Subdivision surface modifier crash #96088

opened 2022-03-01 01:37:03 +01:00 by h · 22 comments

System Information
Operating system: Ubuntu
Graphics card: my GPU is dead

Blender Version
Broken: 3.1.0-beta+v31.4ee4b61dd8d3-linux.x86_64-release
Worked: 3.0.1

Short description of error
Crash when adding Subdivision surface modifier.
My GPU is dead (too much rendering). Removed Nvidia drivers from system.

Exact steps for others to reproduce the error

  1. Add Subdivision surface modifier on default cube
  2. Crash
    Note 1: Does not crash if rendering animation from command line
    Note 2: Does not crash in version 3.0.1
    Note 3: Also crashes in version 3.2.0-alpha+master.ac3f4db71945-linux.x86_64-release
**System Information** Operating system: Ubuntu Graphics card: my GPU is dead **Blender Version** Broken: 3.1.0-beta+v31.4ee4b61dd8d3-linux.x86_64-release Worked: 3.0.1 **Short description of error** Crash when adding Subdivision surface modifier. My GPU is dead (too much rendering). Removed Nvidia drivers from system. **Exact steps for others to reproduce the error** 1. Add Subdivision surface modifier on default cube 2. Crash Note 1: Does not crash if rendering animation from command line Note 2: Does not crash in version 3.0.1 Note 3: Also crashes in version 3.2.0-alpha+master.ac3f4db71945-linux.x86_64-release

Added subscriber: @hovjdev

Added subscriber: @hovjdev

Added subscriber: @ThomasDinges

Added subscriber: @ThomasDinges

Changed status from 'Needs Triage' to: 'Needs User Info'

Changed status from 'Needs Triage' to: 'Needs User Info'

What do you mean by your GPU is dead? Blender needs a GPU to function properly with GUI.

I cannot confirm a crash with Subdiv on the default cube, neither with GPU subdivision enabled nor disabled. (Blender 3.1, Windows)

What do you mean by your GPU is dead? Blender needs a GPU to function properly with GUI. I cannot confirm a crash with Subdiv on the default cube, neither with GPU subdivision enabled nor disabled. (Blender 3.1, Windows)

Changed status from 'Needs User Info' to: 'Needs Developer To Reproduce'

Changed status from 'Needs User Info' to: 'Needs Developer To Reproduce'

Thanks for looking into this. I understand this may be an unusual case.

I attached a screen recording of the crash.
And I copy pasted the output of chrome://gpu/

My case is unusual because my system stopped working if I boot Ubuntu with nvidia drivers.
However I am still able to use my system if I purge all nvidia drivers.
Blender 3.0 works fine. And Blender 3.1 works also fine except for the subdivision surface.

This is my first bug report, hopefully I am following the right procedure, and not bothering you too much with this.

Many thanks

Graphics Feature Status
Canvas: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
Canvas out-of-process rasterization: Disabled
Direct Rendering Display Compositor: Disabled
Compositing: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Multiple Raster Threads: Enabled
Out-of-process Rasterization: Disabled
OpenGL: Disabled
Rasterization: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Raw Draw: Disabled
Skia Renderer: Enabled
Video Decode: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Video Encode: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Vulkan: Disabled
WebGL: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
WebGL2: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
Problems Detected
Accelerated video encode has been disabled, either via blocklist, about:flags or the command line.
Disabled Features: video_encode
Accelerated video decode has been disabled, either via blocklist, about:flags or the command line.
Disabled Features: video_decode
Gpu compositing has been disabled, either via blocklist, about:flags or the command line. The browser will fall back to software compositing and hardware acceleration will be unavailable.
Disabled Features: gpu_compositing
ANGLE Features
allow_compressed_formats (Frontend workarounds): Enabled: true
Allow compressed formats
disable_anisotropic_filtering (Frontend workarounds): Disabled
Disable support for anisotropic filtering
disable_program_binary (Frontend features) anglebug:5007: Disabled
Disable support for GL_OES_get_program_binary
disable_program_caching_for_transform_feedback (Frontend workarounds): Disabled
On some GPUs, program binaries don't contain transform feedback varyings
enableCompressingPipelineCacheInThreadPool (Frontend workarounds) anglebug:4722: Disabled: false
Enable compressing pipeline cache in thread pool.
enableProgramBinaryForCapture (Frontend features) anglebug:5658: Disabled
Even if FrameCapture is enabled, enable GL_OES_get_program_binary
enable_capture_limits (Frontend features) anglebug:5750: Disabled
Set the context limits like frame capturing was enabled
forceInitShaderVariables (Frontend features): Disabled
Force-enable shader variable initialization
forceRobustResourceInit (Frontend features) anglebug:6041: Disabled
Force-enable robust resource init
lose_context_on_out_of_memory (Frontend workarounds): Enabled: true
Some users rely on a lost context notification if a GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY error occurs
scalarize_vec_and_mat_constructor_args (Frontend workarounds) 1165751: Disabled: false
Always rewrite vec/mat constructors to be consistent
allocateNonZeroMemory (Vulkan features) anglebug:4384: Disabled: false
Fill new allocations with non-zero values to flush out errors.
allowGenerateMipmapWithCompute (Vulkan features) anglebug:4551: Disabled: maxComputeWorkGroupInvocations >= 256 && (isNvidia || (isAMD && !IsWindows()))
Use the compute path to generate mipmaps on devices that meet the minimum requirements, and the performance is better.
asyncCommandQueue (Vulkan features) anglebug:4324: Disabled: false
Use CommandQueue worker thread to dispatch work to GPU.
basicGLLineRasterization (Vulkan features): Disabled
Enable the use of pixel shader patching to implement OpenGL basic line rasterization rules
bindEmptyForUnusedDescriptorSets (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:2727: Disabled: IsAndroid() && isQualcomm
Gaps in bound descriptor set indices causes the post-gap sets to misbehave
bresenhamLineRasterization (Vulkan features): Enabled: true
Enable Bresenham line rasterization via VK_EXT_line_rasterization extension
clampPointSize (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:2970: Disabled: isNvidia && nvidiaVersion.major < uint32_t(IsWindows() ? 430 : 421)
The point size range reported from the API is inconsistent with the actual behavior
compress_vertex_data (Vulkan workarounds): Disabled: false
Compress vertex data to smaller data types when possible. Using this feature makes ANGLE non-conformant.
deferFlushUntilEndRenderPass (Vulkan workarounds) Enabled: !isQualcomm
Allow glFlush to be deferred until renderpass ends
depth_clamping (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:3970: Disabled: isNvidia && mPhysicalDeviceFeatures.depthClamp && ExtensionFound("VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable", deviceExtensionNames) && (!IsLinux() || nvidiaVersion.major > 418u)
The depth value is not clamped to [0,1] for floating point depth buffers.
disableFifoPresentMode (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:3153: Disabled: IsLinux() && isIntel
VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_KHR causes random timeouts
disableFlippingBlitWithCommand (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:3498: Disabled: IsAndroid() && isQualcomm
vkCmdBlitImage with flipped coordinates blits incorrectly.
disallowSeamfulCubeMapEmulation (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:3243: Disabled: IsWindows() && isAMD
Seamful cube map emulation misbehaves on some drivers, so it's disallowed
emulateR32fImageAtomicExchange (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:5535: Enabled: true
Emulate r32f images with r32ui to support imageAtomicExchange.
emulateTransformFeedback (Vulkan features) anglebug:3205: Enabled: (!mFeatures.supportsTransformFeedbackExtension.enabled && mPhysicalDeviceFeatures.vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics == 1U)
Emulate transform feedback as the VK_EXT_transform_feedback is not present.
emulatedPrerotation180 (Vulkan features) anglebug:4901: Disabled
Emulate 180-degree prerotation.
emulatedPrerotation270 (Vulkan features) anglebug:4901: Disabled
Emulate 270-degree prerotation.
emulatedPrerotation90 (Vulkan features) anglebug:4901: Disabled
Emulate 90-degree prerotation.
enableMultisampledRenderToTexture (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:4937: Enabled: mFeatures.supportsMultisampledRenderToSingleSampled.enabled || !(IsApple() && isSwiftShader) && !(IsWindows() && (isIntel || isAMD))
Expose EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture
enablePreRotateSurfaces (Vulkan features) anglebug:3502: Disabled: IsAndroid() && supportsNegativeViewport
Enable Android pre-rotation for landscape applications
enablePrecisionQualifiers (Vulkan features) anglebug:3078: Enabled: !(IsPixel2(mPhysicalDeviceProperties.vendorID, mPhysicalDeviceProperties.deviceID) && (mPhysicalDeviceProperties.driverVersion < kPixel2DriverWithRelaxedPrecision)) && !IsPixel4(mPhysicalDeviceProperties.vendorID, mPhysicalDeviceProperties.deviceID)
Enable precision qualifiers in shaders
exposeNonConformantExtensionsAndVersions (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:5375: Disabled: kExposeNonConformantExtensionsAndVersions
Expose GLES versions and extensions that are not conformant.
forceD16TexFilter (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:3452: Disabled: IsAndroid() && isQualcomm
VK_FORMAT_D16_UNORM does not support VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT, which prevents OES_depth_texture from being supported.
forceDriverUniformOverSpecConst (Vulkan workarounds) Disabled: isQualcomm && mPhysicalDeviceProperties.driverVersion < kPixel4DriverWithWorkingSpecConstSupport
Forces using driver uniforms instead of specialization constants.
forceFallbackFormat (Vulkan workarounds): Disabled
Force a fallback format for angle_end2end_tests
forceFragmentShaderPrecisionHighpToMediump (Vulkan workarounds) Disabled: false
Forces highp precision in fragment shader to mediump.
forceMaxUniformBufferSize16KB (Vulkan workarounds) Disabled: isQualcomm && isAdreno540
Force max uniform buffer size to 16K on some device due to bug
forceNearestMipFiltering (Vulkan workarounds): Disabled: false
Force nearest mip filtering when sampling.
force_nearest_filtering (Vulkan workarounds): Disabled: false
Force nearest filtering when sampling.
force_texture_lod_offset_1 (Vulkan workarounds): Disabled: false
Increase the minimum texture level-of-detail by 1 when sampling.
force_texture_lod_offset_2 (Vulkan workarounds): Disabled: false
Increase the minimum texture level-of-detail by 2 when sampling.
force_texture_lod_offset_3 (Vulkan workarounds): Disabled: false
Increase the minimum texture level-of-detail by 3 when sampling.
force_texture_lod_offset_4 (Vulkan workarounds): Disabled: false
Increase the minimum texture level-of-detail by 4 when sampling.
generateSPIRVThroughGlslang (Vulkan features) anglebug:4889: Disabled
Translate SPIR-V through glslang.
logMemoryReportCallbacks (Vulkan features): Disabled: false
Log each callback from VK_EXT_device_memory_report
logMemoryReportStats (Vulkan features): Disabled: false
Log stats from VK_EXT_device_memory_report each swap
overrideSurfaceFormatRGB8toRGBA8 (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:6651: Enabled: true
Override surface format GL_RGB8 to GL_RGBA8
padBuffersToMaxVertexAttribStride (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:4428: Disabled: isAMD
Vulkan considers vertex attribute accesses to count up to the last multiple of the stride. This additional access supports AMD's robust buffer access implementation. AMDVLK in particular will return incorrect values when the vertex access extends into the range that would be the stride padding and the buffer is too small. This workaround limits GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_STRIDE to a maximum value and pads up every buffer allocation size to be a multiple of the maximum stride.
perFrameWindowSizeQuery (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:3623: Disabled: isIntel || (IsWindows() && isAMD) || IsFuchsia()
Vulkan swapchain is not returning VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE when window resizing
persistentlyMappedBuffers (Vulkan features) anglebug:2162: Enabled: true
Persistently map buffer memory to reduce map/unmap IOCTL overhead.
preferAggregateBarrierCalls (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:4633: Enabled: isNvidia || isAMD || isIntel || isSwiftShader
Single barrier call is preferred over multiple calls with fine grained pipeline stage dependency information
preferCPUForBufferSubData (Vulkan features) Disabled: isARM
Prefer use CPU to do bufferSubData instead of staged update.
preferDrawClearOverVkCmdClearAttachments (Vulkan workarounds) Disabled: IsPixel2(mPhysicalDeviceProperties.vendorID, mPhysicalDeviceProperties.deviceID)
On some hardware, clear using a draw call instead of vkCmdClearAttachments in the middle of render pass due to bugs
preferSubmitAtFBOBoundary (Vulkan workarounds) Disabled: isARM
Submit commands to driver at each FBO boundary for performance improvements.
preferredLargeHeapBlockSize4MB (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:4995: Enabled: !isQualcomm
Use 4 MB preferred large heap block size with AMD allocator
provokingVertex (Vulkan features): Enabled: true
Enable provoking vertex mode via VK_EXT_provoking_vertex extension
shadowBuffers (Vulkan features) anglebug:4339: Disabled: false
Allocate a shadow buffer for GL buffer objects to reduce glMap* latency.
supportsAndroidHardwareBuffer (Vulkan features): Disabled
VkDevice supports the VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer extension
supportsAndroidNativeFenceSync (Vulkan features) anglebug:2517: Disabled
VkDevice supports the EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync extension
supportsDepthStencilResolve (Vulkan features) anglebug:4836: Enabled: mFeatures.supportsRenderpass2.enabled && mDepthStencilResolveProperties.supportedDepthResolveModes != 0
VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve extension with the independentResolveNone feature
supportsExternalFenceCapabilities (Vulkan features): Disabled: ExtensionFound("VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities", deviceExtensionNames)
VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities extension
supportsExternalFenceFd (Vulkan features) anglebug:2517: Disabled: ExtensionFound("VK_KHR_external_fence_fd", deviceExtensionNames)
VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_fence_fd extension
supportsExternalMemoryDmaBufAndModifiers (Vulkan features) anglebug:6248: Disabled: ExtensionFound("VK_EXT_external_memory_dma_buf", deviceExtensionNames) && ExtensionFound("VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier", deviceExtensionNames)
VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_external_memory_dma_buf and VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier extensions
supportsExternalMemoryFd (Vulkan features): Enabled: ExtensionFound("VK_KHR_external_memory_fd", deviceExtensionNames)
VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_memory_fd extension
supportsExternalMemoryFuchsia (Vulkan features): Disabled: ExtensionFound("VK_FUCHSIA_external_memory", deviceExtensionNames)
VkDevice supports the VK_FUCHSIA_external_memory extension
supportsExternalMemoryHost (Vulkan features): Enabled: ExtensionFound("VK_EXT_external_memory_host", deviceExtensionNames)
VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_external_memory_host extension
supportsExternalSemaphoreCapabilities (Vulkan features): Disabled: ExtensionFound("VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities", deviceExtensionNames)
VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities extension
supportsExternalSemaphoreFd (Vulkan features): Enabled: ExtensionFound("VK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd", deviceExtensionNames)
VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd extension
supportsExternalSemaphoreFuchsia (Vulkan features): Disabled: ExtensionFound("VK_FUCHSIA_external_semaphore", deviceExtensionNames)
VkDevice supports the VK_FUCHSIA_external_semaphore extension
supportsFilteringPrecision (Vulkan features): Enabled: ExtensionFound("VK_GOOGLE_sampler_filtering_precision", deviceExtensionNames)
VkDevice supports the VK_GOOGLE_sampler_filtering_precision extension
supportsGGPFrameToken (Vulkan features): Disabled
VkDevice supports the VK_GGP_frame_token extension
supportsGeometryStreamsCapability (Vulkan features) anglebug:3206: Disabled: mTransformFeedbackFeatures.geometryStreams == 1U
Implementation supports the GeometryStreams SPIR-V capability.
supportsHostQueryReset (Vulkan features) anglebug:6692: Enabled: (mHostQueryResetFeatures.hostQueryReset == 1U)
VkDevice supports VK_EXT_host_query_reset extension
supportsImageCubeArray (Vulkan features) anglebug:3584: Enabled: mPhysicalDeviceFeatures.imageCubeArray == 1U
VkDevice supports the imageCubeArray feature properly
supportsImageFormatList (Vulkan features) anglebug:5281: Enabled: ExtensionFound("VK_KHR_image_format_list", deviceExtensionNames)
Enable VK_IMAGE_CREATE_MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT by default for ICDs that support VK_KHR_image_format_list
supportsIncrementalPresent (Vulkan features): Disabled: ExtensionFound("VK_KHR_incremental_present", deviceExtensionNames)
VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_incremental_present extension
supportsIndexTypeUint8 (Vulkan features) anglebug:4405: Disabled: mIndexTypeUint8Features.indexTypeUint8 == 1U
VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_index_type_uint8 extension
supportsMultiDrawIndirect (Vulkan features) anglebug:6439: Enabled: mPhysicalDeviceFeatures.multiDrawIndirect == 1U
VkDevice supports the multiDrawIndirect extension
supportsMultisampledRenderToSingleSampled (Vulkan features) anglebug:4836: Disabled: mFeatures.supportsRenderpass2.enabled && mFeatures.supportsDepthStencilResolve.enabled && mMultisampledRenderToSingleSampledFeatures.multisampledRenderToSingleSampled == 1U
VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_multisampled_render_to_single_sampled extension
supportsMultiview (Vulkan features) anglebug:6048: Enabled: mMultiviewFeatures.multiview == 1U
VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_multiview extension
supportsNegativeViewport (Vulkan features): Enabled: supportsNegativeViewport
The driver supports inverting the viewport with a negative height.
supportsPipelineStatisticsQuery (Vulkan features) anglebug:5430: Disabled: mPhysicalDeviceFeatures.pipelineStatisticsQuery == 1U
VkDevice supports the pipelineStatisticsQuery feature
supportsRenderPassLoadStoreOpNone (Vulkan features) anglebug:5371: Enabled: ExtensionFound("VK_EXT_load_store_op_none", deviceExtensionNames)
VkDevice supports VK_EXT_load_store_op_none extension.
supportsRenderPassStoreOpNoneQCOM (Vulkan features) anglebug:5055: Disabled: !mFeatures.supportsRenderPassLoadStoreOpNone.enabled && ExtensionFound("VK_QCOM_render_pass_store_ops", deviceExtensionNames)
VkDevice supports VK_QCOM_render_pass_store_ops extension.
supportsRenderpass2 (Vulkan features): Enabled: ExtensionFound("VK_KHR_create_renderpass2", deviceExtensionNames)
VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_create_renderpass2 extension
supportsShaderFloat16 (Vulkan features) anglebug:4551: Disabled: mShaderFloat16Int8Features.shaderFloat16 == 1U
VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8 extension and has the shaderFloat16 feature
supportsShaderStencilExport (Vulkan features): Enabled: ExtensionFound("VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export", deviceExtensionNames)
VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export extension
supportsSharedPresentableImageExtension (Vulkan features): Disabled
VkSurface supports the VK_KHR_shared_presentable_images extension
supportsSurfaceCapabilities2Extension (Vulkan features): Disabled
VkInstance supports the VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2 extension
supportsSurfaceProtectedCapabilitiesExtension (Vulkan features): Disabled
VkInstance supports the VK_KHR_surface_protected_capabilities extension
supportsSurfaceProtectedSwapchains (Vulkan features): Disabled: IsAndroid()
VkSurface supportsProtected for protected swapchains
supportsSwapchainColorspace (Vulkan features) anglebug:2514: Disabled
VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace extension
supportsTransformFeedbackExtension (Vulkan features) anglebug:3206: Disabled: mTransformFeedbackFeatures.transformFeedback == 1U
Transform feedback uses the VK_EXT_transform_feedback extension.
supportsYUVSamplerConversion (Vulkan features): Enabled: mSamplerYcbcrConversionFeatures.samplerYcbcrConversion != 0U
VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion extension
supports_custom_border_color (Vulkan features) anglebug:3577: Disabled: mCustomBorderColorFeatures.customBorderColors == 1U && mCustomBorderColorFeatures.customBorderColorWithoutFormat == 1U && !isSwiftShader
VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_custom_border_color extension
supports_protected_memory (Vulkan features) anglebug:3965: Disabled: (mProtectedMemoryFeatures.protectedMemory == 1U)
VkDevice supports protected memory
useMultipleDescriptorsForExternalFormats (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:6141: Enabled: true
Return a default descriptor count for external formats.
waitIdleBeforeSwapchainRecreation (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:5061: Disabled: IsAndroid() && isARM
Before passing an oldSwapchain to VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR, wait for queue to be idle. Works around a bug on platforms which destroy oldSwapchain in vkCreateSwapchainKHR.
Version Information
Data exported 2022-03-01T13:17:46.208Z
Chrome version Chrome/98.0.4758.102
Operating system Linux 5.15.15-76051515-generic
Software rendering list URL 273bf7ac8c/gpu/config/software_rendering_list.json
Driver bug list URL 273bf7ac8c/gpu/config/gpu_driver_bug_list.json
ANGLE commit id b790affce32e
2D graphics backend Skia/98 a6986cd7224f104044fd5bc29cb5f80796d76f5a
Command Line /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --enable-crashpad --flag-switches-begin --flag-switches-end
Driver Information
Initialization time 46
In-process GPU false
Passthrough Command Decoder true
Sandboxed false
GPU0 VENDOR= 0xffff [Google Inc. (Google)], DEVICE=0xffff [ANGLE (Google, Vulkan 1.2.0 (SwiftShader Device (Subzero) (0x0000C0DE)), SwiftShader driver-5.0.0)] ACTIVE
Optimus false
AMD switchable false
Driver vendor SwANGLE
Driver version 5.0.0
GPU CUDA compute capability major version 0
Pixel shader version 1.00
Vertex shader version 1.00
Max. MSAA samples 4
Machine model name
Machine model version
GL_VENDOR Google Inc. (Google)
GL_RENDERER ANGLE (Google, Vulkan 1.2.0 (SwiftShader Device (Subzero) (0x0000C0DE)), SwiftShader driver-5.0.0)
GL_VERSION OpenGL ES 2.0.0 (ANGLE 2.1.17461 git hash: b790affce32e)
GL_EXTENSIONS GL_ANGLE_base_vertex_base_instance GL_ANGLE_base_vertex_base_instance_shader_builtin GL_ANGLE_client_arrays GL_ANGLE_compressed_texture_etc GL_ANGLE_depth_texture GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_blit GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample GL_ANGLE_get_image GL_ANGLE_get_serialized_context_string GL_ANGLE_get_tex_level_parameter GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays GL_ANGLE_memory_object_flags GL_ANGLE_memory_size GL_ANGLE_multi_draw GL_ANGLE_program_cache_control GL_ANGLE_relaxed_vertex_attribute_type GL_ANGLE_request_extension GL_ANGLE_rgbx_internal_format GL_ANGLE_robust_client_memory GL_ANGLE_robust_fragment_shader_output GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 GL_ANGLE_vulkan_image GL_ANGLE_yuv_internal_format GL_APPLE_clip_distance GL_CHROMIUM_bind_generates_resource GL_CHROMIUM_bind_uniform_location GL_CHROMIUM_color_buffer_float_rgb GL_CHROMIUM_color_buffer_float_rgba GL_CHROMIUM_copy_compressed_texture GL_CHROMIUM_copy_texture GL_CHROMIUM_lose_context GL_CHROMIUM_texture_filtering_hint GL_EXT_EGL_image_external_wrap_modes GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_buffer_storage GL_EXT_clip_control GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_sub_texture GL_EXT_copy_image GL_EXT_debug_label GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query GL_EXT_draw_buffers GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_EXT_float_blend GL_EXT_frag_depth GL_EXT_instanced_arrays GL_EXT_map_buffer_range GL_EXT_memory_object GL_EXT_memory_object_fd GL_EXT_multi_draw_indirect GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture2 GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box GL_EXT_read_format_bgra GL_EXT_sRGB GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_semaphore GL_EXT_semaphore_fd GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod GL_EXT_shadow_samplers GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc_srgb GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_rg GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_RG8 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_EXT_unpack_subimage GL_KHR_debug GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_NV_depth_buffer_float2 GL_NV_fence GL_NV_framebuffer_blit GL_NV_pack_subimage GL_NV_pixel_buffer_object GL_NV_read_depth GL_NV_read_stencil GL_NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_compressed_EAC_R11_signed_texture GL_OES_compressed_EAC_R11_unsigned_texture GL_OES_compressed_EAC_RG11_signed_texture GL_OES_compressed_EAC_RG11_unsigned_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_RGB8_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_RGBA8_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_punchthroughA_RGBA8_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_punchthroughA_sRGB8_alpha_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_sRGB8_alpha8_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_sRGB8_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_depth32 GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_sample_shading GL_OES_sample_variables GL_OES_shader_image_atomic GL_OES_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_OES_texture_3D GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_vertex_ha

