Cycles: new Microfacet-based Hair BSDF with elliptical cross-section support #105600
@ -249,49 +249,6 @@ ccl_device_inline bool microfacet_visible(const float3 wi,
return microfacet_visible(wi, m, h) && microfacet_visible(wo, m, h);
/* Smith's separable shadowing/masking term. */
ccl_device_inline float smith_g1(
const bool beckmann, const float roughness, const float3 v, const float3 m, const float3 h)
/* Assume consistent orientation (can't see the back of the microfacet from the front and vice
* versa). */
float cos_vm = dot(v, m);
if (dot(v, h) <= 0.0f || cos_vm <= 0.0f) {
return 0.0f;
return beckmann ? bsdf_G1<MicrofacetType::BECKMANN>(sqr(roughness), cos_vm) :
2.0f / (1.0f + sqrtf(1.0f + sqr(roughness) * (1.0f / sqr(cos_vm) - 1.0f)));
/* Geometry term. */
ccl_device_inline float G(const bool beckmann,
const float roughness,
const float3 wi,
const float3 wo,
const float3 m,
const float3 h)
return smith_g1(beckmann, roughness, wi, m, h) * smith_g1(beckmann, roughness, wo, m, h);
/* Normal Distribution Function. */
ccl_device float D(const bool beckmann, const float roughness, const float3 m, const float3 h)
const float cos_theta = dot(h, m);
const float roughness2 = sqr(roughness);
const float cos_theta2 = sqr(cos_theta);
const float result = beckmann ?
expf((1.0f - 1.0f / cos_theta2) / roughness2) /
(M_PI_F * roughness2 * sqr(cos_theta2)) :
roughness2 / (M_PI_F * sqr(1.0f + (roughness2 - 1.0f) * cos_theta2));
/* Prevent potential numerical issues in other stages of the model. */
return (result * cos_theta > 1e-20f) ? result : 0.0f;
/* Compute fresnel reflection. Also return the dot product of the refracted ray and the normal as
* `cos_theta_t`, as it is used when computing the direction of the refracted ray. */
ccl_device float fresnel(float cos_theta_i, float eta, ccl_private float *cos_theta_t)
@ -345,12 +302,11 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_r(ccl_private const ShaderClosure *s
ccl_private MicrofacetHairBSDF *bsdf = (ccl_private MicrofacetHairBSDF *)sc;
const float tilt = -bsdf->tilt;
const float roughness = bsdf->roughness;
const float roughness2 = sqr(roughness);
const float eta = bsdf->eta;
const bool beckmann = (bsdf->distribution_type == NODE_MICROFACET_HAIR_BECKMANN);
float3 R = zero_float3();
if (bsdf->extra->R <= 0.0f) {
return R;
return zero_float3();
/* Get elliptical cross section characteristic. Assuming major axis is 1. */
@ -366,14 +322,14 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_r(ccl_private const ShaderClosure *s
const float tan_tilt = tanf(tilt);
float phi_m_max1 = acosf(fmaxf(-tan_tilt * tan_theta(wi), 0.0f)) + phi_i;
if (isnan_safe(phi_m_max1)) {
return R;
return zero_float3();
float phi_m_min1 = -phi_m_max1 + 2.0f * phi_i;
/* dot(wo, wmi) > 0 */
float phi_m_max2 = acosf(fmaxf(-tan_tilt * tan_theta(wo), 0.0f)) + phi_o;
if (isnan_safe(phi_m_max2)) {
return R;
return zero_float3();
float phi_m_min2 = -phi_m_max2 + 2.0f * phi_o;
