Alexander Gavrilov 2fe1c5a693 Rigify: reduce the number of suppressed spell check tags.
A combination of fixing naming, and adding words to local dictionary.
Also, BlIdLowercase should be disabled in the editor.
2022-11-22 14:40:14 +02:00

647 lines
22 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import bpy
import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Any, Sequence, Iterable
from bpy.types import (bpy_prop_collection, Material, Object, PoseBone, Driver, FCurve,
DriverTarget, ID, bpy_struct, FModifierGenerator, Constraint, AnimData,
from rna_prop_ui import rna_idprop_ui_create
from rna_prop_ui import rna_idprop_quote_path as quote_property
from .misc import force_lazy, ArmatureObject, Lazy, OptionalLazy
from ..base_rig import BaseRig
# Constraint creation utilities
def _set_default_attr(obj, options, attr, value):
if hasattr(obj, attr):
options.setdefault(attr, value)
def make_constraint(
owner: Object | PoseBone, con_type: str,
target: Optional[Object] = None,
subtarget: OptionalLazy[str] = None, *,
insert_index: Optional[int] = None,
space: Optional[str] = None,
track_axis: Optional[str] = None,
use_xyz: Optional[Sequence[bool]] = None,
use_limit_xyz: Optional[Sequence[bool]] = None,
invert_xyz: Optional[Sequence[bool]] = None,
targets: Optional[list[Lazy[str | tuple | dict]]] = None,
Creates and initializes constraint of the specified type for the owner bone.
Specially handled keyword arguments:
target, subtarget: if both not None, passed through to the constraint
insert_index : insert at the specified index in the stack, instead of at the end
space : assigned to both owner_space and target_space
track_axis : allows shorter X, Y, Z, -X, -Y, -Z notation
use_xyz : list of 3 items is assigned to use_x, use_y and use_z options
use_limit_xyz : list of 3 items is assigned to use_limit_x/y/z options
invert_xyz : list of 3 items is assigned to invert_x, invert_y and invert_z options
min/max_x/y/z : a corresponding use_(min/max/limit)_(x/y/z) option is set to True
targets : list of strings, tuples or dicts describing Armature constraint targets
Other keyword arguments are directly assigned to the constraint options.
Returns the newly created constraint.
Target bone names can be provided via 'lazy' callable closures without arguments.
con =
# For Armature constraints, allow passing a "targets" list as a keyword argument.
if targets is not None:
assert isinstance(con, ArmatureConstraint)
for target_info in targets:
con_target = = owner.id_data
# List element can be a string, a tuple or a dictionary.
target_info = force_lazy(target_info)
if isinstance(target_info, str):
con_target.subtarget = target_info
elif isinstance(target_info, tuple):
if len(target_info) == 2:
con_target.subtarget, con_target.weight = map(force_lazy, target_info)
else:, con_target.subtarget, con_target.weight = map(force_lazy, target_info)
assert isinstance(target_info, dict)
for key, val in target_info.items():
setattr(con_target, key, force_lazy(val))
if insert_index is not None:
owner.constraints.move(len(owner.constraints)-1, insert_index)
if target is not None and hasattr(con, 'target'): = target
if subtarget is not None:
con.subtarget = force_lazy(subtarget)
if space is not None:
_set_default_attr(con, options, 'owner_space', space)
_set_default_attr(con, options, 'target_space', space)
if track_axis is not None:
con.track_axis = _TRACK_AXIS_MAP.get(track_axis, track_axis)
if use_xyz is not None:
con.use_x, con.use_y, con.use_z = use_xyz[0:3]
if use_limit_xyz is not None:
con.use_limit_x, con.use_limit_y, con.use_limit_z = use_limit_xyz[0:3]
if invert_xyz is not None:
con.invert_x, con.invert_y, con.invert_z = invert_xyz[0:3]
for key in ['min_x', 'max_x', 'min_y', 'max_y', 'min_z', 'max_z']:
if key in options:
_set_default_attr(con, options, 'use_'+key, True)
_set_default_attr(con, options, 'use_limit_'+key[-1], True)
for p, v in options.items():
setattr(con, p, force_lazy(v))
return con
# Custom property creation utilities
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
def make_property(
owner: bpy_struct, name: str, default, *, min=0.0, max=1.0, soft_min=None, soft_max=None,
description: Optional[str] = None, overridable=True, subtype: Optional[str] = None,
Creates and initializes a custom property of owner.
The soft_min and soft_max parameters default to min and max.
Description defaults to the property name.
