Text Editor: Add GLSL support language #116793

Gangneron wants to merge 68 commits from Gangneron/blender:Add_GLSL into main

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1 changed files with 106 additions and 98 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 95f7553080 - Show all commits

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@ -21,105 +21,11 @@
/** \name Local Literal Definitions
* \{ */
Gangneron marked this conversation as resolved Outdated
Use doxy-sections, https://developer.blender.org/docs/handbook/guidelines/c_cpp/#comment-sections
* GLSL builtin functions.
* https://registry.khronos.org/OpenGL/specs/gl/GLSLangSpec.4.60.pdf
Gangneron marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Wrong type.

Wrong type.
Gangneron marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

I don't know what this Array is. And why is it with uppercase A?

I don't know what this `Array` is. And why is it with uppercase `A`?
static const char *text_format_glsl_literals_builtinfunc_data[] = {
/* Force single column, sorted list. */
/* clang-format off */
"samplerCube" ,
"texel" ,
"uvec4" ,
/* clang-format on */
static const Span<const char *> text_format_glsl_literals_builtinfunc(
static const char *text_format_glsl_literals_reserved_data[] = {
/* Force single column, sorted list. */
/* clang-format off */
@ -272,6 +178,108 @@ static const char *text_format_glsl_literals_reserved_data[] = {
/* clang-format on */
static const Span<const char *> text_format_glsl_literals_builtinfunc(
* GLSL reserved keywords.
* https://registry.khronos.org/OpenGL/specs/gl/GLSLangSpec.4.60.pdf
static const char *text_format_glsl_literals_reserved_data[] = {
/* Force single column, sorted list. */
/* clang-format off */
Gangneron marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

It's ldexp not idexp. If you did this list by hand, other typos might have slept in. So i would suggest to not do manually and use an official list somewhere like https://docs.gl/sl4/acos (left panel, expand all sections).

It's `ldexp` not `idexp`. If you did this list by hand, other typos might have slept in. So i would suggest to not do manually and use an official list somewhere like https://docs.gl/sl4/acos (left panel, expand all sections).
Gangneron marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

These texture*Lod keywords doesn't exist. Only textureLod is valid.

These `texture*Lod` keywords doesn't exist. Only `textureLod` is valid.

i delete keywords

i delete keywords
"samplerCube" ,
"texel" ,
"uvec4" ,
/* Built-In Variable */