Correct links to http #42868

opened 2014-12-11 11:01:46 +01:00 by Campbell Barton · 4 comments

There are still wiki formatted http links, [http ...

  [ My Page]

Should Read:

  `My Page <>`_

1	./manual/animation/introduction.rst:73:The [ BSoD
2	./manual/composite_nodes/types/filter.rst:256:As far as we know, this node represents a [http://www.blender.
3	./manual/game_engine/python_api.rst:8:[
4	./manual/lighting/indirect_lighting.rst:41:[[http:** Images courtesy]]
5	./manual/materials/properties/diffuse_shaders.rst:274:   :Use the material's tangent vector instead of the normal for shading&nbsp;&mdash; for anisotropic shading effects (e.g. soft hair and brushed metal).  This shading was [ introduced in 2.42]; see also settings for strand rendering in the menu further down and in the Particle System menu.
6	./manual/materials/properties/transparency.rst:218:(often referred to as a **tree of rays** [
7	./manual/physics/fluid/technical_details.rst:74:[
8	./manual/physics/fluid/technical_details.rst:76:[
9	./manual/physics/force_fields.rst:186:[ Tutorial:
10	./manual/physics/particles/visualization.rst:221:(in Blender Units). You can use them e.g. for [
11	./manual/physics/particles/visualization.rst:252:[ Billboard Animation
12	./manual/physics/smoke.rst:10:Blender's new smoke simulation is based on the paper '[
13	./manual/physics/smoke/domain.rst:90:implementation of '[ turb.php|Wavelet
14	./manual/render/camera/perspective.rst:261:and your vertical lines to be, well, vertical. Some [http://en.wikipedia.
15	./manual/render/cycles/nodes/osl.rst:64:see the [
16	./manual/sequencer/usage.rst:304:   [ Blender Resource Page for Plugins]
17	./manual/textures/mapping/uv/applying_image.rst:362:[ 2.5].
18	./manual/world/mist.rst:85:This simple scene was inspired by [ Stefan
There are still wiki formatted http links, `[http` ... ``` [ My Page] ``` Should Read: ``` `My Page <>`_ ``` ---- 1 ./manual/animation/introduction.rst:73:The [ BSoD 2 ./manual/composite_nodes/types/filter.rst:256:As far as we know, this node represents a [http://www.blender. 3 ./manual/game_engine/python_api.rst:8:[ 4 ./manual/lighting/indirect_lighting.rst:41:[[http:** Images courtesy]] 5 ./manual/materials/properties/diffuse_shaders.rst:274: :Use the material's tangent vector instead of the normal for shading&nbsp;&mdash; for anisotropic shading effects (e.g. soft hair and brushed metal). This shading was [ introduced in 2.42]; see also settings for strand rendering in the menu further down and in the Particle System menu. 6 ./manual/materials/properties/transparency.rst:218:(often referred to as a **tree of rays** [ 7 ./manual/physics/fluid/technical_details.rst:74:[ 8 ./manual/physics/fluid/technical_details.rst:76:[ 9 ./manual/physics/force_fields.rst:186:[ Tutorial: 10 ./manual/physics/particles/visualization.rst:221:(in Blender Units). You can use them e.g. for [ 11 ./manual/physics/particles/visualization.rst:252:[ Billboard Animation 12 ./manual/physics/smoke.rst:10:Blender's new smoke simulation is based on the paper '[ 13 ./manual/physics/smoke/domain.rst:90:implementation of '[ turb.php|Wavelet 14 ./manual/render/camera/perspective.rst:261:and your vertical lines to be, well, vertical. Some [http://en.wikipedia. 15 ./manual/render/cycles/nodes/osl.rst:64:see the [ 16 ./manual/sequencer/usage.rst:304: [ Blender Resource Page for Plugins] 17 ./manual/textures/mapping/uv/applying_image.rst:362:[ 2.5]. 18 ./manual/world/mist.rst:85:This simple scene was inspired by [ Stefan

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Greg Zaal was assigned by Campbell Barton 2014-12-11 11:01:46 +01:00

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Reference: blender/blender-manual#42868
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