# Some keyword argument defaults differ
owner, name, default=default,
min=min, max=max, soft_min=soft_min, soft_max=soft_max,
description=description or name,
**options # noqa
# Driver creation utilities
def _init_driver_target(drv_target: DriverTarget, var_info, target_id: Optional[ID]):
"""Initialize a driver variable target from a specification."""
# Parse the simple list format for the common case.
if isinstance(var_info, tuple):
# [ (target_id,) subtarget, ...path ]
# If target_id is supplied as parameter, allow omitting it
if target_id is None or isinstance(var_info[0], bpy.types.ID):
target_id, subtarget, *refs = var_info
subtarget, *refs = var_info
subtarget = force_lazy(subtarget)
# Simple path string case.
if len(refs) == 0:
# [ (target_id,) path_str ]
path = subtarget
# If subtarget is a string, look up a bone in the target
if isinstance(subtarget, str):
subtarget = target_id.pose.bones[subtarget]
if subtarget == target_id:
path = ''
path = subtarget.path_from_id()
# Use ".foo" type path items verbatim, otherwise quote
for item in refs:
if isinstance(item, str):
path += item if item[0] == '.' else quote_property(item)
path += f'[{repr(item)}]'
if path[0] == '.':
path = path[1:] = target_id
drv_target.data_path = path
# { 'id': ..., ... }
target_id = var_info.get('id', target_id)
if target_id is not None: = target_id
for tp, tv in var_info.items():
setattr(drv_target, tp, force_lazy(tv))
def _add_driver_variable(drv: Driver, var_name: str, var_info, target_id: Optional[ID]):
"""Add and initialize a driver variable."""
var = = var_name
# Parse the simple list format for the common case.
if isinstance(var_info, tuple):
# [ (target_id,) subtarget, ...path ]
var.type = "SINGLE_PROP"
_init_driver_target(var.targets[0], var_info, target_id)
# Variable info as generic dictionary - assign properties.
# { 'type': 'SINGLE_PROP', 'targets':[...] }
var.type = var_info['type']
for p, v in var_info.items():
if p == 'targets':
for i, tdata in enumerate(v):
_init_driver_target(var.targets[i], tdata, target_id)
elif p != 'type':
setattr(var, p, force_lazy(v))
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
def make_driver(owner: bpy_struct, prop: str, *, index=-1, type='SUM',
expression: Optional[str] = None,
variables: Iterable | dict = (),
polynomial: Optional[list[float]] = None,
target_id: Optional[ID] = None) -> FCurve:
Creates and initializes a driver for the 'prop' property of owner.
owner : object to add the driver to
prop : property of the object to add the driver to
index : item index for vector properties
type : built-in driver math operation (incompatible with expression)
expression : custom driver expression
variables : either a list or dictionary of variable specifications.
polynomial : coefficients of the POLYNOMIAL driver modifier
target_id : specifies the target ID of variables implicitly
Specification format:
If the variables argument is a dictionary, keys specify variable names.
Otherwise, names are set to var, var1, var2, ... etc:
variables = [ ..., ..., ... ]
variables = { 'var': ..., 'var1': ..., 'var2': ... }
Variable specifications are constructed as nested dictionaries and lists that
follow the property structure of the original Blender objects, but the most
common case can be abbreviated as a simple tuple.
The following specifications are equivalent:
( target, subtarget, '.foo', 'bar' )
{ 'type': 'SINGLE_PROP', 'targets':[( target, subtarget, '.foo', 'bar' )] }
{ 'type': 'SINGLE_PROP',
'targets':[{ 'id': target, 'data_path': subtarget.path_from_id() + '.foo["bar"]' }] }
If subtarget is as string, it is automatically looked up within target as a bone.
It is possible to specify path directly as a simple string without following items:
( target, 'path' )
{ 'type': 'SINGLE_PROP', 'targets':[{ 'id': target, 'data_path': 'path' }] }
If the target_id parameter is not None, it is possible to omit target:
( subtarget, '.foo', 'bar' )
{ 'type': 'SINGLE_PROP',
'targets':[{ 'id': target_id, 'data_path': subtarget.path_from_id() + '.foo["bar"]' }] }
Returns the newly created driver FCurve.
