394 lines
12 KiB
394 lines
12 KiB
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2022 Blender Foundation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import bpy
import random
import re
import zlib
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Sequence, Optional, Mapping, Iterable, Any
from bpy.types import bpy_prop_collection # noqa
from bpy.types import Bone, UILayout, Object, PoseBone, Armature, BoneCollection, EditBone
from idprop.types import IDPropertyGroup
from rna_prop_ui import rna_idprop_value_to_python
from .errors import MetarigError
from .misc import ArmatureObject
from .naming import mirror_name_fuzzy
from ..base_rig import BaseRig
from .. import RigifyBoneCollectionReference
REFS_TOGGLE_SUFFIX = '_layers_extra'
REFS_LIST_SUFFIX = "_coll_refs"
def set_bone_layers(bone: Bone | EditBone, layers: Sequence[BoneCollection], *, combine=False):
if not layers:
if not combine:
for coll in list(bone.collections):
for coll in layers:
def union_layer_lists(lists: Iterable[Iterable[BoneCollection | None] | None]) -> list[BoneCollection]:
all_collections = dict()
for lst in lists:
if lst is not None:
all_collections.update({coll.name: coll for coll in lst if coll is not None})
return list(all_collections.values())
def find_used_collections(obj: ArmatureObject) -> dict[str, BoneCollection]:
bcoll_map = {}
for bone in obj.data.bones:
bcoll_map.update({coll.name: coll for coll in bone.collections})
return bcoll_map
def is_collection_ref_list_prop(param: Any) -> bool:
from .. import RigifyBoneCollectionReference
return (isinstance(param, bpy_prop_collection) and
all(isinstance(item, RigifyBoneCollectionReference) for item in param))
def copy_ref_list(to_ref_list, from_ref_list, *, mirror=False):
"""Copy collection references between two RigifyBoneCollectionReference lists."""
for ref in from_ref_list:
to_ref = to_ref_list.add()
to_ref['uid'] = ref['uid']
to_ref['name'] = ref['name']
if mirror:
to_ref.name = mirror_name_fuzzy(ref.name)
def ensure_collection_uid(bcoll: BoneCollection):
"""Retrieve the uid of the given bone collection, assigning a new one if necessary."""
uid = bcoll.rigify_uid
if uid >= 0:
return uid
# Choose the initial uid value
max_uid = 0x7fffffff
if re.fullmatch(r"Bones(\.\d+)?", bcoll.name):
# Use random numbers for collections with the default name
uid = random.randint(0, max_uid)
uid = zlib.adler32(bcoll.name.encode("utf-8")) & max_uid
# Ensure the uid is unique within the armature
used_ids = set(coll.rigify_uid for coll in bcoll.id_data.collections_all)
while uid in used_ids:
uid = random.randint(0, max_uid)
assert uid >= 0
bcoll.rigify_uid = uid
return uid
def resolve_collection_reference(obj: ArmatureObject, ref: Any, *,
update=False, raise_error=False) -> bpy.types.BoneCollection | None:
Find the bone collection referenced by the given reference.
The reference should be RigifyBoneCollectionReference, either typed or as a raw idproperty.
uid = ref["uid"]
if uid < 0:
return None
arm = obj.data
name = ref.get("name", "")
name_coll = arm.collections_all.get(name) if name else None
# First try an exact match of both name and uid
if name_coll and name_coll.rigify_uid == uid:
return name_coll
# Then try searching by the uid
for coll in arm.collections_all:
if coll.rigify_uid == uid:
if update:
ref["name"] = coll.name
return coll
# Fallback to lookup by name only if possible
if name_coll:
if update:
ref["uid"] = ensure_collection_uid(name_coll)
return name_coll
if raise_error:
raise MetarigError(f"Broken bone collection reference: {name} #{uid}")
return None
def validate_collection_references(obj: ArmatureObject):
