Geometry Node: Index of Nearest #104619

Jacques Lucke merged 31 commits from mod_moder/blender:index_of_nearest into main 2023-04-22 13:12:03 +02:00
1 changed files with 28 additions and 61 deletions
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@ -13,9 +13,7 @@ namespace blender::nodes::node_geo_index_of_nearest_cc {
static void node_declare(NodeDeclarationBuilder &b)
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I think these UI includes are unused

I think these UI includes are unused
b.add_input<decl::Int>(N_("Self Group ID")).supports_field().hide_value().default_value(0);
b.add_input<decl::Int>(N_("Nearest Group ID")).supports_field().hide_value().default_value(0);
b.add_input<decl::Int>(N_("Group ID")).supports_field().hide_value();
b.add_output<decl::Int>(N_("Index")).field_source().description(N_("Index of nearest element"));
b.add_output<decl::Bool>(N_("Has Neighbor")).field_source();
@ -25,16 +23,12 @@ class IndexOfNearestFieldInput final : public bke::GeometryFieldInput {
const Field<float3> positions_field_;
mod_moder marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

These identifiers/names are missing the translation macro N_

These identifiers/names are missing the translation macro `N_`
const Field<int> group_field_;
mod_moder marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

We settled on Self Group ID and Nearest Group ID in the module meeting.

We settled on `Self Group ID` and `Nearest Group ID` in the module meeting.
const Field<int> search_group_field_;
IndexOfNearestFieldInput(Field<float3> positions_field,
Field<int> group_field,
Field<int> search_group_field)
IndexOfNearestFieldInput(Field<float3> positions_field, Field<int> group_field)
: bke::GeometryFieldInput(CPPType::get<int>(), "Nearest to"),
mod_moder marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Pass spans by value

Pass spans by value
@ -44,70 +38,47 @@ class IndexOfNearestFieldInput final : public bke::GeometryFieldInput {
fn::FieldEvaluator evaluator{context, &mask};
const VArray<float3> &positions = evaluator.get_evaluated<float3>(0);
const VArray<int> &group = evaluator.get_evaluated<int>(1);
const VArray<int> &search_group = evaluator.get_evaluated<int>(2);
const bool use_group = !group.is_single();
const bool use_search_group = !search_group.is_single();
MultiValueMap<int, int64_t> group_masks;
mask.foreach_index([&](const int index) { group_masks.add(group[index], index); });
MultiValueMap<int, int64_t> in_group;
MultiValueMap<int, int64_t> out_group;
Array<int> indices(mask.min_array_size());
(indices.size() > 512) && use_search_group && use_group,
[&]() {
if (use_group) {
mask.foreach_index([&](const auto index) { in_group.add(group[index], index); });
const int group_key = group.get_internal_single();
in_group.add_multiple(group_key, {});
[&]() {
if (use_search_group) {
[&](const auto index) { out_group.add(search_group[index], index); });
const auto nearest_for = [this, &positions](const IndexMask mask, MutableSpan<int> r_indices) {

I don't think there's a benefit to specifying the capture in a case like this (instead of [&])

I don't think there's a benefit to specifying the capture in a case like this (instead of `[&]`)
devirtualize_varray(positions, [mask, r_indices, this](const auto positions) {
KDTree_3d *tree = BLI_kdtree_3d_new(mask.size());
mask.foreach_index([tree, positions](const int index) {
BLI_kdtree_3d_insert(tree, index, positions[index]);
for (const int key : in_group.keys()) {
/* Never empty. */
const IndexMask self_points(use_group ? IndexMask(in_group.lookup(key)) : mask);
const IndexMask search_points(use_search_group ? IndexMask(out_group.lookup(key)) :
if (search_points.is_empty()) {
indices.as_mutable_span().fill_indices(self_points, -1);
threading::parallel_for(mask.index_range(), 512, [&](const IndexRange range) {
mask.slice(range).foreach_index([&](const auto index) {
r_indices[index] = this->kdtree_find_neighboard(tree, positions[index], index);
KDTree_3d *tree = BLI_kdtree_3d_new(search_points.size());
for (const int64_t index : search_points) {
BLI_kdtree_3d_insert(tree, index, positions[index]);
threading::parallel_for(self_points.index_range(), 512, [&](const IndexRange range) {
for (const int64_t index : self_points.slice(range)) {
indices[index] = this->kdtree_find_neighboard(tree, positions[index], index);

Can just use a normal for loop here. The performance benefit of using foreach_index is negligible, because most time is spend in the kdtree traversal.

Can just use a normal for loop here. The performance benefit of using `foreach_index` is negligible, because most time is spend in the kdtree traversal.
for (const Span<int64_t> mask_span : group_masks.values()) {
if (mask_span.size() == 1) {
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I'd change these names to use_group and use_search_group for consistency with your other variable names and because use at front sounds more natural.

I'd change these names to `use_group` and `use_search_group` for consistency with your other variable names and because `use` at front sounds more natural.
indices[mask_span.first()] = -1;
nearest_for(mask_span, indices);
return VArray<int>::ForContainer(std::move(indices));

This comment is a bit vague, but I'm finding it hard to keep track of the separate group_use and group_to_find_use conditions. I wonder if the first condition could be handled with by splitting logic into a separate function, like SampleCurveFunction does with its sample_curve lambda.

