Cycles: new Microfacet-based Hair BSDF with elliptical cross-section support #105600

Weizhen Huang merged 114 commits from weizhen/blender:microfacet_hair into main 2023-08-18 12:46:20 +02:00
1 changed files with 52 additions and 51 deletions
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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "kernel/closure/bsdf_util.h"
#include "kernel/util/color.h"
@ -313,9 +314,9 @@ ccl_device_inline float3 refract_angle(const float3 incident,
template<MicrofacetType m_type>
ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_r(ccl_private const ShaderClosure *sc,
const float3 wi,
const float3 wo)
ccl_device Spectrum bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_r(ccl_private const ShaderClosure *sc,
const float3 wi,
const float3 wo)
ccl_private MicrofacetHairBSDF *bsdf = (ccl_private MicrofacetHairBSDF *)sc;
@ -335,14 +336,14 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_r(ccl_private const ShaderClosure *s
const float tan_tilt = tanf(bsdf->tilt);
float phi_m_max1 = acosf(fmaxf(-tan_tilt * tan_theta(wi), 0.0f)) + phi_i;
if (isnan_safe(phi_m_max1)) {
return zero_float3();
return zero_spectrum();
float phi_m_min1 = -phi_m_max1 + 2.0f * phi_i;
/* dot(wo, wmi) > 0 */
float phi_m_max2 = acosf(fmaxf(-tan_tilt * tan_theta(wo), 0.0f)) + phi_o;
if (isnan_safe(phi_m_max2)) {
return zero_float3();
return zero_spectrum();
float phi_m_min2 = -phi_m_max2 + 2.0f * phi_o;
@ -361,7 +362,7 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_r(ccl_private const ShaderClosure *s
const float phi_m_min = fmaxf(phi_m_min1, phi_m_min2) + 1e-3f;
const float phi_m_max = fminf(phi_m_max1, phi_m_max2) - 1e-3f;
if (phi_m_min > phi_m_max) {
return zero_float3();
return zero_spectrum();
const float gamma_m_min = to_gamma(phi_m_min, b);
@ -403,21 +404,21 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_r(ccl_private const ShaderClosure *s
const float F = fresnel_dielectric_cos(dot(wi, wh), bsdf->eta);
return make_float3(bsdf->extra->R * 0.125f * F * integral / bsdf->extra->radius);
return make_spectrum(bsdf->extra->R * 0.125f * F * integral / bsdf->extra->radius);
/* Evaluate TT and TRT components using combined Monte Carlo-Simpson integration. */
template<MicrofacetType m_type>
ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt(KernelGlobals kg,
ccl_private const ShaderClosure *sc,
const float3 wi,
const float3 wo,
uint rng_quadrature)
ccl_device Spectrum bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt(KernelGlobals kg,
ccl_private const ShaderClosure *sc,
const float3 wi,
const float3 wo,
uint rng_quadrature)
ccl_private MicrofacetHairBSDF *bsdf = (ccl_private MicrofacetHairBSDF *)sc;
if (bsdf->extra->TT <= 0.0f && bsdf->extra->TRT <= 0.0f) {
return zero_float3();
return zero_spectrum();
/* Get minor axis, assuming major axis is 1. */
@ -431,16 +432,16 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt(KernelGlobals kg,
const float phi_m_max = acosf(fmaxf(-tan_tilt * tan_theta(wi), 0.0f)) + phi_i;
if (isnan_safe(phi_m_max)) {
/* Early detection of dot(wi, wmi) < 0. */
return zero_float3();
return zero_spectrum();
const float phi_m_min = -phi_m_max + 2.0f * phi_i;
if (tan_tilt * tan_theta(wo) < -1.0f) {
/* Early detection of dot(wo, wmo) < 0. */
return zero_float3();
return zero_spectrum();
const float3 mu_a = bsdf->sigma;
const Spectrum mu_a = bsdf->sigma;
const float eta = bsdf->eta;
const float inv_eta = 1.0f / eta;
@ -457,8 +458,8 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt(KernelGlobals kg,
const size_t intervals = 2 * (size_t)ceilf((gamma_m_max - gamma_m_min) / res * 0.5f);
res = (gamma_m_max - gamma_m_min) / intervals;
float3 S_tt = zero_float3();
float3 S_trt = zero_float3();
Spectrum S_tt = zero_spectrum();
Spectrum S_trt = zero_spectrum();
for (size_t i = 0; i <= intervals; i++) {
const float gamma_mi = gamma_m_min + i * res;
@ -496,10 +497,10 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt(KernelGlobals kg,
const float weight = (i == 0 || i == intervals) ? 0.5f : (i % 2 + 1);
const float3 A_t = exp(mu_a / cos_theta(wt) *
(is_circular ?