Target bone names can be provided via 'lazy' callable closures without arguments.
fcu = owner.driver_add(prop, index)
drv = fcu.driver
if expression is not None:
drv.type = 'SCRIPTED'
drv.expression = expression
drv.type = type
# In case the driver already existed, remove contents
for var in list(drv.variables):
for mod in list(fcu.modifiers):
# Fill in new data
if not isinstance(variables, dict):
# variables = [ info, ... ]
for i, var_info in enumerate(variables):
var_name = 'var' if i == 0 else 'var' + str(i)
_add_driver_variable(drv, var_name, var_info, target_id)
# variables = { 'varname': info, ... }
for var_name, var_info in variables.items():
_add_driver_variable(drv, var_name, var_info, target_id)
if polynomial is not None:
drv_modifier ='GENERATOR')
assert isinstance(drv_modifier, FModifierGenerator)
drv_modifier.mode = 'POLYNOMIAL'
drv_modifier.poly_order = len(polynomial)-1
for i, v in enumerate(polynomial):
drv_modifier.coefficients[i] = v
return fcu
# Driver variable utilities
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
def driver_var_transform(target: ID, bone: Optional[str] = None, *,
type='LOC_X', space='WORLD', rotation_mode='AUTO'):
Create a Transform Channel driver variable specification.
make_driver(..., variables=[driver_var_transform(...)])
Target bone name can be provided via a 'lazy' callable closure without arguments.
assert space in {'WORLD', 'TRANSFORM', 'LOCAL'}
target_map = {
'id': target,
'transform_type': type,
'transform_space': space + '_SPACE',
'rotation_mode': rotation_mode,
if bone is not None:
target_map['bone_target'] = bone
return {'type': 'TRANSFORMS', 'targets': [target_map]}
def driver_var_distance(target: ID, *,
bone1: Optional[str] = None,
target2: Optional[ID] = None,
bone2: Optional[str] = None,
space1='WORLD', space2='WORLD'):
Create a Distance driver variable specification.
make_driver(..., variables=[driver_var_distance(...)])
Target bone name can be provided via a 'lazy' callable closure without arguments.
assert space1 in {'WORLD', 'TRANSFORM', 'LOCAL'}
assert space2 in {'WORLD', 'TRANSFORM', 'LOCAL'}
target1_map = {
'id': target,
'transform_space': space1 + '_SPACE',
if bone1 is not None:
target1_map['bone_target'] = bone1
target2_map = {
'id': target2 or target,
'transform_space': space2 + '_SPACE',
if bone2 is not None:
target2_map['bone_target'] = bone2
return {'type': 'LOC_DIFF', 'targets': [target1_map, target2_map]}
# Constraint management
def move_constraint(source: Object | PoseBone, target: Object | PoseBone | str, con: Constraint):
Move a constraint from one owner to another, together with drivers.
assert source.constraints[] == con
if isinstance(target, str):
target = con.id_data.pose.bones[target]
con_tgt = target.constraints.copy(con)
if target.id_data == con.id_data:
adt = con.id_data.animation_data
if adt:
prefix = con.path_from_id()
new_prefix = con_tgt.path_from_id()
for fcu in adt.drivers:
if fcu.data_path.startswith(prefix):
fcu.data_path = new_prefix + fcu.data_path[len(prefix):]
def move_all_constraints(obj: Object,
source: Object | PoseBone | str,
target: Object | PoseBone | str, *,
Move all constraints with the specified name prefix from one bone to another.
if isinstance(source, str):
source = obj.pose.bones[source]
if isinstance(target, str):
target = obj.pose.bones[target]
for con in list(source.constraints):
move_constraint(source, target, con)
# Custom property management
def deactivate_custom_properties(obj: bpy_struct, *, reset=True):
"""Disable drivers on custom properties and reset values to default."""
prefix = '["'
if obj != obj.id_data:
prefix = obj.path_from_id() + prefix
adt = obj.id_data.animation_data
if adt:
for fcu in adt.drivers:
if fcu.data_path.startswith(prefix):
fcu.mute = True
if reset:
for key, value in obj.items():
val_type = type(value)
if val_type in {int, float}:
ui_data = obj.id_properties_ui(key)
rna_data = ui_data.as_dict()
obj[key] = val_type(rna_data.get("default", 0))
def reactivate_custom_properties(obj: bpy_struct):
"""Re-enable drivers on custom properties."""
prefix = '["'
if obj != obj.id_data:
prefix = obj.path_from_id() + prefix
adt = obj.id_data.animation_data
if adt:
for fcu in adt.drivers:
if fcu.data_path.startswith(prefix):
fcu.mute = False
def copy_custom_properties(src, dest, *, prefix='', dest_prefix='',
link_driver=False, overridable=True) -> list[tuple[str, str, Any]]:
"""Copy custom properties with filtering by prefix. Optionally link using drivers."""