@ -392,7 +348,7 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_r(ccl_private const ShaderClosure *s
const float phi_m_min = fmaxf(phi_m_min1, phi_m_min2) + 1e-3f;
const float phi_m_max = fminf(phi_m_max1, phi_m_max2) - 1e-3f;
if (phi_m_min > phi_m_max) {
return R;
return zero_float3();
const float gamma_m_min = to_gamma(phi_m_min, b);
@ -418,8 +374,8 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_r(ccl_private const ShaderClosure *s
if (microfacet_visible(wi, wo, make_float3(wm.x, 0.0f, wm.z), wh)) {
const float weight = (i == 0 || i == intervals) ? 0.5f : (i % 2 + 1);
integral += weight * D(beckmann, roughness, wm, wh) *
G(beckmann, roughness, wi, wo, wm, wh) * arc_length(e2, gamma_m);
integral += weight * bsdf_D<m_type>(roughness2, dot(wm, wh)) *
bsdf_G<m_type>(roughness2, dot(wi, wm), dot(wo, wm)) * arc_length(e2, gamma_m);
@ -440,8 +396,8 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt(KernelGlobals kg,
ccl_private MicrofacetHairBSDF *bsdf = (ccl_private MicrofacetHairBSDF *)sc;
const float tilt = -bsdf->tilt;
const float roughness = bsdf->roughness;
const float roughness2 = sqr(roughness);
const float eta = bsdf->eta;
const bool beckmann = (bsdf->distribution_type == NODE_MICROFACET_HAIR_BECKMANN);
if (bsdf->extra->TT <= 0.0f && bsdf->extra->TRT <= 0.0f) {
return zero_float3();
@ -494,13 +450,13 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt(KernelGlobals kg,
const float3 wh1 = sample_wh<m_type>(kg, roughness, wi, wmi, sample1);
const float dot_wi_wh1 = dot(wi, wh1);
if (!(dot_wi_wh1 > 0)) {
const float cos_hi1 = dot(wi, wh1);
if (!(cos_hi1 > 0)) {
float cos_theta_t1;
const float T1 = 1.0f - fresnel(dot_wi_wh1, eta, &cos_theta_t1);
const float T1 = 1.0f - fresnel(cos_hi1, eta, &cos_theta_t1);
/* Refraction at the first interface. */
const float3 wt = -refract_angle(wi, wh1, cos_theta_t1, inv_eta);
@ -509,7 +465,10 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt(KernelGlobals kg,
const float3 wmt = sphg_dir(-tilt, gamma_mt, b);
const float3 wmt_ = sphg_dir(0.0f, gamma_mt, b);
const float G1 = G(beckmann, roughness, wi, -wt, wmi, wh1);
const float cos_mi1 = dot(wi, wmi);
const float cos_mo1 = dot(-wt, wmi);
const float cos_mi2 = dot(-wt, wmt);
const float G1 = bsdf_G<m_type>(roughness2, cos_mi1, cos_mo1);
if (G1 == 0.0f || !microfacet_visible(wi, -wt, wmi_, wh1)) {
@ -524,25 +483,22 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt(KernelGlobals kg,
/* TT */
if (bsdf->extra->TT > 0.0f) {
/* Total internal reflection otherwise. */
if (dot(wo, wt) >= inv_eta - 1e-5f) {
/* Microfacet visiblity from macronormal. */
if (dot(wo, wt) >= inv_eta - 1e-5f) { /* Total internal reflection otherwise. */
float3 wh2 = -wt + inv_eta * wo;
if (dot(wmt, wh2) >= 0.0f) {
const float rcp_norm_wh2 = 1.0f / len(wh2);
wh2 *= rcp_norm_wh2;
const float cos_mh2 = dot(wmt, wh2);
if (cos_mh2 >= 0.0f) { /* Microfacet visiblity from macronormal. */
const float cos_hi2 = dot(-wt, wh2);
const float cos_ho2 = dot(-wo, wh2);
