WIP: Mesh: Refactor vertex normals for determinism #105920

Hans Goudey wants to merge 6 commits from HooglyBoogly:mesh-normals-calc-changes into main

When changing the target branch, be careful to rebase the branch in your fork to match. See documentation.
3 changed files with 33 additions and 103 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 9ceb145914 - Show all commits

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@ -73,9 +73,10 @@ void normals_calc_polys(Span<float3> vert_positions,
* \note Usually #Mesh::vert_normals() is the preferred way to access vertex normals,
* since they may already be calculated and cached on the mesh.
void normals_calc_verts(Span<float3> vert_positions,
void normals_calc_verts(Span<float3> positions,
OffsetIndices<int> polys,
Span<int> corner_verts,
const VertToPolyMap &vert_to_poly,
Span<float3> poly_normals,
MutableSpan<float3> vert_normals);

View File

@ -2270,6 +2270,7 @@ void BKE_keyblock_mesh_calc_normals(const KeyBlock *kb,
{reinterpret_cast<const blender::float3 *>(positions), mesh->totvert},
{reinterpret_cast<const blender::float3 *>(poly_normals), polys.size()},
{reinterpret_cast<blender::float3 *>(vert_normals), mesh->totvert});

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@ -42,46 +42,6 @@
# include "BLI_timeit.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Private Utility Functions
* \{ */
* A thread-safe version of #add_v3_v3 that uses a spin-lock.
* \note Avoid using this when the chance of contention is high.
static void add_v3_v3_atomic(float r[3], const float a[3])
#define FLT_EQ_NONAN(_fa, _fb) (*((const uint32_t *)&_fa) == *((const uint32_t *)&_fb))
float virtual_lock = r[0];
while (true) {
/* This loops until following conditions are met:
* - `r[0]` has same value as virtual_lock (i.e. it did not change since last try).
* - `r[0]` was not `FLT_MAX`, i.e. it was not locked by another thread. */
const float test_lock = atomic_cas_float(&r[0], virtual_lock, FLT_MAX);
if (_ATOMIC_LIKELY(FLT_EQ_NONAN(test_lock, virtual_lock) && (test_lock != FLT_MAX))) {
virtual_lock = test_lock;
virtual_lock += a[0];
r[1] += a[1];
r[2] += a[2];
/* Second atomic operation to 'release'
* our lock on that vector and set its first scalar value. */
/* Note that we do not need to loop here, since we 'locked' `r[0]`,
* nobody should have changed it in the mean time. */
virtual_lock = atomic_cas_float(&r[0], FLT_MAX, virtual_lock);
BLI_assert(virtual_lock == FLT_MAX);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Public Utility Functions
@ -238,75 +198,35 @@ void normals_calc_polys(const Span<float3> positions,
void normals_calc_verts(const Span<float3> positions,
const OffsetIndices<int> polys,
const Span<int> corner_verts,
const VertToPolyMap &vert_to_poly,
const Span<float3> poly_normals,
MutableSpan<float3> vert_normals)
/* Zero the vertex normal array for accumulation. */
memset(vert_normals.data(), 0, vert_normals.as_span().size_in_bytes());
threading::parallel_for(positions.index_range(), 1024, [=](const IndexRange range) {
for (const int vert : range) {
const Span<int> polys_around_vert = vert_to_poly[vert];
if (polys_around_vert.is_empty()) {
vert_normals[vert] = math::normalize(positions[vert]);
/* Accumulate the normals of the faces surrounding each vertex. */
threading::parallel_for(polys.index_range(), 1024, [&](const IndexRange range) {
for (const int poly_i : range) {
const Span<int> poly_verts = corner_verts.slice(polys[poly_i]);
const float factor_inv = 1.0f / polys_around_vert.size();
float3 vert_normal(0);
for (const int poly_index : polys_around_vert) {
const IndexRange poly = polys[poly_index];
const int2 adjacent_verts = poly_find_adjecent_verts(poly, corner_verts, vert);
const float3 &pnor = poly_normals[poly_i];
const float3 dir_prev = math::normalize(positions[adjacent_verts[0]] - positions[vert]);
const float3 dir_next = math::normalize(positions[adjacent_verts[1]] - positions[vert]);
const float factor = saacos(math::dot(dir_prev, dir_next));
const int i_end = poly_verts.size() - 1;
/* Accumulate angle weighted face normal into the vertex normal. */
/* Inline version of #accumulate_vertex_normals_poly_v3. */
float edvec_prev[3], edvec_next[3], edvec_end[3];
const float *v_curr = positions[poly_verts[i_end]];
sub_v3_v3v3(edvec_prev, positions[poly_verts[i_end - 1]], v_curr);
copy_v3_v3(edvec_end, edvec_prev);
for (int i_next = 0, i_curr = i_end; i_next <= i_end; i_curr = i_next++) {
const float *v_next = positions[poly_verts[i_next]];
/* Skip an extra normalization by reusing the first calculated edge. */
if (i_next != i_end) {
sub_v3_v3v3(edvec_next, v_curr, v_next);
else {
copy_v3_v3(edvec_next, edvec_end);
/* Calculate angle between the two poly edges incident on this vertex. */
const float fac = saacos(-dot_v3v3(edvec_prev, edvec_next));
const float vnor_add[3] = {pnor[0] * fac, pnor[1] * fac, pnor[2] * fac};
float *vnor = vert_normals[poly_verts[i_curr]];
add_v3_v3_atomic(vnor, vnor_add);
v_curr = v_next;
copy_v3_v3(edvec_prev, edvec_next);
vert_normal += poly_normals[poly_index] * factor * factor_inv;
vert_normals[vert] = vert_normal;
/* Normalize and validate computed vertex normals. */
threading::parallel_for(positions.index_range(), 1024, [&](const IndexRange range) {
for (const int vert_i : range) {
float *no = vert_normals[vert_i];
if (UNLIKELY(normalize_v3(no) == 0.0f)) {
/* Following Mesh convention; we use vertex coordinate itself for normal in this case. */
normalize_v3_v3(no, positions[vert_i]);
/** \} */
} // namespace blender::bke::mesh
@ -336,9 +256,17 @@ blender::Span<blender::float3> Mesh::vert_normals() const
const Span<float3> positions = this->vert_positions();
const OffsetIndices polys = this->polys();
const Span<int> corner_verts = this->corner_verts();
const Span<float3> poly_normals = this->poly_normals();
bke::mesh::VertToPolyMap vert_to_poly;
Span<float3> poly_normals;
this->totvert > 1024,
[&]() { vert_to_poly = this->vert_to_poly_map(); },
[&]() { poly_normals = this->poly_normals(); });
bke::mesh::normals_calc_verts(positions, polys, corner_verts, poly_normals, r_data);
positions, polys, corner_verts, vert_to_poly, poly_normals, r_data);
return this->runtime->vert_normals_cache.data();