# Scan and update all references. This uses raw idprop access
# to avoid depending on valid rig component definitions.
refs = defaultdict(list)
warnings = []
for pose_bone in obj.pose.bones:
params = pose_bone.get("rigify_parameters")
if not params:
for prop_name, prop_value in params.items():
prop_name: str
# Filter for reference list properties
if not prop_name.endswith(REFS_LIST_SUFFIX):
value = rna_idprop_value_to_python(prop_value)
if not isinstance(value, list):
for item in value:
# Scan valid reference items
if not isinstance(item, IDPropertyGroup):
name = item.get("name")
if not name or item.get("uid", -1) < 0:
ref_coll = resolve_collection_reference(obj, item, update=True)
if ref_coll:
stem = prop_name[:-len(REFS_LIST_SUFFIX)].replace("_", " ").title()
warnings.append(f"bone {pose_bone.name} has a broken reference to {stem} collection '{name}'")
print(f"RIGIFY: {warnings[-1]}")
# Ensure uids are unique
known_uids = dict()
for bcoll in obj.data.collections_all:
uid = bcoll.rigify_uid
if uid < 0:
prev_use = known_uids.get(uid)
if prev_use is not None:
warnings.append(f"collection {bcoll.name} has the same uid {uid} as {prev_use}")
print(f"RIGIFY: {warnings[-1]}")
# Replace the uid
bcoll.rigify_uid = -1
uid = ensure_collection_uid(bcoll)
for ref in refs[bcoll.name]:
ref["uid"] = uid
known_uids[uid] = bcoll.name
return warnings
# UI utilities
class ControlLayersOption:
def __init__(self, name: str,
toggle_name: Optional[str] = None,
toggle_default=True, description="Set of bone collections"):
self.name = name
self.toggle_default = toggle_default
self.description = description
self.toggle_option = self.name + REFS_TOGGLE_SUFFIX
self.refs_option = self.name + REFS_LIST_SUFFIX
if toggle_name:
self.toggle_name = toggle_name
self.toggle_name = "Assign " + self.name.title() + " Collections"
def get(self, params) -> Optional[list[BoneCollection]]:
if getattr(params, self.toggle_option):
result = []
for ref in getattr(params, self.refs_option):
coll = ref.find_collection(update=True, raise_error=True)
if coll:
if not result:
bones = [pbone for pbone in params.id_data.pose.bones if pbone.rigify_parameters == params]
print(f"RIGIFY: empty {self.name} layer list on bone {bones[0].name if bones else '?'}")
return result
return None
def set(self, params, layers):
if self.refs_option in params:
del params[self.refs_option]
setattr(params, self.toggle_option, layers is not None)
if layers:
items = getattr(params, self.refs_option)
for coll in layers:
item: RigifyBoneCollectionReference = items.add()
def assign(self, params,
bone_set: Object | Mapping[str, Bone | PoseBone],
bone_list: Sequence[str], *,
layers = self.get(params)
if isinstance(bone_set, Object):
assert isinstance(bone_set.data, Armature)
bone_set = bone_set.data.bones
if layers:
for name in bone_list:
bone = bone_set[name]
if isinstance(bone, PoseBone):
bone = bone.bone
set_bone_layers(bone, layers, combine=combine)
def assign_rig(self, rig: 'BaseRig', bone_list: Sequence[str], *, combine=False, priority=None):
layers = self.get(rig.params)
bone_set = rig.obj.data.bones
if layers:
for name in bone_list:
set_bone_layers(bone_set[name], layers, combine=combine)
if priority is not None:
rig.generator.set_layer_group_priority(name, layers, priority)
def add_parameters(self, params):
from .. import RigifyBoneCollectionReference
prop_toggle = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
setattr(params, self.toggle_option, prop_toggle)
prop_coll_refs = bpy.props.CollectionProperty(
setattr(params, self.refs_option, prop_coll_refs)
def parameters_ui(self, layout: UILayout, params):
box = layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.prop(params, self.toggle_option)
active = getattr(params, self.toggle_option)
from ..operators.copy_mirror_parameters import make_copy_parameter_button
from ..base_rig import BaseRig
make_copy_parameter_button(row, self.refs_option, base_class=BaseRig, mirror_bone=True)
if not active:
props = row.operator(operator="pose.rigify_collection_ref_add", text="", icon="ADD")
props.prop_name = self.refs_option
refs = getattr(params, self.refs_option)
if len(refs):
col = box.column(align=True)
for i, ref in enumerate(refs):
row = col.row(align=True)
row.alert = ref.uid >= 0 and not ref.find_collection()
row.prop(ref, "name", text="")
row.alert = False
props = row.operator(operator="pose.rigify_collection_ref_remove", text="", icon="REMOVE")
props.prop_name = self.refs_option
props.index = i
box.label(text="Use the plus button to add list entries", icon="INFO")
# Declarations for auto-completion
FK: 'ControlLayersOption'
TWEAK: 'ControlLayersOption'
EXTRA_IK: 'ControlLayersOption'
FACE_PRIMARY: 'ControlLayersOption'
FACE_SECONDARY: 'ControlLayersOption'
SKIN_PRIMARY: 'ControlLayersOption'
SKIN_SECONDARY: 'ControlLayersOption'
ControlLayersOption.FK = ControlLayersOption(
'fk', description="Layers for the FK controls to be on")
ControlLayersOption.TWEAK = ControlLayersOption(
'tweak', description="Layers for the tweak controls to be on")
ControlLayersOption.EXTRA_IK = ControlLayersOption(
'extra_ik', toggle_default=False,
toggle_name="Extra IK Layers",
description="Layers for the optional IK controls to be on",
# Layer parameters used by the super_face rig.
ControlLayersOption.FACE_PRIMARY = ControlLayersOption(
'primary', description="Layers for the primary controls to be on")
ControlLayersOption.FACE_SECONDARY = ControlLayersOption(
'secondary', description="Layers for the secondary controls to be on")
# Layer parameters used by the skin rigs
ControlLayersOption.SKIN_PRIMARY = ControlLayersOption(
'skin_primary', toggle_default=False,
toggle_name="Primary Control Layers",
description="Layers for the primary controls to be on",
ControlLayersOption.SKIN_SECONDARY = ControlLayersOption(
'skin_secondary', toggle_default=False,
toggle_name="Secondary Control Layers",
description="Layers for the secondary controls to be on",