This comment is a bit vague, but I'm finding it hard to keep track of the separate `group_use` and `group_to_find_use` conditions. I wonder if the first condition could be handled with by splitting logic into a separate function, like `SampleCurveFunction` does with its `sample_curve` lambda.
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No strong opinion, but using regular = assignment seems more consistent here.

No strong opinion, but using regular `=` assignment seems more consistent here.
int kdtree_find_neighboard(KDTree_3d *tree, const float3 &position, const int &index) const
static int kdtree_find_neighboard(KDTree_3d *tree, const float3 &position, const int &index)
return BLI_kdtree_3d_find_nearest_cb_cpp(
@ -126,12 +97,11 @@ class IndexOfNearestFieldInput final : public bke::GeometryFieldInput {
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int key -> const int key

`int key` -> `const int key`
uint64_t hash() const override
return get_default_hash_3(positions_field_, group_field_, search_group_field_);
return get_default_hash_2(positions_field_, group_field_);
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The result array should never need to be larger than mask.min_array_size()

The result array should never need to be larger than `mask.min_array_size()`
bool is_equal_to(const fn::FieldNode &other) const override
@ -139,8 +109,7 @@ class IndexOfNearestFieldInput final : public bke::GeometryFieldInput {
if (const IndexOfNearestFieldInput *other_field =
dynamic_cast<const IndexOfNearestFieldInput *>(&other)) {
return positions_field_ == other_field->positions_field_ &&
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While forest is used as a technical term for a graph containing multiple trees, I don't think the term should be used for a collection of multiple independent kd trees. Just use kdtrees.

While forest is used as a technical term for a graph containing multiple trees, I don't think the term should be used for a collection of multiple independent kd trees. Just use `kdtrees`.

If i do merge parallel_fors below, i can delete this vector.

If i do merge `parallel_for`s below, i can delete this vector.
group_field_ == other_field->group_field_ &&
search_group_field_ == other_field->search_group_field_;
group_field_ == other_field->group_field_;
return false;
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I think this should be !mask_is_cheap

I think this should be `!mask_is_cheap`

I was isn't invented the best name, mask_is_cheap == true if computing of indices make sense and cheap mask is used.

I was isn't invented the best name, `mask_is_cheap` == true if computing of indices make sense and cheap mask is used.

TBH I think it's better to just use int64_t here to avoid duplicating the functions above. Eventually when IndexMask is refactored, these could benefit from using that, and the int64_t will make that more clear too.

TBH I think it's better to just use `int64_t` here to avoid duplicating the functions above. Eventually when `IndexMask` is refactored, these could benefit from using that, and the `int64_t` will make that more clear too.
@ -154,12 +123,10 @@ class IndexOfNearestFieldInput final : public bke::GeometryFieldInput {
static void node_geo_exec(GeoNodeExecParams params)
Field<float3> position_field = params.extract_input<Field<float3>>("Position");

Why tree_masks[i] and evaluate_masks[i] is groups with the same id? this isn't sorted somether or protected, that mask isn't avoid all elements of some grouop and create offset for all other groups even all of that added in same order.

It seems that trying to use a mask to multiply all user groups by groups from the mask leads to much more overhead in most cases.
If you don't do some kind of analogue of a tree, then it's like doing a boolean through mask1 * mask2. When there is something like bvh. so I think it's easier to just calculate everything. I'm not sure there are many cases now where the mask can actually be a small part.

Why `tree_masks[i]` and `evaluate_masks[i]` is groups with the same id? this isn't sorted somether or protected, that mask isn't avoid all elements of some grouop and create offset for all other groups even all of that added in same order. It seems that trying to use a mask to multiply all user groups by groups from the mask leads to much more overhead in most cases. If you don't do some kind of analogue of a tree, then it's like doing a boolean through mask1 * mask2. When there is something like bvh. so I think it's easier to just calculate everything. I'm not sure there are many cases now where the mask can actually be a small part.

Oh, great point! I think it's still worth having a separate evaluation mask. Even just the set position node with a small selection would benefit from it, I think kd tree lookups are fairly expensive. I guess both masks have to be created at the same time.

Oh, great point! I think it's still worth having a separate evaluation mask. Even just the set position node with a small selection would benefit from it, I think kd tree lookups are fairly expensive. I guess both masks have to be created at the same time.
Field<int> self_group_field = params.extract_input<Field<int>>("Self Group ID");
Field<int> search_group_field = params.extract_input<Field<int>>("Nearest Group ID");
Field<int> group_field = params.extract_input<Field<int>>("Group ID");
Field<int> index_of_nearest_field(std::make_shared<IndexOfNearestFieldInput>(
std::move(position_field), std::move(self_group_field), std::move(search_group_field)));
std::move(position_field), std::move(group_field)));

I do think one of these indices could be skipped if the selection is complete

I do think one of these indices could be skipped if the selection is complete

Use IndexMask instead of Span<int64_t> for these mask_of_tree and mask variables

Use `IndexMask` instead of `Span<int64_t>` for these `mask_of_tree` and `mask` variables
if (params.output_is_required("Index")) {
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References typically indicate a lack of ownership, better to stick with a pointer here

References typically indicate a lack of ownership, better to stick with a pointer here
static auto clamp_fn = mf::build::SI1_SO<int, int>(