WIP: Volume grid attribute support in geometry nodes #110044

Lukas Tönne wants to merge 130 commits from LukasTonne/blender:geometry-nodes-flip into main

When changing the target branch, be careful to rebase the branch in your fork to match. See documentation.
1 changed files with 12 additions and 11 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 35947a84f5 - Show all commits

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@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ void evaluate_procedure_on_varying_volume_fields(ResourceScope &scope,
if (!grid_ptr) {
return nullptr;
BLI_assert(grid_ptr->voxel_count() >= (mask.grid_ ? mask.grid_->activeVoxelCount() : 0));
return grid_ptr;
@ -312,18 +311,20 @@ void evaluate_procedure_on_varying_volume_fields(ResourceScope &scope,
/* Try to get an existing virtual array that the result should be written into. */
GMutableGrid *dst_grid_ptr = get_dst_grid(out_index);
if (!dst_grid_ptr) {
/* Create a destination grid for the computed result. */
GMutableGrid dst_grid = GMutableGrid::create(
GMutableGrid grid_base = GMutableGrid::create(
type, mask, type.default_value(), type.default_value());
dst_grid_ptr = &dst_grid;
r_grids[out_index] = dst_grid;
else {
/* Write the result into the existing grid. */
if (!dst_grid_ptr) {
/* Create a destination grid pointer in the resource scope. */
GMutableGrid &dst_grid = scope.add_value<GMutableGrid>(std::move(grid_base));
dst_grid_ptr = &dst_grid;
else {
/* Write the result into the existing grid. */
*dst_grid_ptr = std::move(grid_base);
r_is_output_written_to_dst[out_index] = true;
r_grids[out_index] = *dst_grid_ptr;
r_is_output_written_to_dst[out_index] = true;
/* Execute the multifunction procedure on each leaf buffer of the mask.