Thanks for looking into this. I understand this may be an unusual case. I attached a screen recording of the crash. And I copy pasted the output of chrome://gpu/ My case is unusual because my system stopped working if I boot Ubuntu with nvidia drivers. However I am still able to use my system if I purge all nvidia drivers. Blender 3.0 works fine. And Blender 3.1 works also fine except for the subdivision surface. This is my first bug report, hopefully I am following the right procedure, and not bothering you too much with this. Many thanks Graphics Feature Status Canvas: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable Canvas out-of-process rasterization: Disabled Direct Rendering Display Compositor: Disabled Compositing: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled Multiple Raster Threads: Enabled Out-of-process Rasterization: Disabled OpenGL: Disabled Rasterization: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled Raw Draw: Disabled Skia Renderer: Enabled Video Decode: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled Video Encode: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled Vulkan: Disabled WebGL: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable WebGL2: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable Problems Detected Accelerated video encode has been disabled, either via blocklist, about:flags or the command line. Disabled Features: video_encode Accelerated video decode has been disabled, either via blocklist, about:flags or the command line. Disabled Features: video_decode Gpu compositing has been disabled, either via blocklist, about:flags or the command line. The browser will fall back to software compositing and hardware acceleration will be unavailable. Disabled Features: gpu_compositing ANGLE Features allow_compressed_formats (Frontend workarounds): Enabled: true Allow compressed formats disable_anisotropic_filtering (Frontend workarounds): Disabled Disable support for anisotropic filtering disable_program_binary (Frontend features) anglebug:5007: Disabled Disable support for GL_OES_get_program_binary disable_program_caching_for_transform_feedback (Frontend workarounds): Disabled On some GPUs, program binaries don't contain transform feedback varyings enableCompressingPipelineCacheInThreadPool (Frontend workarounds) anglebug:4722: Disabled: false Enable compressing pipeline cache in thread pool. enableProgramBinaryForCapture (Frontend features) anglebug:5658: Disabled Even if FrameCapture is enabled, enable GL_OES_get_program_binary enable_capture_limits (Frontend features) anglebug:5750: Disabled Set the context limits like frame capturing was enabled forceInitShaderVariables (Frontend features): Disabled Force-enable shader variable initialization forceRobustResourceInit (Frontend features) anglebug:6041: Disabled Force-enable robust resource init lose_context_on_out_of_memory (Frontend workarounds): Enabled: true Some users rely on a lost context notification if a GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY error occurs scalarize_vec_and_mat_constructor_args (Frontend workarounds) 1165751: Disabled: false Always rewrite vec/mat constructors to be consistent allocateNonZeroMemory (Vulkan features) anglebug:4384: Disabled: false Fill new allocations with non-zero values to flush out errors. allowGenerateMipmapWithCompute (Vulkan features) anglebug:4551: Disabled: maxComputeWorkGroupInvocations >= 256 && (isNvidia || (isAMD && !IsWindows())) Use the compute path to generate mipmaps on devices that meet the minimum requirements, and the performance is better. asyncCommandQueue (Vulkan features) anglebug:4324: Disabled: false Use CommandQueue worker thread to dispatch work to GPU. basicGLLineRasterization (Vulkan features): Disabled Enable the use of pixel shader patching to implement OpenGL basic line rasterization rules bindEmptyForUnusedDescriptorSets (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:2727: Disabled: IsAndroid() && isQualcomm Gaps in bound descriptor set indices causes the post-gap sets to misbehave bresenhamLineRasterization (Vulkan features): Enabled: true Enable Bresenham line rasterization via VK_EXT_line_rasterization extension clampPointSize (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:2970: Disabled: isNvidia && nvidiaVersion.major < uint32_t(IsWindows() ? 430 : 421) The point size range reported from the API is inconsistent with the actual behavior compress_vertex_data (Vulkan workarounds): Disabled: false Compress vertex data to smaller data types when possible. Using this feature makes ANGLE non-conformant. deferFlushUntilEndRenderPass (Vulkan workarounds) Enabled: !isQualcomm Allow glFlush to be deferred until renderpass ends depth_clamping (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:3970: Disabled: isNvidia && mPhysicalDeviceFeatures.depthClamp && ExtensionFound("VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable", deviceExtensionNames) && (!IsLinux() || nvidiaVersion.major > 418u) The depth value is not clamped to [0,1] for floating point depth buffers. disableFifoPresentMode (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:3153: Disabled: IsLinux() && isIntel VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_KHR causes random timeouts disableFlippingBlitWithCommand (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:3498: Disabled: IsAndroid() && isQualcomm vkCmdBlitImage with flipped coordinates blits incorrectly. disallowSeamfulCubeMapEmulation (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:3243: Disabled: IsWindows() && isAMD Seamful cube map emulation misbehaves on some drivers, so it's disallowed emulateR32fImageAtomicExchange (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:5535: Enabled: true Emulate r32f images with r32ui to support imageAtomicExchange. emulateTransformFeedback (Vulkan features) anglebug:3205: Enabled: (!mFeatures.supportsTransformFeedbackExtension.enabled && mPhysicalDeviceFeatures.vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics == 1U) Emulate transform feedback as the VK_EXT_transform_feedback is not present. emulatedPrerotation180 (Vulkan features) anglebug:4901: Disabled Emulate 180-degree prerotation. emulatedPrerotation270 (Vulkan features) anglebug:4901: Disabled Emulate 270-degree prerotation. emulatedPrerotation90 (Vulkan features) anglebug:4901: Disabled Emulate 90-degree prerotation. enableMultisampledRenderToTexture (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:4937: Enabled: mFeatures.supportsMultisampledRenderToSingleSampled.enabled || !(IsApple() && isSwiftShader) && !(IsWindows() && (isIntel || isAMD)) Expose EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture enablePreRotateSurfaces (Vulkan features) anglebug:3502: Disabled: IsAndroid() && supportsNegativeViewport Enable Android pre-rotation for landscape applications enablePrecisionQualifiers (Vulkan features) anglebug:3078: Enabled: !(IsPixel2(mPhysicalDeviceProperties.vendorID, mPhysicalDeviceProperties.deviceID) && (mPhysicalDeviceProperties.driverVersion < kPixel2DriverWithRelaxedPrecision)) && !IsPixel4(mPhysicalDeviceProperties.vendorID, mPhysicalDeviceProperties.deviceID) Enable precision qualifiers in shaders exposeNonConformantExtensionsAndVersions (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:5375: Disabled: kExposeNonConformantExtensionsAndVersions Expose GLES versions and extensions that are not conformant. forceD16TexFilter (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:3452: Disabled: IsAndroid() && isQualcomm VK_FORMAT_D16_UNORM does not support VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT, which prevents OES_depth_texture from being supported. forceDriverUniformOverSpecConst (Vulkan workarounds) Disabled: isQualcomm && mPhysicalDeviceProperties.driverVersion < kPixel4DriverWithWorkingSpecConstSupport Forces using driver uniforms instead of specialization constants. forceFallbackFormat (Vulkan workarounds): Disabled Force a fallback format for angle_end2end_tests forceFragmentShaderPrecisionHighpToMediump (Vulkan workarounds) Disabled: false Forces highp precision in fragment shader to mediump. forceMaxUniformBufferSize16KB (Vulkan workarounds) Disabled: isQualcomm && isAdreno540 Force max uniform buffer size to 16K on some device due to bug forceNearestMipFiltering (Vulkan workarounds): Disabled: false Force nearest mip filtering when sampling. force_nearest_filtering (Vulkan workarounds): Disabled: false Force nearest filtering when sampling. force_texture_lod_offset_1 (Vulkan workarounds): Disabled: false Increase the minimum texture level-of-detail by 1 when sampling. force_texture_lod_offset_2 (Vulkan workarounds): Disabled: false Increase the minimum texture level-of-detail by 2 when sampling. force_texture_lod_offset_3 (Vulkan workarounds): Disabled: false Increase the minimum texture level-of-detail by 3 when sampling. force_texture_lod_offset_4 (Vulkan workarounds): Disabled: false Increase the minimum texture level-of-detail by 4 when sampling. generateSPIRVThroughGlslang (Vulkan features) anglebug:4889: Disabled Translate SPIR-V through glslang. logMemoryReportCallbacks (Vulkan features): Disabled: false Log each callback from VK_EXT_device_memory_report logMemoryReportStats (Vulkan features): Disabled: false Log stats from VK_EXT_device_memory_report each swap overrideSurfaceFormatRGB8toRGBA8 (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:6651: Enabled: true Override surface format GL_RGB8 to GL_RGBA8 padBuffersToMaxVertexAttribStride (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:4428: Disabled: isAMD Vulkan considers vertex attribute accesses to count up to the last multiple of the stride. This additional access supports AMD's robust buffer access implementation. AMDVLK in particular will return incorrect values when the vertex access extends into the range that would be the stride padding and the buffer is too small. This workaround limits GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_STRIDE to a maximum value and pads up every buffer allocation size to be a multiple of the maximum stride. perFrameWindowSizeQuery (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:3623: Disabled: isIntel || (IsWindows() && isAMD) || IsFuchsia() Vulkan swapchain is not returning VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE when window resizing persistentlyMappedBuffers (Vulkan features) anglebug:2162: Enabled: true Persistently map buffer memory to reduce map/unmap IOCTL overhead. preferAggregateBarrierCalls (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:4633: Enabled: isNvidia || isAMD || isIntel || isSwiftShader Single barrier call is preferred over multiple calls with fine grained pipeline stage dependency information preferCPUForBufferSubData (Vulkan features) Disabled: isARM Prefer use CPU to do bufferSubData instead of staged update. preferDrawClearOverVkCmdClearAttachments (Vulkan workarounds) Disabled: IsPixel2(mPhysicalDeviceProperties.vendorID, mPhysicalDeviceProperties.deviceID) On some hardware, clear using a draw call instead of vkCmdClearAttachments in the middle of render pass due to bugs preferSubmitAtFBOBoundary (Vulkan workarounds) Disabled: isARM Submit commands to driver at each FBO boundary for performance improvements. preferredLargeHeapBlockSize4MB (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:4995: Enabled: !isQualcomm Use 4 MB preferred large heap block size with AMD allocator provokingVertex (Vulkan features): Enabled: true Enable provoking vertex mode via VK_EXT_provoking_vertex extension shadowBuffers (Vulkan features) anglebug:4339: Disabled: false Allocate a shadow buffer for GL buffer objects to reduce glMap* latency. supportsAndroidHardwareBuffer (Vulkan features): Disabled VkDevice supports the VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer extension supportsAndroidNativeFenceSync (Vulkan features) anglebug:2517: Disabled VkDevice supports the EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync extension supportsDepthStencilResolve (Vulkan features) anglebug:4836: Enabled: mFeatures.supportsRenderpass2.enabled && mDepthStencilResolveProperties.supportedDepthResolveModes != 0 VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve extension with the independentResolveNone feature supportsExternalFenceCapabilities (Vulkan features): Disabled: ExtensionFound("VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities", deviceExtensionNames) VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities extension supportsExternalFenceFd (Vulkan features) anglebug:2517: Disabled: ExtensionFound("VK_KHR_external_fence_fd", deviceExtensionNames) VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_fence_fd extension supportsExternalMemoryDmaBufAndModifiers (Vulkan features) anglebug:6248: Disabled: ExtensionFound("VK_EXT_external_memory_dma_buf", deviceExtensionNames) && ExtensionFound("VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier", deviceExtensionNames) VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_external_memory_dma_buf and VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier extensions supportsExternalMemoryFd (Vulkan features): Enabled: ExtensionFound("VK_KHR_external_memory_fd", deviceExtensionNames) VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_memory_fd extension supportsExternalMemoryFuchsia (Vulkan features): Disabled: ExtensionFound("VK_FUCHSIA_external_memory", deviceExtensionNames) VkDevice supports the VK_FUCHSIA_external_memory extension supportsExternalMemoryHost (Vulkan features): Enabled: ExtensionFound("VK_EXT_external_memory_host", deviceExtensionNames) VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_external_memory_host extension supportsExternalSemaphoreCapabilities (Vulkan features): Disabled: ExtensionFound("VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities", deviceExtensionNames) VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities extension supportsExternalSemaphoreFd (Vulkan features): Enabled: ExtensionFound("VK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd", deviceExtensionNames) VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd extension supportsExternalSemaphoreFuchsia (Vulkan features): Disabled: ExtensionFound("VK_FUCHSIA_external_semaphore", deviceExtensionNames) VkDevice supports the VK_FUCHSIA_external_semaphore extension supportsFilteringPrecision (Vulkan features): Enabled: ExtensionFound("VK_GOOGLE_sampler_filtering_precision", deviceExtensionNames) VkDevice supports the VK_GOOGLE_sampler_filtering_precision extension supportsGGPFrameToken (Vulkan features): Disabled VkDevice supports the VK_GGP_frame_token extension supportsGeometryStreamsCapability (Vulkan features) anglebug:3206: Disabled: mTransformFeedbackFeatures.geometryStreams == 1U Implementation supports the GeometryStreams SPIR-V capability. supportsHostQueryReset (Vulkan features) anglebug:6692: Enabled: (mHostQueryResetFeatures.hostQueryReset == 1U) VkDevice supports VK_EXT_host_query_reset extension supportsImageCubeArray (Vulkan features) anglebug:3584: Enabled: mPhysicalDeviceFeatures.imageCubeArray == 1U VkDevice supports the imageCubeArray feature properly supportsImageFormatList (Vulkan features) anglebug:5281: Enabled: ExtensionFound("VK_KHR_image_format_list", deviceExtensionNames) Enable VK_IMAGE_CREATE_MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT by default for ICDs that support VK_KHR_image_format_list supportsIncrementalPresent (Vulkan features): Disabled: ExtensionFound("VK_KHR_incremental_present", deviceExtensionNames) VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_incremental_present extension supportsIndexTypeUint8 (Vulkan features) anglebug:4405: Disabled: mIndexTypeUint8Features.indexTypeUint8 == 1U VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_index_type_uint8 extension supportsMultiDrawIndirect (Vulkan features) anglebug:6439: Enabled: mPhysicalDeviceFeatures.multiDrawIndirect == 1U VkDevice supports the multiDrawIndirect extension supportsMultisampledRenderToSingleSampled (Vulkan features) anglebug:4836: Disabled: mFeatures.supportsRenderpass2.enabled && mFeatures.supportsDepthStencilResolve.enabled && mMultisampledRenderToSingleSampledFeatures.multisampledRenderToSingleSampled == 1U VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_multisampled_render_to_single_sampled extension supportsMultiview (Vulkan features) anglebug:6048: Enabled: mMultiviewFeatures.multiview == 1U VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_multiview extension supportsNegativeViewport (Vulkan features): Enabled: supportsNegativeViewport The driver supports inverting the viewport with a negative height. supportsPipelineStatisticsQuery (Vulkan features) anglebug:5430: Disabled: mPhysicalDeviceFeatures.pipelineStatisticsQuery == 1U VkDevice supports the pipelineStatisticsQuery feature supportsRenderPassLoadStoreOpNone (Vulkan features) anglebug:5371: Enabled: ExtensionFound("VK_EXT_load_store_op_none", deviceExtensionNames) VkDevice supports VK_EXT_load_store_op_none extension. supportsRenderPassStoreOpNoneQCOM (Vulkan features) anglebug:5055: Disabled: !mFeatures.supportsRenderPassLoadStoreOpNone.enabled && ExtensionFound("VK_QCOM_render_pass_store_ops", deviceExtensionNames) VkDevice supports VK_QCOM_render_pass_store_ops extension. supportsRenderpass2 (Vulkan features): Enabled: ExtensionFound("VK_KHR_create_renderpass2", deviceExtensionNames) VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_create_renderpass2 extension supportsShaderFloat16 (Vulkan features) anglebug:4551: Disabled: mShaderFloat16Int8Features.shaderFloat16 == 1U VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8 extension and has the shaderFloat16 feature supportsShaderStencilExport (Vulkan features): Enabled: ExtensionFound("VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export", deviceExtensionNames) VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export extension supportsSharedPresentableImageExtension (Vulkan features): Disabled VkSurface supports the VK_KHR_shared_presentable_images extension supportsSurfaceCapabilities2Extension (Vulkan features): Disabled VkInstance supports the VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2 extension supportsSurfaceProtectedCapabilitiesExtension (Vulkan features): Disabled VkInstance supports the VK_KHR_surface_protected_capabilities extension supportsSurfaceProtectedSwapchains (Vulkan features): Disabled: IsAndroid() VkSurface supportsProtected for protected swapchains supportsSwapchainColorspace (Vulkan features) anglebug:2514: Disabled VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace extension supportsTransformFeedbackExtension (Vulkan features) anglebug:3206: Disabled: mTransformFeedbackFeatures.transformFeedback == 1U Transform feedback uses the VK_EXT_transform_feedback extension. supportsYUVSamplerConversion (Vulkan features): Enabled: mSamplerYcbcrConversionFeatures.samplerYcbcrConversion != 0U VkDevice supports the VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion extension supports_custom_border_color (Vulkan features) anglebug:3577: Disabled: mCustomBorderColorFeatures.customBorderColors == 1U && mCustomBorderColorFeatures.customBorderColorWithoutFormat == 1U && !isSwiftShader VkDevice supports the VK_EXT_custom_border_color extension supports_protected_memory (Vulkan features) anglebug:3965: Disabled: (mProtectedMemoryFeatures.protectedMemory == 1U) VkDevice supports protected memory useMultipleDescriptorsForExternalFormats (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:6141: Enabled: true Return a default descriptor count for external formats. waitIdleBeforeSwapchainRecreation (Vulkan workarounds) anglebug:5061: Disabled: IsAndroid() && isARM Before passing an oldSwapchain to VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR, wait for queue to be idle. Works around a bug on platforms which destroy oldSwapchain in vkCreateSwapchainKHR. Version Information Data exported 2022-03-01T13:17:46.208Z Chrome version Chrome/98.0.4758.102 Operating system Linux 5.15.15-76051515-generic Software rendering list URL Driver bug list URL ANGLE commit id b790affce32e 2D graphics backend Skia/98 a6986cd7224f104044fd5bc29cb5f80796d76f5a Command Line /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --enable-crashpad --flag-switches-begin --flag-switches-end Driver Information Initialization time 46 In-process GPU false Passthrough Command Decoder true Sandboxed false GPU0 VENDOR= 0xffff [Google Inc. (Google)], DEVICE=0xffff [ANGLE (Google, Vulkan 1.2.0 (SwiftShader Device (Subzero) (0x0000C0DE)), SwiftShader driver-5.0.0)] *ACTIVE* Optimus false AMD switchable false Driver vendor SwANGLE Driver version 5.0.0 GPU CUDA compute capability major version 0 Pixel shader version 1.00 Vertex shader version 1.00 Max. MSAA samples 4 Machine model name Machine model version GL_VENDOR Google Inc. (Google) GL_RENDERER ANGLE (Google, Vulkan 1.2.0 (SwiftShader Device (Subzero) (0x0000C0DE)), SwiftShader driver-5.0.0) GL_VERSION OpenGL ES 2.0.0 (ANGLE 2.1.17461 git hash: b790affce32e) GL_EXTENSIONS GL_ANGLE_base_vertex_base_instance GL_ANGLE_base_vertex_base_instance_shader_builtin GL_ANGLE_client_arrays GL_ANGLE_compressed_texture_etc GL_ANGLE_depth_texture GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_blit GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample GL_ANGLE_get_image GL_ANGLE_get_serialized_context_string GL_ANGLE_get_tex_level_parameter GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays GL_ANGLE_memory_object_flags GL_ANGLE_memory_size GL_ANGLE_multi_draw GL_ANGLE_program_cache_control GL_ANGLE_relaxed_vertex_attribute_type GL_ANGLE_request_extension GL_ANGLE_rgbx_internal_format GL_ANGLE_robust_client_memory GL_ANGLE_robust_fragment_shader_output GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 GL_ANGLE_vulkan_image GL_ANGLE_yuv_internal_format GL_APPLE_clip_distance GL_CHROMIUM_bind_generates_resource GL_CHROMIUM_bind_uniform_location GL_CHROMIUM_color_buffer_float_rgb GL_CHROMIUM_color_buffer_float_rgba GL_CHROMIUM_copy_compressed_texture GL_CHROMIUM_copy_texture GL_CHROMIUM_lose_context GL_CHROMIUM_texture_filtering_hint GL_EXT_EGL_image_external_wrap_modes GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_buffer_storage GL_EXT_clip_control GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_sub_texture GL_EXT_copy_image GL_EXT_debug_label GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query GL_EXT_draw_buffers GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_EXT_float_blend GL_EXT_frag_depth GL_EXT_instanced_arrays GL_EXT_map_buffer_range GL_EXT_memory_object GL_EXT_memory_object_fd GL_EXT_multi_draw_indirect GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture2 GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box GL_EXT_read_format_bgra GL_EXT_sRGB GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_semaphore GL_EXT_semaphore_fd GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod GL_EXT_shadow_samplers GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc_srgb GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_rg GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_RG8 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_EXT_unpack_subimage GL_KHR_debug GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_NV_depth_buffer_float2 GL_NV_fence GL_NV_framebuffer_blit GL_NV_pack_subimage GL_NV_pixel_buffer_object GL_NV_read_depth GL_NV_read_stencil GL_NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_compressed_EAC_R11_signed_texture GL_OES_compressed_EAC_R11_unsigned_texture GL_OES_compressed_EAC_RG11_signed_texture GL_OES_compressed_EAC_RG11_unsigned_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_RGB8_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_RGBA8_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_punchthroughA_RGBA8_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_punchthroughA_sRGB8_alpha_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_sRGB8_alpha8_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC2_sRGB8_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_depth32 GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_sample_shading GL_OES_sample_variables GL_OES_shader_image_atomic GL_OES_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_OES_texture_3D GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_vertex_ha ..[Kazam_screencast_00000.mp4](

