GPv3: Populate part of the buffer data #109093

Falk David merged 21 commits from casey-bianco-davis/blender:GPv3-populate-buffer-data into main 2024-01-19 11:47:10 +01:00
2 changed files with 15 additions and 6 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 5cef6549d7 - Show all commits

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class LayerModule {
/* TODO(fclem): All of this is placeholder. */
gpLayer gp_layer;
gp_layer.vertex_color_opacity = 0.0f;
gp_layer.vertex_color_opacity = 1.0f;
gp_layer.opacity = 1.0f;
gp_layer.thickness_offset = 0.0f;
gp_layer.tint = float4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

View File

@ -327,13 +327,23 @@ static void grease_pencil_geom_batch_ensure(GreasePencil &grease_pencil, int cfr
"radius", ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT, 1.0f);
const VArray<float> opacities = *attributes.lookup_or_default<float>(
"opacity", ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT, 1.0f);
const VArray<float> rotations = *attributes.lookup_or_default<float>(

Hi, I'm short of knowledge here but does point/vertex really have any rotation data?

Hi, I'm short of knowledge here but does point/vertex really have any rotation data?

Yes, this is for example used to rotate the stamps for textured brushes.

Yes, this is for example used to rotate the stamps for textured brushes.
"rotation", ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT, 0.0f);
/* Assumes that if the ".selection" attribute does not exist, all points are selected. */
const VArray<float> selection_float = *attributes.lookup_or_default<float>(
".selection", ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT, true);
const VArray<ColorGeometry4f> vertex_colors = *attributes.lookup_or_default<ColorGeometry4f>(
"vertex_color", ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT, ColorGeometry4f(float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)));
const VArray<int8_t> start_caps = *attributes.lookup_or_default<int8_t>(
"start_cap", ATTR_DOMAIN_CURVE, 0);
const VArray<int8_t> end_caps = *attributes.lookup_or_default<int8_t>(
"end_cap", ATTR_DOMAIN_CURVE, 0);
const VArray<float> stroke_hardnesses = *attributes.lookup_or_default<float>(
"hardness", ATTR_DOMAIN_CURVE, 1.0f);
const VArray<float> stroke_point_aspect_ratios = *attributes.lookup_or_default<float>(
"point_aspect_ratio", ATTR_DOMAIN_CURVE, 1.0f);
const VArray<ColorGeometry4f> stroke_fill_colors = *attributes.lookup_or_default<ColorGeometry4f>(
"fill_color", ATTR_DOMAIN_CURVE, ColorGeometry4f(float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)));
const VArray<int> materials = *attributes.lookup_or_default<int>(
"material_index", ATTR_DOMAIN_CURVE, -1);
const Span<uint3> triangles = drawing.triangles();
@ -362,16 +372,15 @@ static void grease_pencil_geom_batch_ensure(GreasePencil &grease_pencil, int cfr
s_vert.stroke_id = verts_range.first();
s_vert.mat = materials[curve_i] % GPENCIL_MATERIAL_BUFFER_LEN;
/* TODO: Populate rotation, aspect and hardness. */
s_vert.packed_asp_hard_rot = pack_rotation_aspect_hardness(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
s_vert.packed_asp_hard_rot = pack_rotation_aspect_hardness(rotations[point_i],
stroke_point_aspect_ratios[curve_i], stroke_hardnesses[curve_i]);
/* TODO: Populate stroke UVs. */
s_vert.u_stroke = 0;
/* TODO: Populate fill UVs. */
s_vert.uv_fill[0] = s_vert.uv_fill[1] = 0;
/* TODO: Populate vertex color and fill color. */
copy_v4_v4(c_vert.vcol, float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
copy_v4_v4(c_vert.fcol, float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
copy_v4_v4(c_vert.vcol, vertex_colors[point_i]);
copy_v4_v4(c_vert.fcol, stroke_fill_colors[curve_i]);
c_vert.fcol[3] = (int(c_vert.fcol[3] * 10000.0f) * 10.0f) + 1.0f;
int v_mat = (verts_range[idx] << GP_VERTEX_ID_SHIFT) | GP_IS_STROKE_VERTEX_BIT;