VFont: Corrections to Cursor When on Curve #107307

Harley Acheson merged 2 commits from Harley/blender:CurveCursor into main 2023-04-27 22:07:08 +02:00
1 changed files with 48 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ static bool vfont_to_curve(Object *ob,
VChar *che;
struct CharTrans *chartransdata = NULL, *ct;
struct TempLineInfo *lineinfo;
float *f, xof, yof, xtrax, linedist;
float xof, yof, xtrax, linedist;
float twidth = 0, maxlen = 0;
int i, slen, j;
int curbox;
@ -1536,25 +1536,59 @@ static bool vfont_to_curve(Object *ob,
/* Cursor first. */
if (ef) {
float si, co;
ct = &chartransdata[ef->pos];
si = sinf(ct->rot);
co = cosf(ct->rot);
const float cursor_width = 0.04f;
const float cursor_half = 0.02f;
const float xoffset = ct->xof;
const float yoffset = ct->yof;
f = ef->textcurs[0];
/* By default the cursor is exactly between the characters
* and matches the rotation of the character to the right. */
float cursor_left = 0.0f - cursor_half;
float rotation = ct->rot;
f[0] = font_size * (-0.02f * co + ct->xof);
f[1] = font_size * (0.1f * si - (0.25f * co) + ct->yof);
if (ef->selboxes) {
if (ef->selend >= ef->selstart) {
/* Cursor at right edge of a text selection. Match rotation to the character at the
* end of selection. Cursor is further right to show the selected characters better. */
rotation = chartransdata[ef->selend - 1].rot;
cursor_left = 0.0f;
else {
/* Cursor at the left edge of a text selection. Cursor
* is further left to show the selected characters better. */
cursor_left = 0.0f - cursor_width;
else if ((ef->pos == ef->len) && (ef->len > 0)) {
/* Nothing selected, but at the end of the string. Match rotation to previous character. */
rotation = chartransdata[ef->len - 1].rot;
f[2] = font_size * (0.02f * co + ct->xof);
f[3] = font_size * (-0.1f * si - (0.25f * co) + ct->yof);
/* We need the rotation to be around the bottom-left corner. So we make
* that the zero point before rotation, rotate, then apply offsets afterward. */
f[4] = font_size * (0.02f * co + 0.8f * si + ct->xof);
f[5] = font_size * (-0.1f * si + 0.75f * co + ct->yof);
/* Bottom left. */
ef->textcurs[0][0] = cursor_left;
ef->textcurs[0][1] = 0.0f;
/* Bottom right. */
ef->textcurs[1][0] = cursor_left + cursor_width;
ef->textcurs[1][1] = 0.0f;
/* Top left. */
ef->textcurs[3][0] = cursor_left;
ef->textcurs[3][1] = 1.0f;
/* Top right. */
ef->textcurs[2][0] = cursor_left + cursor_width;
ef->textcurs[2][1] = 1.0f;
f[6] = font_size * (-0.02f * co + 0.8f * si + ct->xof);
f[7] = font_size * (0.1f * si + 0.75f * co + ct->yof);
for (int vert = 0; vert < 4; vert++) {
float temp_fl[2];
/* Rotate around the cursor's bottom-left corner. */
rotate_v2_v2fl(temp_fl, &ef->textcurs[vert][0], -rotation);
ef->textcurs[vert][0] = font_size * (xoffset + temp_fl[0]);
/* Shift down vertically so we are 25% below and 75% above baseline. */
ef->textcurs[vert][1] = font_size * (yoffset + temp_fl[1] - 0.25f);
if (mode == FO_SELCHANGE) {