I noticed I could get additional info if I ran blender from the command line. Hope this helps.

hovj@bob:~/Downloads/blender-3.1.0-beta+v31.4ee4b61dd8d3-linux.x86_64-release$ ./blender
Read prefs: /home/hovj/.config/blender/3.1/config/userpref.blend
ERROR (gpu.shader): subdiv patch evaluation Linking:

    | Error: Too many compute shader storage blocks (9/8)

Writing: /tmp/blender.crash.txt
Segmentation fault
hovj@bob:~/Downloads/blender-3.1.0-beta+v31.4ee4b61dd8d3-linux.x86_64-release$ more /tmp/blender.crash.txt

Blender 3.1.0, Commit date: 2022-02-26 20:56, Hash 4ee4b61dd8

bpy.context.space_data.context = 'MODIFIER' # Property
bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='SUBSURF') # Operator


./blender(BLI_system_backtrace+0x20) [0xb33b7e0]
./blender() [0x113077a]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f410ed00520]
./blender(GPU_shader_bind+0x13) [0x9dccd53]
./blender(draw_subdiv_extract_pos_nor+0xf9) [0x16fb129]
./blender() [0x175dc21]
./blender(mesh_buffer_cache_create_requested_subdiv+0x39e) [0x174fcae]
./blender(DRW_create_subdivision+0x42e) [0x16fc30e]
./blender(DRW_mesh_batch_cache_create_requested+0xc6d) [0x176b18d]
./blender() [0x16fdeb8]
./blender(DRW_draw_render_loop_ex+0x40d) [0x16ff6ad]
./blender(view3d_main_region_draw+0x8f) [0x21e921f]
./blender(ED_region_do_draw+0x851) [0x1a689d1]
./blender(wm_draw_update+0x533) [0x156ee33]
./blender(WM_main+0x30) [0x156c380]
./blender(main+0x31d) [0x101bf2d]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f410ece7fd0]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f410ece807d]
./blender() [0x112d08c]

  • Python backtrace
I noticed I could get additional info if I ran blender from the command line. Hope this helps. hovj@bob:~/Downloads/blender-3.1.0-beta+v31.4ee4b61dd8d3-linux.x86_64-release$ ./blender Read prefs: /home/hovj/.config/blender/3.1/config/userpref.blend ERROR (gpu.shader): subdiv patch evaluation Linking: ``` | Error: Too many compute shader storage blocks (9/8) ``` Writing: /tmp/blender.crash.txt Segmentation fault hovj@bob:~/Downloads/blender-3.1.0-beta+v31.4ee4b61dd8d3-linux.x86_64-release$ more /tmp/blender.crash.txt # Blender 3.1.0, Commit date: 2022-02-26 20:56, Hash 4ee4b61dd8d3 bpy.context.space_data.context = 'MODIFIER' # Property bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='SUBSURF') # Operator # backtrace ./blender(BLI_system_backtrace+0x20) [0xb33b7e0] ./blender() [0x113077a] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f410ed00520] ./blender(GPU_shader_bind+0x13) [0x9dccd53] ./blender(draw_subdiv_extract_pos_nor+0xf9) [0x16fb129] ./blender() [0x175dc21] ./blender(mesh_buffer_cache_create_requested_subdiv+0x39e) [0x174fcae] ./blender(DRW_create_subdivision+0x42e) [0x16fc30e] ./blender(DRW_mesh_batch_cache_create_requested+0xc6d) [0x176b18d] ./blender() [0x16fdeb8] ./blender(DRW_draw_render_loop_ex+0x40d) [0x16ff6ad] ./blender(view3d_main_region_draw+0x8f) [0x21e921f] ./blender(ED_region_do_draw+0x851) [0x1a689d1] ./blender(wm_draw_update+0x533) [0x156ee33] ./blender(WM_main+0x30) [0x156c380] ./blender(main+0x31d) [0x101bf2d] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f410ece7fd0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f410ece807d] ./blender() [0x112d08c] - Python backtrace

I managed to compile blender. Here is the gdb output.