2.0f * cosf(gamma_mi - phi_t) :
-len(to_point(gamma_mi, b) - to_point(gamma_mt + M_PI_F, b))));
const Spectrum A_t = exp(mu_a / cos_theta(wt) *
(is_circular ?
2.0f * cosf(gamma_mi - phi_t) :
-len(to_point(gamma_mi, b) - to_point(gamma_mt + M_PI_F, b))));
/* TT */
if (bsdf->extra->TT > 0.0f) {
@ -518,8 +519,8 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt(KernelGlobals kg,
const float G2 = bsdf_G<m_type>(roughness2, cos_mi2) *
bsdf_G<m_type>(roughness2, cos_mo2);
const float3 result = weight * T1 * T2 * D2 * G1o * G2 * A_t / cos_mo1 * cos_mi1 *
cos_hi2 * cos_ho2 * sqr(rcp_norm_wh2);
const Spectrum result = weight * T1 * T2 * D2 * G1o * G2 * A_t / cos_mo1 * cos_mi1 *
cos_hi2 * cos_ho2 * sqr(rcp_norm_wh2);
if (isfinite_safe(result)) {
S_tt += bsdf->extra->TT * result * arc_length(bsdf->extra->e2, gamma_mt);
@ -567,22 +568,22 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt(KernelGlobals kg,
const float cos_hi3 = dot(wh3, wtr);
const float cos_ho3 = dot(wh3, -wo);
const float T3 = 1.0f - fresnel_dielectric_cos(cos_hi3, inv_eta);
const Spectrum T3 = make_spectrum(1.0f - fresnel_dielectric_cos(cos_hi3, inv_eta));
const float D3 = bsdf_D<m_type>(roughness2, cos_mh3);
const float3 A_tr = exp(mu_a / cos_theta(wtr) *
(is_circular ?
2.0f * cosf(phi_tr - gamma_mt) :
-len(to_point(gamma_mtr, b) - to_point(gamma_mt, b))));
const Spectrum A_tr = exp(mu_a / cos_theta(wtr) *
(is_circular ?
2.0f * cosf(phi_tr - gamma_mt) :
-len(to_point(gamma_mtr, b) - to_point(gamma_mt, b))));
const float cos_mo2 = dot(wmt, -wtr);
const float G2o = bsdf_G<m_type>(roughness2, cos_mo2);
const float G3 = bsdf_G<m_type>(roughness2, dot(wmtr, wtr)) *
bsdf_G<m_type>(roughness2, dot(wmtr, -wo));
const float3 result = weight * T1 * R2 * T3 * D3 * G1o * G2o * G3 * A_t * A_tr /
(cos_mo1 * cos_mo2) * cos_mi1 * cos_mi2 * cos_hi3 * cos_ho3 *
const Spectrum result = weight * T1 * R2 * T3 * D3 * G1o * G2o * G3 * A_t * A_tr /
(cos_mo1 * cos_mo2) * cos_mi1 * cos_mi2 * cos_hi3 * cos_ho3 *
if (isfinite_safe(result)) {
S_trt += bsdf->extra->TRT * result * arc_length(bsdf->extra->e2, gamma_mtr);
@ -679,7 +680,7 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample(const KernelGlobals kg,
float cos_theta_t1;
const float R1 = fresnel(dot(wi, wh1), *eta, &cos_theta_t1);
const float3 R = make_float3(bsdf->extra->R * R1);
const Spectrum R = make_spectrum(bsdf->extra->R * R1);
/* Sample TT lobe. */
const float inv_eta = 1.0f / bsdf->eta;
@ -695,20 +696,20 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample(const KernelGlobals kg,
const float3 wtr = -reflect(wt, wh2);
float3 wh3, wtt, wtrt, wmtr;
float3 TT = zero_float3();
float3 TRT = zero_float3();
Spectrum TT = zero_spectrum();
Spectrum TRT = zero_spectrum();
if (dot(wh2, -wt) > 0.0f && dot(wmt, -wt) > 0.0f && microfacet_visible(-wt, -wtr, wmt_, wh2)) {
const float3 mu_a = bsdf->sigma;
const float3 A_t = exp(mu_a / cos_theta(wt) *
(is_circular ?
