name_side(widget.name, get_name_side(widget.data.name))
# Find meshes for mirroring
if self.use_mirror_widgets:
for bone_name, widget in self.old_widget_table.items():
mid_name = change_name_side(bone_name, Side.MIDDLE)
if bone_name != mid_name:
self.widget_mirror_mesh[mid_name] = widget.data
def __duplicate_rig(self):
obj = self.obj
metarig = self.metarig
context = self.context
# Remove all bones from the generated rig armature.
for bone in obj.data.edit_bones:
# Select and duplicate metarig
select_object(context, metarig, deselect_all=True)
# Rename org bones in the temporary object
temp_obj = context.view_layer.objects.active
assert temp_obj and temp_obj != metarig
# Select the target rig and join
select_object(context, obj)
saved_matrix = obj.matrix_world.copy()
obj.matrix_world = metarig.matrix_world
obj.matrix_world = saved_matrix
# Select the generated rig
select_object(context, obj, deselect_all=True)
# Clean up animation data
if obj.animation_data:
obj.animation_data.action = None
for track in obj.animation_data.nla_tracks:
def __freeze_driver_vars(self, obj):
if obj.animation_data:
# Freeze drivers referring to custom properties
for d in obj.animation_data.drivers:
for var in d.driver.variables:
for tar in var.targets:
# If a custom property
if var.type == 'SINGLE_PROP' \
and re.match(r'^pose.bones\["[^"\]]*"\]\["[^"\]]*"\]$', tar.data_path):
tar.data_path = "RIGIFY-" + tar.data_path
def __rename_org_bones(self, obj):
# Make a list of the original bones so we can keep track of them.
original_bones = [bone.name for bone in obj.data.bones]
# Add the ORG_PREFIX to the original bones.
for i in range(0, len(original_bones)):
bone = obj.pose.bones[original_bones[i]]
# Preserve the root bone as is if present
if bone.name == ROOT_NAME:
if bone.parent:
raise MetarigError('Root bone must have no parent')
if get_rigify_type(bone) not in ('', 'basic.raw_copy'):
raise MetarigError('Root bone must have no rig, or use basic.raw_copy')
# This rig type is special in that it preserves the name of the bone.
if get_rigify_type(bone) != 'basic.raw_copy':
bone.name = make_original_name(original_bones[i])
original_bones[i] = bone.name
self.original_bones = original_bones
def __create_root_bone(self):
obj = self.obj
metarig = self.metarig
if ROOT_NAME in obj.data.bones:
# Use the existing root bone
root_bone = ROOT_NAME
# Create the root bone.
root_bone = new_bone(obj, ROOT_NAME)
spread = get_xy_spread(metarig.data.bones) or metarig.data.bones[0].length
spread = float('%.3g' % spread)
scale = spread/0.589
obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone].head = (0, 0, 0)
obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone].tail = (0, scale, 0)
obj.data.edit_bones[root_bone].roll = 0
self.root_bone = root_bone
self.bone_owners[root_bone] = None
def __parent_bones_to_root(self):
eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones
# Parent loose bones to root
for bone in eb:
if bone.name in self.noparent_bones:
elif bone.parent is None:
bone.use_connect = False
bone.parent = eb[self.root_bone]
def __lock_transforms(self):
# Lock transforms on all non-control bones
r = re.compile("[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]-")
for pb in self.obj.pose.bones:
if r.match(pb.name):
pb.lock_location = (True, True, True)
pb.lock_rotation = (True, True, True)
pb.lock_rotation_w = True
pb.lock_scale = (True, True, True)
def __assign_layers(self):
pbones = self.obj.pose.bones
pbones[self.root_bone].bone.layers = ROOT_LAYER
# Every bone that has a name starting with "DEF-" make deforming. All the
# others make non-deforming.
for pbone in pbones:
bone = pbone.bone
name = bone.name
layers = None
bone.use_deform = name.startswith(DEF_PREFIX)