ERROR (gpu.shader): subdiv patch evaluation Linking:

    | Error: Too many compute shader storage blocks (9/8)

Thread 1 "blender" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000009c87f07 in GPU_shader_bind ()
(gdb) thread apply all bt full

Thread 41 (Thread 0x7fffbe7ff640 (LWP 65356) "blender"):

  • 0 syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38
  • 1 0x000000000155b77d in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::run() ()
  • 2 0x000000000155b7b9 in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::thread_routine(void*) ()
  • 3 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736389445184, 6922511065720290627, 140736438960382, 140736438960383, 0, 140736385249280, -6922367067652358845, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

4 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 40 (Thread 0x7fffbefff640 (LWP 65355) "blender"):

  • 0 syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38
  • 1 0x000000000155b77d in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::run() ()
  • 2 0x000000000155b7b9 in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::thread_routine(void*) ()
  • 3 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736397833792, 6922511065720290627, 140736429003006, 140736429003007, 0, 140736393637888, -6922368167163986621, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

4 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 39 (Thread 0x7fffbfffe640 (LWP 65354) "blender"):

  • 0 syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38
  • 1 0x000000000155b77d in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::run() ()
  • 2 0x000000000155b7b9 in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::thread_routine(void*) ()
  • 3 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
  • Type for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging-- c
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736414606912, 6922511065720290627, 140736443158782, 140736443158783, 0, 140736410411008, -6922370365650371261, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

4 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 38 (Thread 0x7fffc03ff640 (LWP 65353) "blender"):

  • 0 syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38
  • 1 0x000000000155b77d in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::run() ()
  • 2 0x000000000155b7b9 in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::thread_routine(void*) ()
  • 3 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736418805312, 6922511065720290627, 140736438960382, 140736438960383, 0, 140736414609408, -6922539141222105789, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

4 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 37 (Thread 0x7fffc0dff640 (LWP 65352) "blender"):

  • 0 syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38
  • 1 0x000000000155b77d in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::run() ()
  • 2 0x000000000155b7b9 in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::thread_routine(void*) ()
  • 3 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736429291072, 6922511065720290627, 140736443158782, 140736443158783, 0, 140736425095168, -6922539965855826621, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

4 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 36 (Thread 0x7fffc177e640 (LWP 65351) "blender"):

  • 0 syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38
  • 1 0x000000000155b77d in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::run() ()
  • 2 0x000000000155b7b9 in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::thread_routine(void*) ()
  • 3 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736439248448, 6922511065720290627, 140737488344206, 140737488344207, 0, 140736435052544, -6922540858672153277, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

4 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 35 (Thread 0x7fffc1b7f640 (LWP 65350) "blender"):

  • 0 syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38
  • 1 0x000000000155b77d in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::run() ()
  • 2 0x000000000155b7b9 in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::thread_routine(void*) ()
  • 3 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736443446848, 6922511065720290627, 140737488344206, 140737488344207, 0, 140736439250944, -6922542508476465853, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

4 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 34 (Thread 0x7fffc77b8640 (LWP 65349) "blender:disk$0"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff4058948) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff4058948) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff4058948, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff40588f8, cond=0x7ffff4058920) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffc7772120, __canceltype = -1073741824, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 0, cond = 0x7ffff4058920, mutex = 0x7ffff40588f8, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 0
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 0
      seq = 0
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff4058920, mutex=0x7ffff40588f8) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x00007fffd53cc0db in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 6 0x00007fffd53c5dfb in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736540149312, 6922511065720290627, 140737488335438, 140737488335439, 0, 140736531759104, -6922527624804172477, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 33 (Thread 0x7fffc7fb9640 (LWP 65348) "blender"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff3800754, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff3800700, cond=0x7ffff3800728) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffc7f73240, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 61, cond = 0x7ffff3800728, mutex = 0x7ffff3800700, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 1
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 61
      seq = 30
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff3800728, mutex=0x7ffff3800700) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x00007fffd598ff9b in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 6 0x00007fffd598daab in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736548542016, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736540151808, -6922528724852671165, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 32 (Thread 0x7fffc87ba640 (LWP 65347) "blender"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff3800754, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff3800700, cond=0x7ffff3800728) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffc8774240, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 49, cond = 0x7ffff3800728, mutex = 0x7ffff3800700, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 1
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 49
      seq = 24
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff3800728, mutex=0x7ffff3800700) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x00007fffd598ff9b in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 6 0x00007fffd598daab in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736556934720, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736548544512, -6922556211032752829, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 31 (Thread 0x7fffc8fbb640 (LWP 65346) "blender"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff3800754, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff3800700, cond=0x7ffff3800728) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffc8f75240, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 57, cond = 0x7ffff3800728, mutex = 0x7ffff3800700, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 1
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 57
      seq = 28
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff3800728, mutex=0x7ffff3800700) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x00007fffd598ff9b in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 6 0x00007fffd598daab in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736565327424, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736556937216, -6922557311081251517, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 30 (Thread 0x7fffc97bc640 (LWP 65345) "blender"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff3800754, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff3800700, cond=0x7ffff3800728) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffc9776240, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 51, cond = 0x7ffff3800728, mutex = 0x7ffff3800700, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 1
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 51
      seq = 25
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff3800728, mutex=0x7ffff3800700) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x00007fffd598ff9b in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 6 0x00007fffd598daab in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736573720128, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736565329920, -6922558408982266557, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 29 (Thread 0x7fffc9fbd640 (LWP 65344) "blender"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff3800754, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff3800700, cond=0x7ffff3800728) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffc9f77240, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 55, cond = 0x7ffff3800728, mutex = 0x7ffff3800700, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 1
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 55
      seq = 27
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff3800728, mutex=0x7ffff3800700) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x00007fffd598ff9b in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 6 0x00007fffd598daab in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736582112832, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736573722624, -6922559509030765245, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 28 (Thread 0x7fffca7be640 (LWP 65343) "blender"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff3800754, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff3800700, cond=0x7ffff3800728) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffca778240, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 63, cond = 0x7ffff3800728, mutex = 0x7ffff3800700, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 1
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 63
      seq = 31
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff3800728, mutex=0x7ffff3800700) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x00007fffd598ff9b in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 6 0x00007fffd598daab in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736590505536, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736582115328, -6922551819428692669, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 27 (Thread 0x7fffcafbf640 (LWP 65342) "blender"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff3800754, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff3800700, cond=0x7ffff3800728) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffcaf79240, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 53, cond = 0x7ffff3800728, mutex = 0x7ffff3800700, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 1
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 53
      seq = 26
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff3800728, mutex=0x7ffff3800700) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x00007fffd598ff9b in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 6 0x00007fffd598daab in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736598898240, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736590508032, -6922552919477191357, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 26 (Thread 0x7fffcb7c0640 (LWP 65341) "blender"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff3800754, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff3800700, cond=0x7ffff3800728) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffcb77a240, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 59, cond = 0x7ffff3800728, mutex = 0x7ffff3800700, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 1
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 59
      seq = 29
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff3800728, mutex=0x7ffff3800700) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x00007fffd598ff9b in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 6 0x00007fffd598daab in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736607290944, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736598900736, -6922554017378206397, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 25 (Thread 0x7fffcbfc1640 (LWP 65340) "llvmpipe-7"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e22a8) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e22a8) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff68e22a8, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff68e2258, cond=0x7ffff68e2280) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffcbf7b200, __canceltype = -1146871648, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 1320, cond = 0x7ffff68e2280, mutex = 0x7ffff68e2258, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 0
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 1320
      seq = 660
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff68e2280, mutex=0x7ffff68e2258) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x00007fffd59a1943 in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 6 0x00007fffd598dadb in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736615683648, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736607293440, -6922555117426705085, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 24 (Thread 0x7fffcc7c2640 (LWP 65339) "llvmpipe-6"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e2148) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e2148) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff68e2148, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff68e20f8, cond=0x7ffff68e2120) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffcc77c200, __canceltype = -1146871648, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 1320, cond = 0x7ffff68e2120, mutex = 0x7ffff68e20f8, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 0
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 1320
      seq = 660
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff68e2120, mutex=0x7ffff68e20f8) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x00007fffd59a1943 in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 6 0x00007fffd598dadb in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736624076352, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736615686144, -6922547419234697917, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 23 (Thread 0x7fffccfc3640 (LWP 65338) "llvmpipe-5"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1fe8) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1fe8) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff68e1fe8, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff68e1f98, cond=0x7ffff68e1fc0) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffccf7d200, __canceltype = -1146871648, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 1320, cond = 0x7ffff68e1fc0, mutex = 0x7ffff68e1f98, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 0
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 1320
      seq = 660
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff68e1fc0, mutex=0x7ffff68e1f98) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x00007fffd59a1943 in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 6 0x00007fffd598dadb in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736632469056, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736624078848, -6922548519283196605, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 22 (Thread 0x7fffcd7c4640 (LWP 65337) "llvmpipe-4"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1e88) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1e88) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff68e1e88, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff68e1e38, cond=0x7ffff68e1e60) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffcd77e200, __canceltype = -1146871648, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 1320, cond = 0x7ffff68e1e60, mutex = 0x7ffff68e1e38, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 0
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 1320
      seq = 660
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff68e1e60, mutex=0x7ffff68e1e38) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x00007fffd59a1943 in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 6 0x00007fffd598dadb in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736640861760, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736632471552, -6922549617184211645, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 21 (Thread 0x7fffcdfc5640 (LWP 65336) "llvmpipe-3"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1d28) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1d28) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff68e1d28, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff68e1cd8, cond=0x7ffff68e1d00) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffcdf7f200, __canceltype = -1146871648, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 1320, cond = 0x7ffff68e1d00, mutex = 0x7ffff68e1cd8, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 0
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 1320
      seq = 660
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff68e1d00, mutex=0x7ffff68e1cd8) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x00007fffd59a1943 in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 6 0x00007fffd598dadb in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736649254464, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736640864256, -6922550717232710333, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 20 (Thread 0x7fffce7c6640 (LWP 65335) "llvmpipe-2"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1bc8) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1bc8) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff68e1bc8, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff68e1b78, cond=0x7ffff68e1ba0) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffce780200, __canceltype = -1146871648, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 1320, cond = 0x7ffff68e1ba0, mutex = 0x7ffff68e1b78, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 0
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 1320
      seq = 660
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff68e1ba0, mutex=0x7ffff68e1b78) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x00007fffd59a1943 in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 6 0x00007fffd598dadb in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736657647168, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736649256960, -6922542993270899389, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 19 (Thread 0x7fffcefc7640 (LWP 65334) "llvmpipe-1"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1a68) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1a68) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff68e1a68, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff68e1a18, cond=0x7ffff68e1a40) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffcef81200, __canceltype = -1146871648, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 1320, cond = 0x7ffff68e1a40, mutex = 0x7ffff68e1a18, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 0
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 1320
      seq = 660
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff68e1a40, mutex=0x7ffff68e1a18) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x00007fffd59a1943 in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 6 0x00007fffd598dadb in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736666039872, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736657649664, -6922544093319398077, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 18 (Thread 0x7fffcf7c8640 (LWP 65333) "llvmpipe-0"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1908) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1908) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff68e1908, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff68e18b8, cond=0x7ffff68e18e0) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffcf782200, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 1320, cond = 0x7ffff68e18e0, mutex = 0x7ffff68e18b8, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 0
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 1320
      seq = 660
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff68e18e0, mutex=0x7ffff68e18b8) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x00007fffd59a1943 in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 6 0x00007fffd598dadb in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
  • 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736674432576, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736666042368, -6922545191220413117, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 17 (Thread 0x7fffd79fe640 (LWP 65332) "gdbus"):

0 0x00007ffff78e1d3f in __GI___poll (fds=0x7fffd6c09030, nfds=2, timeout=-1) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/poll.c:29

      sc_ret = -516
      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
  • 1 0x00007fffdb371ea6 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
  • 2 0x00007fffdb31de43 in g_main_loop_run () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
  • 3 0x00007fffdc13f12a in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
  • 4 0x00007fffdb34ca81 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

5 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435

      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736810968640, 6922511065720290627, 140737488337390, 140737488337391, 0, 140736802578432, -6922564704330580669, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

6 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 16 (Thread 0x7fffd81ff640 (LWP 65331) "jemalloc_bg_thd"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x7fffd81b9260, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6a0a864) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x7fffd81b9260, clockid=32767, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6a0a864) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff6a0a864, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x7fffd81b9260, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785dd9e in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x7fffd81b9260, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff6a0a8a8, cond=0x7ffff6a0a838) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffd81b9150, __canceltype = -669279344, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 3, cond = 0x7ffff6a0a838, mutex = 0x7ffff6a0a8a8, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 1
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      maxspin = 0
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 3
      seq = 1
      flags = <optimized out>
      clockid = 0

4 ___pthread_cond_timedwait64 (cond=cond@entry=0x7ffff6a0a838, mutex=mutex@entry=0x7ffff6a0a8a8, abstime=abstime@entry=0x7fffd81b9260) at pthread_cond_wait.c:653

      flags = <optimized out>
      clockid = 0

5 0x00000000015bf33c in background_thread_sleep (tsdn=, interval=, info=) at src/background_thread.c:255

      next_wakeup = {ns = 16019049648208}
      ts_wakeup = {ns = 1646183030064779000}
      ts = {tv_sec = 1646183030, tv_nsec = 64779000}
      tv = {tv_sec = 1646183026, tv_usec = 64779}
      before_sleep = {ns = 1646183026064779000}
      min_interval = <optimized out>
      narenas = <optimized out>
      info = <optimized out>
      thread_ind = <optimized out>

6 background_work_sleep_once (ind=, info=, tsdn=) at src/background_thread.c:307

      min_interval = <optimized out>
      narenas = <optimized out>
      info = <optimized out>
      thread_ind = <optimized out>

7 background_work (ind=, tsd=) at src/background_thread.c:497

      info = <optimized out>
      thread_ind = <optimized out>

8 background_thread_entry (ind_arg=) at src/background_thread.c:522

      thread_ind = <optimized out>

9 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435

      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736819361344, 6922511065720290627, 140737324486494, 140737324486495, 0, 140736810971136, -6922592192658145981, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

10 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 15 (Thread 0x7fffd8f99640 (LWP 65330) "gmain"):