2.0f * cosf(phi_t - gamma_mi) :
-len(to_point(gamma_mi, b) - to_point(gamma_mt + M_PI_F, b))));
const Spectrum mu_a = bsdf->sigma;
const Spectrum A_t = exp(mu_a / cos_theta(wt) *
(is_circular ?
2.0f * cosf(phi_t - gamma_mi) :
-len(to_point(gamma_mi, b) - to_point(gamma_mt + M_PI_F, b))));
float cos_theta_t2;
const float R2 = fresnel(dot(-wt, wh2), inv_eta, &cos_theta_t2);
const float3 T1 = make_float3(1.0f - R1);
const float3 T2 = make_float3(1.0f - R2);
const Spectrum T1 = make_spectrum(1.0f - R1);
const Spectrum T2 = make_spectrum(1.0f - R2);
wtt = -refract_angle(-wt, wh2, cos_theta_t2, *eta);
@ -731,12 +732,12 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample(const KernelGlobals kg,
if (cos_theta_t3 != 0.0f && dot(wtr, wh3) > 0.0f && dot(wmtr, wtr) > 0.0f &&
dot(wmtr, -wtrt) > 0.0f &&
microfacet_visible(wtr, -wtrt, make_float3(wmtr.x, 0.0f, wmtr.z), wh3)) {
const float3 T3 = make_float3(1.0f - R3);
const Spectrum T3 = make_spectrum(1.0f - R3);
const float3 A_tr = exp(mu_a / cos_theta(wtr) *
(is_circular ?
2.0f * cos(phi_tr - gamma_mt) :
-len(to_point(gamma_mt, b) - to_point(gamma_mtr, b))));
const Spectrum A_tr = exp(mu_a / cos_theta(wtr) *
(is_circular ?
2.0f * cos(phi_tr - gamma_mt) :
-len(to_point(gamma_mt, b) - to_point(gamma_mtr, b))));
TRT = bsdf->extra->TRT * T1 * R2 * T3 * A_t * A_tr;
@ -760,7 +761,7 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample(const KernelGlobals kg,
sample_lobe *= total_energy;
if (sample_lobe < r) {
local_O = wr;
*eval = rgb_to_spectrum(R / r * total_energy);
*eval = R / r * total_energy;
if (microfacet_visible(wi, wr, wmi_, wh1)) {
visibility = bsdf_G<m_type>(roughness2, dot(wmi, wr));
@ -768,7 +769,7 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample(const KernelGlobals kg,
else if (sample_lobe < (r + tt)) {
local_O = wtt;
*eval = rgb_to_spectrum(TT / tt * total_energy);
*eval = TT / tt * total_energy;
if (microfacet_visible(wi, -wt, wmi_, wh1) && microfacet_visible(-wt, -wtt, wmt_, wh2)) {

I think this is only used if we actually sample TRRT? The compiler should probably optimize that by itself though I guess.

I think this is only used if we actually sample TRRT? The compiler should probably optimize that by itself though I guess.
visibility = bsdf_G<m_type>(roughness2, dot(wmi, -wt)) *
@ -777,7 +778,7 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample(const KernelGlobals kg,
else { /* if (sample_lobe >= (r + tt)) */
local_O = wtrt;
*eval = rgb_to_spectrum(TRT / trt * total_energy);
*eval = TRT / trt * total_energy;
if (microfacet_visible(wi, -wt, wmi_, wh1)) {
visibility = bsdf_G<m_type>(roughness2, dot(wmi, -wt)) *
@ -832,7 +833,7 @@ ccl_device Spectrum bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval(KernelGlobals kg,
const float3 local_O = make_float3(dot(wo, X), dot(wo, Y), dot(wo, Z));
/* Evaluate. */
float3 eval;
Spectrum eval;
if (bsdf->distribution_type == NODE_MICROFACET_HAIR_BECKMANN) {
eval = bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_r<MicrofacetType::BECKMANN>(sc, local_I, local_O) +