const float cos_mo2 = dot(-wo, wmt);
const float rcp_norm_wh2 = 1.0f / len(wh2);
wh2 *= rcp_norm_wh2;
const float T2 = 1.0f - fresnel_dielectric_cos(cos_hi2, inv_eta);
const float D2 = bsdf_D<m_type>(roughness2, cos_mh2);
const float G2 = bsdf_G<m_type>(roughness2, cos_mi2, cos_mo2);
const float dot_wt_wh2 = dot(-wt, wh2);
const float T2 = 1.0f - fresnel_dielectric_cos(dot_wt_wh2, inv_eta);
const float D2 = D(beckmann, roughness, wh2, wmt) *
G(beckmann, roughness, -wt, -wo, wmt, wh2);
const float3 result = T1 * T2 * D2 * A_t * dot_wt_wh2 * dot(wo, wh2) *
sqr(rcp_norm_wh2) / dot(wt, wmi) * weight *
smith_g1(beckmann, roughness, -wt, wmi, wh1) * dot(wi, wmi);
const float3 result = weight * T1 * T2 * D2 * G2 * A_t / cos_mo1 * cos_mi1 * cos_hi2 *
cos_ho2 * sqr(rcp_norm_wh2) * bsdf_G1<m_type>(roughness2, cos_mo1);
if (isfinite_safe(result)) {
S_tt += bsdf->extra->TT * result * arc_length(e2, gamma_mt);
@ -556,24 +512,21 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt(KernelGlobals kg,
/* sample wh2 */
const float2 sample2 = make_float2(lcg_step_float(&rng_quadrature),
const float3 wh2 = sample_wh<m_type>(kg, roughness, -wt, wmt, sample2);
const float cos_th2 = dot(-wt, wh2);
if (!(cos_th2 > 0)) {
const float cos_hi2 = dot(-wt, wh2);
if (!(cos_hi2 > 0)) {
const float R2 = fresnel_dielectric_cos(cos_hi2, inv_eta);
const float R2 = fresnel_dielectric_cos(cos_th2, inv_eta);
const float3 wtr = -reflect(wt, wh2);
const float G2 = G(beckmann, roughness, -wt, -wtr, wmt, wh2);
if (G2 == 0.0f || !microfacet_visible(-wt, -wtr, wmt_, wh2)) {
if (dot(-wtr, wo) < inv_eta - 1e-5f) {
/* Total internal reflection. */
/* Total internal reflection. */
if (dot(-wtr, wo) < inv_eta - 1e-5f) {
const float cos_mo2 = dot(-wtr, wmt);
const float G2 = bsdf_G<m_type>(roughness2, cos_mi2, cos_mo2);
if (G2 == 0.0f || !microfacet_visible(-wt, -wtr, wmt_, wh2)) {
@ -582,31 +535,29 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt(KernelGlobals kg,
const float3 wmtr = sphg_dir(-tilt, gamma_mtr, b);
const float3 wmtr_ = sphg_dir(0.0f, gamma_mtr, b);
const float G3 = bsdf_G<m_type>(roughness2, dot(wtr, wmtr), dot(-wo, wmtr));
float3 wh3 = wtr + inv_eta * wo;
const float G3 = G(beckmann, roughness, wtr, -wo, wmtr, wh3);
if (dot(wmtr, wh3) < 0.0f || G3 == 0.0f || !microfacet_visible(wtr, -wo, wmtr_, wh3)) {
const float rcp_norm_wh3 = 1.0f / len(wh3);
wh3 *= rcp_norm_wh3;
const float cos_mh3 = dot(wmtr, wh3);
if (cos_mh3 < 0.0f || G3 == 0.0f || !microfacet_visible(wtr, -wo, wmtr_, wh3)) {
const float rcp_norm_wh3 = 1.0f / len(wh3);
wh3 *= rcp_norm_wh3;
const float cos_hi3 = dot(wh3, wtr);
const float cos_ho3 = dot(wh3, -wo);
const float cos_trh3 = dot(wh3, wtr);
const float T3 = 1.0f - fresnel_dielectric_cos(cos_trh3, inv_eta);
const float D3 = D(beckmann, roughness, wh3, wmtr) * G3;
const float T3 = 1.0f - fresnel_dielectric_cos(cos_hi3, inv_eta);
const float D3 = bsdf_D<m_type>(roughness2, cos_mh3);
const float3 A_tr = exp(mu_a / cos_theta(wtr) *
(is_circular ?