0 0x00007ffff78e1d3f in __GI___poll (fds=0x7ffff3da8290, nfds=1, timeout=-1) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/poll.c:29

      sc_ret = -516
      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
  • 1 0x00007fffdb371ea6 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
  • 2 0x00007fffdb31c003 in g_main_context_iteration () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
  • 3 0x00007fffdb31c051 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
  • 4 0x00007fffdb34ca81 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

5 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435

      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736833623616, 6922511065720290627, 140737488337102, 140737488337103, 0, 140736825233408, -6922592513706951357, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

6 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 14 (Thread 0x7fffdbbff640 (LWP 65329) "jemalloc_bg_thd"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6a0a794) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6a0a794) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff6a0a794, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff6a0a7d8, cond=0x7ffff6a0a768) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffdbbb9150, __canceltype = -608461936, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 3, cond = 0x7ffff6a0a768, mutex = 0x7ffff6a0a7d8, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 1
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 3
      seq = 1
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=cond@entry=0x7ffff6a0a768, mutex=mutex@entry=0x7ffff6a0a7d8) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x00000000015bf48c in background_thread_sleep (tsdn=, interval=, info=) at src/background_thread.c:232
      tv = {tv_sec = 1646183026, tv_usec = 64786}
      before_sleep = {ns = 1646183026064786000}
      min_interval = <optimized out>
      narenas = <optimized out>
      info = <optimized out>
      thread_ind = <optimized out>

6 background_work_sleep_once (ind=, info=, tsdn=) at src/background_thread.c:307

      min_interval = <optimized out>
      narenas = <optimized out>
      info = <optimized out>
      thread_ind = <optimized out>

7 background_work (ind=, tsd=) at src/background_thread.c:497

      info = <optimized out>
      thread_ind = <optimized out>

8 background_thread_entry (ind_arg=) at src/background_thread.c:522

      thread_ind = <optimized out>

9 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435

      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736880178752, 6922511065720290627, 140737324486494, 140737324486495, 0, 140736871788544, -6922590818268611261, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

10 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 13 (Thread 0x7fffdc9fe640 (LWP 65328) "blender"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6835eac) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6835eac) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff6835eac, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff6835e58, cond=0x7ffff6835e80) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffdc9b8200, __canceltype = -159163056, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 43, cond = 0x7ffff6835e80, mutex = 0x7ffff6835e58, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 1
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 43
      seq = 21
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff6835e80, mutex=0x7ffff6835e58) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x000000000b4223b0 in std::condition_variable::wait(std::unique_lockstd::mutex&) ()
  • 6 0x0000000009f85d0d in aud::PulseAudioDevice::updateRingBuffer() ()
  • 7 0x000000000b4908f4 in execute_native_thread_routine ()

8 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435

      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736894854720, 6922511065720290627, 140737488339758, 140737488339759, 0, 140736886464512, -6922584495539880637, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

9 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 12 (Thread 0x7fffe91ff640 (LWP 65327) "jemalloc_bg_thd"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6a0a6c4) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6a0a6c4) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff6a0a6c4, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff6a0a708, cond=0x7ffff6a0a698) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffe91b9150, __canceltype = -384066672, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 3, cond = 0x7ffff6a0a698, mutex = 0x7ffff6a0a708, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 1
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 3
      seq = 1
  • 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=cond@entry=0x7ffff6a0a698, mutex=mutex@entry=0x7ffff6a0a708) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628
  • 5 0x00000000015bf48c in background_thread_sleep (tsdn=, interval=, info=) at src/background_thread.c:232
      tv = {tv_sec = 1646183026, tv_usec = 64770}
      before_sleep = {ns = 1646183026064770000}
      min_interval = <optimized out>
      narenas = <optimized out>
      info = <optimized out>
      thread_ind = <optimized out>

6 background_work_sleep_once (ind=, info=, tsdn=) at src/background_thread.c:307

      min_interval = <optimized out>
      narenas = <optimized out>
      info = <optimized out>
      thread_ind = <optimized out>

7 background_work (ind=, tsd=) at src/background_thread.c:497

      info = <optimized out>
      thread_ind = <optimized out>

8 background_thread_entry (ind_arg=) at src/background_thread.c:522

      thread_ind = <optimized out>

9 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435

      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737104574016, 6922511065720290627, 140737324486494, 140737324486495, 0, 140737096183808, -6922488838565135037, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

10 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 11 (Thread 0x7fffe9fc8640 (LWP 65326) "threaded-ml"):

0 0x00007ffff78e1d3f in __GI___poll (fds=0x7fffe920c020, nfds=3, timeout=-1) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/poll.c:29

      sc_ret = -516
      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
  • 1 0x00007ffff7bf5216 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
  • 2 0x00007ffff7bde561 in pa_mainloop_poll () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
  • 3 0x00007ffff7be907b in pa_mainloop_iterate () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
  • 4 0x00007ffff7be9130 in pa_mainloop_run () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
  • 5 0x00007ffff7bf931d in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
  • 6 0x00007ffff748dce3 in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pulseaudio/

7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435

      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737119028800, 6922511065720290627, 140737488339726, 140737488339727, 0, 140737110638592, -6922489116127396541, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 10 (Thread 0x7fffefcf7640 (LWP 65323) "blender"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff7866a3f in do_futex_wait (sem=sem@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:112

4 0x00007ffff7866ad8 in __new_sem_wait_slow64 (sem=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:184

      _buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff7866a10 <__sem_wait_cleanup>, __arg = 0x7ffff684b7b0, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0}
      err = <optimized out>
      d = 30064771072
  • 5 0x00000000097b95a2 in IlmThread_2_5::Semaphore::wait() ()
  • 6 0x00000000097b8abd in IlmThread_2_5::(anonymous namespace)::DefaultWorkerThread::run() ()
  • 7 0x000000000b4908f4 in execute_native_thread_routine ()
  • 8 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737216738880, 6922511065720290627, 140737488345598, 140737488345599, 0, 140737208348672, -6922476052447494845, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

9 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 9 (Thread 0x7ffff04f8640 (LWP 65322) "blender"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff7866a3f in do_futex_wait (sem=sem@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:112

4 0x00007ffff7866ad8 in __new_sem_wait_slow64 (sem=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:184

      _buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff7866a10 <__sem_wait_cleanup>, __arg = 0x7ffff684b7b0, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0}
      err = <optimized out>
      d = 25769803776
  • 5 0x00000000097b95a2 in IlmThread_2_5::Semaphore::wait() ()
  • 6 0x00000000097b8abd in IlmThread_2_5::(anonymous namespace)::DefaultWorkerThread::run() ()
  • 7 0x000000000b4908f4 in execute_native_thread_routine ()
  • 8 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737225131584, 6922511065720290627, 140737488345598, 140737488345599, 0, 140737216741376, -6922503538627576509, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

9 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 8 (Thread 0x7ffff0cf9640 (LWP 65321) "blender"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff7866a3f in do_futex_wait (sem=sem@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:112

4 0x00007ffff7866ad8 in __new_sem_wait_slow64 (sem=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:184

      _buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff7866a10 <__sem_wait_cleanup>, __arg = 0x7ffff684b7b0, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0}
      err = <optimized out>
      d = 21474836480
  • 5 0x00000000097b95a2 in IlmThread_2_5::Semaphore::wait() ()
  • 6 0x00000000097b8abd in IlmThread_2_5::(anonymous namespace)::DefaultWorkerThread::run() ()
  • 7 0x000000000b4908f4 in execute_native_thread_routine ()
  • 8 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737233524288, 6922511065720290627, 140737488345598, 140737488345599, 0, 140737225134080, -6922504638676075197, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

9 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 7 (Thread 0x7ffff14fa640 (LWP 65320) "blender"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff7866a3f in do_futex_wait (sem=sem@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:112

4 0x00007ffff7866ad8 in __new_sem_wait_slow64 (sem=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:184

      _buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff7866a10 <__sem_wait_cleanup>, __arg = 0x7ffff684b7b0, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0}
      err = <optimized out>
      d = 17179869184
  • 5 0x00000000097b95a2 in IlmThread_2_5::Semaphore::wait() ()
  • 6 0x00000000097b8abd in IlmThread_2_5::(anonymous namespace)::DefaultWorkerThread::run() ()
  • 7 0x000000000b4908f4 in execute_native_thread_routine ()
  • 8 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737241916992, 6922511065720290627, 140737488345598, 140737488345599, 0, 140737233526784, -6922505736577090237, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

9 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 6 (Thread 0x7ffff1cfb640 (LWP 65319) "blender"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff7866a3f in do_futex_wait (sem=sem@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:112

4 0x00007ffff7866ad8 in __new_sem_wait_slow64 (sem=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:184

      _buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff7866a10 <__sem_wait_cleanup>, __arg = 0x7ffff684b7b0, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0}
      err = <optimized out>
      d = 12884901888
  • 5 0x00000000097b95a2 in IlmThread_2_5::Semaphore::wait() ()
  • 6 0x00000000097b8abd in IlmThread_2_5::(anonymous namespace)::DefaultWorkerThread::run() ()
  • 7 0x000000000b4908f4 in execute_native_thread_routine ()
  • 8 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737250309696, 6922511065720290627, 140737488345598, 140737488345599, 0, 140737241919488, -6922506836625588925, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

9 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 5 (Thread 0x7ffff24fc640 (LWP 65318) "blender"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff7866a3f in do_futex_wait (sem=sem@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:112

4 0x00007ffff7866ad8 in __new_sem_wait_slow64 (sem=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:184

      _buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff7866a10 <__sem_wait_cleanup>, __arg = 0x7ffff684b7b0, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0}
      err = <optimized out>
      d = 8589934592
  • 5 0x00000000097b95a2 in IlmThread_2_5::Semaphore::wait() ()
  • 6 0x00000000097b8abd in IlmThread_2_5::(anonymous namespace)::DefaultWorkerThread::run() ()
  • 7 0x000000000b4908f4 in execute_native_thread_routine ()
  • 8 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737258702400, 6922511065720290627, 140737488345598, 140737488345599, 0, 140737250312192, -6922499138433581757, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

9 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 4 (Thread 0x7ffff2cfd640 (LWP 65317) "blender"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff7866a3f in do_futex_wait (sem=sem@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:112

4 0x00007ffff7866ad8 in __new_sem_wait_slow64 (sem=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:184

      _buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff7866a10 <__sem_wait_cleanup>, __arg = 0x7ffff684b7b0, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0}
      err = <optimized out>
      d = 4294967296
  • 5 0x00000000097b95a2 in IlmThread_2_5::Semaphore::wait() ()
  • 6 0x00000000097b8abd in IlmThread_2_5::(anonymous namespace)::DefaultWorkerThread::run() ()
  • 7 0x000000000b4908f4 in execute_native_thread_routine ()
  • 8 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737267095104, 6922511065720290627, 140737488345598, 140737488345599, 0, 140737258704896, -6922500238482080445, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

9 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 3 (Thread 0x7ffff34fe640 (LWP 65316) "blender"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff7866a3f in do_futex_wait (sem=sem@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:112

4 0x00007ffff7866ad8 in __new_sem_wait_slow64 (sem=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:184

      _buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff7866a10 <__sem_wait_cleanup>, __arg = 0x7ffff684b7b0, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0}
      err = <optimized out>
      d = 0
  • 5 0x00000000097b95a2 in IlmThread_2_5::Semaphore::wait() ()
  • 6 0x00000000097b8abd in IlmThread_2_5::(anonymous namespace)::DefaultWorkerThread::run() ()
  • 7 0x000000000b4908f4 in execute_native_thread_routine ()
  • 8 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435
      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737275487808, 6922511065720290627, 140737488345598, 140737488345599, 0, 140737267097600, -6922501344973030077, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

9 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 2 (Thread 0x7ffff63ff640 (LWP 65315) "jemalloc_bg_thd"):

0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=2, cancel=true, abstime=0x7ffff63b9260, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6a0a5f0) at futex-internal.c:57

      sc_cancel_oldtype = 0
      sc_ret = <optimized out>
      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393

1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=2, abstime=0x7ffff63b9260, clockid=32767, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6a0a5f0) at futex-internal.c:87

      err = <optimized out>
      op = 393
  • 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff6a0a5f0, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x7ffff63b9260, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139
  • 3 0x00007ffff785dd9e in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x7ffff63b9260, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff6a0a638, cond=0x7ffff6a0a5c8) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504
      spin = 0
      buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7ffff63b9140, __canceltype = -163865712, __prev = 0x0}
      cbuffer = {wseq = 38, cond = 0x7ffff6a0a5c8, mutex = 0x7ffff6a0a638, private = 0}
      err = <optimized out>
      g = 0
      flags = <optimized out>
      g1_start = <optimized out>
      maxspin = 0
      signals = <optimized out>
      result = 0
      wseq = 38
      seq = 19
      flags = <optimized out>
      clockid = 0

4 ___pthread_cond_timedwait64 (cond=cond@entry=0x7ffff6a0a5c8, mutex=mutex@entry=0x7ffff6a0a638, abstime=abstime@entry=0x7ffff63b9260) at pthread_cond_wait.c:653

      flags = <optimized out>
      clockid = 0

5 0x00000000015bfac1 in background_thread_sleep (tsdn=, interval=, info=) at src/background_thread.c:255

      next_wakeup = {ns = 16016637764674}
      ts_wakeup = {ns = 1646183027653487000}
      ts = {tv_sec = 1646183027, tv_nsec = 653487000}
      tv = {tv_sec = 1646183023, tv_usec = 653487}
      before_sleep = {ns = 1646183023653487000}
      min_interval = <optimized out>
      narenas = <optimized out>
      created_threads = 0x7ffff63b91b0
      i = <optimized out>
      n_created = <optimized out>
      info = <optimized out>
      thread_ind = <optimized out>

6 background_work_sleep_once (ind=0, info=, tsdn=) at src/background_thread.c:307

      min_interval = <optimized out>
      narenas = <optimized out>
      created_threads = 0x7ffff63b91b0
      i = <optimized out>
      n_created = <optimized out>
      info = <optimized out>
      thread_ind = <optimized out>

7 background_thread0_work (tsd=) at src/background_thread.c:452

      created_threads = 0x7ffff63b91b0
      i = <optimized out>
      n_created = <optimized out>
      info = <optimized out>
      thread_ind = <optimized out>

8 background_work (ind=, tsd=) at src/background_thread.c:490

      info = <optimized out>
      thread_ind = <optimized out>

9 background_thread_entry (ind_arg=) at src/background_thread.c:522

      thread_ind = <optimized out>

10 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:435

      ret = <optimized out>
      pd = <optimized out>
      unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737324774976, 6922511065720290627, 140737488345422, 140737488345423, 0, 140737316384768, -6922490762710483645, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
      not_first_call = <optimized out>

11 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100

Thread 1 (Thread 0x7ffff6d35280 (LWP 65311) "blender"):

  • 0 0x0000000009c87f07 in GPU_shader_bind ()
  • 1 0x000000000170785a in draw_subdiv_extract_pos_nor ()
  • 2 0x000000000177453d in blender::draw::extract_pos_nor_init_subdiv(DRWSubdivCache const*, MeshRenderData const*, MeshBatchCache*, void*, void*) ()
  • 3 0x0000000001765bdf in blender::draw::mesh_buffer_cache_create_requested_subdiv(MeshBatchCache*, MeshBufferCache*, DRWSubdivCache*, MeshRenderData*) ()
  • 4 0x0000000001709174 in DRW_create_subdivision ()
  • 5 0x000000000178292b in DRW_mesh_batch_cache_create_requested ()
  • 6 0x000000000170b4e8 in drw_engines_cache_populate ()
  • 7 0x000000000170cfa5 in DRW_draw_render_loop_ex ()
  • 8 0x00000000022d40b3 in view3d_main_region_draw ()
  • 9 0x0000000001b27fc9 in ED_region_do_draw ()
  • 10 0x0000000001567e09 in wm_draw_update ()
  • 11 0x0000000001564ff0 in WM_main ()

12 0x0000000000ffa2ed in main ()


