WIP: Volume grid attribute support in geometry nodes #110044

Lukas Tönne wants to merge 130 commits from LukasTonne/blender:geometry-nodes-flip into main

When changing the target branch, be careful to rebase the branch in your fork to match. See documentation.
3 changed files with 51 additions and 40 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 68be105a94 - Show all commits

View File

@ -78,13 +78,10 @@ void evaluate_procedure_on_varying_volume_fields(ResourceScope &scope,
MutableSpan<VolumeGrid> r_grids,
MutableSpan<bool> r_is_output_written_to_dst);
void evaluate_procedure_on_constant_volume_fields(ResourceScope &scope,
const VolumeMask &mask,
const mf::Procedure &procedure,
Span<VolumeGrid> field_context_inputs,
Span<GFieldRef> fields_to_evaluate,
Span<int> field_indices,
Span<VolumeGrid> dst_grids,
MutableSpan<VolumeGrid> r_grids,
MutableSpan<bool> r_is_output_written_to_dst);
MutableSpan<VolumeGrid> r_grids);
} // namespace blender::fn

View File

@ -668,14 +668,11 @@ Vector<VolumeGrid> evaluate_volume_fields(ResourceScope &scope,
procedure, scope, field_tree_info, constant_fields_to_evaluate);
/* Copy data to supplied destination arrays if necessary. In some cases the evaluation above
@ -751,9 +748,9 @@ GVArray FieldContext::get_varray_for_input(const FieldInput &field_input,
return field_input.get_varray_for_context(*this, mask, scope);
VolumeGrid FieldContext::get_volume_grid_for_input(const FieldInput &field_input,
const VolumeMask &mask,
ResourceScope &scope) const
VolumeGrid FieldContext::get_volume_grid_for_input(const FieldInput & /*field_input*/,
const VolumeMask & /*mask*/,
ResourceScope & /*scope*/) const
/* Implemented only by volume context. */
return {};

View File

@ -539,47 +539,64 @@ void evaluate_procedure_on_varying_volume_fields(ResourceScope &scope,
void evaluate_procedure_on_constant_volume_fields(ResourceScope &scope,
const VolumeMask &mask,
void evaluate_procedure_on_constant_volume_fields(ResourceScope & /*scope*/,
const mf::Procedure &procedure,
Span<VolumeGrid> field_context_inputs,
Span<GFieldRef> fields_to_evaluate,
Span<int> field_indices,
Span<VolumeGrid> dst_grids,
MutableSpan<VolumeGrid> r_grids,
MutableSpan<bool> r_is_output_written_to_dst)
MutableSpan<VolumeGrid> r_grids)
mf::ProcedureExecutor procedure_executor{procedure};
const IndexMask mask(1);
mf::ParamsBuilder mf_params{procedure_executor, &mask};
mf::ContextBuilder mf_context;
// mf::ProcedureExecutor procedure_executor{procedure};
// const IndexMask mask(1);
// mf::ParamsBuilder mf_params{procedure_executor, &mask};
// mf::ContextBuilder mf_context;
/* Provide inputs to the procedure executor. */
for (const int i : field_context_inputs.index_range()) {
detail::grid_to_static_type(field_context_inputs[i].grid_, [&](auto &input_grid) {
using InputGridType = typename std::decay<decltype(input_grid)>::type;
using ValueType = typename InputGridType::ValueType;
///* Provide inputs to the procedure executor. */
// for (const GVArray &varray : field_context_inputs) {
// mf_params.add_readonly_single_input(varray);
// }
/* XXX not all grid types have a background property. */
// const ValueType input_value = input_grid.background();
typename InputGridType::Accessor accessor = input_grid.getAccessor();
const ValueType input_value = accessor.getValue(openvdb::Coord(0, 0, 0));
// for (const int i : constant_fields_to_evaluate.index_range()) {
// const GFieldRef &field = constant_fields_to_evaluate[i];
// const CPPType &type = field.cpp_type();
// /* Allocate memory where the computed value will be stored in. */
// void *buffer = scope.linear_allocator().allocate(type.size(), type.alignment());
VArray<ValueType> varray = VArray<ValueType>::ForSingle(input_value, 1);
// if (!type.is_trivially_destructible()) {
// /* Destruct value in the end. */
// scope.add_destruct_call([buffer, &type]() { type.destruct(buffer); });
// }
/* Temporary buffers for output values, these are stored as background values on empty grids
* after the prodcure execution. */
Array<void *> output_buffers(fields_to_evaluate.size());
for (const int i : fields_to_evaluate.index_range()) {
const GFieldRef &field = fields_to_evaluate[i];
const CPPType &type = field.cpp_type();
// /* Pass output buffer to the procedure executor. */
// mf_params.add_uninitialized_single_output({type, buffer, 1});
output_buffers[i] = MEM_mallocN(type.size(), __func__);
// /* Create virtual array that can be used after the procedure has been executed below. */
// const int out_index = constant_field_indices[i];
// r_grids[out_index] = GVArray::ForSingleRef(type, array_size, buffer);
/* Pass output buffer to the procedure executor. */
mf_params.add_uninitialized_single_output({type, output_buffers[i], 1});
// procedure_executor.call(mask, mf_params, mf_context);
procedure_executor.call(mask, mf_params, mf_context);
for (const int i : fields_to_evaluate.index_range()) {
const GFieldRef &field = fields_to_evaluate[i];
const CPPType &type = field.cpp_type();
const int out_index = field_indices[i];
detail::field_to_static_type(type, [&](auto type_tag) {
using ValueType = typename decltype(type_tag)::type;
const ValueType &value = *static_cast<ValueType *>(output_buffers[i]);
r_grids[out_index] = VolumeGrid{grid_types::GridCommon<ValueType>::create(value)};
/* Destruct output value buffers, value is stored in grid backgrounds now. */
} // namespace blender::fn