res = []
# Exclude addon-defined properties.
exclude = {prop.identifier for prop in if prop.is_runtime}
for key, value in src.items():
if key.startswith(prefix) and key not in exclude:
new_key = dest_prefix + key[len(prefix):]
ui_data_src = src.id_properties_ui(key)
except TypeError:
# Some property types, e.g. Python dictionaries
# don't support id_properties_ui.
if src != dest or new_key != key:
dest[new_key] = value
if link_driver:
make_driver(src, quote_property(key), variables=[(dest.id_data, dest, new_key)])
if overridable:
dest.property_overridable_library_set(quote_property(new_key), True)
res.append((key, new_key, value))
return res
def copy_custom_properties_with_ui(rig: 'BaseRig', src, dest_bone, *, ui_controls=None, **options):
"""Copy custom properties, and create rig UI for them."""
if isinstance(src, str):
src = rig.get_bone(src)
bone: PoseBone = rig.get_bone(dest_bone)
mapping = copy_custom_properties(src, bone, **options)
if mapping:
panel = rig.script.panel_with_selected_check(rig, ui_controls or rig.bones.flatten('ctrl'))
for key, new_key, value in sorted(mapping, key=lambda item: item[1]):
name = new_key
# Replace delimiters with spaces
if ' ' not in name:
name = re.sub(r'[_.-]', ' ', name)
# Split CamelCase
if ' ' not in name:
name = re.sub(r'([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1 \2', name)
# Capitalize
if name.lower() == name:
name = name.title()
info = bone.id_properties_ui(new_key).as_dict()
slider = type(value) is float and info and info.get("min", None) == 0 and info.get("max", None) == 1
panel.custom_prop(dest_bone, new_key, text=name, slider=slider)
return mapping
# Driver management
def refresh_drivers(obj):
"""Cause all drivers belonging to the object to be re-evaluated, clearing any errors."""
# Refresh object's own drivers if any
anim_data: Optional[AnimData] = getattr(obj, 'animation_data', None)
if anim_data:
for fcu in anim_data.drivers:
# Make a fake change to the driver
fcu.driver.type = fcu.driver.type
# Material node trees aren't in any lists
if isinstance(obj, Material):
def refresh_all_drivers():
"""Cause all drivers in the file to be re-evaluated, clearing any errors."""
# Iterate over all data blocks in the file
for attr in dir(
coll = getattr(, attr, None)
if isinstance(coll, bpy_prop_collection):
for item in coll:
# Utility mixin
class MechanismUtilityMixin(object):
obj: ArmatureObject
Provides methods for more convenient creation of constraints, properties
and drivers within an armature (by implicitly providing context).
Requires self.obj to be the armature object being worked on.
def make_constraint(self, bone: str, con_type: str,
subtarget: OptionalLazy[str] = None, *,
insert_index: Optional[int] = None,
space: Optional[str] = None,
track_axis: Optional[str] = None,
use_xyz: Optional[Sequence[bool]] = None,
use_limit_xyz: Optional[Sequence[bool]] = None,
invert_xyz: Optional[Sequence[bool]] = None,
targets: Optional[list[Lazy[str | tuple | dict]]] = None,
assert(self.obj.mode == 'OBJECT')
return make_constraint(
self.obj.pose.bones[bone], con_type, self.obj, subtarget,
insert_index=insert_index, space=space, track_axis=track_axis,
use_xyz=use_xyz, use_limit_xyz=use_limit_xyz, invert_xyz=invert_xyz,
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
def make_property(self, bone: str, name: str, default, *,
min=0.0, max=1.0, soft_min=None, soft_max=None,
description: Optional[str] = None, overridable=True,
subtype: Optional[str] = None,
assert(self.obj.mode == 'OBJECT')
return make_property(
self.obj.pose.bones[bone], name, default,
min=min, max=max, soft_min=soft_min, soft_max=soft_max,
description=description, overridable=overridable, subtype=subtype,
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
def make_driver(self, owner: str | bpy_struct, prop: str,
index=-1, type='SUM',
expression: Optional[str] = None,
variables: Iterable | dict = (),
polynomial: Optional[list[float]] = None):
assert(self.obj.mode == 'OBJECT')
if isinstance(owner, str):
owner = self.obj.pose.bones[owner]
return make_driver(
owner, prop, target_id=self.obj,
index=index, type=type, expression=expression,
variables=variables, polynomial=polynomial,