I managed to compile blender. Here is the gdb output. ERROR (gpu.shader): subdiv patch evaluation Linking: ``` | Error: Too many compute shader storage blocks (9/8) ``` Thread 1 "blender" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x0000000009c87f07 in GPU_shader_bind () (gdb) thread apply all bt full Thread 41 (Thread 0x7fffbe7ff640 (LWP 65356) "blender"): - 0 syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38 - 1 0x000000000155b77d in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::run() () - 2 0x000000000155b7b9 in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::thread_routine(void*) () - 3 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736389445184, 6922511065720290627, 140736438960382, 140736438960383, 0, 140736385249280, -6922367067652358845, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 4 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 40 (Thread 0x7fffbefff640 (LWP 65355) "blender"): - 0 syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38 - 1 0x000000000155b77d in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::run() () - 2 0x000000000155b7b9 in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::thread_routine(void*) () - 3 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736397833792, 6922511065720290627, 140736429003006, 140736429003007, 0, 140736393637888, -6922368167163986621, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 4 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 39 (Thread 0x7fffbfffe640 (LWP 65354) "blender"): - 0 syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38 - 1 0x000000000155b77d in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::run() () - 2 0x000000000155b7b9 in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::thread_routine(void*) () - 3 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> ``` - Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging-- c ``` pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736414606912, 6922511065720290627, 140736443158782, 140736443158783, 0, 140736410411008, -6922370365650371261, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 4 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 38 (Thread 0x7fffc03ff640 (LWP 65353) "blender"): - 0 syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38 - 1 0x000000000155b77d in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::run() () - 2 0x000000000155b7b9 in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::thread_routine(void*) () - 3 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736418805312, 6922511065720290627, 140736438960382, 140736438960383, 0, 140736414609408, -6922539141222105789, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 4 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 37 (Thread 0x7fffc0dff640 (LWP 65352) "blender"): - 0 syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38 - 1 0x000000000155b77d in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::run() () - 2 0x000000000155b7b9 in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::thread_routine(void*) () - 3 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736429291072, 6922511065720290627, 140736443158782, 140736443158783, 0, 140736425095168, -6922539965855826621, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 4 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 36 (Thread 0x7fffc177e640 (LWP 65351) "blender"): - 0 syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38 - 1 0x000000000155b77d in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::run() () - 2 0x000000000155b7b9 in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::thread_routine(void*) () - 3 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736439248448, 6922511065720290627, 140737488344206, 140737488344207, 0, 140736435052544, -6922540858672153277, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 4 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 35 (Thread 0x7fffc1b7f640 (LWP 65350) "blender"): - 0 syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38 - 1 0x000000000155b77d in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::run() () - 2 0x000000000155b7b9 in tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::thread_routine(void*) () - 3 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736443446848, 6922511065720290627, 140737488344206, 140737488344207, 0, 140736439250944, -6922542508476465853, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 4 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 34 (Thread 0x7fffc77b8640 (LWP 65349) "blender:disk$0"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff4058948) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff4058948) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff4058948, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff40588f8, cond=0x7ffff4058920) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffc7772120, __canceltype = -1073741824, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 0, cond = 0x7ffff4058920, mutex = 0x7ffff40588f8, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 0 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 0 seq = 0 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff4058920, mutex=0x7ffff40588f8) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x00007fffd53cc0db in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 6 0x00007fffd53c5dfb in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736540149312, 6922511065720290627, 140737488335438, 140737488335439, 0, 140736531759104, -6922527624804172477, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 33 (Thread 0x7fffc7fb9640 (LWP 65348) "blender"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff3800754, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff3800700, cond=0x7ffff3800728) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffc7f73240, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 61, cond = 0x7ffff3800728, mutex = 0x7ffff3800700, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 1 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 61 seq = 30 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff3800728, mutex=0x7ffff3800700) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x00007fffd598ff9b in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 6 0x00007fffd598daab in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736548542016, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736540151808, -6922528724852671165, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 32 (Thread 0x7fffc87ba640 (LWP 65347) "blender"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff3800754, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff3800700, cond=0x7ffff3800728) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffc8774240, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 49, cond = 0x7ffff3800728, mutex = 0x7ffff3800700, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 1 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 49 seq = 24 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff3800728, mutex=0x7ffff3800700) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x00007fffd598ff9b in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 6 0x00007fffd598daab in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736556934720, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736548544512, -6922556211032752829, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 31 (Thread 0x7fffc8fbb640 (LWP 65346) "blender"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff3800754, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff3800700, cond=0x7ffff3800728) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffc8f75240, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 57, cond = 0x7ffff3800728, mutex = 0x7ffff3800700, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 1 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 57 seq = 28 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff3800728, mutex=0x7ffff3800700) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x00007fffd598ff9b in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 6 0x00007fffd598daab in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736565327424, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736556937216, -6922557311081251517, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 30 (Thread 0x7fffc97bc640 (LWP 65345) "blender"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff3800754, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff3800700, cond=0x7ffff3800728) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffc9776240, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 51, cond = 0x7ffff3800728, mutex = 0x7ffff3800700, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 1 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 51 seq = 25 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff3800728, mutex=0x7ffff3800700) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x00007fffd598ff9b in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 6 0x00007fffd598daab in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736573720128, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736565329920, -6922558408982266557, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 29 (Thread 0x7fffc9fbd640 (LWP 65344) "blender"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff3800754, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff3800700, cond=0x7ffff3800728) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffc9f77240, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 55, cond = 0x7ffff3800728, mutex = 0x7ffff3800700, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 1 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 55 seq = 27 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff3800728, mutex=0x7ffff3800700) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x00007fffd598ff9b in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 6 0x00007fffd598daab in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736582112832, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736573722624, -6922559509030765245, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 28 (Thread 0x7fffca7be640 (LWP 65343) "blender"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff3800754, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff3800700, cond=0x7ffff3800728) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffca778240, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 63, cond = 0x7ffff3800728, mutex = 0x7ffff3800700, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 1 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 63 seq = 31 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff3800728, mutex=0x7ffff3800700) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x00007fffd598ff9b in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 6 0x00007fffd598daab in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736590505536, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736582115328, -6922551819428692669, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 27 (Thread 0x7fffcafbf640 (LWP 65342) "blender"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff3800754, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff3800700, cond=0x7ffff3800728) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffcaf79240, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 53, cond = 0x7ffff3800728, mutex = 0x7ffff3800700, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 1 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 53 seq = 26 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff3800728, mutex=0x7ffff3800700) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x00007fffd598ff9b in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 6 0x00007fffd598daab in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736598898240, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736590508032, -6922552919477191357, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 26 (Thread 0x7fffcb7c0640 (LWP 65341) "blender"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff3800754) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff3800754, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff3800700, cond=0x7ffff3800728) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffcb77a240, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 59, cond = 0x7ffff3800728, mutex = 0x7ffff3800700, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 1 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 59 seq = 29 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff3800728, mutex=0x7ffff3800700) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x00007fffd598ff9b in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 6 0x00007fffd598daab in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736607290944, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736598900736, -6922554017378206397, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 25 (Thread 0x7fffcbfc1640 (LWP 65340) "llvmpipe-7"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e22a8) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e22a8) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff68e22a8, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff68e2258, cond=0x7ffff68e2280) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffcbf7b200, __canceltype = -1146871648, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 1320, cond = 0x7ffff68e2280, mutex = 0x7ffff68e2258, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 0 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 1320 seq = 660 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff68e2280, mutex=0x7ffff68e2258) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x00007fffd59a1943 in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 6 0x00007fffd598dadb in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736615683648, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736607293440, -6922555117426705085, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 24 (Thread 0x7fffcc7c2640 (LWP 65339) "llvmpipe-6"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e2148) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e2148) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff68e2148, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff68e20f8, cond=0x7ffff68e2120) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffcc77c200, __canceltype = -1146871648, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 1320, cond = 0x7ffff68e2120, mutex = 0x7ffff68e20f8, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 0 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 1320 seq = 660 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff68e2120, mutex=0x7ffff68e20f8) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x00007fffd59a1943 in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 6 0x00007fffd598dadb in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736624076352, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736615686144, -6922547419234697917, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 23 (Thread 0x7fffccfc3640 (LWP 65338) "llvmpipe-5"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1fe8) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1fe8) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff68e1fe8, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff68e1f98, cond=0x7ffff68e1fc0) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffccf7d200, __canceltype = -1146871648, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 1320, cond = 0x7ffff68e1fc0, mutex = 0x7ffff68e1f98, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 0 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 1320 seq = 660 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff68e1fc0, mutex=0x7ffff68e1f98) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x00007fffd59a1943 in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 6 0x00007fffd598dadb in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736632469056, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736624078848, -6922548519283196605, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 22 (Thread 0x7fffcd7c4640 (LWP 65337) "llvmpipe-4"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1e88) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1e88) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff68e1e88, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff68e1e38, cond=0x7ffff68e1e60) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffcd77e200, __canceltype = -1146871648, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 1320, cond = 0x7ffff68e1e60, mutex = 0x7ffff68e1e38, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 0 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 1320 seq = 660 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff68e1e60, mutex=0x7ffff68e1e38) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x00007fffd59a1943 in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 6 0x00007fffd598dadb in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736640861760, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736632471552, -6922549617184211645, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 21 (Thread 0x7fffcdfc5640 (LWP 65336) "llvmpipe-3"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1d28) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1d28) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff68e1d28, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff68e1cd8, cond=0x7ffff68e1d00) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffcdf7f200, __canceltype = -1146871648, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 1320, cond = 0x7ffff68e1d00, mutex = 0x7ffff68e1cd8, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 0 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 1320 seq = 660 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff68e1d00, mutex=0x7ffff68e1cd8) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x00007fffd59a1943 in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 6 0x00007fffd598dadb in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736649254464, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736640864256, -6922550717232710333, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 20 (Thread 0x7fffce7c6640 (LWP 65335) "llvmpipe-2"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1bc8) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1bc8) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff68e1bc8, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff68e1b78, cond=0x7ffff68e1ba0) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffce780200, __canceltype = -1146871648, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 1320, cond = 0x7ffff68e1ba0, mutex = 0x7ffff68e1b78, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 0 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 1320 seq = 660 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff68e1ba0, mutex=0x7ffff68e1b78) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x00007fffd59a1943 in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 6 0x00007fffd598dadb in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736657647168, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736649256960, -6922542993270899389, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 19 (Thread 0x7fffcefc7640 (LWP 65334) "llvmpipe-1"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1a68) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1a68) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff68e1a68, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff68e1a18, cond=0x7ffff68e1a40) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffcef81200, __canceltype = -1146871648, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 1320, cond = 0x7ffff68e1a40, mutex = 0x7ffff68e1a18, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 0 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 1320 seq = 660 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff68e1a40, mutex=0x7ffff68e1a18) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x00007fffd59a1943 in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 6 0x00007fffd598dadb in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736666039872, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736657649664, -6922544093319398077, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 18 (Thread 0x7fffcf7c8640 (LWP 65333) "llvmpipe-0"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1908) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff68e1908) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff68e1908, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff68e18b8, cond=0x7ffff68e18e0) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffcf782200, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 1320, cond = 0x7ffff68e18e0, mutex = 0x7ffff68e18b8, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 0 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 1320 seq = 660 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff68e18e0, mutex=0x7ffff68e18b8) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x00007fffd59a1943 in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 6 0x00007fffd598dadb in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ - 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736674432576, 6922511065720290627, 140737488336334, 140737488336335, 0, 140736666042368, -6922545191220413117, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 17 (Thread 0x7fffd79fe640 (LWP 65332) "gdbus"): # 0 0x00007ffff78e1d3f in __GI___poll (fds=0x7fffd6c09030, nfds=2, timeout=-1) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/poll.c:29 ``` sc_ret = -516 sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 ``` - 1 0x00007fffdb371ea6 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ - 2 0x00007fffdb31de43 in g_main_loop_run () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ - 3 0x00007fffdc13f12a in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ - 4 0x00007fffdb34ca81 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ # 5 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736810968640, 6922511065720290627, 140737488337390, 140737488337391, 0, 140736802578432, -6922564704330580669, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 6 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 16 (Thread 0x7fffd81ff640 (LWP 65331) "jemalloc_bg_thd"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x7fffd81b9260, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6a0a864) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x7fffd81b9260, clockid=32767, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6a0a864) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff6a0a864, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x7fffd81b9260, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785dd9e in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x7fffd81b9260, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff6a0a8a8, cond=0x7ffff6a0a838) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffd81b9150, __canceltype = -669279344, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 3, cond = 0x7ffff6a0a838, mutex = 0x7ffff6a0a8a8, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 1 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> maxspin = 0 signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 3 seq = 1 flags = <optimized out> clockid = 0 ``` # 4 ___pthread_cond_timedwait64 (cond=cond@entry=0x7ffff6a0a838, mutex=mutex@entry=0x7ffff6a0a8a8, abstime=abstime@entry=0x7fffd81b9260) at pthread_cond_wait.c:653 ``` flags = <optimized out> clockid = 0 ``` # 5 0x00000000015bf33c in background_thread_sleep (tsdn=<optimized out>, interval=<optimized out>, info=<optimized out>) at src/background_thread.c:255 ``` next_wakeup = {ns = 16019049648208} ts_wakeup = {ns = 1646183030064779000} ts = {tv_sec = 1646183030, tv_nsec = 64779000} tv = {tv_sec = 1646183026, tv_usec = 64779} before_sleep = {ns = 1646183026064779000} min_interval = <optimized out> narenas = <optimized out> info = <optimized out> thread_ind = <optimized out> ``` # 6 background_work_sleep_once (ind=<optimized out>, info=<optimized out>, tsdn=<optimized out>) at src/background_thread.c:307 ``` min_interval = <optimized out> narenas = <optimized out> info = <optimized out> thread_ind = <optimized out> ``` # 7 background_work (ind=<optimized out>, tsd=<optimized out>) at src/background_thread.c:497 ``` info = <optimized out> thread_ind = <optimized out> ``` # 8 background_thread_entry (ind_arg=<optimized out>) at src/background_thread.c:522 ``` thread_ind = <optimized out> ``` # 9 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736819361344, 6922511065720290627, 140737324486494, 140737324486495, 0, 140736810971136, -6922592192658145981, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 10 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 15 (Thread 0x7fffd8f99640 (LWP 65330) "gmain"): # 0 0x00007ffff78e1d3f in __GI___poll (fds=0x7ffff3da8290, nfds=1, timeout=-1) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/poll.c:29 ``` sc_ret = -516 sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 ``` - 1 0x00007fffdb371ea6 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ - 2 0x00007fffdb31c003 in g_main_context_iteration () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ - 3 0x00007fffdb31c051 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ - 4 0x00007fffdb34ca81 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ # 5 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736833623616, 6922511065720290627, 140737488337102, 140737488337103, 0, 140736825233408, -6922592513706951357, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 6 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 14 (Thread 0x7fffdbbff640 (LWP 65329) "jemalloc_bg_thd"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6a0a794) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6a0a794) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff6a0a794, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff6a0a7d8, cond=0x7ffff6a0a768) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffdbbb9150, __canceltype = -608461936, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 3, cond = 0x7ffff6a0a768, mutex = 0x7ffff6a0a7d8, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 1 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 3 seq = 1 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=cond@entry=0x7ffff6a0a768, mutex=mutex@entry=0x7ffff6a0a7d8) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x00000000015bf48c in background_thread_sleep (tsdn=<optimized out>, interval=<optimized out>, info=<optimized out>) at src/background_thread.c:232 ``` tv = {tv_sec = 1646183026, tv_usec = 64786} before_sleep = {ns = 1646183026064786000} min_interval = <optimized out> narenas = <optimized out> info = <optimized out> thread_ind = <optimized out> ``` # 6 background_work_sleep_once (ind=<optimized out>, info=<optimized out>, tsdn=<optimized out>) at src/background_thread.c:307 ``` min_interval = <optimized out> narenas = <optimized out> info = <optimized out> thread_ind = <optimized out> ``` # 7 background_work (ind=<optimized out>, tsd=<optimized out>) at src/background_thread.c:497 ``` info = <optimized out> thread_ind = <optimized out> ``` # 8 background_thread_entry (ind_arg=<optimized out>) at src/background_thread.c:522 ``` thread_ind = <optimized out> ``` # 9 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736880178752, 6922511065720290627, 140737324486494, 140737324486495, 0, 140736871788544, -6922590818268611261, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 10 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 13 (Thread 0x7fffdc9fe640 (LWP 65328) "blender"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6835eac) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6835eac) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff6835eac, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff6835e58, cond=0x7ffff6835e80) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffdc9b8200, __canceltype = -159163056, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 43, cond = 0x7ffff6835e80, mutex = 0x7ffff6835e58, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 1 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 43 seq = 21 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x7ffff6835e80, mutex=0x7ffff6835e58) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x000000000b4223b0 in std::condition_variable::wait(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>&) () - 6 0x0000000009f85d0d in aud::PulseAudioDevice::updateRingBuffer() () - 7 0x000000000b4908f4 in execute_native_thread_routine () # 8 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140736894854720, 6922511065720290627, 140737488339758, 140737488339759, 0, 140736886464512, -6922584495539880637, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 9 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 12 (Thread 0x7fffe91ff640 (LWP 65327) "jemalloc_bg_thd"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=0, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6a0a6c4) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6a0a6c4) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff6a0a6c4, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785d940 in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff6a0a708, cond=0x7ffff6a0a698) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7fffe91b9150, __canceltype = -384066672, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 3, cond = 0x7ffff6a0a698, mutex = 0x7ffff6a0a708, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 1 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 3 seq = 1 ``` - 4 ___pthread_cond_wait (cond=cond@entry=0x7ffff6a0a698, mutex=mutex@entry=0x7ffff6a0a708) at pthread_cond_wait.c:628 - 5 0x00000000015bf48c in background_thread_sleep (tsdn=<optimized out>, interval=<optimized out>, info=<optimized out>) at src/background_thread.c:232 ``` tv = {tv_sec = 1646183026, tv_usec = 64770} before_sleep = {ns = 1646183026064770000} min_interval = <optimized out> narenas = <optimized out> info = <optimized out> thread_ind = <optimized out> ``` # 6 background_work_sleep_once (ind=<optimized out>, info=<optimized out>, tsdn=<optimized out>) at src/background_thread.c:307 ``` min_interval = <optimized out> narenas = <optimized out> info = <optimized out> thread_ind = <optimized out> ``` # 7 background_work (ind=<optimized out>, tsd=<optimized out>) at src/background_thread.c:497 ``` info = <optimized out> thread_ind = <optimized out> ``` # 8 background_thread_entry (ind_arg=<optimized out>) at src/background_thread.c:522 ``` thread_ind = <optimized out> ``` # 9 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737104574016, 6922511065720290627, 140737324486494, 140737324486495, 0, 140737096183808, -6922488838565135037, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 10 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 11 (Thread 0x7fffe9fc8640 (LWP 65326) "threaded-ml"): # 0 0x00007ffff78e1d3f in __GI___poll (fds=0x7fffe920c020, nfds=3, timeout=-1) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/poll.c:29 ``` sc_ret = -516 sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 ``` - 1 0x00007ffff7bf5216 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ - 2 0x00007ffff7bde561 in pa_mainloop_poll () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ - 3 0x00007ffff7be907b in pa_mainloop_iterate () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ - 4 0x00007ffff7be9130 in pa_mainloop_run () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ - 5 0x00007ffff7bf931d in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ - 6 0x00007ffff748dce3 in () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pulseaudio/ # 7 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737119028800, 6922511065720290627, 140737488339726, 140737488339727, 0, 140737110638592, -6922489116127396541, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 8 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 10 (Thread 0x7fffefcf7640 (LWP 65323) "blender"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=<optimized out>, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=<optimized out>, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=<optimized out>) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff7866a3f in do_futex_wait (sem=sem@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:112 # 4 0x00007ffff7866ad8 in __new_sem_wait_slow64 (sem=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:184 ``` _buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff7866a10 <__sem_wait_cleanup>, __arg = 0x7ffff684b7b0, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0} err = <optimized out> d = 30064771072 ``` - 5 0x00000000097b95a2 in IlmThread_2_5::Semaphore::wait() () - 6 0x00000000097b8abd in IlmThread_2_5::(anonymous namespace)::DefaultWorkerThread::run() () - 7 0x000000000b4908f4 in execute_native_thread_routine () - 8 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737216738880, 6922511065720290627, 140737488345598, 140737488345599, 0, 140737208348672, -6922476052447494845, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 9 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 9 (Thread 0x7ffff04f8640 (LWP 65322) "blender"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=<optimized out>, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=<optimized out>, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=<optimized out>) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff7866a3f in do_futex_wait (sem=sem@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:112 # 4 0x00007ffff7866ad8 in __new_sem_wait_slow64 (sem=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:184 ``` _buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff7866a10 <__sem_wait_cleanup>, __arg = 0x7ffff684b7b0, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0} err = <optimized out> d = 25769803776 ``` - 5 0x00000000097b95a2 in IlmThread_2_5::Semaphore::wait() () - 6 0x00000000097b8abd in IlmThread_2_5::(anonymous namespace)::DefaultWorkerThread::run() () - 7 0x000000000b4908f4 in execute_native_thread_routine () - 8 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737225131584, 6922511065720290627, 140737488345598, 140737488345599, 0, 140737216741376, -6922503538627576509, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 9 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 8 (Thread 0x7ffff0cf9640 (LWP 65321) "blender"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=<optimized out>, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=<optimized out>, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=<optimized out>) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff7866a3f in do_futex_wait (sem=sem@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:112 # 4 0x00007ffff7866ad8 in __new_sem_wait_slow64 (sem=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:184 ``` _buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff7866a10 <__sem_wait_cleanup>, __arg = 0x7ffff684b7b0, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0} err = <optimized out> d = 21474836480 ``` - 5 0x00000000097b95a2 in IlmThread_2_5::Semaphore::wait() () - 6 0x00000000097b8abd in IlmThread_2_5::(anonymous namespace)::DefaultWorkerThread::run() () - 7 0x000000000b4908f4 in execute_native_thread_routine () - 8 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737233524288, 6922511065720290627, 140737488345598, 140737488345599, 0, 140737225134080, -6922504638676075197, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 9 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 7 (Thread 0x7ffff14fa640 (LWP 65320) "blender"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=<optimized out>, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=<optimized out>, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=<optimized out>) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff7866a3f in do_futex_wait (sem=sem@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:112 # 4 0x00007ffff7866ad8 in __new_sem_wait_slow64 (sem=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:184 ``` _buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff7866a10 <__sem_wait_cleanup>, __arg = 0x7ffff684b7b0, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0} err = <optimized out> d = 17179869184 ``` - 5 0x00000000097b95a2 in IlmThread_2_5::Semaphore::wait() () - 6 0x00000000097b8abd in IlmThread_2_5::(anonymous namespace)::DefaultWorkerThread::run() () - 7 0x000000000b4908f4 in execute_native_thread_routine () - 8 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737241916992, 6922511065720290627, 140737488345598, 140737488345599, 0, 140737233526784, -6922505736577090237, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 9 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 6 (Thread 0x7ffff1cfb640 (LWP 65319) "blender"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=<optimized out>, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=<optimized out>, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=<optimized out>) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff7866a3f in do_futex_wait (sem=sem@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:112 # 4 0x00007ffff7866ad8 in __new_sem_wait_slow64 (sem=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:184 ``` _buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff7866a10 <__sem_wait_cleanup>, __arg = 0x7ffff684b7b0, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0} err = <optimized out> d = 12884901888 ``` - 5 0x00000000097b95a2 in IlmThread_2_5::Semaphore::wait() () - 6 0x00000000097b8abd in IlmThread_2_5::(anonymous namespace)::DefaultWorkerThread::run() () - 7 0x000000000b4908f4 in execute_native_thread_routine () - 8 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737250309696, 6922511065720290627, 140737488345598, 140737488345599, 0, 140737241919488, -6922506836625588925, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 9 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 5 (Thread 0x7ffff24fc640 (LWP 65318) "blender"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=<optimized out>, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=<optimized out>, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=<optimized out>) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff7866a3f in do_futex_wait (sem=sem@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:112 # 4 0x00007ffff7866ad8 in __new_sem_wait_slow64 (sem=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:184 ``` _buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff7866a10 <__sem_wait_cleanup>, __arg = 0x7ffff684b7b0, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0} err = <optimized out> d = 8589934592 ``` - 5 0x00000000097b95a2 in IlmThread_2_5::Semaphore::wait() () - 6 0x00000000097b8abd in IlmThread_2_5::(anonymous namespace)::DefaultWorkerThread::run() () - 7 0x000000000b4908f4 in execute_native_thread_routine () - 8 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737258702400, 6922511065720290627, 140737488345598, 140737488345599, 0, 140737250312192, -6922499138433581757, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 9 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 4 (Thread 0x7ffff2cfd640 (LWP 65317) "blender"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=<optimized out>, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=<optimized out>, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=<optimized out>) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff7866a3f in do_futex_wait (sem=sem@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:112 # 4 0x00007ffff7866ad8 in __new_sem_wait_slow64 (sem=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:184 ``` _buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff7866a10 <__sem_wait_cleanup>, __arg = 0x7ffff684b7b0, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0} err = <optimized out> d = 4294967296 ``` - 5 0x00000000097b95a2 in IlmThread_2_5::Semaphore::wait() () - 6 0x00000000097b8abd in IlmThread_2_5::(anonymous namespace)::DefaultWorkerThread::run() () - 7 0x000000000b4908f4 in execute_native_thread_routine () - 8 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737267095104, 6922511065720290627, 140737488345598, 140737488345599, 0, 140737258704896, -6922500238482080445, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 9 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 3 (Thread 0x7ffff34fe640 (LWP 65316) "blender"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=<optimized out>, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=<optimized out>, abstime=0x0, clockid=0, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff684b7b0) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, private=<optimized out>) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff7866a3f in do_futex_wait (sem=sem@entry=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:112 # 4 0x00007ffff7866ad8 in __new_sem_wait_slow64 (sem=0x7ffff684b7b0, abstime=0x0, clockid=0) at sem_waitcommon.c:184 ``` _buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff7866a10 <__sem_wait_cleanup>, __arg = 0x7ffff684b7b0, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0} err = <optimized out> d = 0 ``` - 5 0x00000000097b95a2 in IlmThread_2_5::Semaphore::wait() () - 6 0x00000000097b8abd in IlmThread_2_5::(anonymous namespace)::DefaultWorkerThread::run() () - 7 0x000000000b4908f4 in execute_native_thread_routine () - 8 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737275487808, 6922511065720290627, 140737488345598, 140737488345599, 0, 140737267097600, -6922501344973030077, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 9 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 2 (Thread 0x7ffff63ff640 (LWP 65315) "jemalloc_bg_thd"): # 0 __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=2, cancel=true, abstime=0x7ffff63b9260, op=393, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6a0a5f0) at futex-internal.c:57 ``` sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 sc_ret = <optimized out> err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` # 1 __futex_abstimed_wait_common (cancel=true, private=2, abstime=0x7ffff63b9260, clockid=32767, expected=0, futex_word=0x7ffff6a0a5f0) at futex-internal.c:87 ``` err = <optimized out> op = 393 ``` - 2 __GI___futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable64 (futex_word=futex_word@entry=0x7ffff6a0a5f0, expected=expected@entry=0, clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x7ffff63b9260, private=private@entry=0) at futex-internal.c:139 - 3 0x00007ffff785dd9e in __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x7ffff63b9260, clockid=0, mutex=0x7ffff6a0a638, cond=0x7ffff6a0a5c8) at pthread_cond_wait.c:504 ``` spin = 0 buffer = {__routine = 0x7ffff785d610 <__condvar_cleanup_waiting>, __arg = 0x7ffff63b9140, __canceltype = -163865712, __prev = 0x0} cbuffer = {wseq = 38, cond = 0x7ffff6a0a5c8, mutex = 0x7ffff6a0a638, private = 0} err = <optimized out> g = 0 flags = <optimized out> g1_start = <optimized out> maxspin = 0 signals = <optimized out> result = 0 wseq = 38 seq = 19 flags = <optimized out> clockid = 0 ``` # 4 ___pthread_cond_timedwait64 (cond=cond@entry=0x7ffff6a0a5c8, mutex=mutex@entry=0x7ffff6a0a638, abstime=abstime@entry=0x7ffff63b9260) at pthread_cond_wait.c:653 ``` flags = <optimized out> clockid = 0 ``` # 5 0x00000000015bfac1 in background_thread_sleep (tsdn=<optimized out>, interval=<optimized out>, info=<optimized out>) at src/background_thread.c:255 ``` next_wakeup = {ns = 16016637764674} ts_wakeup = {ns = 1646183027653487000} ts = {tv_sec = 1646183027, tv_nsec = 653487000} tv = {tv_sec = 1646183023, tv_usec = 653487} before_sleep = {ns = 1646183023653487000} min_interval = <optimized out> narenas = <optimized out> created_threads = 0x7ffff63b91b0 i = <optimized out> n_created = <optimized out> info = <optimized out> thread_ind = <optimized out> ``` # 6 background_work_sleep_once (ind=0, info=<optimized out>, tsdn=<optimized out>) at src/background_thread.c:307 ``` min_interval = <optimized out> narenas = <optimized out> created_threads = 0x7ffff63b91b0 i = <optimized out> n_created = <optimized out> info = <optimized out> thread_ind = <optimized out> ``` # 7 background_thread0_work (tsd=<optimized out>) at src/background_thread.c:452 ``` created_threads = 0x7ffff63b91b0 i = <optimized out> n_created = <optimized out> info = <optimized out> thread_ind = <optimized out> ``` # 8 background_work (ind=<optimized out>, tsd=<optimized out>) at src/background_thread.c:490 ``` info = <optimized out> thread_ind = <optimized out> ``` # 9 background_thread_entry (ind_arg=<optimized out>) at src/background_thread.c:522 ``` thread_ind = <optimized out> ``` # 10 0x00007ffff785e947 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:435 ``` ret = <optimized out> pd = <optimized out> unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140737324774976, 6922511065720290627, 140737488345422, 140737488345423, 0, 140737316384768, -6922490762710483645, -6922494246346031805}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = <optimized out> ``` # 11 0x00007ffff78eea44 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:100 Thread 1 (Thread 0x7ffff6d35280 (LWP 65311) "blender"): - 0 0x0000000009c87f07 in GPU_shader_bind () - 1 0x000000000170785a in draw_subdiv_extract_pos_nor () - 2 0x000000000177453d in blender::draw::extract_pos_nor_init_subdiv(DRWSubdivCache const*, MeshRenderData const*, MeshBatchCache*, void*, void*) () - 3 0x0000000001765bdf in blender::draw::mesh_buffer_cache_create_requested_subdiv(MeshBatchCache*, MeshBufferCache*, DRWSubdivCache*, MeshRenderData*) () - 4 0x0000000001709174 in DRW_create_subdivision () - 5 0x000000000178292b in DRW_mesh_batch_cache_create_requested () - 6 0x000000000170b4e8 in drw_engines_cache_populate () - 7 0x000000000170cfa5 in DRW_draw_render_loop_ex () - 8 0x00000000022d40b3 in view3d_main_region_draw () - 9 0x0000000001b27fc9 in ED_region_do_draw () - 10 0x0000000001567e09 in wm_draw_update () - 11 0x0000000001564ff0 in WM_main () # 12 0x0000000000ffa2ed in main () (gdb)