# Move all the original bones to their layer.
if name.startswith(ORG_PREFIX):
layers = ORG_LAYER
# Move all the bones with names starting with "MCH-" to their layer.
elif name.startswith(MCH_PREFIX):
layers = MCH_LAYER
# Move all the bones with names starting with "DEF-" to their layer.
elif name.startswith(DEF_PREFIX):
layers = DEF_LAYER
if layers is not None:
bone.layers = layers
# Remove custom shapes from non-control bones
pbone.custom_shape = None
bone.bbone_x = bone.bbone_z = bone.length * 0.05
def __restore_driver_vars(self):
obj = self.obj
# Alter marked driver targets
if obj.animation_data:
for d in obj.animation_data.drivers:
for v in d.driver.variables:
for tar in v.targets:
if tar.data_path.startswith("RIGIFY-"):
temp, bone, prop = tuple([x.strip('"]') for x in tar.data_path.split('["')])
if bone in obj.data.bones \
and prop in obj.pose.bones[bone].keys():
tar.data_path = tar.data_path[7:]
org_name = make_original_name(bone)
org_name = self.org_rename_table.get(org_name, org_name)
tar.data_path = 'pose.bones["%s"]["%s"]' % (org_name, prop)
def __assign_widgets(self):
obj_table = {obj.name: obj for obj in self.scene.objects}
# Assign shapes to bones
# Object's with name WGT-<bone_name> get used as that bone's shape.
for bone in self.obj.pose.bones:
# First check the table built by create_widget
if bone.name in self.new_widget_table:
bone.custom_shape = self.new_widget_table[bone.name]
# Object names are limited to 63 characters... arg
wgt_name = (WGT_PREFIX + self.obj.name + '_' + bone.name)[:63]
if wgt_name in obj_table:
bone.custom_shape = obj_table[wgt_name]
def __compute_visible_layers(self):
# Reveal all the layers with control bones on them
vis_layers = [False for n in range(0, 32)]
for bone in self.obj.data.bones:
for i in range(0, 32):
vis_layers[i] = vis_layers[i] or bone.layers[i]
for i in range(0, 32):
vis_layers[i] = vis_layers[i] and not (ORG_LAYER[i] or MCH_LAYER[i] or DEF_LAYER[i])
self.obj.data.layers = vis_layers
def generate(self):
context = self.context
metarig = self.metarig
scene = self.scene
id_store = self.id_store
view_layer = self.view_layer
t = Timer()
self.usable_collections = list_layer_collections(view_layer.layer_collection, selectable=True)
# Create/find the rig object and set it up
self.obj = obj = self.ensure_rig_object()
# Select the chosen working collection in case it changed
self.view_layer.active_layer_collection = self.layer_collection
# Get rid of anim data in case the rig already existed
print("Clear rig animation data.")
select_object(context, obj, deselect_all=True)
# Create Widget Collection
t.tick("Create main WGTS: ")
# Get parented objects to restore later
childs = {} # {object: bone}
for child in obj.children:
childs[child] = child.parent_bone
# Copy bones from metarig to obj (adds ORG_PREFIX)
obj.data.use_mirror_x = False
t.tick("Duplicate rig: ")
# Put the rig_name in the armature custom properties
obj.data["rig_id"] = self.rig_id
self.script = rig_ui_template.ScriptGenerator(self)
t.tick("Instantiate rigs: ")
t.tick("Initialize rigs: ")
t.tick("Prepare bones: ")
t.tick("Generate bones: ")
t.tick("Parent bones: ")
t.tick("Configure bones: ")
t.tick("Preapply bones: ")
t.tick("Apply bones: ")
t.tick("Rig bones: ")
# Generate the default root widget last in case it's rigged with raw_copy
create_root_widget(obj, self.root_bone)
t.tick("Generate widgets: ")
t.tick("Assign layers: ")
t.tick("Finalize: ")
# Create Selection Sets
create_selection_sets(obj, metarig)
# Create Bone Groups
create_bone_groups(obj, metarig, self.layer_group_priorities)
t.tick("The rest: ")
# Deconfigure
obj.data.pose_position = 'POSE'
# Restore parent to bones
for child, sub_parent in childs.items():
if sub_parent in obj.pose.bones:
mat = child.matrix_world.copy()
child.parent_bone = sub_parent
child.matrix_world = mat
# Clear any transient errors in drivers
# Execute the finalize script
if metarig.data.rigify_finalize_script:
exec(metarig.data.rigify_finalize_script.as_string(), {})
# Restore active collection
view_layer.active_layer_collection = self.layer_collection
def generate_rig(context, metarig):
""" Generates a rig from a metarig.