2.0f * cosf(phi_tr - gamma_mt) :
-len(to_point(gamma_mtr, b) - to_point(gamma_mt, b))));
const float3 result = T1 * R2 * T3 * D3 * cos_trh3 * dot(wh3, wo) * sqr(rcp_norm_wh3) * A_t *
A_tr * weight / (dot(wt, wmi) * dot(wtr, wmt)) *
smith_g1(beckmann, roughness, -wt, wmi, wh1) *
smith_g1(beckmann, roughness, -wtr, wmt, wh2) * dot(wi, wmi) *
dot(wt, wmt);
const float3 result = weight * T1 * R2 * T3 * D3 * G3 * A_t * A_tr / (cos_mo1 * cos_mo2) *
cos_mi1 * cos_mi2 * cos_hi3 * cos_ho3 * sqr(rcp_norm_wh3) *
bsdf_G<m_type>(roughness2, cos_mo1, cos_mo2);
if (isfinite_safe(result)) {
S_trt += bsdf->extra->TRT * result * arc_length(e2, gamma_mtr);
@ -673,7 +624,7 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample(const KernelGlobals kg,
const float tilt = -bsdf->tilt;
const float roughness = bsdf->roughness;
const bool beckmann = (bsdf->distribution_type == NODE_MICROFACET_HAIR_BECKMANN);
const float roughness2 = sqr(roughness);
/* generate sample */
float sample_lobe = randu;
@ -801,7 +752,7 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample(const KernelGlobals kg,
*eval = rgb_to_spectrum(R / r * total_energy);
if (microfacet_visible(wi, wr, wmi_, wh1)) {
visibility = smith_g1(beckmann, roughness, wr, wmi, wh1);
visibility = bsdf_G1<m_type>(roughness2, dot(wr, wmi));
@ -811,8 +762,7 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample(const KernelGlobals kg,
*eval = rgb_to_spectrum(TT / tt * total_energy);
if (microfacet_visible(wi, -wt, wmi_, wh1) && microfacet_visible(-wt, -wtt, wmt_, wh2)) {
visibility = smith_g1(beckmann, roughness, -wt, wmi, wh1) *
smith_g1(beckmann, roughness, -wtt, wmt, wh2);
visibility = bsdf_G<m_type>(roughness2, dot(-wt, wmi), dot(-wtt, wmt));
@ -822,9 +772,8 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample(const KernelGlobals kg,
*eval = rgb_to_spectrum(TRT / trt * total_energy);
if (microfacet_visible(wi, -wt, wmi_, wh1)) {
visibility = smith_g1(beckmann, roughness, -wt, wmi, wh1) *
smith_g1(beckmann, roughness, -wtr, wmt, wh2) *
smith_g1(beckmann, roughness, -wtrt, wmtr, wh3);
visibility = bsdf_G<m_type>(roughness2, dot(-wt, wmi), dot(-wtr, wmt)) *
bsdf_G1<m_type>(roughness2, dot(-wtrt, wmtr));
@ -902,9 +851,8 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample(KernelGlobals kg,
ccl_private float *eta)
ccl_private MicrofacetHairBSDF *bsdf = (ccl_private MicrofacetHairBSDF *)sc;
const bool beckmann = (bsdf->distribution_type == NODE_MICROFACET_HAIR_BECKMANN);
if (beckmann) {
if (bsdf->distribution_type == NODE_MICROFACET_HAIR_BECKMANN) {
return bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample<MicrofacetType::BECKMANN>(
weizhen marked this conversation as resolved
Lukas Stockner
Does this TODO refer to the PR, or it more general? Does this TODO refer to the PR, or it more general?
I think it's fine to keep it like this for now, just want to make sure it's not overlooked.
Weizhen Huang
In the original implementation the pdf involves sampling microfacets, it is as costly as evaluating the BSDF itself, and it is also just an approximation, so not sure if it's worth it and how to do it better. As pdf is only used for MIS, it doesn't influence the correctness of the model, so left as a TODO as a future improvement. In the original implementation the pdf involves sampling microfacets, it is as costly as evaluating the BSDF itself, and it is also just an approximation, so not sure if it's worth it and how to do it better. As pdf is only used for MIS, it doesn't influence the correctness of the model, so left as a TODO as a future improvement.
kg, sc, sd, randu, randv, eval, wo, pdf, sampled_roughness, eta);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user
I think this is only used if we actually sample TRRT? The compiler should probably optimize that by itself though I guess.