For what it's worth, here is the output from valgrind

66957== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)

66957== at 0x9CCF242: blender::gpu::Shader::print_log(blender::Span<char const*>, char*, char const*, bool, blender::gpu::GPULogParser*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x9CC6B1A: blender::gpu::GLShader::finalize(blender::gpu::shader::ShaderCreateInfo const*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x9C88722: GPU_shader_create_ex (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x9C88C22: GPU_shader_create_compute (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x1706D50: get_patch_evaluation_shader(int) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x170784E: draw_subdiv_extract_pos_nor (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x177453C: blender::draw::extract_pos_nor_init_subdiv(DRWSubdivCache const*, MeshRenderData const*, MeshBatchCache*, void*, void*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x1765BDE: blender::draw::mesh_buffer_cache_create_requested_subdiv(MeshBatchCache*, MeshBufferCache*, DRWSubdivCache*, MeshRenderData*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x1709173: DRW_create_subdivision (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x178292A: DRW_mesh_batch_cache_create_requested (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x170B4E7: drw_engines_cache_populate (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x170DF2E: DRW_draw_select_loop (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation

66957== at 0x9CCEEE8: blender::gpu::Shader::print_log(blender::Span<char const*>, char*, char const*, bool, blender::gpu::GPULogParser*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)


ERROR (gpu.shader): subdiv patch evaluation Linking:

    | Error: Too many compute shader storage blocks (9/8)

66957== Invalid read of size 8

66957== at 0x9C87F07: GPU_shader_bind (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x1707859: draw_subdiv_extract_pos_nor (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x177453C: blender::draw::extract_pos_nor_init_subdiv(DRWSubdivCache const*, MeshRenderData const*, MeshBatchCache*, void*, void*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x1765BDE: blender::draw::mesh_buffer_cache_create_requested_subdiv(MeshBatchCache*, MeshBufferCache*, DRWSubdivCache*, MeshRenderData*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x1709173: DRW_create_subdivision (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x178292A: DRW_mesh_batch_cache_create_requested (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x170B4E7: drw_engines_cache_populate (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x170DF2E: DRW_draw_select_loop (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22F9C91: view3d_opengl_select_ex (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22EBEF9: mixed_bones_object_selectbuffer.constprop.0 (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22ED012: view3d_select_exec (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22EDDD0: view3d_select_invoke (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== Address 0x0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd


Writing: /tmp/blender.crash.txt


66957== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)

66957== at 0x9C87F07: GPU_shader_bind (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x1707859: draw_subdiv_extract_pos_nor (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x177453C: blender::draw::extract_pos_nor_init_subdiv(DRWSubdivCache const*, MeshRenderData const*, MeshBatchCache*, void*, void*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x1765BDE: blender::draw::mesh_buffer_cache_create_requested_subdiv(MeshBatchCache*, MeshBufferCache*, DRWSubdivCache*, MeshRenderData*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x1709173: DRW_create_subdivision (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x178292A: DRW_mesh_batch_cache_create_requested (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x170B4E7: drw_engines_cache_populate (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x170DF2E: DRW_draw_select_loop (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22F9C91: view3d_opengl_select_ex (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22EBEF9: mixed_bones_object_selectbuffer.constprop.0 (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22ED012: view3d_select_exec (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22EDDD0: view3d_select_invoke (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)


66957== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)

66957== at 0x9C87F07: GPU_shader_bind (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x1707859: draw_subdiv_extract_pos_nor (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x177453C: blender::draw::extract_pos_nor_init_subdiv(DRWSubdivCache const*, MeshRenderData const*, MeshBatchCache*, void*, void*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x1765BDE: blender::draw::mesh_buffer_cache_create_requested_subdiv(MeshBatchCache*, MeshBufferCache*, DRWSubdivCache*, MeshRenderData*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x1709173: DRW_create_subdivision (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x178292A: DRW_mesh_batch_cache_create_requested (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x170B4E7: drw_engines_cache_populate (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x170DF2E: DRW_draw_select_loop (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22F9C91: view3d_opengl_select_ex (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22EBEF9: mixed_bones_object_selectbuffer.constprop.0 (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22ED012: view3d_select_exec (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22EDDD0: view3d_select_invoke (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)


66957== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)

66957== at 0x9C87F07: GPU_shader_bind (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x1707859: draw_subdiv_extract_pos_nor (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x177453C: blender::draw::extract_pos_nor_init_subdiv(DRWSubdivCache const*, MeshRenderData const*, MeshBatchCache*, void*, void*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x1765BDE: blender::draw::mesh_buffer_cache_create_requested_subdiv(MeshBatchCache*, MeshBufferCache*, DRWSubdivCache*, MeshRenderData*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x1709173: DRW_create_subdivision (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x178292A: DRW_mesh_batch_cache_create_requested (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x170B4E7: drw_engines_cache_populate (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x170DF2E: DRW_draw_select_loop (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22F9C91: view3d_opengl_select_ex (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22EBEF9: mixed_bones_object_selectbuffer.constprop.0 (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22ED012: view3d_select_exec (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22EDDD0: view3d_select_invoke (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)


66957== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)

66957== at 0x9C87F07: GPU_shader_bind (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x1707859: draw_subdiv_extract_pos_nor (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x177453C: blender::draw::extract_pos_nor_init_subdiv(DRWSubdivCache const*, MeshRenderData const*, MeshBatchCache*, void*, void*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x1765BDE: blender::draw::mesh_buffer_cache_create_requested_subdiv(MeshBatchCache*, MeshBufferCache*, DRWSubdivCache*, MeshRenderData*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x1709173: DRW_create_subdivision (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x178292A: DRW_mesh_batch_cache_create_requested (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x170B4E7: drw_engines_cache_populate (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x170DF2E: DRW_draw_select_loop (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22F9C91: view3d_opengl_select_ex (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22EBEF9: mixed_bones_object_selectbuffer.constprop.0 (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22ED012: view3d_select_exec (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)

66957== by 0x22EDDD0: view3d_select_invoke (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender)



66957== in use at exit: 273,639,345 bytes in 556,161 blocks

66957== total heap usage: 1,853,138 allocs, 1,296,977 frees, 755,413,967 bytes allocated



66957== definitely lost: 29,684 bytes in 915 blocks

66957== indirectly lost: 250,436 bytes in 12,248 blocks

66957== possibly lost: 172,285,947 bytes in 406,393 blocks

66957== still reachable: 101,055,470 bytes in 136,438 blocks

66957== of which reachable via heuristic:

66957== stdstring : 566,251 bytes in 10,432 blocks

66957== length64 : 18,083,500 bytes in 53,628 blocks

66957== newarray : 3,096 bytes in 3 blocks

66957== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks

66957== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory


66957== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s

66957== ERROR SUMMARY: 2695 errors from 12 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

Segmentation fault

For what it's worth, here is the output from valgrind ## 66957== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) ## 66957== at 0x9CCF242: blender::gpu::Shader::print_log(blender::Span<char const*>, char*, char const*, bool, blender::gpu::GPULogParser*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x9CC6B1A: blender::gpu::GLShader::finalize(blender::gpu::shader::ShaderCreateInfo const*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x9C88722: GPU_shader_create_ex (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x9C88C22: GPU_shader_create_compute (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x1706D50: get_patch_evaluation_shader(int) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x170784E: draw_subdiv_extract_pos_nor (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x177453C: blender::draw::extract_pos_nor_init_subdiv(DRWSubdivCache const*, MeshRenderData const*, MeshBatchCache*, void*, void*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x1765BDE: blender::draw::mesh_buffer_cache_create_requested_subdiv(MeshBatchCache*, MeshBufferCache*, DRWSubdivCache*, MeshRenderData*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x1709173: DRW_create_subdivision (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x178292A: DRW_mesh_batch_cache_create_requested (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x170B4E7: drw_engines_cache_populate (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x170DF2E: DRW_draw_select_loop (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation ## 66957== at 0x9CCEEE8: blender::gpu::Shader::print_log(blender::Span<char const*>, char*, char const*, bool, blender::gpu::GPULogParser*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957 ERROR (gpu.shader): subdiv patch evaluation Linking: ``` | Error: Too many compute shader storage blocks (9/8) ``` ## 66957== Invalid read of size 8 ## 66957== at 0x9C87F07: GPU_shader_bind (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x1707859: draw_subdiv_extract_pos_nor (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x177453C: blender::draw::extract_pos_nor_init_subdiv(DRWSubdivCache const*, MeshRenderData const*, MeshBatchCache*, void*, void*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x1765BDE: blender::draw::mesh_buffer_cache_create_requested_subdiv(MeshBatchCache*, MeshBufferCache*, DRWSubdivCache*, MeshRenderData*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x1709173: DRW_create_subdivision (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x178292A: DRW_mesh_batch_cache_create_requested (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x170B4E7: drw_engines_cache_populate (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x170DF2E: DRW_draw_select_loop (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22F9C91: view3d_opengl_select_ex (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22EBEF9: mixed_bones_object_selectbuffer.constprop.0 (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22ED012: view3d_select_exec (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22EDDD0: view3d_select_invoke (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== Address 0x0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd ## 66957 Writing: /tmp/blender.crash.txt ## 66957 ## 66957== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV) ## 66957== at 0x9C87F07: GPU_shader_bind (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x1707859: draw_subdiv_extract_pos_nor (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x177453C: blender::draw::extract_pos_nor_init_subdiv(DRWSubdivCache const*, MeshRenderData const*, MeshBatchCache*, void*, void*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x1765BDE: blender::draw::mesh_buffer_cache_create_requested_subdiv(MeshBatchCache*, MeshBufferCache*, DRWSubdivCache*, MeshRenderData*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x1709173: DRW_create_subdivision (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x178292A: DRW_mesh_batch_cache_create_requested (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x170B4E7: drw_engines_cache_populate (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x170DF2E: DRW_draw_select_loop (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22F9C91: view3d_opengl_select_ex (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22EBEF9: mixed_bones_object_selectbuffer.constprop.0 (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22ED012: view3d_select_exec (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22EDDD0: view3d_select_invoke (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957 ## 66957== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV) ## 66957== at 0x9C87F07: GPU_shader_bind (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x1707859: draw_subdiv_extract_pos_nor (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x177453C: blender::draw::extract_pos_nor_init_subdiv(DRWSubdivCache const*, MeshRenderData const*, MeshBatchCache*, void*, void*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x1765BDE: blender::draw::mesh_buffer_cache_create_requested_subdiv(MeshBatchCache*, MeshBufferCache*, DRWSubdivCache*, MeshRenderData*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x1709173: DRW_create_subdivision (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x178292A: DRW_mesh_batch_cache_create_requested (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x170B4E7: drw_engines_cache_populate (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x170DF2E: DRW_draw_select_loop (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22F9C91: view3d_opengl_select_ex (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22EBEF9: mixed_bones_object_selectbuffer.constprop.0 (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22ED012: view3d_select_exec (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22EDDD0: view3d_select_invoke (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957 ## 66957== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV) ## 66957== at 0x9C87F07: GPU_shader_bind (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x1707859: draw_subdiv_extract_pos_nor (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x177453C: blender::draw::extract_pos_nor_init_subdiv(DRWSubdivCache const*, MeshRenderData const*, MeshBatchCache*, void*, void*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x1765BDE: blender::draw::mesh_buffer_cache_create_requested_subdiv(MeshBatchCache*, MeshBufferCache*, DRWSubdivCache*, MeshRenderData*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x1709173: DRW_create_subdivision (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x178292A: DRW_mesh_batch_cache_create_requested (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x170B4E7: drw_engines_cache_populate (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x170DF2E: DRW_draw_select_loop (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22F9C91: view3d_opengl_select_ex (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22EBEF9: mixed_bones_object_selectbuffer.constprop.0 (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22ED012: view3d_select_exec (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22EDDD0: view3d_select_invoke (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957 ## 66957== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV) ## 66957== at 0x9C87F07: GPU_shader_bind (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x1707859: draw_subdiv_extract_pos_nor (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x177453C: blender::draw::extract_pos_nor_init_subdiv(DRWSubdivCache const*, MeshRenderData const*, MeshBatchCache*, void*, void*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x1765BDE: blender::draw::mesh_buffer_cache_create_requested_subdiv(MeshBatchCache*, MeshBufferCache*, DRWSubdivCache*, MeshRenderData*) (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x1709173: DRW_create_subdivision (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x178292A: DRW_mesh_batch_cache_create_requested (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x170B4E7: drw_engines_cache_populate (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x170DF2E: DRW_draw_select_loop (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22F9C91: view3d_opengl_select_ex (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22EBEF9: mixed_bones_object_selectbuffer.constprop.0 (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22ED012: view3d_select_exec (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957== by 0x22EDDD0: view3d_select_invoke (in /home/hovj/blender-git/build_linux/bin/blender) ## 66957 ## 66957== HEAP SUMMARY: ## 66957== in use at exit: 273,639,345 bytes in 556,161 blocks ## 66957== total heap usage: 1,853,138 allocs, 1,296,977 frees, 755,413,967 bytes allocated ## 66957 ## 66957== LEAK SUMMARY: ## 66957== definitely lost: 29,684 bytes in 915 blocks ## 66957== indirectly lost: 250,436 bytes in 12,248 blocks ## 66957== possibly lost: 172,285,947 bytes in 406,393 blocks ## 66957== still reachable: 101,055,470 bytes in 136,438 blocks ## 66957== of which reachable via heuristic: ## 66957== stdstring : 566,251 bytes in 10,432 blocks ## 66957== length64 : 18,083,500 bytes in 53,628 blocks ## 66957== newarray : 3,096 bytes in 3 blocks ## 66957== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ## 66957== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ## 66957 ## 66957== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s ## 66957== ERROR SUMMARY: 2695 errors from 12 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) Segmentation fault

looks like this issue is related:

looks like this issue is related:

Is it resolved for you? I will wait to close this, until you had the chance to check a new build.

Is it resolved for you? I will wait to close this, until you had the chance to check a new build.

I tried:


The issue is not resolved

I tried: blender-3.2.0-alpha+master.eabdcdcd44b9-linux.x86_64-release blender-3.1.0-beta+v31.4932269ec3fa-linux.x86_64-release The issue is not resolved

Added subscriber: @PratikPB2123

Added subscriber: @PratikPB2123

Changed status from 'Needs Developer To Reproduce' to: 'Needs User Info'

Changed status from 'Needs Developer To Reproduce' to: 'Needs User Info'

Hi @hovjdev , do you get the crash when GPU subdivision is disabled? {nav Edit > Preferences > Viewport > Subdivision > GPU Subdivision}
Also, please don't paste crash logs directly as a comment (upload a file instead)

Are you running Blender on VM?

Hi @hovjdev , do you get the crash when GPU subdivision is disabled? {nav Edit > Preferences > Viewport > Subdivision > GPU Subdivision} Also, please don't paste crash logs directly as a comment (upload a file instead) Are you running Blender on VM?

Added subscriber: @kevindietrich

Added subscriber: @kevindietrich

Changed status from 'Needs User Info' to: 'Resolved'

Changed status from 'Needs User Info' to: 'Resolved'
Kévin Dietrich self-assigned this 2022-03-29 12:19:25 +02:00

Missed that report, but was solved by 3bb4597b2d (as indicated by the error Too many compute shader storage blocks (9/8) in

Missed that report, but was solved by 3bb4597b2d (as indicated by the error `Too many compute shader storage blocks (9/8)` in

Hi, when GPU subdivision is disabled I don't get the crash.
Will the fix be available in v3.2 ? The March 29 daily builds are still crashing (3.1.1 and 3.2.0).

Love Blender, you guys are doing an amazing job!

Hi, when GPU subdivision is disabled I don't get the crash. Will the fix be available in v3.2 ? The March 29 daily builds are still crashing (3.1.1 and 3.2.0). Love Blender, you guys are doing an amazing job!

Added subscriber: @jfvillal

Added subscriber: @jfvillal


I saw this error on my machine:


No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
Release: 18.04
Codename: bionic

Radeon HD 7700/7800 Series

processor : 7
vendor_id : AuthenticAMD
cpu family : 21
model : 1
model name : AMD FX(tm)-8150 Eight-Core Processor

I can fetch more info if you are interested to know more about my configuration.

Hello: I saw this error on my machine: blender-3.1.0-linux-x64 No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS Release: 18.04 Codename: bionic GPU: Radeon HD 7700/7800 Series CPU: processor : 7 vendor_id : AuthenticAMD cpu family : 21 model : 1 model name : AMD FX(tm)-8150 Eight-Core Processor I can fetch more info if you are interested to know more about my configuration.

@hovjdev The fix for the original error should be in the builds you are mentioning. If it still crashes, I suggest to open a new bug report.

@jfvillal This doesn't have any information regarding which Blender version you are using. Please try a [more recent build](3.1.2 or 3.2).

@hovjdev The fix for the original error should be in the builds you are mentioning. If it still crashes, I suggest to open a new bug report. @jfvillal This doesn't have any information regarding which Blender version you are using. Please try a [more recent build](3.1.2 or 3.2).
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Blender 2.8 Project
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