# Initial configuration
rest_backup = metarig.data.pose_position
metarig.data.pose_position = 'REST'
generator = Generator(context, metarig)
base_generate.BaseGenerator.instance = generator
metarig.data.pose_position = rest_backup
except Exception as e:
# Cleanup if something goes wrong
print("Rigify: failed to generate rig.")
metarig.data.pose_position = rest_backup
# Continue the exception
raise e
base_generate.BaseGenerator.instance = None
def create_selection_set_for_rig_layer(
rig: bpy.types.Object,
set_name: str,
layer_idx: int
) -> None:
"""Create a single selection set on a rig.
The set will contain all bones on the rig layer with the given index.
selset = rig.selection_sets.add()
selset.name = set_name
for b in rig.pose.bones:
if not b.bone.layers[layer_idx] or b.name in selset.bone_ids:
bone_id = selset.bone_ids.add()
bone_id.name = b.name
def create_selection_sets(obj, metarig):
"""Create selection sets if the Selection Sets addon is enabled.
Whether a selection set for a rig layer is created is controlled in the
Rigify Layer Names panel.
# Check if selection sets addon is installed
if 'bone_selection_groups' not in bpy.context.preferences.addons \
and 'bone_selection_sets' not in bpy.context.preferences.addons:
for i, name in enumerate(metarig.data.rigify_layers.keys()):
if name == '' or not metarig.data.rigify_layers[i].selset:
create_selection_set_for_rig_layer(obj, name, i)
def create_bone_groups(obj, metarig, priorities={}):
pb = obj.pose.bones
layers = metarig.data.rigify_layers
groups = metarig.data.rigify_colors
dummy = {}
# Create BGs
for l in layers:
if l.group == 0:
g_id = l.group - 1
name = groups[g_id].name
if name not in obj.pose.bone_groups.keys():
bg = obj.pose.bone_groups.new(name=name)
bg.color_set = 'CUSTOM'
bg.colors.normal = gamma_correct(groups[g_id].normal)
bg.colors.select = gamma_correct(groups[g_id].select)
bg.colors.active = gamma_correct(groups[g_id].active)
for b in pb:
prios = priorities.get(b.name, dummy)
enabled = [ i for i, v in enumerate(b.bone.layers) if v ]
layer_index = max(enabled, key=lambda i: prios.get(i, 0))
except ValueError:
if layer_index > len(layers) - 1: # bone is on reserved layers
g_id = layers[layer_index].group - 1
if g_id >= 0:
name = groups[g_id].name
b.bone_group = obj.pose.bone_groups[name]
def get_xy_spread(bones):
x_max = 0
y_max = 0
for b in bones:
x_max = max((x_max, abs(b.head[0]), abs(b.tail[0])))
y_max = max((y_max, abs(b.head[1]), abs(b.tail[1])))
return max((x_max, y_max))
def param_matches_type(param_name, rig_type):
""" Returns True if the parameter name is consistent with the rig type.
if param_name.rsplit(".", 1)[0] == rig_type:
return True
return False
def param_name(param_name, rig_type):
""" Get the actual parameter name, sans-rig-type.
return param_name[len(rig_type) + 1:]